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Multiple Choice: Read each statement carefully. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer.


1. It is capable of learning, finding, analyzing, and making intelligent and useful use of information.
a. Information Literacy b. Media Literacy c. Social Media d. Technology Literacy
2. Describe the capacity for obtaining, analyzing, evaluating, and producing messages in a variety of formats.
a. Information Literacy b. Media Literacy c. Social Media d. Technology Literacy
3. Identify the best ways to manage, access, solve problems, and communicate to enhance learning across all topic areas.
a. Information Literacy b. Media Literacy c. Social Media d. Technology Literacy
4. What does literacy mean in the following context?
a. It is the ability to read and write. b. To learn new things
c. To enhance skills and talent d. To be creative and informative in life
5. In what year does technology literacy mean knowing how to program code?
a. 1970’s b. 1980’s c. 1990’s d. 2000
6. Summarize how individuals employed steam power, created machine tools, established iron production, and produced a variety of
goods during this time (including books through the printing press).
a. Information age b. Electronic age c. Pre-industrial age d. Industrial age
7. Which of the following forms of media originates from the INDUSTRIAL AGE?
a. Cave paintings b. Mainframe computers c. Typewriter d. Augmented Reality
8. Facebook use is a characteristic of this generation.
a. New Media Era b. Electronic Age c. Literacy Age d. Tribal Age
9. Discuss the development of transistors, which has led to the electronic age.
a. 1990s-2000s b. 1930s-1980s c. 1700s-1930s d. before 1700s
10. Distinguish the tool that applies pressure to an inked surface that is resting on a print medium (such paper or cloth), causing the
ink to transfer.
a. Acta Diurna b. Telegraph c. Telephone d. Printing Press
11. Which of the following is an example of the use of propaganda?
a. Publishing a misleading newspaper article b. Publishing detailed election results
c. Posting links to factual news stories on social media d. Televising live Congressional session
12. What film genre includes, for instance, horror, comedy, action comedy, and science fiction?
a. Broadcast Media b. Film c. New Media d. Print Media
13. This describes a printed piece of paper with details about a product on it for marketing purposes.
a. Book b. Flyers/Leaflet c. Newsletter d. Newspaper
14. Despite its waning popularity, how would you classify the media outlet's audience as being increasingly politically engaged?
a. Internet b. Newspaper c. Radio d. Television
15. What kind of media are examples of DZMM, DZBB, DZME, DZRH, and Radyo Patrol?
a. Broadcast Media b. Film c. New Media d. Print Media
16. It discusses the information about indigenous people that may be disseminated through mainstream media or through techniques
of communication specific to their people group.
a. Indigenous Knowledge b. Indigenous Media and Information c. Indigenous Communication d. Indigenous
17. It is the primary option for news and the most often used information source.
a. Indigenous b. Internet c. Library d. Media
18. What category would you place the first source of information that drew in those seeking knowledge and the location where books,
music, artwork, and other reference materials are stored but not for sale?
a. Broadcast b. Internet c. Library d. Media
19. Differentiate cultural or societal knowledge that is particular to that group; this knowledge is frequently oral and not recorded.
a. Indigenous b. Indigenous Communication c. Indigenous Knowledge d. Indigenous Media
20. Identify the indigenous media, also referred to as community media.
a. Indigenous b. Indigenous Communication c. Indigenous Knowledge d. Indigenous Media
21. Modify the typical narrative concepts and notions that are present in most media items that convey stories
a. conventions b. form conventions c. story conventions d. written codes
22. Analyze the arrangement of the media product's frame and all of the objects that are contained within it.
a. Setting b. Mise en scene c. Acting d. Color
23. Interpret the typical narrative frameworks and concepts found in media goods that convey stories.
a. Conventions b. Form Conventions c. Story Conventions d. Genre Conventions
24. The following should be interpreted in the order that we would anticipate the codes for various media to be organized.
a. Form conventions b. Story convention c. Genre conventions d. Quality conventions
25. Integrate what qualifies written codes as a particular class of media codes.
a. It includes printed language which is text you can see within the frame and how it is presented, and also spoken language,
which includes dialogue and song lyrics.
b. It is closely connected to the audience expectations of a media product.
c. It uses tropes, characters, settings or themes in a particular type of medium.
d. It is expressive or naturalistic in nature.

II: Enumeration
1-5. Five (5) examples of Pre-Industrial AGES.
6-7. Two (2) two basic types of communications.
8-15. Fifteen (15) Features of new media (Internet).
16-20. Five (5) Forms of Indigenous media.
21-22. Two (2) types of Defamation.
23-24. Give at least three (3) types of libraries.

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. B
17. B
18. C
19. C
20. D
21. C
22. B
23. C
24. A
25. C

1. Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
2. Cave Paintings (35,000 BC)
3. Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC)
4. Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
5. Printing Press using wood blocks (220 AD)
6. Non-Verbal Communications
7. Verbal Communications
8. Webpage
9. Hypertext
10. Instant Messaging
11. E-mail
12. Distance Education
13. E-book
14. Online Shopping
15. Media convergence
16. Folk or Traditional Media
17. Gatherings and Social Organizations
18. Direct Observation
19. Records (Written, Carved, Oral)
20. Oral Instruction
21. Libel
22. Slander
23. Academic Library
24. Public Library
25. School Library/Special Library

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