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What if it happened the other way

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: The Lost Boys (Movies)
Relationships: David (Lost Boys)/Original Female Character(s), Marko (Lost
Boys)/Original Female Character(s), Paul (Lost Boys)/Original Female
Character(s), Dwayne (Lost Boys)/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: David (Lost Boys), Marko (Lost Boys), Paul (Lost Boys), Dwayne (Lost
Additional Tags: Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-04-01 Words: 15,048 Chapters: 4/?
What if it happened the other way
by CosmicVulpes


So that ritual did yeah..... you messed up. Now you have four confused and angry vamps on
your hands, in our reality. Good job hope it ends well
Cry little sister
Chapter Summary

Hey everyone! So if your here from my other fic trapped in the eighties welcome! I
wanted to write another version of it but more self inserted and also Marko centric.
Please let me know what you guys think of this first chapter I worked really hard on it!

Chapter Notes

Blood drinking
David is mean
Paul is mean
Confusing situations I sue
Sexual themes but nothing explicit....yet

You were chanting violently, the energy humming around you growing stronger and heavier
with each breath you took, praising your god of madness again and again. Begging pleading
with him to give this to you. To let you have a break, And escape to another world where you
could really truly be yourself. Then with a final call and bellowing chant the energy surged
and you gasped as you felt it disapate. You sat frozen, scared to open your eyes, but also
enthralled. Had it worked? We’re you there, in Santa Carla? Would you find them. You took a
deep breath and then....

“What is this chick doing?”

“Yeah David where the fuck are we?”

Your eyes snapped open and you yelped scrambling backwards. You were still in your
basement but in front of you stood the ‘lost boys’, dazed and confused. No doubt your ritual
had woken them from sleep as Paul tiredly tried to walk toward you. “Hey it’s all good
babe.” A grip on his arm from David stopped him and you looked up at him. David, the
David was in your basement glareing at you his frosty blue eyes studying you looking you
over. “Um....I, I can exsplain everything ok. You just need to listen to me. And I’m really
sorry if....if this woke you guys up.” He growled lowly pulling Paul behind him and walked
toward you. You scrambled backwards hitting the wall, terrified. “David, David, David,
DAVID WAIT!” You screamed in fright covering your face with your arms, but nothing
happened you peeked up and he was glowering down at you. “How do you know my name?
What is all this, where are we?”
“NOW!!” He roared at you dragging you up by your shawl. You yelped and looked away
from him tearing up. Bad idea, bad idea, this was such a stupid idea! You screamed in your
head. He titled his head at you. “What was a bad idea?” You looked at him shocked, mind
reading? Well no shit Sherlock he’s a vampire, you berated yourself. He smirked , but held
his gaze unwavering. You let out a Heavy breath gripping his hands gently. “I can exsplain
ok, let’s just all calm down alittle alright. And let’s get you guys a snack ok. Just let me go
and I’ll tell you everything. I’m not your enemy, I’m not a hunter, I’m a witch now let me
exsplain.” At the mention of food the other three perked up Dwayne was sitting against your
back wall along with Paul while Marko stood between the other two and David almost like he
was waiting for the word. Your eyes passed over him and quickly tried to avert your mind
from giving you away blushing. David stared at you for a moment longer then released you.
“Ok. Witch, tell us.” You nodded making your way to a fridge you had in your basement
pulling out four gallons of animal blood. “It’s not human but it should hold you guys over till
the suns compeltely down. Now first things first, clearly your not in the cave right now.” You
put the gallons in a crate and dragged it over muttering curses to yourself they watched
amused. “Secondly um I, well I may have fucked up a reality warping ritual, I was um....”
you blushed as you held out a gallon to Marko first he took it looking you over and you
turned ever brighter red. “I may have been attempting to get to your reality from this one to
uh, heh.” You blushed biting your lip as you handed David his then Paul and Dwayne. “To
um find you, and meet you, and um the plan was that hopefully you guys would find me
interesting enough to not think of me as food and Um well......” you looked at them they were
all smirking and you looked down . “Go on.” Paul said cheekily you blushed more leveling
him with a glare. “Paul bad. I mean um sorry, sorry, this isn’t a fanfiction, fuck what’s wrong
with you?” You whispered to yourself sitting down David took a gulp from the jug looking it
over. “Goat or lamb?” He asked you. You smiled softly “uh it’s goat, my god prefers goat
blood so uh yeah.” David nodded in acknowledgement then continued to drink, they all did
gulping profusely, Paul was the first to finish. “Fuck I’m still hungry, not the same.” Then he
turned his eyes on you. You froze then David sighed. “Paul relax let her finish, what is this
reality shit your talking about?” You stood walking past David and jestered to the far wall.
“Well um I mean this, this is you guys here, in my reality.” You had basically a lost boys
shrine in your basement your black couch had a blanket with them on it, countless posters of
them together and individual, your recreation of Markos jacket proudly on a dress form and
varied figures of David. Along with the plushies you had made of the four of them, and of
course the area beside the jacket had nothing but paintings you had done and posters of
Marko. “Here you guys, are um characters in this movie. The lost boys, it’s been like my
favorite thing since I was thirteen, kinda based my whole style around it heh. But uh yeah I
just,..” you looked down then crossed your arms over yourself. “I thought maybe you know if
I had someone like you David, someone strong and someone smart to look out for me, that
maybe......maybe all the bad stuff would finally stop.” You voice cracked and quickly wiped
your face sitting on the couch before grabbing a remote. “I mean I can show you guys, the
movie. But there’s another reason I wanted to do the ritual and your not gonna like it.” They
were all stareing at your wall each one walking over, Marko immediately went to the jacket
comparing it to his own while Paul and Dwayne looked over the multitude of posters, David
picked up the funko pop you had of his vampire self looking it over smirking.
“Well this is interesting.” He looked at you then sat beside you taking out his cigarettes and
lighting one. You pulled an ashtray out setting it on the tiny table in front of you both, even it
was resin with the lost boys encased inside it. He laughed softly shaking his head. But gave
you a soft nod as if to say thankyou. “Are um, are you still hungry? I can order something
before the movie. That is if you wanna watch it?” David laughed again and looked behind
you, you turned and yelped, jumping at the sight of Paul. “Got a decent Chinese place around
here girl?” He asked. You had a hand over your heart and laughed nervously. “Um yeah, yeah
I’ll just order from DoorDash on my phone.” You pulled it out opening the app and scrolling
through the options, they all surrounded you then looking at the little rectangle.
“That’s a phone?”
“Why’s it so small?”
“How are you clicking anything?”
The bombard of questions was stopped as David basically barked at them. “Leave her alone,
we can worry about technology later. “ you smiled thankfully at him then listed the options.

“We got sushi, Chinese, a Thai place. Oh have you guys ever had bubble tea? It’s like so
good it’s tea and milk and it comes in so many flavors and they put these little tapioca pearls
in it that you can chew on it’s great.” You smiled at them Paul looked intrigued having gotten
the closest to you. “Show me! Do they have chocolate.” You laughed, starting to get
comfortable. “Paulie they have everything, you’ll love it.” You grinned at him, he was
stareing at you smirking softly. “Did you just call me Paulie?”
“Oh uh yeah, sorry. Um force of habit. Like the fandom lot of people call you Paulie cause
your kinda labeled as the fun loving golden retriever out of the four of you so.” Marko and
Dwayne erupted in laughter and Paul broke out in giggles. “Golden retriever?” He laughed at
you. You giggled, “yeah it’s like a term we use now for guys who are like really cute and
sweet and super protective but like hyper and excited and fun and cuddly so.” He had stopped
laughing grinning at you. “Want me to cuddle you....shit what is your name?” You blushed
brighter, “oh uh I’m kenzie, or kenz whichever works for you.” He smiled at you softly. “I
like that, kenzie. It’s different.” You shrugged smileing softly. David tapped your shoulder
and you jumped looking at him. “Food.” You nodded quickly and went back to your phone.

After the boys had picked what they wanted and you paid an over 100 dollar charge on
DoorDash you exsplained everything about it more clearly. They all had questions, Paul’s
were mostly about fangirls, once Marko learned all the paintings of him on the wall were
done by you he got quite and he hadn’t stopped looking at you.”ok so you guys ready for the
movie?” You got the case out showing them the case. Your mood shifted and they all noticed.
“Play it.” David said sipping from his bubble tea, you smiled at the sight it was almost
comical. You nodded then kneeled down in front of the tv putting in the disc and then
walking over to the couch, you stood there nervously then Marko pushed Paul over and you
smiled before sitting between him and Paul. Paul draped his arm over your shoulders and you
heated up clutching the remote tightly as Marko then wrapped an arm loosely around your
waist. David looked at them disapprovingly then looked at you. “Play it.” You breathed out
and nodded pressing play and then watched them closely.

