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Chapter 6: Washington Heads the New Government Worksheet

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1. What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 establish? The Supreme


2. What departments did Washington create and whom State: Thomas Jef-
did he appoint to head them? ferson
Treasury: Alexan-
der Hamilton
War: Henry Knox
Attorney General:

3. How did Jefferson feel about the political power and Jefferson favored
the common people? common workers.

4. How did Hamilton feel about political power and the He paid the foreign
common people? debt.

5. Why did Jefferson and Madison oppose the national They believed that
bank? Congress had no
right to authorize

6. Why did Hamilton support the national bank? He believed that

his would let cred-
itors support the

7. To which party did Jefferson belong? Democratic-Re-


8. To which party did Hamilton belong? Federalist

9. Why did Washington distrust the two-party system? He felt that domi-
nation by one par-
ty would lead to re-
venge among the

10. Protective tariff

Chapter 6: Washington Heads the New Government Worksheet
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A duty imposed
on imports to raise
their price.

11. excise tax An inland tax on

the sale, or pro-
duction of sale, of
specific goods.

12. +2 other words that need to be defined ...


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