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Return of Pitch Black

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Category: F/M
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians (2012)
Relationships: Pitch Black/Sophie Bennett, Pitch Black/Reader, Pitch Black/Original
Female Character
Characters: Pitch Black (Guardians of Childhood), Sophie Bennett, Jamie Bennett
(Rise of the Guardians)
Additional Tags: sophie has magic, Yandere, yandere pitch black, Emily Browning -
Freeform, Jude law - Freeform
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-13 Updated: 2024-01-12 Words: 5,583 Chapters: 7/?
Return of Pitch Black
by LokisBabyDollBride


It's been fourteen years since the Guardians defeated the Boogeyman, Pitch Black. Now he's
back and after revenge. But when he finds Jamie's little sister, Sophie, all grown up and
destined to become a Guardian herself. He decides to make her his queen. And no one will
stop him.
Chapter 1

Pitch was angry. He has been angry for years. But he hid and worked his way back to his
powerful self. He was going to have his revenge. He will destroy The Guardians. He will
destroy them, and he will rule the world.

He even got a cult following! Which helped him get his power back.

One of the things he will do to get his revenge started. The Bennet boy. Jamie. So here he
was. He was going to kill Jamie and that will distress the Guardians. But when he arrived in
the bedroom, no one was there.

He looked around and saw that there were posters and such over the wall. He noticed that the
bed was purple now. This was more feminine than he remembered. No one was there in the

Didn't Jamie have a sister? She must've changed rooms with him. Staying into the shadows as
he heard running getting closer to the room he was in. A blonde girl ran in, dropping her bag,
and going into a tent like thing, and he heard crying.


Sophie wished she wasn't picked on. She was bullied all the time. The doctors called her
autistic. But people called her freak. She was a freak. She was friends with The Guardians
still. She still believed in them. She knew that they were real.

But the people treated her like a freak. She hated it but what could she do about it? Nothing.

She laid in her tent and got out after a moment. She went and kicked her shoes off and laid on
her bed. She curled up and closed her eyes sniffling. She just wanted to seem normal to the

Sure, she had some living friends, that weren't Guardians. But they didn't believe in The
Guardians. But they still were her friends and didn't bully her.

She soon cried herself to sleep, unaware of the gold eyes watching her from the shadows.
When he saw that the blonde was asleep before leaving the shadows to go over to her. He
saw that her dream cloud was gray. It wasn't a nightmare, but it wasn't a good dream.

She was having a depressing dream.

He moved the hair from her face and saw her beautiful face. "What a beautiful girl you are
dear." He mumbled. For some reason, he felt drawn to this girl. He touched her skin, he felt
the spark of magic inside her.

He grinned. "And how powerful you can become." He spoke to no one around.
He pushed his way into her mind and saw that she was bullied. They threw things at her. She
was going through a lot. All for what she knew about with the Guardians. All for being a
imaginative girl who loved magic and fantasies.

He pushed in farther into her mind. She would become a Guardian when she died. She was
going to be powerful and going to be a great Guardian. But Pitch can't have that. Oh no. This
girl could destroy the Guardians just as she could empower them.

Pitch pulled his hand away as a twisted grin came to his face. "A queen is what you shall
become Sophie." He learned her name once he was in her mind. "And you will get your
revenge on the ones who hurt you. Who hated you. You will become feared and loved." He
promised her.

He saw that someone was coming for her, and quickly left. He will have to get people in his
cult to watch over their queen to be. Make sure no one tries to take her before Pitch can.

She belonged to him now.

To him, and him alone.

The Queen of Nightmares.

Chapter 2

Sophie was walking home from her last day of school for the week. She had her ear buds in
when she was knocked over when she was hit with something. She looked back and saw her
bullies from school laughing at her.

She saw they threw an unopened soda can at her head. She glared at them as she stood up.
"Soph!" A voice called. She turned her head and saw her big brother, Jamie. He ran over to
her, fussing the high schoolers for throwing it at Sophie.

"You could've seriously hurt her." He fussed. One spat in Jamies face. Jamie chuckled and
punched the high schooler in the face. "You don't assault people on camera you morons." He
fussed them showing the camera.

The other people grabbed their knocked out friend, and left.

