Sample Thesis in IMRAD Format

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The town of Bulan is composed of 63 barangays and one of it is Barangay Sta. Remedios which
Bariis Eco Park is located. The name “Bariis” was taken from the name of the grass that grows around
the lake.A tunnel is situated near the lake which they called the “Bariis Tunnel”. It was built during the
Second World War; said to be by Filipinos around the year 1940 to 1941. During the year 1942, Japanese
soldier had camped in the area to serve as their shelter. [1] It was also said that the Japanese hid
treasures within the tunnel which is why they killed the Filipino’s captives after it was built. Some people
who lived near the tunnel had said that the tunnel in Bariis also connects to the tunnel in Barangay San
Francisco and Somagongsong and just bar down because of the attempt of hunters from Magallanes to
look for the hidden treasures that had caused the cut off the passage way going deeper in the tunnel. [2]
is a Smoke Free zone and Liquors are not allowed for the conservation of the Ecotourism destination.
The Bariis Eco Park was used to be a regular mountain filled with trees which has a lake on it. [1] It was
Marnellie Guray Ballesteros Robles, who developed the Bariis Eco Park along with her other programs
during his first term as the municipal Mayor of Bulan Sorsogon with the objective to uplift the tourism
potentials of Bulan Sorsogon. The development in the Bariis Eco Park started on October 19, 2013 with
participation of the Department of Agriculture, LGU and BFAR and other government agencies like DOT.
The Local Government Unit and the people of Bulan described the Japanese World War II tunnel as a
silent witness to the atrocities of war, a strong and defeat of sacrifices and of shattered dreams that
should remind those who are living today that there’s no substitute in living a gratifying life that peace;
even if peace is elusive, it is worth man’s dream. The Bariis Lake has a Fish Cave which has over 20,000
tilapias, a project from LGU and BFAR. Boating was the best feature that the Bariis has; there were 5
“swan boats” and a “floating cottage” which is being maneuvered in a parallel motion with someone to
manage and pull the rope from either side of the lake. It is free for everyone, as they only ask for
donations. The Eco Park once offers great sightseeing and exploration.

On December 13, typhoon Nona hit Bulan Sorsogon that left a tremendous impact on Bulan and
the livelihood of Sta. Remedios. Parts of the development that were once made got destroyed by the
typhoon; the restroom, the terrace from the uphill broke down, the tilapias from the fish cave were
fished by locals after the typhoon due to absence of caretakers and mismanagement. According to the
caretakers of the new administration headed by Felix “Billy” Lolos, this happened because the previous
administration of MarnelieGuray failed to allocate the 2015 budget thus, resulted to the decline of Bariis
Eco Park due to insufficient funding to fix the damages made by the calamity. It was neglected from May
Election up until July 13, when the new administration officially seated with Helen De Castro as the
newly elected mayor. Since there was no budget allocated for Bariis on 2015, the new administration of
Bulan Sorsogon were left to no avail but raise Bariis Eco Park by slowly renovating with the little
donation that they get from those who still visits Bariis Eco Park until the2017 budget allocation on the

The Department of Agriculture, coordinated with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
(BFAR) plans to restore the Fish Cave by building a fishpond where in the local organization of Sta.
Remedios will benefit the sales. This would take into action by end of August 2016 after registration of
Bariis Eco Park to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). Other proposals are also to be

accomplished by 2016 for the restoration of Bariis Eco Park like an Employee’s House, renovation of the
Japanese Tunnel, Floating Cottages, Restroom, and a Function Hall where weddings, birthdays and other
events can be held. By 2017, they aim to fully execute their plans for the Bariis Eco Park with the
purpose of surpassing the developments made from 2013 with the help of Engr. Benito Marquez, the
Engineer who also designed the innovation in Bariis Eco Park back on its peak and Amando Polo, the
landscaper of the Eco Park and restore the lake as reservoir for irrigation purposes going through the
rice fields.

To assists the possible rejuvenation of Bariis Eco Park, the researchers need to know what the
local residents, LGU and other organization’s plan of action in order to restore Bariis Eco Park as a tourist

The objectives of this study are: to assess the development made in the Bariis Eco Park before;
to determine the condition of how they will restore Bariis Eco Park; to assess the intricacy encountered
by the tourists as to what kind of facilities are present, offered leisure activities and accessibility of the
destination present way back in 2013.Furthermore, the research will attempt to offer the most
appropriate and effective ways on how they will do the restoration in Bariis Eco Park. Finally, this
research may provide opening for reflective thought so that the management of the Bariis Eco Park may
improve efficiently.

