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1 Minimum freeboard of a ship is provided to ensure______________ of the ship

i) Maximum Displacement
ii) Maximum Reserved Buoyancy
iii) Minimum Reserved Buoyancy
iv) Minimum Displacement

Q.2 Cofferdam is a compartment onboard of a ship generally utilized for ____________

i) Ballost Water
ii) Fresh Water
iii) Fuel Oil
iv) Void Space

Q.3 Find the odd man out

i) LRS
ii) ABS
iii) DGS
iv) DNV

Q.4 If Vt is theoretical speed, Va is advance speed and V is actual speed, then Apparent
slip of a propeller is defined as _______________________ X 100%

i) Vt – Va

ii) Vt – Va

iii) Vt – V

iv) Vt – V

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Q.5 If Vt is theoretical speed, Va is advance speed and V is actual speed, then Wake
fraction of ship of a propeller is defined as _______________________ X 100%

i) V – Va

ii) V – Va

iii) Vt – V

iv) Vt – Va

Q.6 Real slip of a ship’s propeller is

i) Always positive
ii) Always negative
iii) Either positive or negative
iv) Sometimes zero

Q.7 Real slip of a ship’s propeller is independent of

i) Ship’s theoretical speed
ii) Ship’s actual speed
iii) Ship’s advance speed
iv) Water current speed

Q.8 If Vt is theoretical speed, Va is advance speed and V is actual speed, then Real slip
of the ship’s propeller is defined as _______________________ X 100%

i) Vt – Va

ii) Vt – V

iii) V – Va

iv) V – Va

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Q.9 The thrust exerted by ship’s propeller is directly proportional to _________

i) Ship’s theoretical speed

ii) Ship’s actual speed
iii) Ship’s advance speed
iv) Non of above

Q.10 In ship’s typical calculation, banjean curves are usually plotted for each ________
of the ship

i) Frame
ii) Station
iii) Waterline
iv) Buttocks lines

Q.11 In ship’s standard hydrostatic curves, following aspect is not covered and shown
in the diagram.

i) LCB
ii) VCB
iii) KM
iv) GM

Q.12 Find the odd man out

i) DGM
ii) MMD
iii) LRS
iv) IMO

Q.13 The ‘Y’ axis of typical hydrostatic curves of a ship shows________

i) Draft
ii) Depth
iii) Displacement
iv) LCB

Q.14 The integration of Banjeon Curves will result in obtaining___ of the ship

i) Sectional Area
ii) Waterplane Area
iii) Moment of Inertia
iv) Volumetric Displacement

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Q.15 QPC of a ship is represented by a ratio of ____________

i) Shaft horsepower by effective horsepower

ii) effective horsepower by thrust horsepower
iii) Effective horsepower by Shaft horsepower
iv) Thrust horsepower by effective horsepower

Q.16 The internal volume of a ship is represented by _________

i) GRT
ii) NRT
iii) DWT
iv) Volumetric Displacement

Q.17 Find the odd man out

i) Mumbai (Bombay)
ii) Chennai (Madras)
iii) Visakhapatnam (Vaizag)
iv) Kolkatta (Calcutta)

Q.18 Gunwale is a part of ship’s structure associated with ________ of the ship.

i) Keel strake
ii) Gun barbette
iii) Breakwater
iv) Sheet strake

Q.19 The EEZ of a maritime nation is measured ________ nautical miles from coast

i) 500
ii) 300
iii) 200
iv) 150

Q.20 While ship’s calculations the height of the standard trochoidal height is always
taken as _________ where L is LBP of the ship

i) L/3
ii) L/5
iii) L / 10
iv) L / 20

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Q.21 For a vessel to pass through St Lawrence Seaway, the vessel should have extreme
beam not more than __m

i) 23.00
ii) 32.24
iii) 37.80
iv) 42.85

Q.22 The minimum distance between the Margine Line and bulkhead Deck is ______m

i) 0.750
ii) 1.000
iii) 1.500
iv) 3.048

Q.23 Highest ‘Bollard Pull to Power’ Ratio is obtained by using _______

i) Ducted propeller
ii) Cycloidal propeller
iii) Vertical propeller
iv) Steevable ruddar propeller

Q.24 A Cargo vessel starting from Visakhapatnam part enters in Kolkata part with
exactly leading condition. If the floating draft9s) of the vessel are to be
maintained same, the cargo vessel is required to be ball asked by ____

i) Adding ballast
ii) Removing ballast
iii) Maintaining the same ballast
iv) None of the above

Q.25 Simpson’s second rule for integration is based on the polynomial or order_____

i) 2
ii) 3
iii) 4
iv) 5

Q.26 The rotation about Z axis is called________

i) Pitching
ii) Rolling
iii) Yaung
iv) Heeung

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Q.27 Which one of the following not included in Dead weight?

i) Crew
ii) Cargo
iii) Fuel
iv) Ballast

Q.28 To prevent excessive rolling of a passenger-ship, the metacentric height of the

ship should be_______________

i) Adequate enough
ii) Medium
iii) Large
iv) Very large

Q.29 To prevent excessive listing of a passenger-ship, the metacentric height of the ship
should be_______________

i) Adequate enough
ii) Medium
iii) Large
iv) Very large

Q.30 A measure of stability for a fully submerged body is __________

i) GM
ii) KM
iii) BM
iv) BG

Q.31 _________ motion of a ship is non-oscillary

i) Rolling
ii) Heaving
iii) Swaying
iv) PItching

Q.32 If rolling correspondence to listing, then pitching corresponds to _____________

i) Trimming
ii) Heeling
iii) Yawing
iv) Surging

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Q.33 Ship’s bridge deck from Stn 9 to 13 with station spurges have following half
breadth ordinates in m

Stn no. 9 10 11 12 13
Ordinate 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0
The bridge deck area would be ________m

i) 5.833
ii) 8.750
iii) 11.667
iv) 17.500

Q.34 A bulkhead with 12m height has equal spaced half ordinates of width as 2.0, 2.5,
3.5, 4.0 m respectively. The sectional area of the bulkhead will be ____m

i) 28
ii) 36
iii) 56
iv) 72

Q.35 The half immersed cross sectional area through a ship 80m long, at equal intervals
are 3, 12, 20, 12.5, 0 m respectively. The displacement of the ship in sea water
3 3
of 1.025t/ m will be ____ m

i) 940.0
ii) 963.5
iii) 1880.0
iv) 1927.0

Q.36 The free surface effect of a tank is reduced to ________of the original, if the said
tank is provided with a continuous longitudinal bulkhead at centre.

