Glucose Hydrogen Breath Test For Sibo

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Glucose Hydrogen Breath Test for Small Intestinal

Bacterial Overgrowth in Children With Abdominal
Pain–Related Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

Judith J. Korterink, Marc A. Benninga, yHerbert M. van Wering, and zJudith M. Deckers-Kocken


Objectives: A potential link between small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

(SIBO) and abdominal pain–related functional gastrointestinal disorders What Is Known
(AP-FGID) has been suggested by symptom similarities and by the reported
prevalence of SIBO in children with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and  A potential link between SIBO and AP-FGID has been
functional AP. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of SIBO
suggested owing to a high prevalence of SIBO in
using the glucose hydrogen breath test (GHBT), in a cohort of Dutch
patients with IBS and clinical overlap.
children with AP-FGID fulfilling the Rome III criteria, and to identify  A greater diagnostic accuracy is demonstrated for
potential predictors.
GHBT compared with the LHBT.
Methods: Children ages 6 to 18 years with AP-FGID fulfilling the Rome III
criteria were included. All of the children underwent a GHBT. SIBO was
What Is New
diagnosed if the fasting breath hydrogen concentration was 20 ppm or an
increase in H2 levels of 12 ppm above the baseline value was measured  This study provides novel information about the
after ingestion of glucose. Gastrointestinal symptoms were collected using a
prevalence of SIBO in children with FAP, based on
standardised AP questionnaire.
the results of the GHBT.
Results: A total of 161 Dutch children with AP-FGID were enrolled.  The prevalence of SIBO in Dutch children with AP-
Twenty-three patients (14.3%) were diagnosed as having SIBO, as
FGID is 14.3%.
assessed by GHBT; 78% of the children diagnosed as having SIBO had  IBS, altered defecation pattern, anorexia, and belch-
fasting hydrogen levels 20 ppm. IBS was significantly more found in
ing were predictors for SIBO in children with AP-
children with SIBO compared with children without SIBO (P ¼ 0.001). An
altered defecation pattern (ie, change in frequency or form of stool)
(P ¼ 0.013), loss of appetite (P ¼ 0.007), and belching (P ¼ 0.023) were
significantly more found in children with SIBO compared with those without

unctional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) in children and
Conclusions: SIBO is present in 14.3% of children presenting with
adults are among the most frequent reasons to visit a health
AP-FGID. IBS, altered defecation pattern, loss of appetite, and belching
care provider (1,2) and have a high impact on health care costs (3).
were predictors for SIBO in children with AP-FGID.
Abdominal pain–related FGIDs (AP-FGIDs) is a subgroup of FGID
Key Words: abdominal pain–related FGID, glucose hydrogen breath test, and affects approximately 20% of school-going children in the
prevalence, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth United States and Europe (1). AP-FGIDs are best described by the
Rome III criteria (4) and include functional AP (FAP), irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS), functional AP syndrome (FAPS), functional
(JPGN 2015;60: 498–502) dyspepsia (FD), and abdominal migraine. The pathophysiological
mechanisms underlying these AP-FGIDs are not completely under-
stood (5). Altered gut motility, visceral hypersensitivity, abnormal
brain–gut interaction, differences in the microbiome, psychosocial
disturbance, and immune activation have been suggested to play a
role in these children (6,7). Saps et al (8) found a significant
Received September 10, 2014; accepted November 11, 2014. increase in the risk of developing FGID in children after a bacterial
From the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, gastrointestinal infection.
Emma’s Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam, the yDepartment of Paedia- Recent studies have pointed to increased microbial levels in
trics, Amphia Hospital, Breda, and the zDepartment of Paediatrics, the small intestine as a mechanism for generating symptoms in
Jeroen Bosch Hospital, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. children with IBS and FAP (9). An abnormally high microbial
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Judith Korterink, Depart- population level in the small intestine is known as small intestinal
ment of Paediatrics, Emma’s Children’s Hospital, Meibergdreef 9, 1105
bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This condition is the result of a
AZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (e-mail: judithkorterink@hotmail.
com). retrograde shift of the native bacterial population of the large
The authors report no conflicts of interest. intestine (10). The expansion of bacteria into the small intestine
Copyright # 2015 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, usually leads to bloating, diarrhoea, and abdominal discomfort or
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric pain (11). Similar symptoms can be found in children with
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition AP-FGID. It has been demonstrated that adult patients (12) and
DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000000634 paediatric patients (9) experiencing IBS or FAP have a higher

