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SUBJECT: The Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022
I. Rationale
The Philippine Health Agenda (PHA) builds on the gains of earlier reform policies such as
the Health Sector Reform Agenda (1999), FOURmula One for Health (2005) and Kalusugan
Pangkalahatan (2010). It aligns with the National Economic Development Authority's AmBisyon
Natin 2040, and emphasizes the country's commitment to the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. The PHA aims to uphold every Filipino's right to health as enshrined in the 1987
Philippine Constitution - to make these rights explicit and tangible and in line with President Rodrigo
Duterte's promise to the people of "tunay na pagbabago " or real positive change that people can feel.
PHA seeks to fulfill the global call for Universal Health Coverage, "All for Health
towards Health for All" as the rallying point to realize the vision of a Healthy Philippines by 2022.

II. Objectives
This issuance shall define the Philippine Health Agenda and provide guidance in the design
and implementation of relevant policies, plans, and programs.

III. Scope and Coverage

This issuance shall apply to the DOH central office bureaus and units, DOH regional offices;
DOH hospitals (Specialty, Special, Retained, Sanitaria and Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers);
Food and Drug Authority, DOH attached agencies such as: the Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PhilHealth), the Commission on Population (Popcom), the National Nutrition Council
(l\rNC), Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) and the Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Alternative Health Care (PITAHC); all public and private hospitals and health care facilities, health
care providers and support staff; local government units (LGUs); other national government agencies
(NGAs); development partners; civil society orgarizations; academic institutions; medical societies
and organizations and all other institutions relevant for the implementation of the PHA.

IV. Policy Framework

A. Goals: The PHA aims to (1) ensure the best health outcomes for all, without socio-economic,
ethnic, gender, and geographic disparities; (2) promote health and deliver healthcare through
means that respect, value, and empower clients and patients as they interact with the health
system; and (3) protect all families especially the poor, mar:ginalized, and vulnerable against
the high costs of healthcare.
B.Values : All actions shall be implemented in accordance with the values of equity, quality,
efficiency, transparency, accountability, sustainability, and resilience.
Guarantees : The health system shall guarantee:
1. Population- and individual-level intewentions for all ffi stages that promote health
and wellness, prevent and treat the triple barden of disease, delay complications,
facilitute rehabilitation, and provide palliation
a. All Life Stages (ALS) refers to services for pregnant women, children,
adolescents, adults, and older persons
b. Triple Burden of Disease pertains to the (1) backlog of communicable diseases
and neglected tropical diseases; (2) increasing challenges of noncommunicable
diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and their risk factors like obesity,
smoking, poor diet, sedentary lifestyles, as well as malnutrition; and (3)
problems related to globalization, urbanization and industrialization like injuries,
substance use and abuse, mental illness, pandemics, travel medicine, and health
consequences of climate change.
2. Access to health interventions through functional Sewice Delivery Networks (SDN9
a. Consist of primary care networks (PCNs) linked to Level 3 hospitals and
specialty care, where each PCN is an aggrupation of one district or Level 1 or
Level 2 hospital and between 5 to 10 rural health units or private outpatient
b. Ensure well-equipped and fully-staffed network of health facilities, either static
or mobile, that are close to the people
c. Render services that are compliant with clinical practice guidelines, available 24/7, and are
resilient during disasters
d. Practice gatekeeping and utilize telemedicine to expand access to specialty
services (e.g. tele-radiology, dermatology, pathology or psychiatry).
3. Financial freedom when accessing these intewentions through Universal Health
Insurance such that the:
a. National Health Insurance Program (NHP) enrolls 100% of Filipinos where
formal sector premiums are paid through payroll and non-formal sector
premiums are paid by tax subsidies
b. NHIP's support value is 100% (or zero-copayment) for the poor and those
admitted in basic accommodation; and a predictable (fixed co-payment) for those
admitted in non-basic, private accommodation
c. NHIP covers a comprehensive range of services and becomes the main revenue
source ofpublic health care providers.
Strategies : The strategies needed to fulfill the guarantees may be summarizedby the word ..ACHIEVE.''
1. Advance quality, health promotion, and primary care;
2. Cover all Filipinos against health-related financial risk;
3. Harness the power of strategic human resources for health development;
4. Invest in eHealth and data for decision-making;
5. Enforce standards, accountability, andtransparency;
6. Value All Clients and Patients, especially the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable.
7. Elicit multisectoral and multistakeholder support for health.

Essential Public Health Services (Revised, 2020)

The 10 Essential Public Health Services provide a framework for public health to protect and promote
the health of all people in all communities. To achieve equity, the Essential Public Health Services
actively promote policies, systems, and overall community conditions that enable optimal health for all
and seek to remove systemic and structural barriers that have resulted in health inequities. Such
barriers include poverty, racism, gender discrimination, ableism, and other forms of oppression.
Everyone should have a fair and just opportunity to achieve optimal health and well-being.
1. Assess and monitor population health status, factors that influence health, and community
needs and assets
2. Investigate, diagnose, and address health problems and hazards affecting the population
3. Communicate effectively to inform and educate people about health, factors that influence it,
and how to improve it
4. Strengthen, support, and mobilize communities and partnerships to improve health
5. Create, champion, and implement policies, plans, and laws that impact health
6. Utilize legal and regulatory actions designed to improve and protect the public’s health
7. Assure an effective system that enables equitable access to the individual services and care
needed to be healthy
8. Build and support a diverse and skilled public health workforce
9. Improve and innovate public health functions through ongoing evaluation, research, and
continuous quality improvement
10. Build and maintain a strong organizational infrastructure for public health