As soon as they saw David emerge from the mist it got deathly quite, until Paul broke it upon
seeing himself. “Shit, we look good.” Dwayne smacked him and you giggled softly. It broke
the tension and as you watched them watch you notice David tense upon seeing star and
paused it. He looked over at you. “Um so like did you chose Star because she looks like that
woman you were in love with before you turned?” His eyes grew dark and the other three
grew tense David glared death at you and you went pale. “Um shit I’m sorry I’m so sorry, I
forget myself it’s just I want to know all about you guys um.” David face softened but he still
looked pissed. “Just play the damn movie.” You nodded and pressed play once again, asking
smaller lighter questions as it continued. “So like does blood make you guys nut? Like does it
turn you on or something?” You asked as the scene with Michaiel chasing them to the cliff
played. Paul erupted In laughter and Marko snickered. You looked at David who stared
blankly at you. “Well, does it? Does it like make your dick hard when you feed?” Paul
laughed more grabbing you close and putting his face in your neck and inhaling licking his
lips. “Mmmmm wanna find out? I can show you.” You blushed but gently pushed Paul away
then snapped to attention as it got to the cave scene. You leaned forward sucked into the
movie, and quoted David’s speech word for word. They were stareing at you in awe like how
much you admired them was finally setting in and with that you stood upon seeing movie
Paul grab a joint. “That’s not a bad idea actually” and got out your weed bag coming back
over and basically now comfortable enough to drape your legs over Paul while you
practically sat in Markos lap. You laughed as you packed a bowl and said with movie Paul.
“So check it out Mikey” you laughed to yourself mumbling ‘omg Paulie I fucking love you’
almost like you were watching the movie alone. You leaned back against Marko and hit it as
David drank from the bottle. “Yeah see, you look like your gonna nut, David.” Paul snorted
and Marko made a light cough from taking his hit before he giggled, he passed it to Paul and
you watched the movie as David ordered Marko around. “You know that’s something else
I’ve always wondered, Marko, are you just acting like that with David for show or are you
really that submissive with him? Cause I know your like chaos king so I’m just confused
cause you let David have his way so easily and I know for a fact your an Aries so your more
than willing to smack somebody.” Marko snickered and traced his hand over your arm
lightly. “I’m loyal to David, I do play it up when it’s this type of situation thoguh. But I am
loyal David saved me, saved all of us you know.” You nodded “I know, there was supposed
to be another film about you guys before you turned and I read about how you all are I know
a lot of things you probably would be more comfortable with me not knowing but uh well
you know.” You blushed and went back to the movie Marko was smirking at you until it
finally got to the feeding scene you perked up. Whispering to yourself,’ get that bitch rip their
fucking throat out you beautiful blonde bitches, oh sans one brunette sorry Dwayne’ they
were all looking at you as you exclaimed. “Ugh Michaiel is such a little pussy omg, like who
is this retarded honastly.” You took another hit from the bowl leaning back into Marko more.

You looked at them they were all stareing in awe at you. “What? He is! First of all we all
know it’s Max making you guys do this cause you don’t want no one else in your shit
anyways. Secondly Michaiel just does not match the vibe look at him, like wow really good
job you tried but failed horribly. Not to mention how creepy he’s been with star like dude
gives me stranger danger vibes just cause you pretty don’t mean you get a creep pass. And
like that pisses me off like I know this is a tense moment but you guys look hot as fuck
covered in blood if I was star I would fucking worship you.” You pointed at David, he was
gawking at you they all were. “The whole murder thing doesn’t bother you?” Marko asked
still absently stroking your arm. “Hell no, everybody eats. And if I was dead for eighty
fucking years and had to drink blood I’d learn to enjoy it to like fuck Michaiel and fuck star
who the fuck do they think they are and then you got these dumb little shits, the fucking frog
brothers! Like the fucking audacity of this whole situation fucking astounds me and....shit!”
You paused it as it got to the scene they were leaving in grandpas car you were shaking trying
to calm down. “Why did you pause it again,?” You looked at Dwayne who was speaking for
the first time, “I..... I just I hate this part I really really hate it.” Your voice cracked and you
teared up. “But this is the main reason I wanted to go to your workd to keep this from
happening.” You pressed play and stood walking to the door that led to the upstairs of your
house and listened. They went in the cave, the frogs being pretentious and then Marko
screamed on screen and in real life. You broke upon hearing him so close rushing to him and
going to reach out but paused.

He was pissed, eyes yellow, fangs bared. “What the fuck!!!! This is bullshit!” Paul was just as
angry an arm protectively around Marko as David glared at your tv your voice croaked and
they looked at you. “I couldn’t stand watching you all die anymore” you cried softly wipe ing
at your face. “All?” David asked seething. You nodded and got on your knees crying
crawling to him and kneeling in front of him. “I just couldn’t stand this anymore!” You
pointed at the tv behind you, “they just murdered Marko and they’re acting like it’s all fine
like nothings wrong! Like fuck you michaiel fuck you!” You screamed at your tv then broke
down again as it got to Paul’s death. “Like what the fuck is this why does Paul deserve this.
Your so sweet you don’t deserve this none of you deserve this and I can’t stand watching it
anymore! Fuck these stupid kids man! They killed you they killed Marko! They killed my
Marko!” You cried watching as Michaiel and David fought and David lost, whimpering and
crying softly the whole time. Then you felt hands on your shoulders you turned looking at
Marko you hiccuped. “I’m sorry I know it’s strange, I just I can’t do it anymore. I know you
don’t know me and that all of this is kinda ridiculous but I just, I wanted to protect you I
would have ripped those little fuckers throats out!” You seethed then composed yourself still
sniffleing. You leaned on him watching until Max was killed, sighing heavily. “I guess there’s
that at least that, wait are you the head now if there’s no Max? I hope so, I hate how he
controls you guys keeps you from being free.” David nodded. “Yep I’m the head now.” He
was watching you closely they all were, Marko stared down at you with a blank expression
then smiled softly. “You know you got my jacket spot on I’m impressed.” You smiled and
blushed looking down. “Yeah well, you’ve always been my favorite Marko.” You said it
quitely but knew the others heard. He chuckled then helped you up sitting back on the couch,
Paul sighed dramatically, “why am I not your favorite?” You laughed, “well Marko is a
psychopath, and I find that......enticing. Probably because I’m alittle unhinged myself.”
Marko laughed and winked at you and Paul chuckled, even Dwayne smirked but when you
looked at David he was still stareing at the tv, now it was on the movie menu, finally he
looked at you. “Why?, why go through the trouble of trying to get to us, of bringing us here?”

“I just......I don’t want you guys to die. I’m tired of watching you all die.” He scoffed, “why?
Your movie didn’t make us friendly.” You smirked at him softly then sighed. “David I know
what you are, I know what you guys do. I know how you were before you turned to.” He
arched a brow at you. And now Dwayne spoke, “what do you mean before we turned.” You
smiled sadly at him and got up walking over and sitting on the floor in front of them and
opening your phone pulling up the prequel script and handing it to Dwayne. “Just use your
finger to scroll up and down the screen, but this is the script for “lost boys the beginning”.
Um it talks about you guys before uh....” you looked at all of them settling on David. “Before
vlad, before Max, before everything I guess. And I know how old you all were before you
turned to.” You looked down as Dwayne scrolled through, his eyes wide. David leaned over
his shoulder, then snapped his head to you, he looked angry. “So, why does this matter huh?”
You teared up and reached over grabbing his gloved hand gently. “David, you could have
kept that three hundred.....” you took your phone and showed him the scene in the script.
“But you didn’t, you saw that mans wife and child and gave it back. Your a good man David.
Even if you deny it everything you have always done has been for them, your so selfless and
so self sacrificing just to make sure your brothers are safe. You didn’t turn till you were on
the floor of that train car bleeding to death and the only reason you did was to keep them
safe. None of you asked for this but like you always do you’ve made the best of the situation
and I look up to you so much, I admire you so much. David fuck I wish I had someone like
you to look out for me.” You were in tears, David didn’t break his stare from you. You could
have heard a pin drop it was so quite. The only sound your shallow weeping. You looked
down letting him go. “I’m sorry....sorry I just, it hurts me to know that about you, to know
what I know about all of you. Your not monsters, your just four men that were in the wrong
ally at the wrong time. And Marko...” you looked over at him, he was stareing at you in
shock. “It’s not your fault,...” you crawled to him hugging his leg. “.....not your fault babe
please don’t beat yourself up anymore.” Your voice cracked and you started to cry heavily.

Finally you felt Markos hand on your shoulder and when you looked up you almost started to
cry all over again. He looked pained on the verge of tears. His lip trembled but he just
dragged you up into his chest and held you tightly silent sobs wracking his frame. You clung
to him petting his curls. “I’m sorry David, I’m so fucking sorry.” He whimpered into your
chest, you looked at David, he was stoic his hands crossed on his knees in front of him.
“Marko, it wasn’t your fault. It’s ok.” You held him tightly even nuzzleing the top of his
head. David walked over grabbing your shoulder, you looked up at him with wet eyes. “Off
him.” You nodded and pulled back, Marko letting you go reluctantly. You stood and moved to
the side, David knelt in front of his brother. “Look at me Marko...” Marko looked up at him
eyes wet but held his gaze. “You didn’t know, none of us did. Let it go I don’t blame you
neither do they. Your my brother Marko don’t shut down ok.” Marko sighed heavily and
looked down rubbing his forehead. “I’m just so tired David, we all are.” David smiled sadly
rubbing his hand on Markos shoulder. “We all are man.” Paul wrapped and arm over Markos
shoulders pulling him into his sides. “But hey at least we can still get laid at over a hundred.”
That broke the tension and everyone let out soft giggles. You smiled softly looking at them
until David put his focus back on you.