i) 1/ 8
ii) 1/ 4
iii) 1/ 3
iv) 1/ 2

Q.37 The free surface effect of a tank is reduced to ________of the original, if the said
tank is provided with two continuous longitudinal bulkhead equally spaced.

i) 1/ 9
ii) 1/ 3
iii) 1/ 4
iv) 2/ 3

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Q.38 The area under typical stability curve to any given angle multiplied displacement f
the ship is known as
i) Dynamical stability
ii) Righting movement
iii) Kinetic energy
iv) Work done

Q.39 In general ship having angle at lass are considered to be______ vessel initially.
i) Instable
ii) Stable
iii) Neutral

Q.40 A vessel will only cap size at a heeling angle, when the righting lever is ________
at that angle of heel.

i) Positive
ii) Negative
iii) Zero

Q.41 Curves at statistical stability are drawn between_______ an x axis and y axis
i) Righting arm and inclination in degree
ii) Inclination in degrees and Righting arm
iii) Inclination in degrees and Draft

Q.42 For conducting on inclining experiment on a ship, no of pendulums preferably

used are
i) 1
ii) 2
iii) 3
iv) 4

Q.43 The draft of a ship depends significantly on ________

i) Viscosity of water
ii) Temperature of water
iii) Density of water
iv) Under water current

Q.44 Kort Nozzle is a term relating to __________in a ship

i) Fire fighting
ii) Ballosting system
iii) Prewelting system
iv) Propulsion system

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Q.45 Rudder area of a ship is directly proportional to _______ product.
i) Ship’s length and ship’s breadth
ii) Ship’s length and ship’s depth
iii) Ship’s length and ship’s draft
iv) Ship’s length and ship’s free board

Q.46 If TPC value of a typical merchant ship is given at particular waterline, as 1.8, the
water plane area at the waterline is ________m
i) 184.50
ii) 180.00
iii) 175.61
iv) 168.58

Q.47 If the V/

i) Low speed
ii) Medium speed
iii) High speed
iv) Very high speed

Q.48 In determination of admiralty co-efficient of a vessel, one of the factors of a vessel

not considered is _________

i) Propulsion power (KW/HP)

ii) 3
Displacement (m )
iii) Speed (knots)
iv) Stability/GM (m)

Q.49 “100 A 1” notation given by Lloyds Register of shipping means a ship _______
i) An oceangoing vessel with her hull and equipment built as per LRS rules
and vessel built under supervision of LRS.
ii) An oceangoing vessel with her hull and equipment built as per LRS rules.
iii) A vessel with her hull and equipment built as per LRS rules
iv) An oceangoing vessel with her hull built as per LRS rules.

Q.50 In a typical plimsol load line mark, the basic free board is measured from the top
of free board deck with respect to ________ free board.
i) Tropical
ii) Winter North Atlantic
iii) Summer
iv) Winter

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Q.51 As per International regulations any vessel carrying more than _______
passengers aboard the vessel is considered as a passenger ship.
i) 10
ii) 12
iii) 20
iv) 25

Q.52 A typical statical stability curve of a merchant ship, the Abcissa axis represents
____________ of the ship
i) Drafts
ii) Displacements
iii) Angle of Heel
iv) GM / GZ values

Q.53 Provision of minimum free board for a vessel results in acquiring__________

i) Minimum range of stability
ii) Adequate range of stability
iii) Maximum range of stability
iv) None of above

Q.54 The higher slope of the statical stability curve for merchant ships usuallyresults
in_____ of theship
i) Large rolling period
ii) Medium rolling period
iii) Tow rolling period
iv) Normal rolling period

Q.55 Ullage of a tank gives us__________

i) Tank capacity
ii) Qty of fluid in the tank
iii) Utilised capacity of the tank
iv) Unutilised capacity of the tank

Q.56 Shallow water effect results in ________ the tactical diameter of the vessel while
i) Increasing
ii) Decreasing
iii) No effect on

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Q.57 For hull construction of a tug framing system generally adopted is ______
i) Longitudinal
ii) Transverse
iii) Combination of longitudinal & transverse
iv) No specific type

Q.58 A steerable rudder propulsion is usually adopted for ________types of ships.

i) Dredger
ii) Tugs
iii) Yatches
iv) Barges

Q.59 GMDSS is a term related to ______ system in a ship

i) Propulsion
ii) A/c and ventilation
iii) Navigation
iv) Rigging

Q.60 Generally the resistance of a ship_____-with increase in breadth / draught ratrio

in the normal working range.
i) Increases
ii) Decreases
iii) Has no effect

Q.61 The ITTC lines are associated with ships__--

i) Stability
ii) Strength
iii) Bodyplan
iv) Resistance

Q.62 In maritime history, the first incidence of fitment of bulbens bow is reordered is
i) Warships
ii) Tankers
iii) Contanship
iv) Liners

Q.63 In rolling period of a vessel in a loading condition is 8second, with draft = 3.5 m
and GM = 7.841 The rolling period of a same vessel at different loading
condition with draft = 3.55m and GM = 4.41m, other factor being identical will be
____________ seconds
i) 10.67
ii) 6.00
iii) 14.22
iv) 4.5

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Q.64 Generally, a ships propeller is provided with rake which is always
i) Aft
ii) Forward
iii) Part
iv) Starboard

Q.65 Generally, a ships propeller is provided with rake to ________

i) Increase clearance from the hull & appendages
ii) Decrease the wake formation
iii) Reduce the possibility of cavitations
iv) Increase the propeller efficiency

Q.66 Find the odd man out

i) Wild cat
ii) Devil’s claw
iii) Crow’s best
iv) Bitter end

Q.67 Usually a large size of boss is fitted for the ships having ___ propellers
i) Fixed pitch
ii) Controllable pitch
iii) Ducted
iv) Contra rotary

Q.68 Pyrometer is a measuring instrument utilized mainly in___

i) Foundry
ii) Pipe shop
iii) Machine shop
iv) Welding work shop

Q.69 A Tachometer is an instrument used on board of a vessels for measurement

i) Distance traveled by the vessel
ii) Revolution per second of ship’s shaft
iii) Velocity of water current
iv) Velocity of fluid

Q.70 Anemometer is an instrument used on board of a ship for measurement of___

i) Wind speed
ii) Ship’s speed
iii) Water-Current
iv) Ship’s velocity

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Q.71 One Nano-meter means a meter x_________
i) 10 12
ii) 10 9
iii) 10 –9
iv) 10 -12

Q.72 The moment of inertia of a area will be least with respect to

i) Central axis
ii) Vertical axis
iii) Horizontal axis
iv) None of above

Q.73 Poisson’s ratio is defined as a ratio of ______

i) Longitudinal stress and Longitudinal strain
ii) Lateral stress and Lateral strain
iii) Longitudinal stress and Lateral strain
iv) Lateral stress and Longitudinal strain

