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0101. Organization of CSD


0201. Function of Production Department.

1. Hull repair, equipment and machinery repair/overhaul including testing.

2. Alterations, additions and modifications to replace old equipment with new
3. Fabrication and manufacturing of equipment, parts and spares.
4. Construction of small ship, craft, pontoon and other marine structures.

Platter & Welding Shop: Its main jobs are to repair and maintenance of hull &
structure re-furbishing of the old ships and construction of pontoons. Mooring Buoys
and Fenders etc.

Diesel Engine Workshop: Overhaul and repair propulsion engines, generators,

gearbox and Turbocharger test bench has the capacity to test engine of small and
medium capacity.

Machine Shop: It has precision machinery Undertakes machining work. 12 mtr lathe
can handle the huge shaft of a frigate of more than 10tons in one piece.

Ship Fitting Shop: The ship fitting shop is a major workshop, which carry out the
repair and overhauling of rudders, valves, capstan, winches, different piping works
and cranes etc. The installation of those items on board.

Fitting Shop: Fitting shop carries out the repair and overhauling of propellers,
pumps, compressors etc. Installation of those items on boards. Moreover, fitting
shop is responsible for shafting works including shaft alignment.

Foundry Shop: Foundry shop also a important workshop. All types of casting and
molding work done by foundry shop. Heat treatment also done by this shop.

Carpentry & Boat Building Workshop: All types of wooden works, Wooden
paneling works, Pattern making & fabrication, GRP (Glass reinforce plastic) done by
the shop.

Lagging Shop: All types of lagging works, cement works, P.V.C tiles work or floor
works done by the shop.

MT Workshop:

1. Suspension of car.
2. Bending and painting works.
3. Portable engine maintenance work
4. Repair and overhauling all type of petrol engine.


Heavy Electrical Workshop: It is intergraded with the chemical cleanings re-

winding, varnish, impregnation and test facilities for motors, generators, transformers
and switchgears.

Radio & Rader shop: It is entrusted with performance test, installation and W/T
equipment, repair & maintenance of HF, V/UHF sets, GPS and AIS, repair of
projector, Battery charger, UPS, Amplifier, SRE & Intercom.

Calibration Center:
1. Repairing PCB’s providing facilities for functional test of PCB.
2. Calibrating all types of meters, gauges, sensors and scales.
3. Fault finding and repairing of engine, generator control and CPP system of
BN Ship’s.
4. Preparing Schematic diagram of PCB’s.
5. Preparing schematic diagram of PCB’s.
6. Repairing of fire detection system.

Gun Shop:
1. Can lift and shift all kind of gun mounting in the range of 100 m. m. and
below caliber from the ship.
2. Undertakes all kinds of repair work of mounting such as turntable
overhauling, checking accuracy of training and elevation of the gun, Gear Box
overhauling Sight overhauling recoil buffer, firing linkage overhauling, VDP unit


0301. Function of planning and estimating Department.

1. Scheduled refits including dry docking BN ships, crafts, vessels, boats,

pontoons and Coast Guard vassals when requested.
2. Design work involving studies, investigations, preparations of plans and
material specifications as directed by NHQ.
3. Anticipate the requirement of materials, stores and equipment for the
refit ships and crafts in such a manner that the orders can be placed
and the stores are available for timely completion of refit.

The Planning and Estimating Department, under the control of the GM (P&E), is
divided into major divisions, headed by the following officers. Each division is further
sub-divided into groups.

1. DGM (Plans and Estimates)

2. DGM (Design and Drawing)
3. OIC Central Store
4. OIC Dockyard Laboratory
5. Expense Account Officer
6. OIC Library
7. OIC Technical School


0401. Function of Personnel Administration Department.

General Manager (Personnel Administration) is responsible for general

administration of all civilian personnel of the BN Dockyard and its allied units. He
performs the following tasks:

1. Processing promotion cases of all civilian non gazetted employees

working under the CSD Organization and send recommendations to the
NHQ for approval.

2. Appointment and promotion of ETE labourers on the basis of results of

trade test/recruitment.

3. Sending pay proforma of all Non-gazeteed employees to the SFC (N) for

4. Sending recommendations to the NHQ about cases relating to

permanent transfer from the CSD Organization. He will sort out internal
transfer cases in consultation with concerned Managers.

5. Maintenance of record of leave and service documents of all civilian non-

gazetted employees of CSD Organization.