“You admire me, huh?” You blushed and nodded. “I’m the leader of my coven to, but I don’t
always feel like I should be. I wish I had the back bone you do.” David smirked and walked
to you, you felt your heart start to canter and he paused. “I’m not scared, I’m just nervous.”
You blushed softly not meeting his eyes. “I make you nervous.” He purred at you tilting up
your chin, you turned bright red, shuffling your feet. He leaned down pressing his nose to
yours. “What is the other reason you wanted to meet us huh? I’ve seen in your head your
easier to read when your high. The stuff your into...see why you like Marko, saw why you
like me.” You blushed brighter and whimpered. “David please, don’t.” You whispered. He
snickered softly and hummed kissing your cheek. “We need to feed, where do we go?” You
stepped back sighed heavily thinking. “Um well, fuck, not here cause I don’t want anyone to
get suspicious. And cops work super fast now. Um maybe if you go to the next town over it’s
closer to the city always missing persons so I think that would be the best place.” He nodded
then waited, arching a brow. “Take us there.” You went wide eyed, “um but, my car might get
seen wouldn’t it be easier to fly?” He chuckled, “we don’t know our way around kenzie.”
You cursed under your breath then blushed. “Uh that animal blood it took most of thirst out
right?” He arched a brow and Paul whined. “Yeah baby but it’s not enough.” You nodded,
“but you guys really just need a few sips to be good for the night right?” David arched his
brows hands on his hips. “What are suggesting?” You blushed more then dropped your shawl
and took your shirt off leaving you in your bra. ‘Oh fuck yeah’ you heard Paul whisper to
Dwayne and rolled your eyes. “Sip off me then, and tomorrow night I’ll take you guys out
ok.” David looked you up and down then smirked. “Come here.” He reached for you and you
backed up. “Marko first, ......” he paused smirking. “Want Marko to be my first.” You turned
bright red at the double meaning to your statement then looked down. “All right.” David
chuckled, “Marko go ahead.” You blushed as Marko stood approaching you slowly. You
blushed once he grabbed you. He ran his hands up and down your arms and you shuddered
laughing softly, he arched a brow at you. You smiled softly, “your cold, but I like it.” He
smirked then angled your head to the side burying his nose against your pulse and inhaling
deeply. You sighed softly and threaded your hands through his hair. He hummed against your
throat licking your skin before latching his fangs into you. You yelped at the initial bite
tearing up. But as he drank lazily from you, your eyes fluttered closed and you sighed petting
him. He pulled back rather quickly wiping his mouth with the back of his hand then winked
at you. “You think loud, kenz.” Paul stated and you blushed. You had let your mind slip into
one of the many fantasies you had about Marko while he fed off you, and now they were all

David walked up to you next and grabbed you by your hair gently. “Tilt back kitten.” You
blushed bright red your mind instantly flashing through a dozen scenarios and they all
laughed, Paul adding a ‘damn girl your kinky!’ You whined, “this isn’t fair stay outta my
head.” David chuckled as he ghosted his lips up your jaw. “Stop thinking so loud.” You
whimpered and then he bit into your shoulder beside markos, you yelped loudly and he
gripped you tightly as he took from you. David grabbed you hand and without the others
seeing put it over his groin, you felt him....he was rock hard and your heart skipped as you
felt a shiver go down your spine and settle at your core. He pulled back letting you go and
winking. Your blood on his chin as he said, “that answer your question?” You were flaming
and stood there frozen. “I take it back, your a dick.” He laughed loudly and flopped onto your
couch, then Paul patted his lap come on baby girl I need mine to. You just glared, “Paul I
swear I feel anything on my ass I’m gonna stake you.” He just giggled and rested his hands
behind his back sighing “come on we don’t got all night.” You rolled your eyes then went to
him sitting in his lap facing outwards. He hummed happily wrapping his arms around your
waist and peppering your neck with kisses. “Paul stop, just take your fill already.” He
chuckled darkly, “you don’t want that, I’d destroy you baby doll.” You blushed more but
smacked his hand when it ventured down. “Just bite me damnit, enough playing around!” He
huffed, “fine girl damn!” Then he bit into your opposite shoulder harshly, you actually
screamed at that one tears going down your cheeks as you whimpered, he made it hurt on
purpose. “Paul, don’t be an asshole.” Your eyes flicked toward Dwayne and he smiled sadly
at you. Paul pulled back licking his lips, “damn I didn’t wanna stop you taste good baby.” He
whispered in your ear you quickly got off him and stood looking at Dwayne. He just smiled
at you then stood in front of you taking your hand. “You ok?” You nodded silently wipeing
your face. Dwayne gave Paul a disapproving look, but the twisted sister look alike just arched
his brows and shrugged. Dwayne sighed heavily then took your wrist. “Don’t mind them,
they don’t know how to appreciate a strangers kindness.” You smiled at him and nodded
mouthing a Thankyou. He smiled back in turn then bit gently into your wrist. By the time
Dwayne was done you were leaning heavily on him, he held you up as you breathed heavily
slurring your words. “Think...took to much....boys.” He led you to the couch and Paul and
David stood as he laid you down, you dragged yourself to Markos lap laying your head there
looking up at him. “I’m sad Marko.” You teared up, he stared down at you, “why are you sad,
kenz?” You sighed heavily, your eyelids growing heavy from blood loss. “Because I’m gonna
wake up, and your not gonna be here. None of you are gonna be here, I just love you so much
Marko, so much I don’t want to watch you die anymore. I just want you with me all the time.
And I’m gonna wake up and cry because this isn’t real. Dio is just playing with me letting me
live a fantasy in my dreams. And in the morning I’ll cry. I always cry.” With that your eyes
slid shut as you passed away into unconsciousness muttering a final, ‘just love you so much.”
Then you were gone to the world for the time being.

The room was silent once again, Marko stareing down at you in shock at your admission.
“Well shit, what do we do with her?” Paul asked David who walked to Marko. “You ok
man?” Marko looked up at him confused, “she must have been talking from the blood loss
don’t let it get in your head.” Marko just nodded and looked back down at you carding his
fingers through your hair. “She said all the time thoguh, and who the hell is Dio?” Dwayne
walked over kneeling beside the couch as Paul sat down pulling your legs in his lap. “It’s
probably the god she works with, thoguh ive never heard of a god named Dio, unless she
means god in Spanish.” Dwayne said, then looked at David, “what are we doing with her?”
David sighed looking down at you. “We can’t drain her, she got us here she can get us back,
for now we’ll wait hopefully she wakes up before sunrise then we can ask her more. Find
somewhere to sleep we can’t be near those windows when the sun comes up.” He jestered
toward your outer wall and it’s row of small windows. “If she can cover them when can roost
on that pipe over there thoguh.” Paul looked down at his angry bite on your neck feeling
guilty. “Did we take it to far?” He asked , and when he went to touch the bite Marko smacked
his hand they had a stare off then Marko snarked, “yeah, you took it to far. Why did you have
to hurt her?” Paul scoffed, “you saw her head clearly she wants to fuck us.” Marko smirked,
“I saw me and David not you.” Paul glared a growl in his throat but Dwayne grabbed his
shoulder and he quited. Then they all looked to David for instruction. He was buy your dvd
case going through them and settled on the 2018 halloween looking over at them. “Let her
rest, we can worry about the rest when she wakes up. And Dwayne find something to cover
those windows with just in case.” Dwayne got up and started to go through your basement,
David put in the movie and sat on the far end of your couch all the while you slept nestled in
Markos lap, who couldn’t get his mind off what you had admitted so openly in your delirious
Two is better than one
Chapter Summary

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter like I said before this one is very self insert but I’m
happy you guys are enjoying it