Jamie went to Sophie and helped her up. "You ok?" He asked her. She just nodded rubbing
her head. "I'm fine. I wasn't expecting you back home until next week." She told her big

Jamie was working with the police as a psychologist. Mainly for children who have been
abused. He had been away and was going to be back home for a bit. He also comes back for
holidays, or at least tries to.

Sophie walked with him back to his car so he could take her back home.


"So, what are you going to be for Halloween?" Jamie asked. "I'm not fully sure. We are going
to be going shopping for a costume today after dinner." She told him. He nodded. "Well, I
could always drive you guys if you want." He offered. Sophie smiled softly and nodded. "I'm
sure that would be accepted." She told him.

Jamie nodded when she said this. "Are your friends spending the night?" He asked her.
Sophie nodded. "We want to make sure our costumes and make up is done greatly." She told
her big brother.

Jamie was just like her, except, he was more accepted than Sophie was by the people of the
town. Jamie was still friends with The Guardians, and so was the friends who helped defeat
the Boogeyman.

Sophie wished that she was like them. Out of this town where everyone judged/pitied her.
She hated being judged. She hated being pitied. She just wanted to be normal.

Jack was sitting in Sophie's room when she got there. She rushed over and hugged him. She
was always so happy to see him. "Jack!" She said, happily. Jamie walked in and smiled at his
friend. "Hey there you guys. It's Halloween soon, so I'm taking a break so the kids can go
have fun. Since I'm doing that, I figured I'd come see you." Jack told them.

Sophie put her things down, and sat with her best friend. Happy he was visiting. So, the
siblings stayed in the room and chatted with him.


Sophie was asleep with her friends on the ground. Shadows moved around the teens. Pitch
walked up to Sophie. He had seen what had happened to her earlier with the other teens from
her school. It angered him greatly.

How dare they harm his future queen!

"Don't worry dear one. I will make sure they never dare even think about harming you ever
again." He promised her. He will soon have her marked. Then he can keep her forever. See
threw her when he can't be there with her.

Dissapearing, Pitch arrived in the room of the one who threw the can at His Queen's head.
The bastard was asleep and dreaming. "You will be many who suffers at our hands." He told
the sleeping girl, before touching the golden dream sand, turning it black with terrifying

The girl whimpered and shook in her sleep. He then moved to the others, giving them all
terrifying nightmares. Ones that will make them regret harming Sophie. No one will harm
His Queen. She was his and his alone.

He felt his power growing as well. He took it in like a high. It was a wonderful feeling. He
was getting even stronger than he ever was before. Even more so when he attacked the
Guardians. And he will keep it up.

He will destroy them. They will not get in the way ever again.
Chapter 3

The next day was Halloween. The night of nightmares, horror, and trick or treating.
Something Sophie was looking forward to. She loved it. She loved dressing up, and going
around collecting candy.

Today she was going as Harley Quinn this year. She was excited for it. The friends were
going to be getting ready with horror movies and snacks. In fact, she was getting her hair-
colored pink and blue for the costume. It was semi-permanent, so her parents allowed it.

She giggled at her friends as they chatted and joked around. Sophie was enjoying the fact that
her friends were together with her, having fun. She sipped her drink as she listened to their

Her tv was playing Wrong Turn. She liked the series. Not the newest one though. Going
through the motions of getting the tips of her blonde hair for her costume tonight, it was a lot
of work. It was a harsh smell from the chemicals.

It took a lot for Sophie to sit there for that long with the harsh smell. But she did and was
happy with the ending when it was washed, dried, and styled. Sophie smiled brightly. Going
back to her bedroom to get ready for Trick or Treating. She had her costume out on her bed,
just waiting for her to put it on.

Putting it on, Sophie looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was almost Harley
Quinn. She loved the idea to cosplay. She loved becoming other people even if it was just for
a moment. For a day. She didn't care. She loved it.

She even made her own.

She loved being this way, even if others didn't understand it very well.


Soon, all the friends were ready, and just waiting to get started. They had to wait till a certain
time for the Trick or Treating to start.


Pitch looked around him. Halloween was big for him. With the fear and such. It helped him.
And now with his Cult, he knew that Sophie was protected. Speaking of which, Pitch hid in
the shadows so that he wouldn't be seen by Jack Frost, who was a great friend of his Queen.

Pitch didn't like that they were so close, but for now, there wasn't anything he can do about it.
Just had to grow his magic and power, then he can destroy Jack for touching what didn't
belong to him.