498 JPGN  Volume 60, Number 4, April 2015

Copyright 2015 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN  Volume 60, Number 4, April 2015 Glucose Hydrogen Breath Test in Pediatric AP-FGIDs

prevalence of abnormal microbial fermentation compared with independent samples t test for normally distributed data or a
healthy controls. These data further support the hypothesis that Mann-Whitney U test for nonnormally distributed data. For com-
SIBO may play a role in AP-FGID. parison of categorical variables, a Pearson x2 test or Fisher exact test
Conventionally, the diagnosis of SIBO has been based on was used. Using a univariate logistic regression, odds ratios for the
jejunal aspirate and culture (13), but this technique is invasive, and relation between SIBO and different diagnoses of AP-FDIG were
because of the limited access of the instrumentation, patients with calculated. All statistical tests were 2-tailed, and P < 0.05 was
isolated distal SIBO remain undiagnosed (11). Although the considered statistically significant. The data were analysed using
accuracy is still controversial, noninvasive hydrogen breath tests SPSS version 19.0 (IBM SPSS Statistics, Armonk, NY).
using lactulose or glucose have been widely used as a diagnostic
tool to establish SIBO (14,15). A greater diagnostic accuracy is RESULTS
demonstrated for glucose hydrogen breath test (GHBT) because the
lactulose hydrogen breath test (LHBT) has more false-positive Patient Population
results compared with the GHBT (15,16). Between February 2012 and October 2013, 161 Dutch
So far, no study has assessed the prevalence of SIBO using a children fulfilling the Rome III criteria for AP-FGID were enrolled
GHBT, in children with AP-FGID fulfilling the Rome III criteria. in this study. SIBO was diagnosed in 23 patients (14.3%). Patient
The aim of this study was to demonstrate the prevalence of SIBO in characteristics are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Patients in the
children with AP-FGID by using the GHBT and identify potential SIBOþ group were significantly older and more often diagnosed as
predictors of SIBO in children with AP-FGID. having IBS. Type of feeding during infancy was recorded from 80
patients; 4 of 9 patients (44.4%) of the SIBOþ group and 34 of 71
METHODS patients (47.8%) of the SIBO group received breast-feeding for at
least 2 months.
Study Population
We conducted a prospective cohort study among consecutive Clinical Characteristics
children with AP, ages 6 to 18 years, referred to the outpatient clinic
of a secondary hospital in Den Bosch and Breda, the Netherlands. A Fatigue (75%) was the most prevalent symptom found in the
standardised AP questionnaire was used to establish the medical SIBOþ group, followed by an altered defecation pattern (71.4%),
history. Furthermore, demographic data of all of the subjects were nausea (68.2%), and bloating (66.7%). Altered defecation pattern
recorded, as well as information about medication use and type of (ie, change in frequency or form of stool), loss of appetite, and
feeding (breast or formula) during infancy. belching were significantly more found in patients with SIBO
All of the children fulfilling the Rome III criteria for AP- compared with those without SIBO. Surprisingly, no significant
FGID subsequently underwent a GHBT. Organic causes of AP, such difference between the 2 groups was found with respect to the
as inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease, and infection, were prevalence of diarrhoea and flatulence.
excluded by blood and faecal analyses. Subjects with predisposing
conditions of SIBO (eg, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, scler- GHBT Results
oderma, gut anatomic abnormalities) and subjects who had taken
antibiotics or probiotics within the preceding 4 weeks of the test The results of the GHBT are given in Table 3. A fasting
were excluded. The local medical ethics committee waived the need hydrogen level 20 ppm was found in 18 children of the SIBOþ
for informed consent. group, with a mean level of 26.2  5.7 ppm (range 20–40 ppm). Six
children were diagnosed as having SIBO after a rise of 12 ppm
Glucose Hydrogen Breath Test (mean rise 16.5  7.8 ppm, 12–25 ppm) over baseline during the
GHBT, of whom one also had a fasting level >20 ppm. In all but 1
Evaluation of SIBO was done by GHBT. To minimise and child, peak hydrogen levels were reached within 30 minutes in the
give stable values of basal H2 excretion, subjects were instructed to SIBOþ group.
take a carbohydrate-restricted dinner the day before the test and to
be fasting for 12 hours before the test. Before the start of the GHBT, DISCUSSION
patients brushed their teeth and did a mouthwash with chlorhexidine This study showed that SIBO, using the GHBT, was found in
20 mL at 0.05%. The test was rescheduled when preparation was not 14.3% of Dutch children with AP-FGID. SIBO was more prevalent
proper. End-expiratory breath samples were collected. At the start in children with IBS compared with the other AP-FGIDs. In
of the test, fasting breath hydrogen was measured twice; the mean addition, an altered defecation pattern, loss of appetite, and belching
value was taken as the basal breath hydrogen. After ingesting a were significantly more found in children with SIBO compared
solution of 2 g/kg glucose (maximum 50 g) in 200 mL of water, with those without SIBO.
every 15 minutes for 2 hours end-expiratory breath samples were Wide variations in prevalence rates of SIBO have been
collected (16). Breath samples were analysed immediately for H2 reported in adults and children with IBS ranging from 4% to
using a Gastrolyzer (Bedfont Scientific Ltd, Maidstone, UK). 91% (9,20). These variations may be explained by the use of
Results were expressed as parts per million. GHBT was considered different diagnostic tests to establish SIBO and different diagnostic
as indicative of the presence of SIBO when fasting breath hydrogen criteria for IBS. A study by Rana et al (21) demonstrated that 34.4%
concentration was 20 ppm or H2 levels increased 12 ppm above of their patients with IBS had a positive LHBT, whereas only 6.2%
the baseline value (17–19). of these patients were positive on a GHBT, underlining a lack of
discriminatory utility of LBT for SIBO in patients with IBS and
Statistical Analysis controls. Furthermore, Yu et al (22) demonstrated that an abnormal
LHBT in patients with IBS indicated variations in orocaecal transit
For continuous variables, data are expressed as mean  stan- time rather than the rise in hydrogen could be explained by SIBO.
standard deviation. Categorical variables are expressed as percen- The prevalence of SIBO in children with AP-FGID (14.3%) using
tages. Comparison of continuous variables was done by an GHBT found in this study was lower compared with other studies 499