6. Dealing with annual pay increment, deduction of subscription of GP fund,

grand of house building, motor car, cycle and other advance and their

7. Claim pay and allowance of civilian employees and disburse the same,
maintain accounts of related government funds, claim and disburse TA/DA
allowance, settle audit objections and forwarded necessary documents
related to civilian employees to SFC (N).

8. Action as Drawing and Disbursement Officer.

9. Processing cases relating to release, retirement, resignation of civilian

personnel and forwarded the same to the NHQ for decisions/actions. He is
also to take action for quick settlement of pension cases including fixation
of pension allowance of civilian personnel.

10. Anticipating the requirement of additional ETE laborers for the CSD
Organization and send such proposal to the NHQ.

11. Preparation and rendition of ACR of civilian employees to the NHQ in time.


12. Dealing with cases regarding major punishment and forwarded the same
to the NHQ for decision. He will award minor punishment to civilian
employees as per authorization.

13. Taking necessary actions on welfare matters including allotment of

accommodations of civilian employees on the basis of recommendation of
a welfare committee. He is also to under take welfare schemes and
activities including health, safety measures and canteen goods.

14. Providing NHQ necessary information regarding civilian employees for

issuing CE list. He will issue CE list of all ETE labourers.

15. To co-ordinate with concerned departments/organizations for all matters

relating to civilian employees.

16. To grand leave to civilian employees with recommendations form

concerned Managers/OIC’s.

17. To update himself with the latest instructions issued by the NHQ regarding
administration of civilian personnel.

18. Operation of Dockyard Civilian Apprentice Training Scheme and its

management (when established).

19. Administration of Dockyard Worker’s Canteen and Dockyard Auditorium.



Assistant Manager Superintendent OIC Technical School




0501. Function of Yard Services Department

The GM (YS) is responsible for the organization, administration and supervision of

the Yard Services Department, and he is responsible for following:

1. Maintenance and operation of Dockyard cranes (except those of BNFD

SUNDARBAN, BNFC BALABAN) and other utility vehicles of Dockyard.

2. Maintenance and operation of all portable air compressor, electric

generators, air conditioning plants, etc.

3. Power generation and distribution within the Dockyard (when facility


4. Shore supply facilities to ship’s viz power compressed air, water brows,
catamarans, etc.

5. Maintenance of all yard machinery.

6. Yard development plans (civil works) in consultation with AGE (N) Project.

7. Installation of machinery within the Dockyard area.

8. Liaison between GE (N) Chattogram and other Deferent Authorities.

9. Maintenance of all pontoons, buoys, catamarans, browses. On his charge

and maintenance of Bailey bridge including hard standing through GE (N)

10. Survey, demand and accounting of spares, materials, POL to keep all
Yard machinery operational.



OIC MEC/S Maint. Officer Fire Fighting officer OIC E/SECTION



Naval berth Facility vehicle Fixed machinery Portable Store

Maint. group Operation group group machinery group

Battery group Fixed machinery Portable Store

group machinery group


0601. Rank/grade of civil technicians

a. Foreman
b. Assistant foreman
c. Leading man
d. Assistant leading man
e. Highly skilled mistry
f. Highly skilled grade-1
g. Highly skilled grade-2
h. Skilled grade
i. Semi skilled grade-1
j. Semi skilled grade-2
k. Labor


0701. Rules/ regulations applicable for their service.

1. Maintenance of good order. It is the duty of every officer, chief petty

officer, petty officer and leading sailors of each branch of the Service to ensure that
order and regularity are preserved in his vicinity among those officers and men, of
whatever branch and whether they are on duty or not, who are junior to him in rank,
and the provisions Article 0430(5) do not preclude him from giving any orders' to
such persons junior to him as are necessary to enable him to carry out this duty.(NR-

2. Gifts presents and compliments. Officers and sailors are to

discreetly avoid accepting gifts and presents from the Head or representatives of
foreign states. If, in foreign countries it is not possible to do so without causing
offence, they should accept the gift, etc., and report its details immediately to Naval
Headquarters, through normal channels, for obtaining orders of the Government
regarding its disposal. See also 1261 on foreign awards. (NR-0207

3. Indebtedness and insolvency. An officer on the Active list of a sailor

while serving is to live within his means and keep himself out of debt. Commanding
Officers are to ensure that every person under their command is thrifty and is aware
of the consequences of indebtedness or insolvency. (NR-0209)
2. No officer or sailor will lend money to or borrow from any person belonging to the
Defence Services, nor will he engage in any transaction whereby he will become, in
private capacity, a debtor or a creditor to any individual employed in the Services.
3. If an officer or a sailor gets into debt, he is 10 be dealt' with according to the
provisions of Appendix XXIII.

