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A more effective relative of resveratrol (which got its fame from Ginger is a spice with various health ben- Found in nature, such as in shellfish and
being found in red wine), pterostilbene can be found in small efits. It reduces inflammation, improves cartilage, glucosamine extends lifespan
quantities in blueberries. Pterostilbene is more bioavailable and metabolism, and has positive epigenetic in multiple species. Glucosamine mimics
stable in the body than resveratrol. Contrary to resveratrol, pteros- effects. It can also improve cognition. Gin- a low carbohydrate diet by its impact on
tilbene can reach much higher levels in the brain and contribute ger has been proven to extend lifespan in mitochondrial metabolism. Glucosamine
NOVOS and its team of expert scientists and medical doctors to improved cognitive function and healthy brain multiple organisms, and can protect organ- also induces autophagy (clearing up waste
poured through research to select the most promising longevity aging. Pterostilbene works synergistically with isms and increase their survival when exposed within cells), and improves proteostasis, which means cells can
ingredients. We selected our ingredients to provide both short- NMN to positively impact various pathways to strong cellular stressors, like oxidative damage (the properly maintain the millions of proteins they contain, prevent-
and long-term benefits. In the short-term, you may begin in the body involved in DNA repair, inflam- damage that antioxidants prevent) and even radioactivity. ing them from piling up and contributing to aging. Glucosamine
noticing improved skin and complexion, energy levels, con- mation and metabolism, including what’s Ginger can also provide increased energy and improved con- works together with hyaluronic acid to improve your skin’s health,
centration, calmness, and sleep (more on this below). In the known as the SIRT enzymes and the centration. It has been used for centuries to treat gastrointestinal because both are important components of the skin.
long-term, the ingredients work together to interfere with the NAD+ pathway. discomfort like dyspepsia (indigestion or a heavy stomach) and
biological causes of aging, with the ultimate goal of slowing nausea. Benefits: Improved skin appearance, improved joint health, and
the rate at which you age. Benefits: More energy, improved cognition, healthy aging.
and healthy aging. Benefits: Increased energy, protection of cells against oxidative
and other aging-related damage, improved concentration,
NOVOS Core’s Ingredients reduced nausea, indigestion relief, and healthy aging. FISETIN
Fisetin is a natural ingredient, found in fruits
ALPHA-KETOGLUTARATE An amino acid that is naturally present in the body, but that de- RHODIOLA ROSEA (especially strawberries) and vegetables,
clines during aging and in people who have cardiovascular dis- albeit in low amounts. It extends lifespan
Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a natural substrate found in our ease or are overweight. Extra glycine extends lifespan in various A plant that grows in cold regions in in various organisms. Fisetin can clear
mitochondria, the power plants of our cells. During aging, lev- organisms. Glycine improves mitochondrial health Europe and Asia. It has been used by senescent cells (“zombie” cells, that cause
els of AKG decline. AKG improves mitochondrial health and by impacting the mitochondria’s epigenome indigenous people for many centuries damage to neighboring cells), reduce inflam-
impacts the way mitochondria use their fuel, (distinct from your DNA’s epigenome), as an adaptogen, providing energy and mation, increase the creation of glutathione,
which results in more energized cells. among other mechanisms. Glycine can stress resilience. Rhodiola rosea has among many other beneficial effects. It can also contribute to
AKG also has a favorable impact on also function as a chaperone, enveloping been proven to extend lifespan in different healthy brain aging and improved cognition.
the epigenome – which of your genes and protecting proteins against damage species. It can also protect the brain in animals ex- posed
are turned on or off – which has been and preventing them from accumulating. to neurotoxins, and promotes nerve regeneration. Studies in Benefits: Improved cognition, brain aging, and healthy aging.
found to rejuvenate cells (AKG is an Protein accumulation is one of the hall- humans indicate that Rhodiola improves memory, learning, and
important cofactor of the epigenetic marks of aging. In the short-term, glycine increases energy levels.