Chapter Notes

Sexual themes
Marko makes me so soft

You awoke with a start sitting up and grabbing your head hissing. “Fuck what the hell” then
you noticed it was pitch black, and you were freezing. You fell asleep in your basement again
looking over the couch you found your phone turning it on. Using what little light you had
you shown it around. Nothing, there was nothing. You sighed sadly and stood up groggy,
eaking to the tv and turning it on grabbing the lostboys to watch again. This became a habit
of yours every time you had a dream about then you watched the film silently hopeful it
would manifest them and maybe they would just crawl through the tv. The blue light
illuminated the room and you gasped loudly as you saw, there tucked into the back corner
cubby of your basement where it was darkest was the lost boys. It hadn’t been a dream, it was
all real. And here they were hanging from your ceiling of the pipe that ran from your kitchen.
Marko was in front he looked peaceful, and you kneeled down crawling over seeing their
boots lined up along your wall. It made you smile, you looked Marko over trying to take in
how truly real he was. He was gourgeous this close and you brushed a hand over his cheek.
Cold, like a corpse but you expected that. Then the smell hit you, you gagged softly covering
your nose smacking at a fly as it flew past. You were gonna make them bathe, you did not
want a flu problem or your basement to stink. You looked back down noticing a very tired
looking Marko looking down at you. You squeaked covering your mouth. “What time is it?”
He whispered, you looked at your phone. “Seven in the morning, I’m sorry I just. Your still
here I thought you were a dream.” He smiled at you softly and dropped from the pipe landing
silently. “I’m real kenzie.” He whispered sitting down in front of you. Your eyes zeroed in on
his vamp feet and you giggled softly. He chuckled quitely. “What is it?” You smiled, “your
bat feet, it’s cute kinda.” He snorted and grabbed your hand suddenly getting serious even in
his tired state. “You remember what you told me last night?” You blushedbrighter and looked
down. “I do yeah, I’m sorry for that I wouldn’t have said all that if I had realized how real it
“Did you mean it?”
You snapped your head up at him and turned bright red. “I mean, it’s no secret that I like you
Marko. I do love you. But you don’t know me so I know I must seem desperate.” He shook
his head smiling softly, then leaned forward kissing your cheek. “I think I could fall in love
with you. Your strange and I find that......enticing.” You smirked as he quoted you from the
night before. “You mean that? You really think maybe we could get to know each other.” He
chuckled softly and yawned. “I don’t like people kenzie so when I do meet someone I like I
tend to hang in to them.” You smiled and hugged him close. “Wanna Kay on the couch with
me I’m still tired and it was so cold by myself.” He hugged back chuckleing, “sure.” He
whispered then you laid with him in the couch pulling the blanket over you both as you
snuggled against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your hair
falling back asleep within minutes. You yawned and decided once you did get up you had to
make a call.

Around nine you finally woke again, snuggleing deeper into the chest underneath you. You
looked up at Marko, he looked peaceful still. Slowly you pulled up folding his arms back
over his chest and laying the blanket over him. Even being brave enough to kiss his forehead
brushing his curls back, you gazed down at him for a bit longer then stood walking to the
upstairs of your house. Quickly cleaning up and tidying everything before you made a pot of
coffee. Once that was done you sat down and called your coven sister. She answered and you
took a deep breath.
“Hey bitch what’s up?”
“Sooooo, you know that ritual I told you about?”
“Yeah is there a way we can do it? Like I wanna try.”
“Yeah well I did it.....and it worked.”
“WHAT!!!! Wait kenzie, holy shit are you serious?!”
“Yeah they’re in my basement hanging from the damn ceiling Brianna.”
“Omg ok, ok. So like what happened? What did they do?”

You went through the previous nights events and she was hooked you have to say, telling the
story out loud it sounded unbelievable. “Ok so, what happened with Marko?” She asked you
could hear the smirk in her voice and giggled. “Omg just get here, but Marko is actually
pretty sweet. David made me grab his dick while he bit me.” She squealed and you laughed,
then she said she was packing an overnight bag and heading her way to you. “I’m calling out
of work for this weekend it’s the fucking lost boys!” She exclaimed before you both laughed
and hung up. You had a grin on your face standing once you were done with your coffee and
cigarette and going back inside. You took your time, mopped your floors, cleaned your room
and work area. The bathrooms. You wanted to impress them, you even went to the grocery
and bought ribeyes intent on making them happy. Once you were home you did your daily
reading and it shocked you....all cups cards? Your mind imeedately went to Marko, the
prospect of a new relationship, strong physical and emotional attraction. You were floored
and quitely thanked your Lord Dionysus for the gift he had given you. Lighting his candle
and pouring him wine before kissing the top of his statues head. “Your to good to me Dio,”
you mumbled with a smile on your face before getting in the shower. Once out you quickly
did your beauty routine, you wanted to look as close to perfect as you could. You wanted to
impress them, to impress Marko, and David. After settling on some ph shorts and a loose
fitting crop you put your hair up and reaffirmed your many necklaces of your craft before you
went down and started to work on your current resin projects.

Hours went by with you seemingly not noticing till a knock on your door startled you. You
quickly ran to the door opening it and greeting your sister. You hugged each tightly excitedly
talking about the predicament you found yourselves in then she helped you clean up your
space before starting dinner. It was seven o’clock the sun was setting and you knew they
would wake soon. “Ok, bri keep an eye on the potatoes I’m gonna go get the boys.” She
nodded and squealed again. “Ok ok don’t worry omg I can’t believe Dwayne is in your
basement!” She squealed again you laughed and winked at her. “I’m sure he’s gonna adore
you.” She smirked and winked back at you before you walked down the steps, you heard
whispering and when you turned on the light and walked in you saw them. They all turned to
look at you and you smiled. “Hey guys, um I’m just cooking dinner now and then I’ll take
you guys to feed ok?” David looked you up and down settling on your exsposed legs and
smirked. “Sure thing kitten, what are you cooking smells good.” You blushed harder, “ribeye
and then some potatoes and greens and corn. So I hope your appetite is also in the mood for
human food.” David chuckled and Paul licked his lips. “Sounds good girl.” You stared at
them as they didn’t move your eyes settling on Marko who winked at you and then you got it.
“Oh shot right, you are all invited in my home no harm will come to you here.” David smiled
and Marko walked over kissing your cheek. “There you go baby.” Then the others followed
Paul wrapping an arm around your waist. “So you cook, you clean, your a witch, your hot...”
his eyes looked you over and you laughed. “Why aren’t you married off yet?” Your smile fell
and you looked down, Paul noticed and pulled back. “You uh... you ok kenz?” You just
nodded, “yeah yeah I’ll be fine just still getting over my last relationship, six years gone.”
They all stared at you, “shit I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“No Paulie it’s ok, you didn’t know.” You hugged him tightly squeezeing him before steeping
back and kissing his cheek. “Your a doll, Paul.” Then you walked up the steps. He stared
after you smileing softly a putt on his chest. “I like her.” He exclaimed looking at the other
three Marko snickered as he followed you and Dwayne smirked. “You like them all Paul.”
Paul shrugged as he went next David leading from behind. You went in the the kitchen, “bri,
you ready?” She looked up from the stove and paused her eyes going wide.
“Holy shit! Holy shit, kenzie!! You actually did it!”
“That I did yeah.”
“Omg they’re so pretty.” She whispered as she walked to you.

They chuckled then David asked, “who’s this?” He glared at her she backed against you and
you held her hand tightly. “She’s my coven sister, don’t worry she just wants to help she’s as
infatuated with you guys as I am.” David nodded and walked by her going to your fridge and
looking in it. He settled on pulling of the six pack of beer you had throwing one to each of
the boys. You and Brianna just watched intently, and you noticed she hadn’t stopped stareing
at dwaynes chest the whole time. You nudged her snickering, whispering in her ear, “your
being to obvious.” She blushed and caught dwaynes stare quickly turning to you and
pinching your side making you Yelp and then laugh. You two proceeded to start play fighting
the boys watching in amusement until the timer for the oven went off. You pulled up from her
laughing and helped her up then grabbed plates from your cabinet while she took everything
out the oven. The boys watched in amusement thoguh Dwayne and David had far off looks in
their eyes. You caught on and stared David down as you set plates on the table in front of
them, smirking you asked. “What is it David?” He chuckled as Brianna set the bowls of food
and plate of steak on the table. “Just you two, your both really domestic. We’re not used to
this kinda treatment.” You Brianna both blushed and you went and grabbed two bottles of
wine and glasses as she said, “well get used to it hot stuff.” She winked at him and he
chuckled. You walked back over setting a glass in front of everyone, always taking care of
Marko first. It was noticed but none of them said anything thoguh Brianna giggled as you
uncorked the wine and filled Markos glass first. “What?” You smiled at her, “Nothing, take
care of your mans girl.” She giggled and so did the boys Marko winking at you, you turned
bright red. “Shut up, you bitch.” You laughed softly pouring you and her a glass then handing
the bottle to David.