4. Business appointments. A serving officer Or sailor is not allowed

without the permission
of the Chief of Naval Staff or any officers to whom he has delegated this authority
(a) to carry on any profession, to engage in any trade, or to accept
any profitable employment;

(b) to be a member of a governing body of any corporation, or of the

directorate of any limited company, or of any partnership
engaged in trade or profession;

(c) to assists , to advice or to act directly as agent for any

corporation company, partnership or individual which or who is
carrying on any profession or is engaged in trade or is profitably

0702. Redress of Grievances. The law on this subject is contained in the Navy
Ordinance, 1961,
Section 23, and the rules made there under. (NR-0240)

2. Representations for the redress of grievances connected with or
arising from conditions of the Service shall be made through proper channels
as specified in Clause 6. Submission to the next higher authority shall be
made only if the person seeking redress is not satisfied with the decision of or
action taken by the authority to whom he submits the representation. The
action on a representation will not be delayed nor will a representation be
3. Joint, collective or anonymous petitions or representations of any kind
are forbidden, sep. 0241. Collective petitions or representations include
petitions or representations, through signed individually, but prepared in
combination with one another and using same or similar phraseology. An
anonymous petition or representation includes a petition or representation
bearing a fictitious name address or pseudonym.
4. Not more than one man may approach' an officer at the same time for
the purpose of making a complaint.
5. Airing of grievances through the press is forbidden and, will constitute
an offence under the Navy Ordinance, 1961.
6. Petitions and representations by persons Subject to naval law are to
be submitted to the under mentioned
Authorities in the order given below :

(a) Divisional Officer (sailors only) and the Head of Department.

(b) Executive Officer.
(c) Commanding Officer.
(d) Senior Officer.
(e) Chief of Naval Staff.
(f) Government.

When forwarding a petition or representation, each intermediary authority

commencing from (c) above will give his comments and recommendation on
the complaint in writing.
7. Nothing contained in this article is intended to alter the Service custom
and procedure by which:
(a) a sailor may appear as a request man before an inspecting
officer (not below the status of an Administrative Authority) ;
(b) any sailor is allowed to request, through his Divisional Officer, to
see the Commanding Officer with regard to matters of a private nature;
(c) an immediate complaint, other than about food, may be taken
before the Officer of the Watch.
(d) Complaints of an immediate nature about food are, in the first
instance, taken to the senior Cook sailor in the galley, and, if not
redressed, then to the victual ling Supply Officer;
(e) Local questions, of welfare and amenities may be dealt with by
the Welfare Committee, see 1404.

Marriage restriction:
No junior commissioned officer and other Rank shall get marriage before attaining
the age of 24 years or completion of 4 years of service which even is earlier.

a. The Muslim family law ordinance -1961 (Muslim)


b. The Chief Marriage registration act-1929 (Non Muslim)

General Instruction Of SRB:

The drafting authority centrally maintains the service record of all sailor .In addition
all divisional officers are to maintain for men of their division is known as SRB.

There are13 section in SRB

The confidential sections of SRB are- 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, and 13.
Sections of SRB, a sailor can see are- 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 10.

Section of SRB:

1. Particulars of sailors, his personal description, engagement and re

2. Record of all movement, their causes and authority.
3. Record of leave availed of.
4. Record of advancement, reversion, disranking , changes of branches ,
examination passed or failed and any special recommendation.
5. Award of GCB, medals, honor their deprivation and restoration.
6. Annual assessment of character and efficiency.
7. Remark of divisional officer.
8. General remark.
9. Clothing history sheet.
10. Record of annual muster of miscellaneous document in section11.
11. Kept as enclosure inside cover such as- i. conduct sheet ii. Pay guide card iii.
Medical document iv. Kit list v. Dental history card vi. Miscellaneous document
12. Annual inspection of SRB.
13. Endorsement of audit authority.

Occasion of DO’s remark:

a. When a sailor served 12 month in a ship.

b. Change of Divisional Officer.
c. When a sailor change his division.
d. When a sailor transfer from a ship.
e. On being examination for higher rank.
f. After completion of PO’s course.

DO remarks on the following factor:

a. Initiative.
b. Power of command.
c. Professional ability / knowledge.
d. Turn out.
e. Games
f. Others



Term used for character and efficiency:

Character Efficiency
a. VG.
b. VG* a. Super (superior)
c. Good. b. Sat (satisfactory)
d. Fair. c. Mod (moderate.)
e. Indifferent.
f. Bad d. Inferior.

i. Supper: A men who perform his duties with more than average efficiency.
ii. Sat: A men who perform his duties with average efficiency.
iii. Mod: A men who perform his duties with less than average efficiency.