The Public Nursing in the

Philippines was created to
developed and practice promoting
wellness of the
community and protecting the
health of every individual with the
help of the nurse’s skills and
knowledge to serve the community
through educating people about the
health issues that might affects
the individual’s physical,
emotional, and spiritual aspect,
also it improve the community
safety and
health and to increase and enhance
the access to care to help and
improve their lifestyle and
environment. And since Public
Health Nursing is used to practice
the nurses in both national and
government health department, in
addition of public schools.
According to the American Nurses
Association (ANA), Public health
nursing is defines as a nursing
practice that focuses on improving
health of a certain population
through the continuous
surveillance and assessment of
multiple elements
related to health that can apply in
promoting health and wellness by
preventing diseases, health threat
and risk, and to improve one’s
quality of life.
The National League of Philippine
Government Nurses (2005)
developed the Standard of Public
Nursing that describe the
qualification and function of the
public nurses. This standards is use
to discuss
the qualifications, settings of work,
functions and competencies of the
Public Health Nurse. Actually, the
standard of community health
nursing and public health nursing
is very likely similar except one
which is
setting of work as dictated by
The Public Nursing in the Philippines was created to developed and practice promoting wellness of the
community and protecting the health of every individual with the help of the nurse’s skills and
knowledge to serve the community through educating people about the health issues that might affects
the individual’s physical, emotional, and spiritual aspect, also it improves the community safety and
health and to increase and enhance the access to care to help and improve their lifestyle and
environment. And since Public Health Nursing is used to practice the nurses in both national and local
government health department, in addition of public schools. According to the American Nurses
Association (ANA), Public health nursing is defined as a nursing practice that focuses on improving the
health of a certain population through the continuous surveillance and assessment of multiple elements
related to health that can apply in promoting health and wellness by preventing diseases, health threat
and risk, and to improve one’s quality of life.
The National League of Philippine Government Nurses (2005) developed the Standard of Public Health
Nursing that describes the qualification and function of the public nurses. This standard is use to discuss
the qualifications, settings of work, functions and competencies of the Public Health Nurse. Actually, the
standard of community health nursing and public health nursing is very likely similar except one which is
setting of work as dictated by funding

In the standards of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines it defines as the following;
Public Health Nurses (PHNs) refer to the nurses in the local/national health departments or
public schools whether their official position title is Public Health Nurse or Nurse or school
Public Health Nursing refers to the practice of nursing in national and local government health
departments (which includes health centers and rural health units), and public schools.
Health nursing is community health nursing practiced in the public sector.
It means public nurses within larger communities, they specifically extend the care and supervision
of the individual in different are like in place of work, clinics, schools and even in the house of the
individual. In short, public health nurses provide healthcare to people and communities who are
unable to seek assistance.

Reflective journal on topic 1

The recent transition from millennium development goals (MDGs) to sustainable development goals
(SDGs) raises issues about the extent to which developing countries have been able to achieve the MDGs and
how prepared are they for the challenges of meeting the targets of the SDGs. Before we embark on the
most ambitious development agenda ever as expressed by the proposed Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), we must learn from the past. The experience with
implementing and monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) holds many
lessons for the SDGs. Monitoring the post-2015 agenda will require better data - a “data
revolution”. Tracking progress under the MDGs has been hampered by data gaps,
discrepancies and reporting delays. This experience suggests that building statistical
capacities remains one of the major challenges. There is also a need to get the data
framework right, such as developing the right indicators, integrating new data sources, and
selecting the right base year. Recognizing the fact that many nations did not achieve the
MDGs and that other important health issues have emerged . In my opinion, in order for
the SDGs to work accordingly, the implementer needs to focus more on data monitoring. It
is essential to improve the recording, reporting, quality, and use of the data needed to make health data
monitoring effective, and efficient. This would require strong national commitment and capacity to
maintain accurate routine administrative records on the health system performance And frequent
evaluation on how the programs under SDGs are going. Hence, the SDGs will be much
successful than previous MDGs.

Reflective journal on topic 2

The Philippine Health Agenda 2016–2022 aspires to create

a society in which Filipinos have the means to lead healthy and
productive lives, and have a health system where Filipinos feel
respected, valued and empowered in all of their interactions
with the system. Health is a striking example where inadequate progress has been made in
the Philippines despite sustained economic growth. Health care systems must be directed by leaders
who acknowledge that the health of their constituents is their responsibility and who will commit to
strengthening health systems with investments in infrastructure and health human resource. At the
same time, changing health needs should be tackled to mitigate the economic impact of poor maternal
and child health, prevalent infectious diseases, increasing NCDs and of a changing climate. The often
cited quote “health is wealth” remains valid and calls for continued investment to achieve health
outcomes in the country where focus on economic growth and wealth has often missed the core reason
for development—improving the lives of all people.

Reflective journal on topic 3

Community Health is the study and development of health in different communities. Community
health tends to focus on area which includes primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare. It is also
related to policies and a broad health services ranging to prevent diseases, promote health, and to
rehabilitate the community. This is dedicated to individuals belonging to a local community and also the
features of this community and its environment. With this community health nursing can be explained
as a practice of taking care of the family from the child trough to the elderly on how to live a healthy and
productive life, they provide a continuous service making sure that the physical and mental state of all
individuals is good and also not prone to any chronic or risky diseases. Community health nurses are not
restricted to the care of a particular age or diagnostic group. Contribution of all clients of health care are
encouraged in the development of community activities that contribute to the promotion, education,
and maintenance of good health. These activities require full health programs that pay special attention
to socio-ecologic controls and specific populations at risk. Community health nurses are valued for their
adaptive and ability to provide care in many ways, including community health clinics, churches,
homeless shelters, and schools. Their role is to provide full care to patients within their homes, at
organized events such as health fairs, and at agencies and institutions serving people who have
particular health needs. They also lead or work together with other health care professionals,
organizations, political figures and members of the community to promote health for their community.

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