He took it and smirked as he sipped directly from it smacking his lips then looking at you.
“You have good taste.” Brianna snickered and you stepped on her foot teasingly giving her
the side eye. “I worship the god of wine he’s gets mad if I’m not picky.” David nodded then
asked, “is that who Dio is then?” You nodded then gave Marko the biggest stake that had
been on the plate before passing it to David. “My lord Dionysus is the reason why your here,
I guess he wanted to see me happy.” Marko stared at you, you arched a brow. “Like the Greek
god Dionysus?” You nodded, smirking lovingly fondleing your necklace of him. “He’s my
dearest patron, he looks out for me, try’s to show me a path to being happy. Which when you
come with the amount of built up trauma and baggage I have, can be hard to do. But he does
it.” You finished serving yourself and Brianna then grabbed your rosary and starting to pray.
They all stared in shock, but Brianna just smiled softly at you. “Tell Michaiel I say hi.” You
giggled in the middle of your prayer then finished with a ‘and Brianna said hi.” She giggled
and you snickered before you started to pick at your food rolling it around on the plate. You
looked up at them stareing. “Eat please.” Paul shrugged and ripped into his stake with his
bare hands the juices running down his chin. “Damn baby, you can cook holy shit!” Upon
Paul’s exclamation the other three dug in. They are like they were starved which you guess
they were. Brianna ate like a normal human, meanwhile you continued to pick only taking
small bites on occasion. Marko noticed and tapped you as you dipped your wine. You
swallowed and then smiled gently at him. “Yeah? Is everything ok did you need another
drink?” He shook his head then asked. “Why aren’t you eating?” They all stopped to look at
you Paul happily munching on a roll, you looked down and Brianna rubbed your back. “I just
don’t like food that much I guess? I mean I like to cook, just not big on the eating part.”
“You should eat something kenz, remember what Dio said.”
“Yeah well, look I’ll eat when my body tells me to it’s not that big of a deal.”
Brianna gave you a worried look, and when you looked at Marko and the other boys they
were all stareing intensely. You sighed, “look so I had an eating disorder for awhile my body
is still adjusting to eating like a normal human again I’ll get there.” You looked at Brianna,
“don’t worry so much over me I’m not worth it.”

She smacked you softly “shush yes you are, kenz the rest of us would be a cluster fuck
without you. Just take care of yourself ok.” You got embarrassed as you felt the eyes of the
boys on you. Then you quickly downed the rest of your wine standing up. “I’m gonna get
ready to go, Brianna please take the plates to the sink when they’re done I’ll do the dishes
later ok.” She nodded gripping your hand gently before letting you go and sighing heavily as
you left. She looked up at the four boys across from her. “She doesn’t do that type of
confrontation well, she’ll through herself into any argument or fight except when it comes to
that.” Dwayne spoke up looking at Brianna, “you try to help her, I’m sure she appreciates it
either way. Don’t let your mind get muttled sweetheart.” Brianna blushed then smiled softly
looking at him. “Thank Dwayne, your so sweet.” He smirked and the. Shrugged going back
to his steak. Marko stood finishing his plate and taking it to the sink. “I’m gonna check on
her.” Brianna tried to protest but the curly haired vamp was down the hall and up the stairs in
seconds. She huffed and shook her head. “Well that’s happening faster than I thought it
would.” David chuckled, “When Marko likes something he takes it.” Brianna looked at him.
“Kenzie isn’t a thing, I know what happened last night you should be happy she brought you
here. Where you’re all safe. Plus now you guys have two witches watching over you during
the day. I dare a motherfucker to try. She giggled and took the empty plates to the sink.
Jumping slightly from hearing a thump upstairs. Paul snickered and giggled, Marko and your
forend think way to loud chick.” Brianna giggled then took out her phone, “hey you guys
wanna see something funny.” Then she pulled up a fic on Ao3.

Marko found you in the bathroom throwing up what little you had ate and every drop of wine
you had drank. He quickly rushed over taking your hair gently and holding it back as you
heaved. “M-Marko, no....just g-go.” He shook his head, “no way kenz, what are you doing to
yourself. Your gourgeous you don’t need to do this.” You had stopped heaving breathing
heavily as you wiped your mouth he let you go and you stood going to the sink and brushing
your teeth. You avoided looking at him but he refused to leave watching you closely. Once
you were done you looked at him through the mirror and smiled. “Must be nice to see your
reflection again.” He smirked, “yeah it is, but that’s not what we’re talking about.” You
frowned and looked at him coldly. “Marko just go downstairs please don’t want you to see
me like this it’s weak.” He just gawked at you then grabbed your shoulders and made you
look at him. “All that talk you gave us last night, what you said to me. We needed it so let me
repay the kindness. He cupped your face holding it in his hands. “Your to pretty and to kind
to be destroying yourself like this, your body is amazing as it is you don’t need to lose weight
you don’t need to be thinner, most women would kill to have the body you got don’t destroy
it.” You teared up and looked down then hugged him close, he hugged you back tightly
trailing his fingers through your hair. “Trust me I know what it’s like to destroy yourself took
me a long time especially after we turned to stop starving myself and mutilating myself.” You
looked up at him sadly he rubbed your cheek with his thumb. “Your a strong girl kenz, don’t
let the past haunt you.” You blushed your eyes flicking to his lips, he licked them slightly and
then leaned forward brushing his nose with yours and waiting, you swallowed and then
closed the gap grabbing his jacket tightly as you kissed him. It was soft and sweet, the kind of
kiss you had always wanted from someone. He tilted his head and kissed deeper licking
across your lower lip. You whimpered and opened up for him letting his tounge slide over
yours, he held you up as your knees got weak before pulling back panting softly looking
down at you. Letting his thumb trial over your lower lip. “Finish getting ready ok, had to stop
because I need to feed don’t want to hurt you.” You nodded absently kissing his cheek then
went into your room hearing his footsteps as he went back down the steps.
Feeding time
Chapter Summary

Marko makes me soft once again also please let me know how you guys are feeling
about this story so far

Once you walked downstairs and back into the kitchen you saw Dwayne at your sink
washing the dishes you rushed over. “Dwayne hey really it’s ok you don’t have to.” He
looked over at you smiling gently, “it’s not a problem really, I don’t mind repaying your
kindness kenzie.” You blushed then nodded and walked toward the table, Marko scoted over
and patted the seat beside him you sat down practically melting once his arm was around
your waist. Quickly you nuzzled into his side breathing him in like you were committing him
to memory. Then you remembered the audience. Brianna was smirking at you knowingly,
you blushed and rolled your eyes but didn’t move from your spot against Markos side, he
encouraged you rubbing his thumb up and down your spine where it sat on your back. David
cleared his throat making you look over.
“When are we leaving, we need to feed.”
“As soon as Dwayne is done I guess, I’ll take you guys to one of the areas where bad shot
usually happens. Then you can feed and me and Brianna will wait for you by a bar and you
come get us.”
David nodded his approval, and then Brianna gave you a look. “How much you plan on
drinking?” You chuckled and looked at her, “oh girl you know me. We are getting fucked up
we have to celebrate.” She laughed and then you two held hands Paul watched amused.
“Damn you girls are wild, got anymore friends?” You scoffed softly “yes Paul but they aren’t
as fun and the one is a teenager so please.” He arched a brow then leaned toward Brianna.
“You have a man or anything?” She blushed bright red, “ummmmm....” you answered for her.
“The one she wants isn’t you Paulie.” He deflated and whined leaning back in his seat. “What
I’m not your favorite either!? Who is it Dwayne?” She turned an even brighter shade of
scarlet and you lost it laughing hiding your face in Markos chest as you snickered. Paul
grinned, “oh shit, yo Dwayne you have an admirer.” He cooed, Dwayne finished the dishes
and walked over sitting by Brianna causing her to tense softly. He chuckled and looked at her,
“I’m your favorite sweetheart?” She giggled kinda loud and covered her mouth . “Uh yeah
your definently my favorite.” He chuckled and winked at her.

She rolled her eyes, “ok are we leaving let’s go. Kenz we taking your van?”
“My awesome ass hippie van hell yeah.” Paul grinned at you “did you say hippie van?”
You laughed and nodded “an extra ass mural on the side and everything.” Marko chuckled
and put his face in your hair relaxing against you, you blushed nuzzleing him then stood
taking his hand, “come on let’s go.” You stood him quickly following as you led him down
through your basement and out the side door. The boys all breathed deeply, David stopping to
look up at the moon. “Last night was a full one huh?” You looked at him smiling softly.
“Yeah wouldn’t have worked otherwise I needed a super moon to make sure I could get to
you, or we’ll get you here I guess.” Paul ran over to your van laughing at the warrior fox
woman you had painted on the side a detailed galaxy and planets behind her. “Holy shit kenz,
this is fucking wild!” You laughed and unlocked it opening the side door, “boys climb on in.”
Paul excitedly jumped in letting out laughter “holy shit she has mini fridge in here guys.”
Marko chuckled and kissed your temple before getting in, you blushed dark red David
laughing and Dwayne smirking as the climbed in after the other two. Brianna laughed softly,
“you ok kenz , can you still drive?” You laughed shoving her softly and shook your head as
you jumped in the drivers side starting up the van and pulling out your driveway. Paul was
drinking a soda as he crawled up in between you and Brianna. You looked at him arching a
brow, “What you need Paulie?”

“This thing play tapes?” You grinned and winked.

“Of course it does, here let me play you some of my dads music he had a bad in the eighties.”
Paul peeked up arching a brow at you then nodded settling on the floor of the van between
you and bri.