Q.74 The units of viscosity are __________

i) Metres 2 / Sec
ii) Kg. Sec / Metres 2
iii) Newton-Sec / Metres 2
iv) Newton-sec 2 / Metres

Q.75 In case of a steady flow of a fluid the acceleration of any fluid particle is _____
i) Variable
ii) Constant
iii) Zero
iv) Could not be determined

Q.76 The significant wave-height of the sea, at sea-state-6 in beaufort’s scale will be
around ___m
i) 2
ii) 3
iii) 4
iv) 5

Q.77 The statutory certificate issued at the time of commissioning of a ship which could
be given least priority ___ certificate
i) Load line
ii) Safety construction
iii) Safety equipment
iv) Tonnage

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Q.78 The maximum draft of a vessel permitted to pass through Panama Canal is ___m
i) 7.92
ii) 9.51
iii) 12.00
iv) 14.96

Q.79 The maximum overall length of a vessel permitted to pass through Suez canal
i) 274.3
ii) 235
iii) 222.5
iv) Unlimited

Q.80 The wind speed for a seastate-5 in beaufort scale is in the range of___ knots
i) 10
ii) 15
iii) 20
iv) 25

Q.81 Find the odd man out

i) Flat keel
ii) Stealer Plate
iii) Margin Plate
iv) Bilge Plate

Q.82 Find the odd man out

i) Derrick
ii) Davit
iii) King Post
iv) Crane

Q.83 A Moon pool structure could only be found on____

i) Frigate
ii) Diving Support Vessels
iii) Offshore Supply Vessels
iv) Tankers

Q.84 Find the odd man out

i) Incinerator
ii) Garbage disposal unit
iii) Sewage treatment plant
iv) Oily water separator

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Q.85 Chok fast means
i) Acoustic insulations
ii) Thermal insulation
iii) Adhesive
iv) Machinery foundation material

Q.86 An atmospheric pressure equivalent to___

i) 760 mm of mercury
ii) 760 mm of water column
iii) 76 mm of mercury
iv) 76 mm of water column

Q.87 Catamoton ships mean type of vessels having

i) Double skins
ii) Twin screws
iii) Twin hulls
iv) Double bottoms

Q.88 If a ship consumes 40 tons of fuel per day at 32 knots of ship speed, the daily
consumption at identical conditions at 16 knots will be _____tonnes
i) 10
ii) 12.5
iii) 15
iv) 20

Q.89 As per IMO Rules, the minimum Initial stability (GM) should be ___ mm
i) 100
ii) 150
iii) 200
iv) 250

Q.90 “QE II” vessel represents

i) Super tankers
ii) Warship
iii) Ice breaker
iv) Luxury liner

Q.91 Frequency of rolling is inversely proportional to Ship’s

i) Metacentric Height
ii) Metacentric radius
iii) Long centre of gravity
iv) Long centre of buoyancy

Q.92 Find the odd man out

i) House-pipe
ii) Fairlead
iii) Devil’s claw
iv) Chain locker

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Q.93 Find the odd man out
i) INS Delhi
ii) INS Viraat
iii) INS Godavari
iv) INS Shalki

Q.94 In an Ore carrier ore is loaded in alternative holds. This is to________

i) Reduce the trim of the vessel
ii) Reduce peak sheet stress
iii) Reduce peak BM
iv) Reduce KG

Q.95 In accordance with MARDOL regulations, a double skins or double bottom can
be dispend for oil tankers of deadweight below tons
i) 500
ii) 600
iii) 1000
iv) 12000

Q.96 In the freeboard calculations, the Cb correction factor is >. 1.0, if the Cb is
i) < 0.68
ii) = 0.68
iii) > 0.68
iv) Non of the above

Q.97 A bulk carrier of 60,000 Dwt falls in __ category

i) Handsize
ii) Capesize
iii) Panamax
iv) Handmax

Q.98 Warping displacement is critical____

i) Container ship
ii) Tankers
iii) Passenger ships
iv) Tugs

Q.99 The geometric aspect ratio of a rudder is defined as

i) Span2 / area
ii) Span / chord
iii) Chord / area
iv) Chord / span

Q.100 When a two stroke diesel engine completes one operating cycle, the crank shift
i) Once
ii) Twice
iii) Thrice
iv) Four times

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Q.101 Materials having different mechanical properties in the transverse longitudinal and
radial directions are called to be___
i) Anisotrapic
ii) 950 trapic
iii) Viscoelastic
iv) Orthotropic

Q.102 During launching operation maximum sagging moment occurs when____

i) When the ship is only on cradles
ii) When stern lifts
iii) When ships begins pivoting
iv) When ship is fully water borne

Q.103 Determination of equipment number for a ship results in finalization of ____ on

board of the vessel.
i) Type and no of bollard and fairleads.
ii) Type and no of life saving appliances
iii) Type and no of fire fighting appliances
iv) Type and no of Anchors and cables

Q.104 Find the odd man out

i) Margin Plate
ii) Gusset plate
iii) Doubler plate
iv) Template

Q.105 If stem corresponds to stem, then forecastle corresponds to _____

i) Bridge
ii) Wheel house
iii) Deck House
iv) Poap

Q.106 Bilge Keels on a ship are provided for the purpose of -----
i) Base for dry docking of the ship
ii) Increase in keel plates’ stiffness
iii) Reduction in rolling period of the ship
iv) Increase in transverse stability of the ship

Q.107 _____ sea animals have optimum streamlined body

i) Sharks
ii) Whales
iii) Dolphins
iv) Sea-horse

Q.108 One fathom measures_____mm

i) 1829
ii) 3658
iii) 914
iv) 305

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Q.109 A natural frequency of a passive roll stabilizing tank should be ___ to the ship’s
natural frequency for proper damperring of rolling
i) 0.25 times
ii) 0.50 times
iii) Equal
iv) 2 times

Q.110 IF a propeller is to be designed for bollard pull condition to select optimum rpm
with known diameter the pitch ratio should be selected so that
i) Kt / Kq 2/3 is maximum
ii) Kt / Kq 2/3 is minimum
iii) Kt / Kq 1/3 is maximum
iv) Kt / Kq 1/3 is minimum

Q.111 As a result of increasing the declivity of launching way for a vessel____

i) Stern lifts sooner
ii) Anti-tipping moment is reduced
iii) Load on fare poppet is reduced
iv) Load on aft poppet is reduced

Q.112 While launching in order to have anti-tipping moment, the moment of weight
about At should be ___ the moment of buoyancy about At
i) Equal
ii) Less than
iii) More than
iv) Non of the above