Occasion of Assessment on Service book:

The character of each sailor is to be written on his SRB and sign by his commanding
officer on the following occasion-

a. On 31st December each year except men on desertion.

i. men waiting trial for desertion
ii. Men under 17.
iii. Who have been detained in civil prison for the whole calendar
b. One being marked “RUN”(assisted to the date marked run)
c. On a men discharge from service.
d. On the day before a men 17th birth day.
e. On final discharge of a boy.

GCB is awarded:

a. F (SP)-27 is to be prepared in duplicate before proceed to CO , for his

b. Both copies are then forwarded to DA for verification and notify.
c. DA then forwarded one copy to ship duly. Counter sign to commanding
d. If the sailor is eligible in all respect be service and conduct qualification.

The Conduct Qualification Required To Award GCB:

a. Minimum 02 years VG conduct immediately proceeding of a badge.
b. The man is to be minimum able rate.

Aspects VG conduct affect:

a. Advancement / Promotion.
b. Award / Restoration of GCB.
c. Remarks of “ R ”


 If a sailor passé ITT course ,It will write in SRB Section 04

 If a sailor get no 11 punishment it will Write in SRB section no 05 and conduct
 If a sailor get a child it will be write in SRB section 08
 if get married then-1.Issue genform 2. Write in SRB section 08. 3.insert the
copy of cabin nama inside enclosure section 11

Red recommendation:

Red recommendation means recommendation for accelerated advancement by

commanding officer. It is half yearly recommendation by F (SP)-10 . Inserted write
with red ink. It is rendered twice in a year (31st mar and 30 sep) from CO to DA.
Accelerated advancement from any ship cannot be exceeding six percent.

Pre-requisite qualification for advancement to higher rank.

1. Capacity to command subordinate.

2. Ability to organize.
3. Knowledge of service routine.

Are important considerations in making recommendation for advancement in

higher rank.

General criteria of advancement:

a. Length of service
b. Required VG conduct.
c. Necessary course qualified.
d. Procession of necessary certificates
e. Recommended by commanding officer.
f. Medical fitness free from BD.
g. Medical category “Aye”
h. PFT pass.

Next of kin:
a) Wife
b) Father
c) Mother
d) Son (Legitimate)
e) Daughter (Legitimate)

No person is to be engaged for continuous service unless he is desirable in
every respect.

Except is provided in articles 0933 and 0938 continuous service men who are
permitted to continue to service after competing their initial period of engagement
must be re-engagement.

At least six months before the expiry of a sailor's initial period of engagement his
application on Form F(SP)l for discharge from the Service, transfer to the Reserve or
for reengagement,

Re-engagement Period Opinion

1st 08 years AB & above
2nd 05 years LDG & above
3rd 05 years PO & above
4th 02 years CPO & above
5th 02 years MCPO

Before 06 month expire of a sailor engagement are to be re-engage. Non-continuous

service Cook, STD, and Topas branch every years they are to be re-engagement.

Length of maximum service: (NR-Part 1-0997):-

Sailors will thus be allowed to serve for the following periods, inclusive of the initial
period of engagement provided their services are required and they are suitable in all
Master Chief Petty Officers, Chief Petty
Officers, Petty Officers and sailors shall be retired on completion of the period of
service or on
attaining the age limits shown below whichever is earlier :

Rank Service Limited Age Limited

AB and above (AB) 20 years 42 years
Leading and above (LDG) 25 years 47 years
Petty officers and above (PO) 30 years 52 years
Chief petty officer and above(CPO) 32 years 54 years
Senior Chief petty officer and 32 years 54 years
Master chief petty officer (MCPO) 34 years 54 years

Advancement to higher rank. Capacity to command subordinate ability

organize and knowledge of service routine, are important considerations in making
recommendation primary qualification for advancement to higher rank. Capacity to
subordinates is to be regarded as the Petty Officer rank. Technical or professional
skill is not by
itself a sufficient basis for advancement. (NR PART-I, Article No 0971)

Discharge (NR-Part 1-0998):

Employment during leave pending discharge. Sailors who are granted privilege
accumulated privilege leave pending discharge, transfer to the reserve, retirement or
transfer to
the pension establishment, may, with the. Permission of their Commanding Officer,
take up any
employment during the period of such leave detriment to the leave pay due to them.


