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Drafting the Constitution

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1. What was the role of George Washington at the constitutional convention?-
: He was the president of the convention
2. What was the role of James Madison at the constitutional convention?: To
take notes and plan the constitution
3. Why did Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams not
attend the constitution convention?: Sam Adams-opposed of creating stronger
national government
Patrick Henry-refused to attend
Thomas Jefferson/John Adams-were on a diplomatic mission aboard but wanted to
4. How many branches of government does Virginia plan have?: 3 branches
5. How was the legislature organized in Virginia Plan?: Bicameral (2 house
6. What states did the Virginia plan favor?: Small states because it provided for
a stronger national government
7. How many branches of government for New Jersey plan?: 3 branches
8. How was the legislature organized in New Jersey plan?: Unicameral legisla-
ture (1 house legislature)
9. What states did New Jersey plan favor?: Large states because this plan
supported strong state government
10. Who created plan known as the great compromise?: Oliver Ellsworth, Roger
Sherman, Dr. William Samual Johnson
11. How is the House of Representatives represented?: Representations would
be based on states population
12. How is the senate represented?: Each state would have two representations
13. What might the North delegates have said about how slaves should be
counted for representation in congress?: Did not want all of the slaves to be
counted for representation
14. What might the South delegates have said about how slaves should be
counted for representation in congress?: Wanted to count all the slaves for
15. How did the three-fifths compromise work?: Stated that 3/5 would be counted
as population for representation purposes


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