Q.113 The unit of surface tension is _____

i) Kg / m3
ii) Kg / m2
iii) Kg / m
iv) Kg .m3

Q.114 The material of pipe lines for a system using Freon as refrigerant should be____
i) Brass
ii) Copper
iii) Stainless steel
iv) Aluminium

Q.115 The bending stress in a beam is ____ to it’s sectional modulus

i) Inversely proportional
ii) Equal to
iii) Directly proportional
iv) More than

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Q.116 During launching when the moment at weight of the ship about fare poppet
becomes equal to the moment of buoyancy about the fare poppet, then_____
i) Bow dreps
ii) Stain lifts
iii) Ship becomes fully buoyant
iv) Tripping occurs

Q.117 If Cb is black-co-efficient, Cw is water plane area co-efficient then the vertical

plasmatic coefficient will be ____
i) CW / Cb
ii) CW.Cb
iii) Cb/ Cw
iv) Cb – Cw

Q.118 Centre of floatation is the

i) Centroid of the submerged volume
ii) Centroid of the water plane area
iii) Centroid of the cross sectional area
iv) Centroid of the compartment volume

Q.119 ICCP is used on board of a vessel for _____

i) Navigation
ii) Propulsion
iii) Steering
iv) Anti-corrosion measures

Q.120 Surge of a ship means

i) Sideways movement
ii) Backward movement
iii) Upward movement
iv) Foreward movement

Q.121 Find the odd man out

ii) IOPP
iii) ICCP
iv) IACS

Q.122 A simply supported beam of length L, cross section A carrying a uniformly

distributed load of W with have maximum bending moment of
i) WL / 16
ii) WL / 8
iii) WL / 4
iv) WL / 2

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Q.123 The failure of a material under varying load, after a number of cycles of such a
load is known as ____failure
i) Impact
ii) Ductile
iii) Brittle
iv) Fatigue

Q.124 A bending moment diagram for a cantilever beam subjected to bending moment
at the end of the beam would be of ______ pattern
i) Rectangular
ii) Triangular
iii) Parabolic
iv) Cubin Parabolic

Q.125 A Shear force is zero along a section, the bending moment at that section would be
i) Zero
ii) Maximum
iii) Minimum
iv) Minimum or maximum

Q.126 The limit within which the hook’s law holds good is known as ___ limit
i) Elastic
ii) Plastic
iii) Yield paint
iv) Euler’s

Q.127 If the value of young’s modulus of elasticity is zero, it implies that material is__
i) Elastic
ii) Plastic
iii) Visco elastiac
iv) Incompressible

Q.128 A large Reynold no is indication of _______

i) Steady flow
ii) Lamoner flow
iii) Turbulent flow
iv) Highly turbulent flow

Q.129 Monel metal is an alloy of

i) Nickel and copper
ii) Nickel and chromium
iii) Nickel, Chromium & iron
iv) Copper Chromium

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Q.130 The transverse stability of a ship during launching is critical at __
i) Float oft
ii) Stern lift
iii) LCG crossing way-end
iv) Start of travel

Q.131 When a boundary layer leaves a surface and curves up into a vertex, it is known as_
i) Drag
ii) Cavitations
iii) Seperation
iv) wake

Q.132 Bernaulli’s theorem states the conservation of___

i) Momentum
ii) Force
iii) Pressure
iv) Energy

Q.133 The consumable electrode is used in ___

i) Submerged Arc Welding
ii) TIG Arc Welding
iii) Carbon Arc Welding
iv) MIG Arc Welding

Q.134 For welding plates with thickness more than 12.50 mm, its edges…
i) Are not required to be bevelled
ii) Should be beveled to single V or U groove
iii) Should be beveled to double V or U groove on one side
iv) Should be beveled to double V or U groove on both side

Q.135 If a tank of a ship, two longitudinal bulkheads with equal spacing are introduced.
The effective reduction in the free surface effect of the tank will be ___
i) 88.88
ii) 66.67
iii) 33.33
iv) 11.11

Q.136 Find the odd man out

i) Centre line
ii) Base line
iii) Margin line
iv) Water line
Q.137 Two row of bottom shell plating adjacent to the keel plate is known as ___ strake
i) Garboard
ii) Bilge
iii) Stringer
iv) Sheer

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Q.138 Find the odd man out
i) Dead weight
ii) Dead light
iii) Dead rise
iv) Dead Stock

Q.139 A bracing / propping material used for supporting inner structure of a ship during
ship construction is known as
i) Sharing
ii) Dunnage
iii) Shroud
iv) Stacking

Q.140 As a general rule the amount of sheer at the FP is ___ that the sheer at AP
i) Three times
ii) Two times
iii) Equal to
iv) Half

Q.141 The___ of a ship is always used for speed power calculations

i) Effective length
ii) Length between perpendiculars
iii) overall length
iv) Lengths on water line

Q.142 A ship of length 137m has a speed of 16 knots. The corresponding speed for a
scale model of length 5m will be ___ knots
i) 3.06
ii) 4.02
iii) 5.03
iv) 5.55

Q.143 Propulsive efficiency of a ship can be defined as___

i) Effective power by thrust power
ii) Effective power by shaft power
iii) Effective power by Break power
iv) Thrust power by shaft power

Q.144 Hull efficiency of a ship can be defined as___

i) Thrust power by effective power
ii) Thrust power by shaft power
iii) Effective power by shaft power
iv) Effective power by Thrust power

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Q.145 Of heave corresponds to yaw, then sway will correspond to
i) Roll
ii) Pitch
iii) Surge
iv) Heel

Q.146 Bronze is an alloy of ___metal

i) Copper and Aluminium
ii) Copper & Tin
iii) Copper & Lead
iv) Copper & Zinc

Q.147 For any merchant vessel, the down-flooding angle should be less than ___degrees
i) 30
ii) 40
iii) 50
iv) 60

Q.148 NRT = GRT - (MINUS) ________

i) Deductible spaces
ii) Exempted spaces
iii) Propeller power allowance
iv) None of above

Q.149 The proposed speed of a ship of L=400 ft is 12 knots. The estimated speed of the
model with1/16thlinear dimensions at tank testing will be ___ knots
i) 3
ii) 4
iii) 5
iv) 6

Q.150 Spiral Maneuverability test is intended to provide measurement of ___ parameter

of a ship.
i) Tactical diameter
ii) Rudder angle overlap
iii) Speed inertia
iv) Directional stability

Q.151 Find the odd man out

i) Skeg
ii) Keelsons
iii) Fair water
iv) bossing

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Q.152 Inclining experiment of a ship is conducted to determine location of ___
i) Centre of buoyancy
ii) Centre of Flotation
iii) Centre of Gravity
iv) Centre of pressure