You popped it in, and soon the van was filled with your dads deathmetal, Paul grinned and
smiled at you. “Wow your old man is fucking cool girl!” You smiled sadly, “yeah , he was, he
really was. My dad could pick up any instrument and learn it. He was the coolest person I’ve
ever known. Wouldn’t be who I am without my dad you know. Just wish I had got to spend
more time with him before......before he got sick.” You turned the music up and stared dead
ahead silent tears going down your face. You had never fully accepted your fathers death, and
thoguh you tried to remember him fondly and as he was, you always got the flash of that
damn hospital. Paul stared up at you and then you felt bri reach over rubbing your shoulder.
“You ok?” You nodded sadly smiling at her, “I’m a tough bitch I’ll be fine, just never really
accepted it.” She nodded knowingly rubbing your shoulder a bit more then looking at Paul.
He stared up at you, then looked back at the boys. David was stareing a hole into the back of
your seat, while Dwayne was stareing out the window, meanwhile Marko stared at his feet in
deep thoguht before asking. “How did it happen?” You peeked at him through the rear row
smiling softly then sighed heavily. “Curiosity killed the cat Marko, but I’ll tell you.” He
smirked sadly at you and Paul grabbed your thigh squeezing it, not in a sexual way, but
purely in the ‘I’m here your ok way’ you glanced down at him then went back to the road
swallowing thickly. “My dad was trucker, after I moved back in with my mom he couldn’t
afford the house we had cause she took him to court for everything, sucked him fucking
dry.”your grip on the wheel tightened, “so he became a trucker so he could live, even after I
graduated it was hard for him, and he was finally coming home, I was eight months pregnant
about to burst you know but then he told me he had a bad stomach bug and he went to a
hospital down south. Doctors told him he had some benign tumors on his liver but the don’t
know why he was in pain and to see a better doctor when he got here. So he did that he made
as far as idianna then I got a call saying that my fathers appendix had burst two weeks ago
infected his liver and his bladder. “You started to leak tears slowly your voice trembleing.
“They had to put him in an induced coma and leave him cut open so all the built up gases
would escape, twelve surgeries and so much meds. And after all that shit when he’s in rehab
and on the phone with me excited to come home, excited to meet his grandchild. I get a call
two days later that he’s on FUCKING HISPICE!!!!” You slammed your hand against the
whee shaking. “He died with me on the phone I never made it to see him because I couldn’t
fucking travel because I was high risk, and I had to listen to him fucking die!!!! And all the
fucking bitch did was say I’m sorry for your loss but don’t cry to much remember your baby.
Like WHAT THE FUCK!!!” You broke down pulling to the side of the road heavy sobs
leaving you as you covered your face. “Fuck, fuck I’m sorry, I’m sorry guys. I just.....I don’t
talk about I still haven’t accepted it. I mean his ashes sit in my damn living room but I just, I
just tell people he lives with me.’s my fucking dad man. My dad who was the only
person that every gave me any type of affection while I was a kid who taught how to shot and
play guitar and cook and build computers. My fucking dad was the only person I had and
now he’s gone! He’s fucking gone....” your voice drifted into a whimper and you clutched the
sides of your head harshly breatheing raggedly. Bri hugged you tightly, having unbuckled her
seat and pushing Paul back so she could get to you. You cling to her sobbing until finally you
calmed down wiping your eyes. The van was silent, when you looked back at them they were
all stareing, Paul was in shock stareing at you wide eyed, and Marko looked remorseful, “I’m
sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” You just shook your head.

“It’s ok, it’s better I talk about it. I need to accept it.” He just licked his lips nervously and
went to chewing on his thumb. David sighed heavily, and Dwayne looked like he wanted to
cry. You smiled at him, “your a true empath huh Dwayne?” He looked at you confused.
“Empath, someone who feels the emotions of others around them and takes them on absorbs
them. Your a healer even if you don’t realize it. You have like a natural want and need to
protect everything smaller or weaker than you.” He just smiled then nodded, “yeah guess I’m
an empath.” You giggled then turned back on the van driving off, quickly putting in a
different tape. The rest of the ride was spent making light small talk until you parked outside
of a beaten up neighborhood. “Ok so this is where all the drugs gangs and that type of shit
goes down, your gonna find easy pickings in there. Me and Brianna will be at a bar called
reds beside the mall about two miles to the north of here you can’t miss it.” David nodded
curtly then opened the back doors of the van. “Let’s go boys, and kenz thanks for the ride for
everything.” He looked back at you a softness to his features. You smiled warmly and nodded
looking down. As they left Marko came over to you, “I really am sorry just want to learn
more about you.” You grabbed his hand, “I know I don’t mind better it happened this way
then if we were alone wouldn’t want you to see me have a full mental breakdown.” You
laughed nervously he smirked running his thumb over your knuckles then you both heard a
soft squeal looking over at Brianna who had her phone out taking pictures. You scoffed and
rested your head on his shoulder as he laughed softly. “Sorry I’m sorry you two are just so
cute I’m making memories ok.” You all three laughed then Marko kissed your cheek making
bri squeal again before he left with the others, you waved them off and then you and bri were
off to get well and truly shitfaced.

Once left alone the boys got to work, and did what they did best. Marko had the best nose,
David, despite being the leader had burnt his sense of smell long ago when he realized
smileing wouldn’t affect him along with Paul. While Dwayne as always chose to let the
others lead. Marko quickly sniffed out what smelled like drugs, weed, and liquor along with
body Oder. They floated silently just above the a house as they watched a man and woman
argue in the street. Marko was starving, the scent of Kenzie’s Heat for him and the pump of
the blood under her skin the taste of her mouth nearly pushed him over and he went to dove
for it but David held him by the lapel of his jacket. “ first.” Marko growled
softly but quited down. Meanwhile Paul was fidgeting the sip he had taken from kenzie the
night before barely chasing away his thirst. Dwayne had a shoulder firmly placed on his
shoulder as they watched the couple argue. The man was clearly strung out slurring his words
blood leaking from his nose, no doubt a Coke head. All Paul could think about was riding the
high that no doubt was in the mans veins, meanwhile the woman was slapping him hitting
him, belittling him. At a comment she made about dick be to little to satisfy her Paul
snickered. And then; they saw it, all they needed to know. The man pulled out a knife
screaming at the woman to shut the fuck and backhanded her, sending her to the ground. She
threw up upon impact the scent of alcohol filling the air David licked his lips. “Me and
Dwayne get her, you and Paul take the druggie.” He smirked at Marko who grinned back
before finally they shifted zooming down onto the unsuspecting couple, they were to hungry
to play games tonight, that was for later. Right now all they could focus on was the need to
feed. David bit in the woman’s jugular blood spraying as the scream she let out quickly died
in her throat. Meanwhile Paul and marko were tearing the man to bits, ripping him apart as
the bit and fed from every major artery the could find, gutting him and letting it spill on the
pavement. Dwayne joined David both of them ripping the woman to pieces. It was a mess
blood, viscera, and pieces of flesh strewn about. Until finally they settled full and satisfied,
they’re prey laying in now unrecognizeable puddles and mounds on the pavement. Paul
sighed happily streatching his back as he glanced at David. “How the hell do we clean this
up, no sand no fire, can’t cover it up.” David shrugged , “let’s leave it, our little witch said it’s
a high crime area they’ll just think some deranged human did it. Besides we’ve heard and
smelt enough stray dogs running around here. That’s why we tear them up easier to make the
mortals think it’s an animal.” He wiped his mouth with his glove then glanced at Dwayne.
“Find a water tower, pond somewhere we can wash up in before we get the girls.” Dwayne
nodded floating into the air his body much more relaxed now that he was full then David
turned his attention to the terror twins. “You two are with me let’s scoop everything out stay
just above the robes don’t get seen, Paul.” He emphasized making the puppy eyed vamp roll
his eyes. David smirked, “and maybe we can find desert.” Marko and Paul both grinned
floating into the air with David as they started to scout out the area. They didn’t know how
long they would be here, but it didn’t matter they needed to make sure there wasn’t any
vamps in the area make sure if they did clean up they had somewhere to dump everything and
also where they could go bar crawling if needed. Eventually they let up with Dwayne, their
mental mind link coming in handy as he informed them of water tower on one of the bigger
industrial buildings. That’s when Marko saw it, in bold bright neon Reds, the bar that Kenzie
and Brianna had gone to. He pointed it out David glancing over and nodding, after years of
silently reading each other’s body language and speaking telepathically, they hardly used
words when it was just the four of them anymore. They landed on top of the mall Dwayne
already in the water tower peeking out at them. His jeans and coat and converse cast to the
side as he called out. “They have security we need to be quick.” The other three quickly
stripped down and got in cleaning the blood from their body’s, occasionally splashing at each
other, Marko and Paul had started to dunk each other laughing way to loud and causing
David to hiss at them. “Quiet, you trying to get us caught damnit.” Paul pouted, and Marko
threw his hands up, “sorry oh great fearless leader.” He said dramatically before floating
himself out the tower and shaking himself dry. Paul joined him shortly after and he was
buttoning up his chaps when he heard it, Kenzie’s voice, loud, screaming. She was angry, him
and Paul shared a glance and a stark naked David and Dwayne appeared beside him. “You
hear that?” Dwayne asked, a sound of almost worry in his tone. Marko just nodded throwing
on his jacket and stuffing his crop into the inner pocket before speeding off of the roof and
landing in a dark cornor before sprinting at the bar. “Damnit,” David growled. “He sees one
tiny red headed witch and this is how he acts. Finish getting dressed let’s go before he does
something stupid.” The other two quickly put on their clothes before following Marko into
the bar.