Copyright 2015 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Korterink et al JPGN  Volume 60, Number 4, April 2015

TABLE 1. Patient characteristics of patients with AP-FGID with and without SIBO

SIBOþ SIBO Significance

N ¼ 23 N ¼ 138 (P)

Mean age, y (SD) 14.1 (2.8) 12.4 (3.0) 0.010 (3.08, 0.43)
Sex (%)
Female 20 (87.0) 98 (71) 0.110
Mean BMI2 (SD) 19.6 (3.12) 19.04 (3.86) 0.523 (2.27, 1.16)
Duration of symptoms (%)
>6 mo 19 (82.6) 117 (84.8) 0.760

Diagnosis (%) 0.009 ,y

IBS 16 (69.6) 48 (34.8) 0.002
FAP 1 (4.3) 30 (21.7) 0.082
FD 2 (8.7) 18 (13) 0.741
Abdominal migraine 0 (0) 0 (0) —
FAP syndrome 4 (17.4) 42 (30.4) 0.200
Medication (%)
Laxatives 7 (30.4) 32/133 (24.1) 0.543
PPI 1 (4.3) 3/133 (2.3) 0.999

AP-FGID ¼ abdominal pain–related functional gastrointestinal disorder; BMI ¼ body mass index; FAP ¼ functional AP; FD ¼ functional dyspepsia;
IBS ¼ irritable bowel syndrome; PPI ¼ proton pomp inhibitor; SD ¼ standard deviation; SIBO ¼ small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Difference in groups was significant, P  0.05.
Using a univariate logistic regression.

using the GHBT. Previous studies showed prevalence numbers of having IBS. An altered defecation pattern was not mentioned before
SIBO up to 31% in adult patients with IBS (23) and 34% among as a predictor of SIBO, although several studies have demonstrated
paediatric patients (24). The difference between our results and the SIBO in patients with either IBS-diarrhoea or IBS-constipation
latter paediatric study may be because Boissieu et al (24) enrolled (25–27). It has been hypothesised that during the digestion of
patients with chronic diarrhoea, and therefore could have a higher carbohydrates osmotically active byproducts are produced, which
pretest probability of SIBO. promote osmotic diarrhoea (14). On the contrary, constipation is
As shown in this study, children with an altered defecation suggested to be a result of the production of methane, which may
pattern, belching, and loss of appetite were significantly more likely lead to a slower small intestinal transit time (28,29). To our
to have SIBO, as well as those who were older and diagnosed as knowledge, there is no previous published clinical evidence that

TABLE 2. Clinical features of patients AP-FGID with and without SIBO

No. patients No. patients (P)

Clinical features
Abdominal pain 23/23y 100% 138/138 100% N/A
Fatigue 15/20 75.0% 69/122 56.6% 0.120
Altered defecation pattern 15/21 71.4% 57/136 41.9% 0.012z
Nausea 15/22 68.2% 65/125 52.0% 0.160
Bloating 14/21 66.7% 62/121 51.2% 0.191
Cramps 12/19 63.2% 70/117 59.8% 0.783
Diarrhoea/loose stools 13/23 56.5% 48/136 35.3% 0.053
Loss of appetite 11/21 52.4% 32/132 24.2% 0.008z
Belching 10/21 47.6% 28/121 23.1% 0.019z
Flatulence 9/19 47.4% 58/123 47.2% 0.986
Constipation 10/23 43.5% 47/136 34.6% 0.409
Pyrosis 5/15 33.3% 32/79 40.5% 0.602
Sleeplessness 5/19 26.3% 43/113 38.1% 0.325
Vomiting 4/19 21.1% 11/131 8.4% 0.101
Faecal blood loss 4/21 19.0% 10/138 7.2% 0.093
Weight loss 4/21 19.0% 9/134 6.7% 0.090
Mucus 3/21 14.3% 10/137 7.3% 0.384

AP-FGID ¼ abdominal pain–related functional gastrointestinal disorder; SIBO ¼ small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Some children reported >1 symptom.
Number of positive cases/known cases.
Difference in groups was significant, P  0.05.


Copyright 2015 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN  Volume 60, Number 4, April 2015 Glucose Hydrogen Breath Test in Pediatric AP-FGIDs

TABLE 3. Results of GHBT in patients with and without SIBO, specified into AP-FGID subtypes

Fasting level, ppm (range) Maximum H2, ppm (range) Increase from baseline, ppm (range)