TET enzymes, for example). AKG can has been found to contribute to healthy L-THEANINE
also contribute to stem cell health. sleep, memory, calmness, and collagen produc- Benefits: Stress resilience, improved memory, improved learning,
Elite athletes have used AKG to improve tion, which can lead to improved skin appearance. increased energy levels, and healthy aging. L-theanine is an amino acid found in green
endurance and energy levels. tea and is one of the reasons why green
Benefits: Improved skin appearance, improved sleep, increased tea is healthy. Studies show that theanine
Benefits: Increased energy, improved endurance, improved col- calmness, and healthy aging. HYALURONIC ACID can extend lifespan in organisms. It can
lagen production and skin appearance, and healthy aging. also improve brain function, such as at-
An important component of the skin that tention and concentration, and contributes
MICRODOSED LITHIUM begins to decline in your 30’s. By the time to healthy brain aging over time. L-theanine
MAGNESIUM MALATE you reach 75, you will have 75% less inhibits AGE production, also known as Ad-
Lithium is naturally found in drinking water in regions where hyaluronic acid in your skin compared vanced Glycation Endproducts. AGEs are sugar crosslinks that
Malate (malic acid) is a substance found in fruit, such as apples people live longer. Many scientists believe that this increase in to a 19-year-old. Oral hyaluronic acid can appear during aging and make tissues more stiff (and wrinkly).
– it gives them their sour, apple-like taste. Malate plays an im- lifespan is partially due to lithium. Very small doses reduce wrinkles and improve your skin’s L-theanine can also upregulate important aging-protective pro-
portant role in the mitochondria: it’s a necessary ingredient in the (also called “microdoses”) of lithium have been appearance in a matter of weeks. Hyal- teins, like FOXO1, and antioxidative enzymes.
Krebs cycle, the process that breaks down the fats, proteins, shown to extend lifespan in various organisms, uronic acid contains acetyl-glucosamine, a
and carbs from food to generate energy for all living organ- and to contribute to healthy aging, including molecule that has been found to extend the Benefits: Healthy aging, improved concentration, focus, and
isms. Malate extends lifespan in organisms. brain aging. Microdosed amounts of lithium lifespan of mammals. relaxation.
Malate can also provide physical and have beneficial effects on the epigenome
mental energy in humans, combating and protein metabolism, among many other Benefits: Improved skin appearance,
fatigue and improving mental focus. effects. In the short-term, microdosed lithium reduced wrinkles, and healthy aging. NOVOS Boost’s Ingredient
We chose the magnesium form to also has been found to improve calmness and sta-
provide magnesium. Studies show that bilize mood.
up to 70 percent of people are deficient in VITAMIN C NICOTINAMIDE MONONUCLEOTIDE
this important mineral. Hundreds of differ- Benefits: Improved calmess and stabilized mood, healthy brain (NMN)
ent proteins and enzymes in the body need aging, and healthy aging. Vitamin C is a natural substance that
magnesium to function properly. Magnesium has favorable effects on gene expression NMN is a naturally occurring substance that in-
also stabilizes the DNA, preventing DNA damage. Magnesium (epigenetics). Combining it with alpha- creases NAD+ levels in our body. NAD+ is needed
contributes to restful sleep, calmness, and can improve brain ketoglutarate enables proper epigenetic (de)activation of your for DNA repair, maintenance of the epigenome, and for
functioning and memory. genes (via TET enzymes). Vitamin C also improves the energy myriads of other important functions in each of our cells. Studies
production in the mitochondria, the power plants of our cells. have shown that NMN can protect DNA, improve metabolism, and
Benefits: Increased energy, improved stress resilience, im- Vitamin C can improve skin health because it increases collagen mitigate or even reverse various aspects of aging. Some people
proved sleep, calmness, improved brain functioning, memory, production, among other things. who take sufficiently high doses of NMN experience more energy.
and healthy aging.
Benefits: Increased energy, improved skin health, Benefits: Healthy aging, improved metabolism, and increased
and healthy aging. energy levels.

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