Looking up from the shadows, his golden eyes spotted the Bennett's door open and out came
a group of people come out, and there was His Queen. He felt his lust grow inside him as he
looked over her outfit. The short shorts showed her pale legs and thighs to him.

The shirt showed parts of her stomach. and the pigtails and makeup on her face.

She was normally without make up as far as Pitch knew, so it was so strange seeing her in
makeup. Strange in a good way. He could do without the fake tattoos on her face and body.
He didn't want that on her body.

He wanted to snatch her and pull her into the shadows where no one could get her, see her,
touch her. Just him.

She belonged to Him and Him alone. He didn't want to let anyone else have her the way he
will have her.

Pitch stayed far in the shadow, using one of the cult members to look through their eyes to
follow and watch over Sophie as she goes Trick or Treating with her friends.

She had a male friend that wasn't Jack. But Pitch knew that the male wasn't attracted to
females. So, he was ok with him around Sophie like this. The others were females, so he was
fine with them with her for now. All of them is for now, until she becomes his fully.

Sophie was all smiles as she went around the town. She even used a New York accent, Pitch
assumed that it was part of who she was pretending to be. He had people following her, but
not very obviously so that no one, not even Jack, would be suspicious.


Sophie was overly happy with what she had in the pillowcase she was using as a candy bag.
She was loaded and she couldn't wait to go back home to trade off things for other things
with her friends. She was happy they were having fun as well.

The heels she was wearing were soon becoming a bit much and was thankful to know they
were almost home. They were walking back, even making stops to get more candy, when she
froze seeing a group out on the front lawn.

It was the people who mainly bully her. They saw her and also froze seeing her. As if
something was wrong, they all stood. "Um... Candy?" One called. They put the bowl down
and walked away back inside.

That was very confusing to Sophie. She thought they would be wanting to throw things at
her, push her around, anything. Instead, they offered the group candy, and then walked away.
She could see they weren't watching them, so they weren't planning anything.

What happened to make them like this?

She didn't know but... she liked it.

She got candy from them, and headed off like it was normal.

Not knowing that those bullies were traumatized by the nightmares that Pitch kept giving
them cause of them bullying her. So now they were to scared to get close to her. Having to
leave so they don't risk anything.


Sophie laid in her bed looking up at the ceiling. Her friends were gone. Having gone back
home by now. Thoughts going through her mind. She let out a deep breath and rolled to her
side. She felt like eyes were on her. So, she sat up and looked around her.

Her eyes widened seeing golden... spots? It was like eyes. She gasped and turned the side lap
on and looked around. She didn't see anything or anyone there. She must be even more tired
than she originally thought she was.


Pitch noticed that she saw him in the dark, and when her back was turned, he used the
darkness to get under the bed. So, when the lights were turned back off, she wouldn't be able
to see his eyes again.

But he was happy though. She saw his eyes. So, it will make things easier for him when he
took her as His.
Chapter 4

Sophie was in her bedroom playing Among Us on the Switch. She had her window open and
was waiting for her best friend Jack Frost to join her in her room. She wanted to talk to him,
so she hoped he wasn't busy and could visit her.

She wanted to talk to him about something about what she has been seeing in the dark, and in
her dreams. The fear she felt, the dread she felt seeing them. So, she wanted to talk to Jack
about it all.

She was starting to feel watched a lot now adays.

Sophie was wanting to see if Jack knew what was going on. She put her gaming system down
when the battery died on her. She sighed deeply and leaned back against the bedframe. She
grabbed her phone, and scrolled through Twitter for a bit, before getting bored.

She looked over at the open window. Was he busy?

She knew that he couldn't always come to her or Jamie, he was now a busy guy since he was
a Guardian. She frowned at the empty window. Though she knew all of that, it upset her that
her best friend and her guardian was to busy to see her.

She just needed to remember that he was helping other children. She wasn't really a child
anymore. She was a teenager, not a child. She was almost an adult. The Guardians were for
the children mainly.

It just didn't hurt her any less.

He will be here when he is able to. She knew that.

Sophie got out of the bed and to the window. Sitting on her window seat, she brought her
knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and resting her chin on her knees as she
watched the world around her.