SIBOþ (n ¼ 138) 21.5  10.4 (1–40) 26.0  10.0 (8–51) 4.6  10.2 (18 to 25)
IBS (n ¼ 16) 20.3  10.6 (1–36) 24.8  8.6 (13–39) 4.4  10.5 (18 to 20)
FAP (n ¼ 1) 25 8 17
FD (n ¼ 2) 25.5  2.1 (5–40) 29  5.9 (25–33) 3.5  3.5 (1–6)
FAPS (n ¼ 4) 23.3  14.4 (24–27) 34.3  11.9 (23–51) 11  10.2 (1–25)
SIBO (n ¼ 23) 6.3  4.3 (0–19) 7.9  4.9 (1–25) 1.8  2.3 (5 to 8)
IBS (n ¼ 48) 5.8  4.1 (1–19) 8.0  5.0 (2–25) 2.2  2.5 (5 to 7)
FAP (n ¼ 30) 5.0  3.9 (0–15) 6.6  5.0 (1–19) 1.6  2.1 (4 to 6)
FD (n ¼ 18) 6.4  4.5 (1–15) 7.9  4.8 (2–20) 1.4  2.5 (5 to 5)
FAPS (n ¼ 42) 7.2  4.6 (0–18) 8.9  4.7 (1–20) 1.7  1.9 (2 to 8)

Significance (P) SIBOþ vs SIBO <0.001 0.03 <0.001

Numbers are mean  SD. AP-FGID ¼ abdominal pain–related functional gastrointestinal disorder; FAP ¼ functional abdominal pain; FAPS ¼ FAP
syndrome; FD ¼ functional dyspepsia; GHBT ¼ glucose hydrogen breath test; IBS ¼ irritable bowel syndrome; SIBO ¼ small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Using a Mann-Whitney U test.

SIBO is more common in patients complaining of either belching or per millilitre (39,40). Hence, it is important to know that GHBT can
a loss of appetite. Abnormal gastrointestinal flora has been demon- underestimate SIBO, but it is unlikely to overestimate SIBO. Lastly,
strated to produce excessive intestinal gas, which may explain the the confinement to a symptomatic group of patients did not allow us
increased number of patients complaining of belching in our study to compare our findings with healthy controls, which is another
(20,30). We have no good explanation why more children experi- drawback of the present study. In previous studies the GHBT,
enced loss of appetite. however, showed no abnormalities and no elevated fasting levels in
This study showed that SIBO was more prevalent in patients 2 small samples of healthy control children (24,40). Moreover, a
with IBS. This higher prevalence may be attributed to an altered GHBT performed in healthy adults showed significantly few
intestinal microbiota in children with IBS. Using 16S metage- abnormalities (21,38) and significantly lower baseline levels com-
nomics by PhyloChip DNA hybridisation and deep 454 pyrose- pared with adult patients with IBS (38,41).
quencing, children with IBS yielded greater proportions of the In conclusion, based on our findings, SIBO is less common
phylum Proteobacteria, the class g-Proteobacteria, and genera such among Dutch children with AP-FDIG than reported in the literature,
as Dorea (member of Firmicutes) and Haemophilus (member of with a prevalence of 14.3%. So far, there is insufficient evidence to
g-Proteobacteria) compared with healthy controls (31). Increased justify the routine exclusion of SIBO in children with AP-FGID.
levels of the Veillonella species have been putatively associated GHBT incorporated in the diagnostic workup of AP-FGID should,
with IBS symptoms and SIBO (32). however, be considered in children with IBS, an altered defecation
It is remarkable that most of our patients diagnosed as having pattern, loss of appetite, and belching, which seem predictors for
SIBO exhibited high basal H2 levels. To define SIBO based on SIBO. Given the imperfect nature of breath tests, more work is
fasting hydrogen level >20 ppm is controversial because of the needed to better understand the role of the microbiota in the
possibility of representing an improper test preparation (33,34). The development of gastrointestinal symptoms. Defining the micro-
preparation rules, in our study, however were maintained strictly. In biome in children with AP-FGID can help to identify which
accordance with the landmark study by Perman et al (35), in healthy children with AP-FGID could benefit from therapeutic manipula-
subjects, a carbohydrate-restricted dinner resulted in uniformly low tion of gut microbiota, using antibiotics or probiotics.
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