The study wanted to assess the restoration of the Bariis Eco Park in Bulan, Sorsogon. Specifically,
it will attempt to answer the following questions: (1) What is the status of Bariis Eco Park in terms of
Attraction, Promotion, Services and Facilities; (2) What problems encountered by local residents of Bariis
Eco Park; (3) What are the measures recommended to address the maintenance of Bariis Eco Park in
terms of Attraction, Promotion, Services and Facilities

The study of Bariis Eco Park in Bulan Sorsogon aims to benefit the Local Government Unit (LGU);
the result of the study will contribute to the idea of conceptualizing plans regarding future restorations
of tourism attractions. This will serve as a reference when they have to look for aid while making plans
about restoring the destination as a tourism destination and help LGU look for remedies for conflicts
that may arise. It will also help the Department of Tourism (Region V) to recognize potential destinations
and will assist in giving recommendations that can be of use for the DOT in terms of restoring tourism
sites. The outcome of this study may also give DOT the chance to add again Bariis Eco Park as a tourist
destination in the list and will probably help the country to gain more tourists that will lift the tourism
economy of Bulan, Sorsogon and the Philippines in general. This study will also provide awareness to the
local residents for they themselves are involved and will have enough knowledge on how they will help
the place maintain its beauty and develop at the same time.

It will help the residents to strategically develop a plan of action for future restoration and
proper maintenance and will manifest the learning that they may have in promoting their very own
place with consistency.

Aside from restoration, this study will help in conceptualizing maintenance and troubleshooting
for unforeseen damages and calamity that may occur not just in Bulan Sorsogon but the entire country.

This is also beneficial for tourist who would like to know how a tourist destination can regain its
beauty. And also, this study can help educators widen their knowledge about destinations like Bariis Eco
Park. They can use this study as a tool for presenting a destination which renews its light as a destination
and can share it with their students. Students are also the beneficiary of this study; this will give them an
idea on why and how a tourist destination can reach its decline stage and how it restores itself. The
present researchers also will gain additional information of what they are studying at the present and
will have knowledge about restoration and maintaining a certain destination at the same time. Also
further studies may materialize because of the added facts and ideas in this study. Lastly, Future
Researchers can use the outcome of the study will serve as their basis for further studies specially in
restoring tourist destinations and further understanding of how can they do it accordingly.

The coverage of the study will focus on the status of Bariis Eco Park, problems encountered in
maintaining the services and facilities and visitor’s arrival. Also, the problems encountered in
implementing promotion and development program and the measures recommended in addressing the
Based upon George D. Gann and David Lamb’s theory article (+AJM theory), Ecological Restoration:
SER international and IUCN Commission Movement on Ecological Restoration. They explained their
theory on how one degraded biodiversity can be restored and boosts human livelihood. And with Josh
Sidon’s research on USCG Research Shows Economic Impacts of Ecosystems Restoration Project proves
George D. Gann and David Lamb theory that with the rejuvenation of the degraded lands show that this
collaborative projects can sustain our local economies and may attract investors to that could support
jobs and livelihoods. Also according to David J. Velinsky article, Dam Removal: Challenges and
Opportunities for Ecological Research and River Rejuvenation when the organizations took eyes on dam
removal to restore the degraded rivers imports new challenges for watershed management but opened
opportunities for advancing the science ecology. Peng S, Ren H, and Zhang Q some Chinese researchers.
On their research about Theories and Techniques of Degraded Wetland Ecosystem Restoration, in this
research that was conducted at South China Institute of Botany in Goungzhou. Theories such as self-
design vs. Design Theory, succession theory, invasion theory, flood pulsing theory, edge effect theory,
and intermediate disturbance hypothesis, can be used to as direct approach to the restoration of
wetlands. Based upon Douglas A. Wilcox and Thomas H. Williams article about Techniques for
Restoration Local Wetlands, the success of restoration is demonstrated by the sustainability, productivity,
nutrient-retention ability, invisibility, and biotic interactions within a restored wasteland.

As Maria C. Ruiz-Jaen and T. Mitchell Aide said in their article, Restoration Success: How is it Being
Measured. Rating and evaluating the succession rate of a restoration project they are able to determine
how successful a project would be and by this we can assess and develop more projects to get a much
better success rate. The study of J. A. Harris also tackles with the evaluation of the succession in
restoring ecosystem through measuring soil microbial community we can assess the degradation and the
effects of management design to reverse its effects. With these techniques we can evade failures and
boost the chance our success.

