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Electrical Comments

1. Previous comments are not fully attended.

2. Within Section no.6 for System purpose, scope below items are missing.
a. Description on Load Shedding, Load Sharing , Generator load setting parameters and
Power management system, is missing
b. Separate section for AMF-PLC panel and SYNCHRO panel.
c. Complete and Detailed Communication architecture for the Generator Control System and
interface with HV SCADA is missing.
d. Redundant controllers and its functionality to be specified.
e. Protection functionality of the RGCP panel is missing,
d. LCP and RGCP panel scope to be shown separately, as both have dedicated functions as
e. RGMS panel is not controlling the Generator Control system, scope to be updated
f. HV SCADA system is currently not connected to AADC DMS or RGMS, scope to be
updated accordingly.
g. ATS and its controller within the LVAC should be described.
e. 24V DC system with its functionality, dual chargers, Controller PCBs, Bus-coupler, Dual
Distribution, Battery system, etc is missing.
f. All the Diesel Generators and its Day Tanks are PRIME type and fully duty type, there isn't
any standby.
3. Load Impact description within Section-8, to be updated correctly.
4. Fuel level tank signal is obtained with the RGCP panel, Contractor to update.
5. Protection alarms from SR489-Generator protection relay are not shown.
6. Factory test reports for
a. MTU engine are missing, to be included.
b. Alternator included within this manual are incomplete, only first page is included,
while total are 24 pages.
7. List of the licensed softwares, Firmwares, as per the Engineer's letter ref: 9771 dated 4th
August 2023.
8. Actual Generator Battery data sheet, clearly highlighting the type of the battery, sizing
calculation for the battery and battery charger to be included.
9. As-built manufacturing drawings for all systems, such as, but not limited to LVAC panel,
24V DC system, 11kV Switchgear, AMF-PLC, AMF-RIO, SYNCHRO, RGCP, LCP, Remote
Radiator Panel, NER panel, etc to be included, which is approved by AADC and IFO.
10. Complete Earthing system (clean earthing), with NER sizing calculations to be included.
11. Black building sequence and procedures should be included in Emergency shutdown and
operating procedures. (previous comment)
12. . Manufacturer recommended and AADC specified Spare part list to be completely filled
stating off-shelf availability and shipping duration. List down special tools required as per
IFC specification section 263200, sub-section 3.1 and 2.2,. A separate index to be provided.
(previous comment)
13. Detailed FAT, SAT, Pre-commissioning and commissioning reports are missing, to be
included. (previous comment)
14. Speed droop settings and Voltage drop settings configured for this project to be provided.
15. All approved calculations related to Generators sizing, fuel consumption, fuel tank
calculations etc. should be included. (previous comments)\
Complete list of Protection, Alarm, Measurement, Signaling and Instrumentation Relays
should be included, along with relay settings, grading table, signal list, as per AADC
approval. (previous comment).
16. Final AMF Workstations screens and SYNCHRO, RGCP and LCP screens are missing
17.O&M manual are missing for
a. 24V DC system
b. LVAC panel with ATS controller
c. AMF-PLC (Siemens S7-400) and AMF Workstation
d. AMF-RGMS (Siemens S7-1500)
e. Generator Protection Relay (GE-SR 489) calculations, alarm settings
f. Engine Control Unit
18. Submit to AADC for review and final approval.

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