You were pissed, beyond pissed. Men were fucking stupid, that’s all you could think as you
drunkily in red haze beat the shit out of the man who had grabbed your ass. Brianna was
screaming at you to stop trying to hold you back but she had given up, now trying to calm
bartender and manager pleading with them not to call the cops as you screamed in a drunikn
rage grabbing the man by his shirt collar. “I SAID DONT FUCKING! TOUCH ME!” You
punched him a final time hearing the crunch on his nose breaking on your ringed fist before
standing, visibly shaking as you breathed deeply, the bar was silent and you heard footsteps.
“Brianna I’m fine now ok, let’s just go.” You turned but instead of Brianna it was Marko. The
look of shock on his face as he stared at the disgusting fat middle aged man who had touched
stumble to his feet holding his bloodied nose made you look down in shame. He quickly
walked over tilting your chin up. “Let’s go.” You stared up at him sadly then noticed the
twinkle in his eye, he liked it? He glanced down at your still clenched fist and smirked at
your bloodied knouckles. “Come on angel let’s go, David will take of the mess don’t worry.”
You blushed, and nodded letting him lead you Brianna hugged you tightly and cupped your
face. “Are you ok kenz?” You nodded then looked and tapped her shoulder pointing at David.
He was just stareing at everyone and they all stared at him then as if nothing happened the
bar went back to normal the bar tender laughed at the man. “Damn man who got you this
“Ah you know some asshole down at Jim’s.”
You and bri just stared in shock as David winked at you both. You snickered and Brianna
shook her head, “so that’s how they stay so ‘unnotoced’” you started to laugh loudly leaning
on her drunkenly. “I love you so much bri.” She just chuckled yeah your done let’s go
drunky, Marko help me she may be small but she somehow weighs a ton.” You gasped,
“briannnnnnnaaaaaa, that’s so mean I’m not fat!” They all started laughing as Marko picked
you up bridal style carrying you to the van as the others followed you stared up at him
dreamily. “Soooo, you like that huh?” He arched a brow looking down at you as he payed
you on your padded bench in the backseat. You giggled loudly as Brianna dragged your head
into her lap laughing with you. “Oh no it’s starting.” You laughed louder shushing her
looking back at Marko, who was stareing confused. You heard the van turn on and it
distracted looking over at David in drivers seat Dwayne taking shotgun. “Awewwwww, davy
I love you thankyou, your so soft and squishy on the inside you absolute doll driving my
drunk ass home.” Paul laughed loudly and David growled but it was barely the eating more
like he was annoyed Dwayne and Marko snickered and that’s when your attention went back
to him. Meanwhile Brianna was watching everything unfold like a movie having moved to
the far end and starting to much on a bag of chips. You hummed at Marko. “Marko, Marko ,
Marko, FUCK! How are so fucking pretty? And then you wanna get me wet and shit by
looking at me like you wanna eat me when you saw me all bloodly and shit.” You laughed
loudly as did Paul and the other two, Brianna snorted loudly grabbing your hand. “Kenz,
kenz shhhhhhhh control yourself.” You scoffed, “I’m in control I’m not even that fucked up
im just being honast, Marko can I just please sit on your” Brianna slapped her hand over your
mouth while the laughing in the van was iinteseifying, Marko had a hand over his forehead
but your could see him chuckleing and his grin. “Kenz omg, please.” Brianna wreastled woth
you till finally you got free sliding to the floor and crawling to Marko restoring your head on
his knee looking up at him. “You know what the sad thing is Marko? I would let you do
fucking anything you wanted to me.” Marko stared down at you his hands hovering around
his sides like he didn’t know what to do with you. “I just want you to touch me, kiss me again
like you did back the house. Fuck I wanna suck your dock so bad. I’d do it right now if I
wasn’t so fucking drunk. I just fuck I’m so wet Marko, want you so fucking bad and you
smell so fucking good like blood and ciggs, weed and fucking you. You leaned up sniffing
against his armpit practically drooling as you whimpered rubbing your legs together. Fuck
Marko please I don’t care let em watch just do something to me I waited so long.” You
whined. He was stareing down at you the van silent

“Um kenz, look as hot as this is, I think you should stop.” Bri whispered from the other side
of the van. You snarled at her playfully “oh hush like you don’t wanna bounce on dwaynes
dick till it falls off.” Paul broke snickering loudly as Dwayne looked back at Brianna brow
raised. “Oh fuck you bitch.” You laughed loudly and then nuzzled Markos neck. “Wanna bite
you, but I can’t and that sucks.” You licked up the Collin of his foray as his breath shuddered
and his hands gripped your hips. “Want you to bite me again, I like your fangs it’s so fucking
hot, made me so wet you can see in my head, all the things I’d let you do to me Marko.” You
kept nuzzleing he held you form not pushing you away but not pulling you closer. “Please
Marko please, I’ll be a good girl I promise, I’ll call you daddy if you want.” You whined Paul
letting out a soft ‘oh fuck yeah’ earning a swift snarl from Marko. “Omg and your possive,
fuck Marko please I want you to fucking wreck bite me and break till I can’t fucking move
you slurred breathing heavily. Then the realization hit one brief moment of clarity, “oh shit,
Brianna!” You looked at her and she was blushing as she stared at you. “Babe I, I drank alittle
to much.” You mumbled before grabbing the mini trash can and watching into it. Paul started
to laugh again and shoved Marko as bri scrambled to you “omfg kenzie! Here I got your
mullet don’t worry. “Yes please save my precious mullet in homage to our lord and savior in
the front seat.” You spoke before throwing up again Paul and Dwayne were laughing loudly
as David scoffed mimbleing to himself ‘lord and savior oh wow’. Meanwhile Marko was
fixated on the floor trying to can’t win himself, he wanted to, how could he not, your were
delicious, breathtaking every ounce as dangerous as you were pretty. But you were drunk and
it had taken every ounce of self control he had to keep from throwing onto the floor of the
van and ravishing you. He’s clean you up when they got your house, he would hold you as
you slept, and then once you were sober he would deliver on every want you had asked for.
Drinking confessions
Chapter Summary

The ne t chapter is gonna focus more on Dwayne and Brianna but this one I wanted to
take to build up more tension between Marko and kenzie

Chapter Notes

Thankyou all so much for reading I’m so happy with how this fic is being received it’s
definitely a slow which if you’ve read my other fox you know is not my style

Once they were back at your house the boys entered through the basement, Marko carrying
your limp passed out form as Brianna flopped onto the couch groaning, “fuck I have a
headache, Marko you got her right? I’m trusting you dude.” Marko chuckled softly, “yeah I
can handle her don’t worry.” Brianna nodded tiredly and yawned looking over at Dwayne
dreamily as he turned on your tv. Marko just shook his head then went upstairs sighing
heavily as he went into your bedroom. He looked around taking in everything, purple was
clearly a thing for and tyefdye. He loved the tapestry’s hung all over your walls. Your neon
bat printed sheets and plush black comforter felt far to inviting as he laid you down pushing
your hair back from your sweat covered forehead.

“Hell baby, you really over did it huh?” He whispered not expecting a response, “yeah I do
this a lot.” You whispered exhausted, your eyes barely open as you looked at him. He smiled
gently at you kissing your hand. “Im gonna clean you up ok baby.” You smiled softly and
nodded. He started to pull your shirt up and you lifted your arms so he could pull it over your
head. If he could still blush he would, stareing down at your now bare chest. He hadn’t
noticed you went braless, and in your drunken state didn’t care to cover yourself. He may be
old but he wasn’t dead, you smiled softly at him practically purring as you rubbed his arms
happily. “I love how cold you are gets so hot in my house.” He chuckled put your hands over
your breast. “Oh yeah, I can be your personal air conditioner darling.” You giggled and
smiled at him then lifted your hips once he tugged on your skirt. He licked his lips seeing the
tiny pair of pale purple panties you were. You giggled softly, “mmmmmm marko are you
gonna take advantage of little ole me?” You licked your lips and winked at him showing him
your chest again. He snickered and shock his head. “Maybe if you weren’t completely
plastered kenz.” You whined but he gave your lips a quick kiss quitting you and making you
look at him your cheeks dusted red. “I really like you Kenzie, I don’t want to break your
trust. Feel some weird strange pull towards you I can’t exsplain it. I want you, but more than
anything I want to take care of you baby.” You teared up and then whimpered hugging him
tightly as you cried agains this shoulder. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I just, I used to men you
know..... most men would have taken advantage and I just fuck your making me fall in love
with you more.” He laughed sadly then kissed your cheek long and slow “let’s get you clean
yeah?” You nodded and he licked you up, putting you in his lap as he drew you a bath before
letting you take off your undies and climb in.