Q.153 Find the odd man out

i) BS
ii) BV
iii) BIS
iv) DIN

Q.154 Find the odd man out

i) Shaft alignment
ii) Basin trials
iii) Launching
iv) Keel laying
Q.155 A ship is moving at 5.0 metres in a second speed of this ships would be ___knots
i) 9.26
ii) 18.52
iii) 27.78
iv) 37.04

Q.156 A ship is moving at 15 ft in a second. speed of this ships would be ____knots

i) 8.887
ii) 17.774
iii) 26.661
iv) 35.548

Q.157 Find the odd man out

i) Camber
ii) Sheer
iii) Crown
iv) Round of beam

Q.158 A Cylindrical fitting on the top end of a winch or a windlass is called as___
i) Wild cat
ii) Devil’s claw
iii) Gypsy head
iv) Grommet

Q.159 The deck that is designed as the uppermost port of the main hull longitudinal
girder is known as ____deck
i) Weather
ii) Bulkhead
iii) Tonnage
iv) Strength

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Q.160 The old traditional ships in ancient Greek era were propelled by ___
i) Oars
ii) Paddles
iii) Sails
iv) Steam

Q.161 In Maritime / shipping context “FOB” means __

i) Fire On Board
ii) Free On Board
iii) Fuel Oil Balance
iv) Forward of Bridge

Q.162 If the infrastructure facilities are available in a shipyard, the type of launching a
vessel preferred by the shipyard would be type___
i) End launching
ii) Side launching
iii) By flooding the dry dock
iv) Using high capacity cranes

Q.163 If barge having length as 75m, depth 3m, Cb as 0.9, Cw as 0.8, TPC as 9.60, the
beam of the barge will be ____
i) 14.22
ii) 15.33
iii) 16.00
iv) 17.77

Q.164 In typical ‘Hogging’ condition a ship experiences maximum strain at__

i) Stem
ii) Stern
iii) midship
iv) Forepeak

Q.165 Find the odd man out

i) Breasthook
ii) Gusset plate
iii) Tripping Bracket
iv) Chafting Plate

Q.166 Yielding strength of a shipbuilding steel approved by any classification society

will be around ____ n/mm2
i) 250
ii) 300
iii) 400
iv) 450

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Q.167 Find the odd man out
i) Floppy
ii) Hard disk
iii) Tape
iv) Cassettes
Q.168 One kilobyte equal to ___ bytes
i) 1000
ii) 1020
iii) 1024
iv) 1280

Q.169 Sounding Pipes on board of a ship are provided for____

i) Inspection of fluid
ii) Measurement of fluid
iii) Air Escope
iv) Filling up the tank

Q.170 Find the odd man out

i) Rolling
ii) Listing
iii) Heeling
iv) Trimming

Q.171 Pre out filtering in shipbuilding signifies_________

i) Fitment of foundation and seats of equipment / system
ii) Fitment of equipment / system prior to launching
iii) Fitment of equipment / system for test / trial purpose
iv) Fitment of equipment / system before commissioning of the systems

Q.172 Snorkeling operation is essentially carried out in case of __type of vessel

i) Offshore Supply Vessel
ii) Diving Support Vessel
iii) Polar Research Ship
iv) Submersibles

Q.173 The shallow water effect factor, if utilized for sea-trials of a vessel, results in ___
speed recorded at the time of trial
i) Increase
ii) Decrease
iii) No correction
Q.174 A Single screw with 3600 t displacement, LBP - 87m, beam - 18m, draft - 3.5m,
depth – 4.5 m and speed – 22.5 knots. The Surface area of the rudder fitted to the
vessel would be ___ sq.m. approximately.
i) 6.525
ii) 4.35
iii) 4.57
iv) 8.7

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Q.175 A Ship with 8000 t displacement in s.w. has , LBP - 120, beam - 15m, draft - 6m,
If the prismatic coefficient of the ship is 0.75 The midship area coefficient would
be __
i) 0.875
ii) 0.937
iii) 0.964
iv) 0.988

Q.176 A ship with 50000 t displacement plying with average speed of 28 knots, was
consuming 1.75 t of fuel oil everyday. In order to economise on fuel
consumption ship speed was reduced to 18 knots. The reduction in daily
consumption will be ___ tons
i) 0.6875
ii) 1.0625
iii) 0.3125
iv) 1.4375
Q.177 If design speed of a vessel with 160m length and 32000 t displacement is 24 knots.
The estimated speed of the model with 1/16 scale while tank testing would be ___
i) 5
ii) 6
iii) 8
iv) 10
Q.178 Which one of the hydrostatic character not found in ship’s standard Hydrostatic
i) KM
ii) LCB
iii) LCF
iv) KB
Q.179 Tumble home in shipbuilding terms related to ___
i) Sheer strake
ii) Deck house
iii) Bilge stroke
iv) Shaft tunnel
Q.180 ________ coefficient defines fineness of the vessels
i) Block
ii) Water plane
iii) Prismatic
iv) Admiralty
Q.181 Hydroplane tank is a ___ tank
i) Sewage collection
ii) Palable water
iii) Pressurised
iv) Double bottom
Q.182 Cross curves of stability indicate ____
i) Righting levers at various displacements & trims
ii) Displacements at various trims & Drafts
iii) Drafts at various displacement & trims
iv) Sectional moments at various displacements & Drafts

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Q.183 Ships bulkheads are designed for ___ loads
i) Trapezoidal
ii) Triangular
iii) UDL
iv) Point

Q.184 Find the odd man out

ii) SES
iii) Catamaran
iv) VLCC
Q.185 PTO term is associated with ____
i) Shaft generator
ii) Rudder propeller
iii) Thrust block
iv) Steam Engine
Q.186 A barge with uniform rectangular cross section has L/B=5, B/T=4, D/T=1.67 If
the BMT of the barge is 2.5 m. the beam of the barge would be____
i) 6.00
ii) 7.50
iii) 10.00
iv) 12.5
Q.187 If a tank of a vessel is modified with an additional transverse bulkhead at centre,
the free surface effect of the modified tank would be ___ that of original tank
i) Same as
ii) 0.111 times
iii) 0.125 times
iv) 0.333 times
Q.188 A cube having one side as one foot, will have volume of ___ cubic metre.
i) 0.0283
ii) 0.03531
iii) 0.0163
iv) 0.0610
Q.189 The ‘open water’ tank tests are necessarily carried out for___ in the typical model
tests of a new design
i) Hull
ii) Appendages
iii) Propeller
iv) Bulbous bow
Q.190 An inclining experiment is to be carried out for a ship with estimated GM as 0.5m
and with maximum available space across beam a 6m displacement as 3600t. the
total inclining ballast required for the experiment would be ___t
i) 6.0
ii) 12.0
iii) 18.0
iv) 24.0