"Sophie." A voice purred to her. It sent shivers through her body, as dread filled her again.
She looked around her room. She was home alone, her parents were out on a date night. Like
they do every Friday night.

She wished that they were home, someone she could run to. She wanted them or Jamie or
Jack here with her at this moment.

But she was home alone.

Sophie jumped when the lights turned off. Leaving her in the dark. She looked over at the
side table beside her bed where she knew a flashlight was hiding. She then looked around her
and froze seeing the familiar gold eyes looking at her.

She heard the voice purr out her name once more.
Her eyes darted to her bedside once more before making a dash for it to grab the flashlight.
But something wrapped around her ankle, and she grunted as she was tripped to the ground.
She turned to look at her ankle and with the help of the moonlight, she saw what looked like
the sand that Sandy used, but black.

She tried to get it off but it just started growing. Getting bigger and bigger.

traveling up her leg and kept going.

She screamed and tried to get away but the sand around her didn't allow her and she was soon
stuck as it was around her body, pinning her to the ground. She struggled as tears fell from
her eyes.

"Oh sweet Sophie. No crying." The voice told her. Sophie looked around as the golden eyes
watched this all happening. "Jack! Help me!" She screamed. Soon she felt something starting
to burn on her finger.

"Now you belong to me." He told her. "Sophie!" A familiar voice said. She looked at the
window and saw Jack there. Hope filled her. Sandy was there with him, and he went to
Sophie. Touching the sand around her, working on getting her free.

Sophie begged Sandy to get it off of her. as Jack charged at the golden eyes in the shadows.
But soon the sand was gone, and so was the golden eyes.

Sophie hugged Sandy, and then Jack. Thanking them repeatedly. She then looked down at her
hand that was burning, and her eyes widened. So did Jack's and Sandy's

A mark was on her ring finger.

She tried to get it off, but it wouldn't be removed. "We need to gather the Guardians." Jack
told Sandy, who nodded and went out to send a signal to the rest of the Guardians.

Sophie was in danger.

Chapter 5

Sophie held onto Jack as he held her. He, along with Sandy were taking her to a secret spot.
She didn't know where. She hid her face in Jack's chest. She was in the air, and she was
terrified of heights.

She held onto him tightly. She knew neither guardian would let her fall. But that didn't stop
her from doing this. She shivered as she felt the bitter air hit her. She looked and saw she was
at the North Pole.

Jack and Sandy carried her inside where she continued to shiver. "I'm sure they will give you
something to warm you up. Look there's a fireplace." Jack said putting her down. Sophie
nodded and went over to the giant fireplace to get some warmth back into her bones.

She felt a furry blanket wrap around her, making her look up and see North there with a glass
of hot chocolate and some fresh cookies. She thankfully took them and sipped the drink,
letting it warm her soul from the inside.

She looked back as the other Guardians she knew and loved came into the space she was
taken to. They all looked at her. Jack was speaking in a quiet tone, so she couldn't hear what
was being said. But she knew that they were talking about her.

It was why she was brought here.

Sophie looked at her hand. The mark on her hand was showing still. It still throbbed in
discomfort. She rubbed it to try to stop the throbbing. But it didn't do anything to help it.

"Sophie. Can you come here?" It was Tooth who asked her. She stood and went over with the
blanket left where she had been but kept hold of the cup of hot chocolate. Tooth took the
hand that had the black mark on it.

She gasped as did the others did seeing it on her pale skin.

Sophies big green eyes looked at them. "What is happening to me?" She begged to know.
They all looked around at each other as if they wanted the other to know the answer and or
tell her themselves.

"It appears that The Boogeyman has returned and put a mark on you. We don't know how or
why. But we promise we will keep you safe from him no matter what." Jack promised his
friend. The others nodded, but it didn't give her the comfort she desperately needed at this

The Boogeyman?

She has heard of him before from Jack and her brother. They defeated him when she was just
a toddler.
Sure, they all knew that he wouldn't be gone forever. There will always be fear and
nightmares in this world they lived in. But why now? Why attack her? She had no part in it
that she can remember.

"Let's take her back and take turns watching the siblings at night especially. Make sure their
dream clouds stay golden." North said. Sandy nodded in agreement. He looked at Sophie and
touched her hand and tried to comfort her.

She gave a forced smile to the mute Guardian. Giving his golden hand a friendly squeeze.