Unsatisfactory progress during probationary period: Sailors are liable to be
discharged from the Service for unsatisfactory progress and conduct during the
probationary period
(0932) by the under mentioned authorities:-
(a) Boys, Artificer apprentices and direct-entry men under training in an
establishment by the
commanding officer concerned.
(b) Boys and direct-entry men under training afloat, by the Drafting Authority on the
recommendation of the Commanding Officer of the ship in which they are borne. (NR
PART-I, Article No 0993)
Discharge for fraudulent entry: The Chief of Naval Staff may at any time discharge
the Service any sailor who is found to have entered the Service by making false
statements. Such
discharge from the Service will be without. Prejudice to any disciplinary action to
which the
sailor may be liable under the Navy Ordinance 1961.
2. The reason for discharge under the provision of this article will be "Fraudulent
entry",(NR PART-I, Article No 0994)

8. Repair facilities available in various workshop of BN Dockyard:

Platter & Welding Shop: Its main jobs are to repair and maintenance of hull &
structure re-furbishing of the old ships and construction of pontoons. Mooring Buoys
and Fenders etc.

Diesel Engine Workshop: Overhaul and repair propulsion engines, generators,

gearbox and Turbocharger test bench has the capacity to test engine of small and
medium capacity.

Machine Shop: It has precision machinery Undertakes machining work. 12 mtr lathe
can handle the huge shaft of a frigate of more than 10tons in one piece.

Ship Fitting Shop: The ship fitting shop is a major workshop, which carry out the
repair and overhauling of rudders, valves, capstan, winches, different piping works
and cranes etc. The installation of those items on board.

Fitting Shop: Fitting shop carries out the repair and overhauling of propellers,
pumps, compressors etc. Installation of those items on boards. Moreover, fitting
shop is responsible for shafting works including shaft alignment.

Foundry Shop: Foundry shop also a important workshop. All types of casting and
molding work done by foundry shop. Heat treatment also done by this shop.

Carpentry & Boat Building Workshop: All types of wooden works, Wooden
paneling works, Pattern making & fabrication, GRP (Glass reinforce plastic) done by
the shop.


Lagging Shop: All types of lagging works, cement works, P.V.C tiles work or floor
works done by the shop.

MT Workshop:

1. Suspension of car.
5. Bending and painting works.
6. Portable engine maintenance work
7. Repair and overhauling all type of petrol engine.

Heavy Electrical Workshop: It is intergraded with the chemical cleanings re-

winding, varnish, impregnation and test facilities for motors, generators, transformers
and switchgears.

Radio & Rader shop: It is entrusted with performance test, installation and W/T
equipment, repair & maintenance of HF, V/UHF sets, GPS and AIS, repair of
projector, Battery charger, UPS, Amplifier, SRE & Intercom.

Calibration Center:
7. Repairing PCB’s providing facilities for functional test of PCB.
8. Calibrating all types of meters, gauges, sensors and scales.
9. Fault finding and repairing of engine, generator control and CPP system of
BN Ship’s.
10. Preparing Schematic diagram of PCB’s.
11. Preparing schematic diagram of PCB’s.
12. Repairing of fire detection system.

Gun Shop:
1. Can lift and shift all kind of gun mounting in the range of 100 m. m. and
below caliber from the ship.
2. Undertakes all kinds of repair work of mounting such as turntable
overhauling, checking accuracy of training and elevation of the gun, Gear Box
overhauling Sight overhauling recoil buffer, firing linkage overhauling, VDP unit

9. Organization and function of KSY

Function of KSY : 
Modern shipbuilding i.e. inland and coastal work boat, harbour/coastal and seagoing
tug, barge, ferry, landing craft, crane barge, buoy handling vessel, search and
rescue boat, cargo vessel, tanker, container vessel, patrol craft (warship) and large
patrol craft (warship), submarine handling tug and hydrographic survey vessel
 Repair of all types of ships (warship, partrol ship, merchant ship etc.
 Engineering works i.e. overhauling and repair of boiler, turbine, diesel engine,
pump, compressor, generator, transformer, heavy electri-cal motor, crane, electrical
fittings, workshop machinery, dredging machinery, manufacturing of engineering
parts for sugar mill, paper mill, cable factory, cement factory, jute mill and power


 Fabrication of steel structure, foot over bridge, design and fabrication of chimney
and steel dustbins etc.
 Dredging and earth filling,
 Ferrous casting up to 10 tons ( single casting ) and non-ferrous casting up to 300

Organization of DEW


Organization DEW



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