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SBI3U0 Exam Review

To effectively review for the exam, go over each unit test, quizzes and class notes. Also review
homework questions. Complete the following questions for each unit.

1. Why are viruses considered to be non-living?
2. Describe the structure of a virus. Explain the function of each of its parts.
3. Describe 2 methods of how viruses reproduce, the lysogenic and lytic cycle and explain
how you would determine which cycle a particular virus uses to reproduce. Include
4. What characteristics are used to place organisms into the 6 different Kingdoms.
5. Why are some bacteria classified under the Domain Archaea and the rest are in the
Domain Bacteria?
6. What are the names of each level of organization (taxa) of living organisms?
7. What are the 2 parts of an organism’s name? What is the name of the study of
8. What is the purpose of a dichotomous key?
9. How are bacteria classified? How do they reproduce? (2 ways) How can bacteria
become resistant to antibiotics?
10. Name some good bacteria and what they do for the environment, and for people.
11. What are protists? What are the different types of protists? How do they move? Where
do they live? How do they reproduce?
12. What are the characteristics of fungi? Importance of fungi?
13. Name some organisms from the Fungi Kingdom. What is the role of fungi in an
14. What do chordates have?
15. Name some of the characteristics and importances of worms (annelids)
16. Name some characteristics and importance of arthropods
17. Identify each of the following statements as either true or false.
a. Fungi are members of the Kingdom Plantae.
b. Prokaryotes are 1-10 μm in size.
c. There are five kingdoms.
d. Viral genetic material is always RNA.
e. Viruses are living organisms.
f. A group of similar classes forms an order.
18. Match the scientific term on the left with the correct description on the right.

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1. What happens in mitosis? What is the importance of this type of cell division?
2. What happens in meiosis? What is the importance of this type of cell division?
3. What are the differences between these two processes? Compare them based on: pairing of
homologous chromosomes, # daughter cells produced, # chromosomes in daughter cells, #
of cell divisions, how DNA in daughter cells compared to original cell, type of cells in
which each process occurs
4. What are some errors in meiosis? What do they cause?
5. What does crossover produce?
6. Distinguish between: dominant allele versus recessive allele, genotype versus phenotype,
monohybrid cross versus dihybrid cross
7. What are the different ways that genetic traits are inherited? Include a description and
example of the following: sex-linked inheritance, co-dominance, incomplete dominance,
multiple alleles
8. Describe the structure of the DNA molecule.
9. What information does a human karyotype give?
10. A sexual species has a 2n# = 16. How many
a. Autosomes in one sperm
b. Homologous pairs in a male somatic cell
c. Autosomes in one body cell
d. Y chromosomes in one egg cell
11. Describe the structure of sister chromatids. What is the function of centromeres? What is the
difference between a chromatid and sister chromatids?
12. What is non-disjunction? What is the result of it?
13. A blood type A assigned male has a child with a type AB assigned female. Could the child
have type O blood? Why?
14. What is the chance of a couple having blood type O children, if one has type A blood and
the other has type B blood?
15. A colour blind assigned male and normal colour vision assigned female have a colour blind
child. What is the sex of the child?

1. What is the definition of evolution?
2. What evidence is there for evolution? We studied 5. Explain them
3. What are adaptations?
4. What were parts of Darwin’s theory on evolution?
5. What did the study of the peppered moths demonstrate?
8. How are mutations related to evolution?
9. Define: fitness, adaptation
10. What are homologous structures? Analogous structures? Give examples.
11. Why is the fossil record powerful evidence of evolution?
12. Know how to create a possible scenario for evolution of a species by natural selection.

Know your anatomy! These are the parts of the respiratory, heart and digestive system.
Know your physiology! This is how the parts work to accomplish their goal.

Respiratory system
1. Describe the mechanics of breathing. Include the effects of the diaphragm and
intercostal muscles.
2. Why can’t humans depend on diffusion of gas through their skin to meet their need for
gas exchange?
3. Why do we need O2 in the first place?
4. How do gasses diffuse into tissue? Should membranes be thick or thin to allow
5. What is the pleural membrane?
6. What is the function of alveoli? trachea? Epiglottis?
7. What is tidal volume, vital capacity?
a. Where are changes in CO2 and O2 concentrations sensed?
b. If CO2 is high, what happens to breathing rate?
8. Follow a molecule of oxygen from the mouth through the respiratory (gas exchange)
system to a red blood cell in a lung capillary. List all the structures it will encounter and
the function of each part.
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Circulatory System
1. Trace the pathway of a red blood cell through the heart and pulmonary circuit beginning with
a vein in the leg.
2. What is the difference between RBC and white blood cells? What are the different types of
WBC? What are platelets?
3. In which vessels is blood pressure highest? Lowest? Why?
4. How do capillaries perform their function?
5. if blood volume increases, blood pressure __________
6. What’s in blood? Different cell types and their function? What does it transport
7. How do you measure blood pressure? What do the 2 numbers mean?
8. Match the circulatory structures on the right with each of the statements on the left.

9. The human heart has 4 chambers. How is blood prevented from flowing backwards?
10. What is pulmonary circulation? What is systemic circulation? How do the 2 relate?

Digestive System
1. Analyze the complete digestion of starch, proteins and lipids in the mouth, stomach, and
small intestine, mentioning specific enzymes and the role of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder
(accessory organs)
2. Contrast the absorption routes of carbohydrates and proteins with lipids in the small intestine
3. Distinguish between chemical and mechanical digestion.
4. What are the roles of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in the body
5. Enzymes – fill in the names of enzymes used in the breakdown of the 3 following nutrients,
and fill in the breakdown of final products of these chemical reactions.
a) Carbs ____________ → ___________
b) Protein ____________ → ___________
c) Lipids _____________ → ___________
6. What is the importance of the gallbladder? What nutrients does it work to digest?
7. Think about the human digestive system and identify the organ that has each of the following
a) mechanical breakdown g) pepsin production
b) fat hydrolysis h) villi location
c) peristalsis i) longest section
d) acidic environment j) receives pancreas and bile
e) rugae secretions
f) defecation

8. Match digestive juice to function/statement

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