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Q.191 A water plane 45m long, has equally spared half breadth ordinates of 1.2, 4.4, 6.7
and 7.8m respectively. The estimated water plane area would be ___ Sq.M.
i) 237.938
ii) 289.385
iii) 379.675
iv) 475.875
Q.192 The blade area ratio of a propeller fitted on a typical merchant ship is 0.65. The
total blade area of the propeller is 1.15 sq.m. Then the propeller diameter would
be ____ m
i) 1.0
ii) 1.15
iii) 1.25
iv) 1.50
Q.193 The boot-topping team is related to ___
i) Cathodic protection
ii) Fire protection
iii) Life Saving
iv) Surface coating
Q.194 Bulbous bow is fitted on a vessel for ___
i) Increasing speed
ii) Increasing buoyancy
iii) Increasing volumetric Displacement
iv) Reducing pitching
Q.195 For a ship, L/B=6, B/T=3, D/T=4 and transverse metacentre radius is 2.5m. The
beam of the vessel would be____
i) 5.0
ii) 7.5
iii) 10
iv) 12.5
Q.196 The dimensions of pressure in MLT system can be defined as __
i) ML -2T -2
ii) ML -1T -2
iii) MLT -2
iv) ML 2T -2
Q.197 The underwater speed of a submersible is always ________ that in surfaced
i) More than
ii) Less than
iii) Equal to
iv) No way related to
Q.198 As per international standards the electric supply on board of a merchant ship is
required to be of
i) 24
ii) 110
iii) 220
iv) 440

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Q.199 Requirement of a gear box is essential for a ship fitted with ____ engine(s)
i) High speed
ii) Medium speed
iii) Low speed
iv) Very low speed

Q.200 The rule to be used to integrate an area under a Curve given four equispared
i) Trapezoidal Rule
ii) Simpson’s Ist Rule
iii) Simpson’s IInd Rule
iv) Tchebycheff’s Rule

Q.201 A ship trims about

i) VCG
ii) LCG
iii) LCF
iv) LCB

Q.202 The structural member which is not considered in midship section modulus
calculation is ____ of the ship
i) Shell plate
ii) Deck longitudinal
iii) Shell Girders
iv) Deck Beams

Q.203 Radii using of hatching corners on ship deck is carried out for the purpose of
i) Reduction in scantling
ii) Increase in strength
iii) Reduction in stress concentration
iv) Improvement in appearance

Q.204 Tumble Home is __________

i) Slop of Deck house
ii) Inboard slope of shipside
iii) Angle of keel to base
iv) Radius of curvature of sheer strake

Q.205 A pilgrim nut in a ship could be found at

i) Rudder
ii) Propeller shaft
iii) Plumner Block
iv) Stern Tubes

Q.206 The first indigenously built jack up oil rig is _____

i) Sagar Samrat
ii) Sagar Kiran
iii) Sagar Shilpa
iv) Sagar Uday

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Q.207 Water has maximum density at ____ degree centigrade
i) 100
ii) 4
iii) 0
iv) -100

Q.208 ____ pumps are generally used to pump highly viscous fluid on board of a vessel
i) Centrifugal
ii) Reciprocating
iii) Screw
iv) lift

Q.209 Which one of these PSU shipyards is established recently ?

i) Cochin Shipyard Ltd
ii) Hindustan Shipyard Ltd
iii) Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engrs Ltd
iv) Mazagon Dock Limited

Q.210 The most conventional method of launching a vessel would be____

i) Side launching
ii) End launching
iii) Floating of from dry dock
iv) Using high capacity cranes

Q.211 Find the odd man out

i) Freshwater
ii) Breakwater
iii) Fairwater
iv) Step water

Q.212 Which one of type of vessels have finest shape ?

i) Super tanker
ii) Container ship
iii) Luxury liner
iv) Battleship

Q.213 Maximum permissible noise level in an a Engine room of a merchant vessel is

i) 80
ii) 70
iii) 60
iv) 50

Q.214 Ballard pull test is an essential trial to be conducted for ___

i) Aircraft carrier
ii) Container ship
iii) Passenger ferry
iv) Harbour

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Q.215 A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant is called ___
i) Streamline
ii) Turbulent
iii) Steady
iv) Non of the above

Q.216 The ignition quality of a diesel oil is expressed by ___

i) Octane no
ii) Calorific value
iii) Cetane No
iv) None of above

Q.217 The giga meter means a meter using Freon as refrigerant should be ___
i) 1012
ii) 109
iii) 10-9
iv) 10-12
Q.218 The mass of water vapour present in _____ called absolute humidity.
i) 1 Cu M of wet air
ii) 1 Cu M of dry air
iii) 1 Kg of wet air
iv) 1 Kg of dry air
Q.219 Find the odd man out
i) Liberty
ii) Pioneer
iii) Leander
iv) Panmax
Q.220 For any merchant vessel, the down flooding angle should not be less than ___
i) 30
ii) 40
iii) 45
iv) 60
Q.221 If W is displacement in tons V is speed in knots P is power in HP, then Admiralty
co-efficient at the ship is ________
i) 3/2 2
W V /P
ii) 1/3 2
W V /P
iii) 3 2/3
W V /P
iv) 2/3 3
W V /P
Q.222 In a kart nozzle propulsion system, the length of the kart nozzle is generally ____
its diameter.
i) One third of
ii) Half of
iii) Equal to
iv) Twice

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Q.223 ‘TEU’ term is related to ___ types of ship
i) Oil tanker
ii) OBO carrier
iii) Passenger ship
iv) Container ship
Q.224 The most desirable scheduling of an inclining experiment of a ship would be at the
time of ___ for acquiring most accurate result.
i) Just after first dry docking
ii) Just prior to commencement of basin/sea trials.
iii) Just after completion of sea trails.
iv) Just prior to commissioning.
Q.225 The lesson learnt from ‘Titanic disaster’ resulted into modification in class rules
in field of __
i) Strength of underwater hull
ii) Strengthening against ice
iii) Introduction of collision bulkheads
iv) Sub divisioning of ships
Q.226 A striking place is found _____ of a ship
i) On upper deck
ii) On stem bar
iii) On a gun turret
iv) In a tank
Q.227 Carbon equivalent of a steel indicates the ___ of the steel
i) Strength
ii) Ductility
iii) Corrosion resistance
iv) Weld ability
Q.228 A ship with 5000 t displacement, LBP – 100 m flints at draft of 5.6 m ford and 6.4
m aft. The TPC is 11.5 GML is 100 m and LCF is 2.4 m aft of midship. The
MCT 1 cm would be _____ tm
i) 35.25
ii) 42.35
iii) 50.00
iv) 76.6
Q.229 A Vessel of constant rectangular cross section has a beam of 12 m and metaceric
height of one qualities of the draft. The vertical centre of gravity lies in the
waterline. Then the draft of the vessel would be ____m
i) 3.6
ii) 4.0
iii) 4.2
iv) 5.0
Q.230 The following are the particulars of a propellers Thrust = 500 kn, Torque = 200
knm speed of advance = 4.8 m/s, RPM = 180 The propeller efficiency of the
propeller would be ___%.
i) 0.54
ii) 0.60
iii) 0.64
iv) 0.74