With all of the techniques and theories that we have read in all of the articles we can conclude that
all of it is relevant in our research that may help us in the Restoration/Rejuvenation of Bariis Lake. And
with so many techniques that we have observed we have a higher chance of success to restore or maybe

improve the lake and boost the job opportunity and the economy of the community.

This study is anchored of the Tourist Destinations Life Cycle Theory of Butler. According to
Butler’s research there are seven stages of tourist area life cycle model that is one of the most cited and
continuous areas of tourism knowledge. The first stage is the Exploration; destinations always starts as
unknown and undeveloped area that tourist explores and experienced. Second stage is the involvement;
this is the stage where local residents are involved in providing primarily facilities for the visitors, and
this is also the stage where local investment and advertisement of the area start. Third is Development;
the facilities will improve and investors will start to invest to the destination for the development,
changes in the physical appearance will be noticed but the local involvement and control of
development will decline. Fourth will be the Consolidation; the rate of visitors will decline, but total
numbers will still increase and total visitor’s numbers will exceed the number of permanent residents.
Fifth stage is the Stagnation; the capacity levels for numbers of visitors will have been reached or
exceed. The area will have a well-established image but it will no longer appeal to the visitors. The next
stage is the Decline; the area will not be able to compete with the newer attractions so will face a
declining market. Last stage will be the Rejuvenation; there will be a big change to the destinations to
uplift again the negative trends in visitor’s arrivals.

The tourism area life cycle stated by Butler shows that Bariis Eco Park, being in the declined
stage has potential to be back to its former condition.With this study is looking forward for the next
stage which is rejuvenation. Attraction, promotion and services and facilities will be a great factor for
restoration. In order for the destination to go back into competition, the last stage must be taken into

The conceptual framework of this study is based on the problems stated in this chapter. The
conceptual framework was illustrated in Figure 1, which is shown in the paradigm.

The study is focus on the restoration of the Bariis Eco Park in Bulan, Sorsogon. To assess the
status of the restoration, the researchers will use a survey questionnaire in the gathering of the primary
data that is based on the problem of the study. The assessed data will be converted into an information
that will be of great use in the rejuvenation stage of the Bariis Eco Park as a tourist destination.

This paradigm will serve as guide to how this study will work. First, in order to answer all the
questions regarding the problem, the researchers provided a questionnaire that will define the status of
Bariis Eco Park.The assessment made will later then be used in order to restore the developments made
before and surpass that. As well to suggest possible actions that can be made in order to fully
implement stable maintenance and management in the Bariis Eco Park, Bulan Sorsogon.


After careful review and analysis of various related literature, there were foreign and local
literature and studies that had bearing on the present. However, there seemed to have no study
assessing the restoration of the Bariis Eco Park in Bulan, Sorsogon particularly its present status,
problem it encountered by local residents in terms of attraction, promotion, and services and facilities.
This is the gap that the study asserts and which the present study would like to bridge.

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined:

Attraction-something interesting or enjoyable that people want to visit, see, or do. Used as something
referring to Bariis Eco Park.

Facility -such a building or large piece of equipment that is built for specific purpose. This was used to
refer what Bariis Eco park offers other than the destination itself.

Promotion- something (such as advertising) that is done to make people aware of something and

Questionnaires will
BARIIS ECO PARK be used to gather the
Bulan, Sorsogon information,
Butler’s Destination
Life Cycle

Assessment of the
restoration of Bariis Eco Park
in Bulan, Sorsogon

increase it sales or popularity. In the current study, this was used to emphasize the need of the place to
come up with a good result at the end of the day.

Services- things that are given in a certain time for someone or something. The study used this terms to
refer to those things offered by Bariis Eco park.


This study will utilize and employ a descriptive method with informal interview and survey
questionnaire as a main tool to collect data and documentation analysis. This kind of research will
describe and compare the status of Bariis Eco Park from 2013 to present. The study also aims to assess
the plan of action of the new administration headed by Helen De Castro regarding the restoration of
Bariis Eco Park by 2017. The data that will be used in the study will be generated from primary data to
secondary data. The primary data will come from the response of previous and current visitors of Bariis
Eco Park and information’s gathered from the interviews. An interview will be made to representatives
of the DOA, LGU, DOT and Mayor Hellen De Castro to validate the datas gathered. Bases of the
secondary data will arrive from log books, written documents, and site plan that have bearings to the
study. The study will make a semi-structured survey questionnaire as the research instrument of the
study. The population size of the research is determined by the no. of respondents present in the area.
The researchers will randomly select 15 respondents from the visitors and tourist in the area. The
respondents from the visitors will be the first 15 tourists to arrive in the said destination. The
researchers will personally prepare the research instrument in accordance of their subject professor and
adviser. It will be subjected to analysis and approval by the panel of examiners during the proposal
defense. The instrument will be composed of 3 parts as follows: Part I will be all about the status of
Bariis Eco Park in terms of attraction, promotion, services and facilities way back in 2013; Part II will deal
with the current status of Bariis Eco Park in terms of attraction, promotion, services and facilities; Part III
will be the measures recommended to address the problem. To validate the research instrument, the
researchers will conduct a dry run of the questionnaire to five students of AUL who already visited Bariis
Eco Park. The pre-testing activity will seek tentative answer to the questionnaires that will be using in
the study to validate its effectiveness and the clarity of the instructions. All the answers that will be
solicited from dry run respondents will be incorporated in the final revision of the instrument.