"Sandy and Jack. You two go to Jamie and warn him. We will keep Sophie safe tonight."
Bunny told the two. Jack looked at Sophie as if asking for her permission, so she nodded. "I'll
be ok. Please. I don't want anything happening to Jamie." She told them all.

Jack nodded before he and Sandy hugged her and took off.

Sophie looked at the last three guardians. "Come Sophie. Let's get you home." Tooth said
rubbing her back in a motherly way. Sophie finished her hot chocolate and nodded, following
them outside.

She shivered and waited as Bunny made a traveling hole for them all to enter.

Once in her room once more, she curled up into her bed as tooth had one of her fairies look
the room over. Soon coming out and squeaking to Tooth. "Everything seems normal as of
right now. He left no traces of himself except that on her hand." Tooth told everyone.

North nodded. "Get some sleep Sophie. We will wake you if we need to." North said giving a
smile. She nodded and tried her best to go back to sleep. Surprisingly, she fell right to sleep.
Wishing for something different in her life.
Chapter 6

Sophie had a hard time sleeping. She was scared of going to sleep. The boogeyman can
change dreams. She didn't know if he could do it without being there. Or if he has to be there
to change the dream clouds.

Nick helped her by telling her stories to help her fall asleep to. Tooth even turned YouTube so
she could listen to it when she actually fell asleep. They kept an eye on the sand above her
head. It wasn't the sparkly gold, but it was a mix of light gold and light gray.

Her dreams sad but had some happy moments in it.

They Guardian's had an idea what the mark on her pale finger represented, they just hoped
that wasn't the reason.


"Jack? Sandy? I wasn't expecting you." Jamie told his friends as he went into his office. He
had seen them in the living room, and when his girlfriend wasn't looking, Jamie motioned
them to go to another room.

His girlfriend didn't believe in them, so they weren't seen by her. He kissed his girlfriend
goodnight before going to his office after Sandy helped her go to sleep.

Jack looked at the man who was the young boy he protected. He was a good man who was
living his life helping others. Jack, and the others were proud of the man Jamie became. Very

"It's about Sophie Jamie..." Jack told her. Sandy nodded and his sand started creating images
quickly as Sandy attempted to explain things to Jamie. Jamie looked at the sand but shook his
head. "Is Sophie hurt? What happened? Is it the kids picking on her?" He asked Jack knowing
he would be able to understand Jack better.

"No. They haven't bothered her for a while now.... You should sit Jamie." Jack told his friend.
Jamie frowned more and crossed his arms before he sighed and sat down and rubbed his face.
"What happened to Sophie?" He asked once more.

"Pitch Black happened." Jack told him. Jamie tensed up. "But we got rid of him." He said.
Jack nodded. "We did. But it appears that he's back.... He attacked Sophie tonight. We just
left her with Nick, Tooth and Bunny." Jack explained.

Jamie stood. "I need to go home." He said, and Jack grabbed his shoulder. "That isn't all. He
marked her..." Jamie interrupted him. "What do you mean he marked her?" Jamie demanded
to know.

"We don't know one hundred percent.. But we think he marked her as a bride. That's what
Nick thinks. It is on her ring finger on that hand." He said.

"They are watching her right now. Making sure he isn't around her, and she doesn't have a
nightmare. We came to warn you that he could still be coming after you. But also to warn
you." Jack said.

Jamie rubbed his face and started pacing the office.

"I have to go home to Sophie." He didn't know how to explain this to Laura in the morning.
She would be safer here. His family loves her, but he didn't want to risk it at all. He loved her
too much.

She was upset when he went last time without her. But she was also visiting family.

"I'll leave in the morning." He said. The two Guardian's nodded at his words. They will make
sure the couple get through the night safely.
Chapter 7

Sophie was worried. She was going to be starting a job, having a job interview today. She
was going to be working at a bowling alley that has an arcade and a lazor tag arena. She got it
threw her dad. His buddy owns the place so, since she just turned sixteen, she was able to
work there now.

Sophie hasn't been sleeping well. No nightmares as her Guardian friends were watching her.

Sophie brushed her hair and looked at herself in the mirror. She was in a white button down
tank top, and dark blue jeans. She reached up and touched the necklace that was gifted to her
by an aunt.