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Q.231 Bending moment curve is obtained by
i) Differentiating load curve
ii) Integrating shear force curve
iii) Differentiating shear force curve
iv) Integrating buoyancy curve

Q.232 _____ instrument used for measurement of the velocity of flow.

i) Venturi meter
ii) Pitat tube
iii) Echo sounder
iv) Anemometer

Q.233 A minimum of W.T. bulkheads with m/c aft for a merchant ship of length between
145 m to 165 m______
i) 5
ii) 6
iii) 7
iv) 8

Q.234 The revenue earning capacity of a ship is based on ____ of the ship.
i) Displacement
ii) Underdeck tonnage
iii) Gross tonnage
iv) Net tonnage

Q.235 The thrust developed by propulsion unit is transmitted to the hull through___
i) Gear box
ii) Plummer block
iii) Stern tube
iv) Tail shaft

Q.236 A ship having length as 120 m, beam as 15m, draft as 6 m, and displacement in
SW as 8000 tons, with prismatic co-efficient as 0.78 the midship co-efficient of
the ship would be ______
i) 0.997
ii) 0.973
iii) 0.949
iv) 0.799

Q.237 In a twin screw vessel the rotation of the propellers is as ___ to obtain forward
i) Both the propellers turn inwards
ii) Both the propellers turn outwards
iii) Port propeller turns inwards, starboard outwards
iv) Starboard propeller turns inwards, Port outwards

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Q.238 The main source of vibration in a ship is ____
i) Improper securing of shafting
ii) Uneven distribution of weights
iii) Unbalanced propeller
iv) Unbalanced engine
Q.239 Permeability of a compartment can be defined as ___
i) Volume of carago can be accommodated
ii) Volume of unutilized space
iii) Volume of entire compartment
iv) Volume of space that can be occupied by water

Q.240 To estimate ___ generally, the welted surface area of a vessel is calculated
i) Quantity of pant
ii) Cargo capacity
iii) To bal shell plating area
iv) Frictional resistance of the ship

Q.241 ___ best is important in particular for the material to be utilized in verylow temp
i) Tensile
ii) Bend
iii) Hardruss
iv) Impact

Q.242 Cross curves at stability shows the relationship between_____

i) Righting levers and angles of heel at constant displacements
ii) Righting levers and displacements at constant angles of heel.
iii) Righting levers and displacements at constant trim angles
iv) Righting levers and angles of heel at constant displacements

Q.243 If Y is a draft of a spherical submersible of a radius R then the TPC curve of the
spherical submersible is given by _____
i) 100 TPC = 1.025 [R2 – (Y-R)2]
ii) 100 TPC = 1.025 [R2 + (Y+R)2]
iii) 100 TPC = 1.025 (Y+R)2
iv) 100 TPC = 1.025 (Y-R)2

Q.244 A Cube of side ‘a’ mere, floats in sea water at a draft of ‘a/2’. The MCT of the
cube could be expressed as____
i) 8.03 x 10-4a3
ii) 8.54 x 10-4a3
iii) 10.24 x 10-4a3
iv) 9.95 x 10-4a3

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Q.245 ‘SCUBA’ is the marine apparatus related to ___ system
i) Firefighting
ii) Life saving
iii) Propulsion
iv) Navigation

Q.246 A Ship had a displacement of 5000 t while floating in salt water. When inclined
the GM was found to be 1.30 m but there was free surface moment of 1000 fm.
The actual value of the GM would be ___ m
i) 1.10
ii) 1.20
iii) 1.40
iv) 1.50

Q.247 If CW = Water plane area co-efficient, Cb = black co-efficient then Cpv vertical
Prismatic coefficient of a ship would be_____
i) Cw/Cb
ii) Cw.Cb
iii) Cb / Cw
iv) Cb – Cw

Q.248 A Rectangular barge has L=60, B=12 m, D=2.5m, least Draft = 0.95m highest
draft = 2.05 m, the boot-topping surface area of the barrage will be ____sq m
i) 144.0
ii) 158.4
iii) 136.8
iv) 295.2

Q.249 A Rectangular barge has L=60, B=12 m, D=2.5m, lowest Draft = 0.95m highest
draft = 2.05 m, the ratio of quantity of antifouling paint to quantity of anti-
corrosion paint required for above barge will be ________
i) 0.82
ii) 0.60
iii) 0.49
iv) 0.38

Q.250 An inclining experiment is to be carried out for a ship with estimated GM as 0.50
m, maximum beam use clear space on deck as 6.00 m with displacement of 3600 t
The total inclining ballast weight required for the experiment could be ___ ton
i) 6.00
ii) 12.00
iii) 18.00
iv) 24.00

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Q.251 A ship with 5000 t displacement, 100 m length, floats at draft of 5.60 m at ford
and 6.40 m at aft. The TPC is 11.50, GML is 100 m and LCF is 24m aft of
midship, the MCT (1cm) of the vessel would be ___ t m
i) 35.25
ii) 42.35
iii) 50.00
iv) 76.66

Q.252 The hydrodynamic torque of a rudder, is 15 knm Assuming there is no frictional

loss, the power required to turn the rudder through 60degree in 20 seconds would
be ___
i) 48.70
ii) 25.00
iii) 20.75
iv) 0.85

Q.253 Introduction of shaft generators on a vessel, results in

i) Reduction in power for prime mover
ii) Reduction in overall DG capacity
iii) In alternative source of supply in emergency
iv) Elimination of share connection while in harbour

Q.254 A Ship uses 60 tons of fuel per dayat 36 knots, the daily consumption of the same
ship at identical condition at 18 knots would be ___ tons
i) 30
ii) 20
iii) 15
iv) 10