The respondents will be given enough time to answer the question. After the data gathering, the
researcher will now collect it for tallying the scores and application of analysis.

Scale Range Interpretation Description

5 4.50-5.00 Excellent 80-90% were

FULLY Restored

4 3.40-4.49 Very Good 60-70% were VERY

MUCH Restored

3 2.30-3.49 Good 40-59% were


2 1.50-2.29 Fair 20-39% were FAIRLY


1 1.00-1.49 Poor 1-19% were NOT



Respondent’s Name: ___________________________________________________

PART I: The status of Bariis Eco Park in terms of attraction, promotion, services and facilities way
back in 2013 before typhoon Nona.

Direction: Using the scale of 5 to 1, kindly rate the following items by putting a checkmark (/) on
the space given that corresponds to your choice using the following descriptions:

5 ---------------------------------------------------------------Excellent

4----------------------------------------------------------------Very Good




INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1


View offered (Lake, Caves etc.)

Visual Impact (Ambience)

Activities Present


Overall Impact

PROMOTION 5 4 3 2 1


Department of Tourism Ad

Radio Advertisement

Social Media


Tourist Information Center (Tour Guides

Presence of security personnel’s

Clean comfort rooms within the site

Medical Facilities (in case of emergencies)

Presence of Garbage Bins

PART II: The current status of Bariis Eco Park in terms of attraction, promotion, services and

INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1


View offered (Lake, Caves etc.)

Visual Impact (Ambience)

Activities Present


Overall Impact

PROMOTION 5 4 3 2 1


Department of Tourism Ad

Radio Advertisement

Social Media


Tourist Information Center (Tour Guides

Presence of security personnel’s

Clean comfort rooms within the site

Medical Facilities (in case of emergencies)

Presence of Garbage Bins

Evaluation Criteria for Tourism Attractions and Sites (Bariis Eco Park, Bulan Sorsogon)
In order to know if the Bariis Eco park pass standards as a tourist destination, below are the criteria to
be followed in terms of (1) attraction and (2) services and facilities.


Tourist Appeal Criteria

Tourist appeal has five criteria: (1) uniqueness, (2) historical value, (3) socio-cultural value, (4) natural
aesthetic, (5) visitor traffic

4: One of a kind
3: 2-3 similarities
2: 4-5 similarities
1: 6 or more attractions

Historical Value
4: 100 years or more
3: 50-99 years
2: 11-49 years
1: ten years or less

Socio-cultural value
4: very important
3: important
2: less important
1: no importance

Natural Aesthetic
4: All natural excellent
3: 1-2 enhanced structures
2: 3-4 enhanced structures
1: 5 or more enhanced structures

Presence of Visitor Traffic

4: 100,000 or more per annum
3: 50,000- 99,999 per annum
2: 1,000- 49,000 per annum
1: No record

Services and Facilities

Tourism Service Facility

4: With 6 or more tourism facilities and services
3: With 4-5 tourism facilities and services
2: With 2-3 tourism facilities and services
1: With at least 1 tourism facilities and services

Guide signs and information board for tourist:

4: Well provided along the access road
3: Exist but not appropriate or do not meet the standard
2: Only sign board; no guide sign
1: Not provided

Visitor Service facility at TDA/TDC service center or town

4: Information center with shops and toilet/rest space
3: Shops and toilet/ rest space
2: Public toilet only
1: None

Activities and Products

4: With 4 or more tourism activities or products
3: With 3 tourism activities/ products
2: With 2 tourism activities/ products
1: With 1 tourism activities/ products

Road conditions from gateway town to TDA service center

4: Good (paved and more than 7m-wide carriageway)
3: Paved and 2-lane highway but less than 7m- wide carriages
2: All weather but not concrete pave
1: Unpaved and not all weather


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