It was an aquamarine-colored crystal necklace. She was a spiritual person, and liked trying to
make others spiritual like her. And crystals was one thing she tries to push on people. But this
is pretty and so Sophie wore it.

"Come on Sophie!" Her dad called. She came out of her thoughts and grabbed her bag and a
nice over shirt before running.

Getting into his car, Sophie looked behind her into the backseat as she put her seatbelt on.
She gave a soft smile at Tooth who was sitting in the back. The other two were too big to fit
back there.

Sophie leaned back and sighed. She asked her mom if she saw anything on her hand, and of
course her mother nor her father saw anything. They didn't believe in guardians or the
Boogeyman. So, she didn't have much hope that they would've seen it.

When questioned she just told them that it was really itchy, and her mom gave her a non-
drowsy Benadryl to try and help her as Sophie had a lot of strange allergies. When she got
allergies, she got itchy and got hives. Sometimes she got a tickle in her throat that went with
the itch.

Sure, she lied about it, but she took the pill her mother gave her.


Sophie got out of the car and stood in front of the building. Her father rolled the passenger
window and called out to her. "You sure you don't want me to go in with you?" He asked her.
Sophie gave him a small smile and shook her head 'no'.

"I want to do this on my own." She told him. He gave a proud smile and gave a nod of his
head. "Just so you know, Jamie is going to be here tonight. Just text me when you are
finished, I'll pull in." Her father told her before moving the car away.

Sophie knew why Jamie was coming into town. It was cause of the thing on her hand. Cause
of the Boogeyman.
Shaking her head free of those thoughts, she took a need breath before giving Tooth a small
smile and went inside the building for her interview.


Sophie held the pizza in her lap as her dad drove back home. The smell of the pizza and
garlic knots wafted around her. Teasing her senses with its delicious smell. It made her mouth

They were celebrating. Sophie for sure, got the job. The owner joined in on her interviewer
with the head manager of the building. He said he felt she could get a lot of amazing
experiences there, so he told her that he was going to hire her.

She started tomorrow after school. Then she will get her full schedule for the week. She was
given her uniform, it was in a bag in the back seat. There was two shirts in it. Her dad took
her to the store to get the pants, socks, and shoes that were needed for the job.

She was getting her nametag tomorrow when she starts her first shift.

They arrived at home and went inside with dinner. She didn't see another car there, so Jamie
wasn't there yet. She went inside and sat what was in her hands on the kitchen counter. She
then washed her hands before getting settled with her food.


Sophie was in her room with North, Bunnymund and Tooth when Jack, Sandy, and Jamie
came into her room. Jamie ran over and hugged her tightly.

Sophie's eyes watered and she hugged him back crying. She was scared of what was

He held her close and rubbed her back. "I don't know what I did to have this happen to me!"
She told him. He shook his head. "You did nothing. I told you what happened years ago.
Back when you were still three-four years old. He wants his revenge." He told her.

"We knew he was going to return. We just hoped it was hundred years later like last time."
Jack told her frowning. She wiped her eyes as she pulled out of the hug a bit and looked at

Jamie took his sisters pale hand and examined the mark. Since he was a believer, he could see
the mark on her finger. his thumb moved over it as if trying to rub it off. But it was there to
stay until they are able to get rid of it.

"Don't worry Sophie we are going to protect you. We've defeated him once before. We will
do it again." Jamie told her in a serious tone. She sniffled and nodded as she wiped her tears
away again as more fell from her eyes.
"I am already a freak as it is. I don't need this happening to me as well." She told them. They
were quiet for a moment. They knew her words were true. Though things were getting better
as her bullies have left her alone and seem to run away when they see her.

But a lot of people still see her as a freak and don't really like her.

Not that she didn't try to make people like her. She really did. But she knew that they
wouldn't ever change her mind since she knew/believed what she did.

"You should get some sleep Soph. You have school and work tomorrow. I'm very happy you
are getting out there. I'm very proud of you." Jamie told her. She gave a smile and hugged
him one more time before allowing Jamie to leave her room.


Pitch was both pissed off and happy. He had what he wanted. They knew that he was after
her. But to him it was to soon. He wanted it to be when there was no way he could be stopped
in claiming her.

Though, since his mark was on her, she was his.

They knew. The Man in the Moon knew. Everyone will know that she was his. His queen.
The one who destroys his enemies, and her own as well.

And he couldn't wait for it.

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