“Get in with me.” He looked over at you soghing “now if I do that I really don’t think I can
contain myself baby.” You smiled softly, “will you help me thoguh.” He chuckled then
kneeled beside your tub before starting to wash your hair you let your eyes closed leaning
against him. He gently rinsed your hair with the shower head as you leaned into his touch.
Once finished he just stared at you cradling your head in his hands as he ran his thumbs over
your temples. He looked over your body, feeling a knowing twitch from beneath his pants,
you were beautiful. So small, so fragile, he trailed a hand over your body. Just lightly
touching you pressed your body into his touch wherever his hands went. You were respective
to him, you truly wanted him even thoguh you knew what he was. He couldn’t fathom it, this
beautiful creature, so much weaker than himself, allowing him to see you like this, touch you
like this. He didn’t understand why you trusted him so much. All he knew was that he didn’t
want to break it. Only the his brothers every trusted him and not blindly like you did, even
they knew to exspect some alternative motive to his actions. But you, your blind faith in him,
your devotion to him, all from one movie where he wasn’t even the hero, he barely got to
speak. And yet here you were, laying naked in the tub in front of him, drunk, vunrable, but
you weren’t scared. And for the first time since he turned he swore he felt his heart skip as
your green eyes fluttered open and you smiled up at him so softly, the adoration in your eyes
for him, floored him and he gently lifted your upper body from the water cradling your head
in one hand as he kissed you deeply. Lacking his fingers through yours with other. You kissed
him back lazily, whineing when he pulled away. He shushed you gently then picked you up
wrapping you in a towel and laying you on your bed crawling into it with you as he pulled
the blanket over the both of you. “Your amazing Marko, your so perfect. I’ve never felt so
safe with someone before.” He was looking down in deep thought as he held you to his chest,
he felt you shiver and went to move you away but you cling to him. “Kenzie, your cold.” You
just shook your head. “Want to be close to you, always. Please Marko. I’m so scared to go to
sleep don’t want to wake up and you not be here.” Once again he was in awe of you, your
love for him he’d never understand how you could love a monster like himself. He kissed
you gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb. “I’m not going anywhere, when you wake up
in the morning I promise I’ll be laying right here.” You smiled at him and yawned loudly
snuggleing against him, “love you so much, make me so happy Marko.” You drifted to sleep
and he found himself holding you tighter snuggleing deeper into the blanket with you as he
listened to you breath, smelled your hair. The scent of honey and strawberry’s filling his nose.
Then he stared at the bites on your shoulder, his mark was now a dark purple and scabbed
over, David’s was angrier looking but definently not infected. But Paul’s, it was angry half
your other shoulder was black and blue and the wound was a scabbed over gash. He growled
in his throat his eyes bleeding yellow at the sight. Paul hurt you, stupid selfish idiotic Paul.
He loved his brother, but he couldn’t stand his recklessness. Usually he wouldn’t have cared,
witch or not you were only human. But for some reason he couldn’t imagine seeing you in
pain, seeing you cry. Fuck he didn’t know what was happening to him. He wanted to fuck
you, that he knew for sure. He was still throbbing in his jeans thinking about how delicious
you looked pale skin, small perky breast, the dusting of freckles over your body, you ginger
hair. A walking flame to match your attitude. Yeah he wanted to fuck you, but he also felt and
unending need to protect you, keep you safe, to just hold you and tell you everything was ok.
He knew what was happening but he wouldn’t say it, it had only been two days barely, but he
could feel it. He hadn’t felt this strongly for another person in a very long time the closest
thing was David, but that wasn’t this. He knew what this was, and he dreaded it, this wasn’t
his world it was yours. What if you wouldn’t turn, what if you couldn’t? If he let himself fall
then had to watch you age and die he’d never forgive himself. And that’s when he
remembered you had mentioned being pregnant in the van, but where was the child?

He stood gently letting you rest and walked through the bathroom to your hallway. He sniffed
the air and his eyes went wide, stareing at the door in front of him. He opened it gently being
as quite as he could. Then he went wide eyed, there lying in a crib agains the wall was alittle
boy, a toddler. He walked over slowly and peeked in. He smiled, your son looked like you,
and then he found himself tearing up. He had always wanted kids, eventually, but then they
turned and then he realized he would never have a family, well not like this. A wife and
children he wanted to laugh. A few stray tears ran down his cheeks as he realized he couldn’t
have you, it would be selfish to take you from this. This child was taken care of clean toys
everywhere. You loved your son and he couldn’t take this from you. His ears perked and he
turned to the door David standing there. “Hey” he whispered to him. David nodded and
walked over looking down using their mind link to talk. ‘She has a kid huh?’ Marko sighed
nodding, ‘yeah.....David I, I really like this chick I don’t know what to do.’ David sighed
heavily then looked at him resting his hand on his shoulder. ‘Enjoy it while you have it.’
Marko frowned looking back at the boy who stirred, both vamps stepped back as the toddler
woke then screamed at seeing them Marko quickly tried to shush the baby. But I didn’t stop
you from waking and running over. “Baby!?baby?! Oh!!! Oh my gosh!” You ran over picking
up your son and wobbled holding him tight shushing him. “Shhhhh it’s ok it’s ok mommy’s
right here, they aren’t gonna hurt you they’re ok they’re nice I promise.” You looked at
Marko smileing softly. “This is my son, Lucky. Named him after my father.” Your son cling
to you tightly “mommy no.” He mumbled tiredly and you smiled softly, “shhhh it’s ok, I
know I know you can come lay with mommy but our new forend Marko is there to.”
“Kenz maybe I should just go downstairs.” You shook your head.” No no it’s ok, I wanted
you guys to meet him anyway.” That’s when your son looked at David and giggled, reaching
for him. “Hehhehe uncle!” Your son exclaimed and Marko snorted and laughed as did you.
David stood there confused “uncle?” Your son clapped and stared at him “up, up” you
snickered “he wants uncle David to hold him.” David shook his head until your son laughed
and smiled at him “David!!!” He said excitedly and David’s face softened and he sighed
defeated “damnit fine.” He held his arms out and you handed your son over he touched all
over David’s face laughing. Marko snickered the entire time laughing quitely “awww your a
baby whisperer I didn’t know that.” David growled , “Marko I’ll stake you.” But then your
son yawned and looked at Marko reaching for him. “Daddy?” You all froze your son reaching
for Marko blindly starting to whine “daddy!daddy!” You teared up looking at Marko “ I’m so
sorry, I’m so so sorry!” Marko just gulped and then took your son who laid on Markos
shoulder you went to take him but your son refused whineing not wanting to let Marko go
“daddy!” He repeated again and you teared up looking down. David sighed heavily and
looked between you and Marko “you two ok?” Marko nodded and you shook your head,
making David sigh. Marko bounced your son as you watched calming down once you
realized Marko didn’t mind. “It’s ok little guy your ok just go to sleep I’m sorry I woke you
up.” You smiled sadly at him and David pulled you up when you looked at him patting your
back. “You ok kenzie?” You nodded smileing at him “thanks David, I appreciate it I really
do.” David snickered as he watched Marko lay your now sleeping son back down. “Yeah
don’t mention it, seriously don’t mention it.” You snickered quitely and hugged him. “Your
so soft David.” David grumbled but hugged you back then let go once Marko tugged you
against him looking at David. “I’m taking her to bed.” David arched a brow, “you coming to
the garage?” Marko shook his head, “I’m staying with her.” You blushed looking up at him
and David smirked knowingly. “Alright I’ll go then let you two doves love each other.”
Marko snorted “oh fuck off man.” You heard David chuckle as he went down the steps.

Marko walked you over to your room turning off your light and laying with you again, you
looked up at him. “Marko, Thankyou. For not freaky out when he called you dad.” Marko
shrugged smileing softly and looked at you, “I didn’t mind honastly, I always wanted kids so
that was kinda nice.” You blushed and smiled at him, “Thankyou so much Marko, for what
it’s worth you’d be an amazing father.” Marko looked at you sadly his eyes wet. “I beg to
differ but Thankyou.” You teared up and kissed him pressing against his chest. He kissed
back holding you tightly as he deepened the kiss rolling so he was on top of you. It was
getting hot and heavy. Soft pants and moans filling your room as he started to roll his hips
against yours through the thin night shorts you had thrown in once you woke up so suddenly.
You moaned his name softly licking his ear lobe and then he was off you sitting over you
panting heavily his fist clenched. “Fuckfuckfuck, I can’t do this I’m sorry kenzie, I can’t do
this.” You deflated and looked away “I’ sorry.” You teared up and he quickly grabbed
your face, “hey, hey nononono your gourgeous your amazing you feel so good, but I just I
want it to be perfect you understand your still buzzed I want you sober and aware. Do you
understand.” You smiled and nodded hugging him tightly, he sighed heavily laying beside
you and holding you close, “now go to sleep baby I’ll be here.” He felt your breathing even
out and listened to your heart beat as you feel in to a deep sleep, then he rested his own eyes
as he held you and thoguht of what his future isn’t his world could hold.
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