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Developed countries; are countries that have a high level of social, economic and political

development. A development country always involve multidimensional process that involve

major changes in social structure, attitudes and national institutions. It entails the acceleration
of economic growth, reduction of inequality and the eradication of absolute poverty.
Examples of developed countries include Norway. Iceland, Switzerland and USA. According
to Karl Max there is four stage of development which include communalism, slavery,
feudalism and capitalism.

Underdeveloped countries; are the countries which have low level of development
characterized by low real per capital income, wide spread of poverty, low level of literacy
people, low life expectancy and industrialization of resources. These countries have not yet
reached a level of industrialization and economic growth that is considered developed by
international standards. Example of underdeveloped countries it include South Sudan, Chad,
Central Africa and Burundi.

The following are the distinction between developed and underdeveloped countries;

Per capital income; refers to the average of income earned by individual in a specific area
such as country or region. Per capital income it is calculated by dividing the total income
generated in the area by the population. In the developed countries have a high per capital
income and their economy is well supported and stabilized. While in the underdeveloped
countries have low per capital income and their economy is fluctuating. Per capital income is
commonly used as an indicator of overall economic well-being of a population. It provide
and average measure of income and can give insights into the standards of living.

Industrialization; refers to the process in which an economy transform from primarily

agricultural and manual labor based production to a system characterized by mechanized,
mass production, using advanced technology and machinery. It involve development of
industries such as manufacturing, transportation and mining which lead to increase
productivity and economic growth. A developed countries have high level of industrialization
with advanced economy and high standards of living to its people. While in the
underdeveloped countries are countries with low levels of industrialization, low standard of
ling and poor economies. They may also be referred as less developed countries. (LDCs).

Employment opportunities; is the availability of jobs or occupations that individual can

pursue to earn a living and support themselves financially. These opportunities can exist in
various sectors and industries, including government and private companies. A developed
country has high level of employment opportunities, and they creating employment
opportunities day by day due to the huge investment in public and private sectors. While in
the underdeveloped countries have low level of employment opportunities due to the low

Political stability and government; Developed countries tend to have stable political system

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