Q.255 Unit of force in S.I. system is ___

i) Dyne
ii) Kg F
iii) Kp. F
iv) Newton

Q.256 Unit of pressure in S.I. system is ___

i) Pascal
ii) Bar
iii) KP/cm2
iv) Kg / m2

Q.257 The co-efficient of friction depends on ___

i) Area of contact
ii) Shape of surface
iii) Roughness of surface
iv) All above

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Q.258 Maier type of Hull form has ____
i) Pronounced V
ii) Pronounced U
iii) Tear-drop
iv) Peg – top

Q.259 Reserve Buoyancy of a submersible is inversely proportional to ____ of the vessel

i) Freeboard
ii) Draft
iii) Depth
iv) Displacement

Q.260 The first submarine to sail under north pole ice cap is___
i) Dreadnaught
ii) Los Angeles
iii) Nautilus
iv) Trafalgar

Q.261 The value of one atmospheric pressure is ___

i) 1 bar
ii) 1 pascal
iii) 1 N / Sq M
iv) 76 molecular mass of HG

Q.262 The relative velocity separation between two ships, one sailing due North and the
other sailing due East is___
i) Sum of their velocities
ii) Difference of their velocities
iii) The square root of the sum of the velocities
iv) None of above

Q.263 Main gradients of stainless steel are___

i) Nickel & Aluminium
ii) Nickel & Copper
iii) Nickel & Chromium
iv) Copper & Aluminium

Q.264 “Red Adair” is___

i) A Russian leader
ii) A British Admiral
iii) An Offshore Fire Fighter
iv) German Sailor
Q.265 A Ship sails 4 miles North, then 2 miles west and 2 miles South. What is her
present orientation with respect to starting point.
i) West
ii) NorthWest
iii) Southwest

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iv) South
Q.266 A Ship sails for R hours at G knots and S more hours at C knots. How far did the
ship go ?
i) RG + SC
ii) R/G + S/C
iii) (R+S) (G+C)
iv) (R+S) / (G+C)
Q.267 The latest developments in propulsion technique of submarine is___ propulsion.
i) Nuclear
ii) Electric
iii) Diesel
iv) Sterling Engine
Q.268 Which one of the following is water tube boiler ?
i) Lan cashier
ii) Babcock & Wilcox
iii) Locomotive
iv) Cochran
Q.269 A Gyroscope gives an indication of ___ of the ship.
i) Speed
ii) acceleration
iii) Vibration
iv) Direction
Q.270 A locking device in which the bottom cylindrical portion is recessed to receive the
tip of the locking set screw is called___
i) Castle nut
ii) Jam nut
iii) Ring nut
iv) Sawn nut
Q.271 Galvanizing is a___
i) Zinc diffusion process
ii) Process used for making thin phosphate coating
iii) Process of coating zinc by hot dipping
iv) Cold application of surface coating on steel.
Q.272 The quantity of our required in a machining spare ventilation is mainly dependent
i) No of persons in machine spare
ii) No of machineries in machinery spare
iii) Permeability of the compartment
iv) Heat radiated by the machinates
Q.273 For exhaust gas system ___ type of insulation is used.
i) Thermacol
ii) Asbestos
iii) Polyisocynurale
iv) Calcium silicate
Q.274 Flow through ventun meter is directly proportional to___
i) H3
ii) H2
iii) H
iv) Root H

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Q.275 In a ship with 7200 displacement, 100 t Cargo was moved from upper deck to
cargo hold bottom, 24m below upper deck, the charge in GM would be___

i) Increase by 0.33 m
ii) decrease by 0.33 m
iii) Increase by 0.67 m
iv) decrease by 0.67 m

Q.276 Find the odd man out

i) Safenull
ii) Shipwright
iii) Tribon
iv) Pilot
Q.277 The transverse metacentric radius (BM) of a catamaran box vessel with length of
100 m, breadth of 10 m (each hull) separation between CL of hull of 20 m and at a
draft of 5 m shall be ___m
i) 25.60
ii) 23.33
iii) 22.50
iv) 21.67
Q.278 A wall sided vessel at draft of 5 m, undergoes an ideal heave mation with an
amplitude of 4M. The max water pressure at keel plate will be ___ N/Sq.m.
i) 90.53
ii) 70.45
iii) 50.27
iv) 30.30
Q.279 For a vessel with 3000 tons displacement 250 m length, design speed 35 knots,
doing model testing with 1 : 100 scale model, the speed of the model would
be___ knots
i) 3.0
ii) 3.5
iii) 4.0
iv) 4.5
Q.280 The first indigenously built submarine is_____
i) Nuclear propelled
ii) Diesel driven
iii) Battery cell driven
iv) Diesel Electrically propelled
Q.281 A ship ‘X’ with constant speed of 25 knots was heading towards a ship ‘Y’ with
constant speed of 20 knots in opposite direction which are at present 2000 nautical
miles away from each other. Both the ship will meet each other ___ nautical
miles away from prssent position of the ship ‘X’.
i) 1078
ii) 1089
iii) 1111
iv) 1123

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Q.282 A ship ‘X’ with constant speed of 25 knots is 2000 nautical miles away from ship
‘Y’ with constant speed of 45 knots moving in same direction. The ;time taken by
ship ‘x’ to catch up with ship ‘Y’ will be ---- hours
i) 300
ii) 250
iii) 200
iv) 150

Q.283 The resistance of high speed small craft is significantly affected by its____
i) Displacement
ii) Weight
iii) Hull form
iv) Draft
Q.284 The range of stability of a ship can be increased by
i) Increasing depth
ii) Increasing draft
iii) Decreasing beam
iv) None of above

Q.285 For a product carrier ___ free board should be assigned

i) Type –A
ii) Type-B
iii) Timber
iv) None of above

Q.286 The normal length of a bilge keel is ____ % of overall length of ship
i) 25%
ii) 30%
iii) 35%
iv) 40%
Q.287 If a vessel of 100 m length, moving at a speed of 25 knots, the fraced no works
out to be_
i) 10.153
ii) 246
iii) 0.341
iv) 0.437

Q.288 As per load line rules, the bull work should be fitted with___
i) Stays
ii) Freeing parts
iii) Stiffeners
iv) Lighting holes
Q.289 A ship of 14000 tons displacement has an admirably coefficient of 450 the shaft
power required at 16 knots would be ___ RW
i) 3256
ii) 4786
iii) 5286

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iv) 16264

Q.290 A ship 100 m long displaces 9000 tons and has a welted Surface of 2205m2. The
welted surface area of 6 m model would be ___m2
i) 2.34
ii) 3.66
iii) 4.84
iv) 6.56

Q.291 A ship 100 m long displaces 9000 tons has a welted surface 2205 m2. The
displacement of 6 m model would be ___m2
i) 1.46
ii) 1.92
iii) 2.53
iv) 3.24

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