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Complex Compound Simple

1. Though/ Although 1. But 1. In spite of/ Despite

2. As/ Since 2. And/ And so 2. Because of/ on
account of/ due to/
owing to
3. When দ্বারা সময় 3. And then 3. In
বুঝালে এবং সময় উল্লেখ At দ্বারা সময়
থাকলে। on
4. . When দ্বারা সময় 4. And then 4. At the time
বুঝালে এবং সময় উল্লেখ
না থাকলে।
5. When দ্বারা বয়স 5. And 5. At the age of
6. . When দ্বারা ২য় ক্রিয়া 6. And 6. Participle
আগে/পরে সম্পন্ন হওয়া
7.{a} So………..that 7.{a} So -> Very 7.{a} too…………to
( Sub একই থাকলে ) That -> and
7.{b} So………..that 7.{b} So -> Very 7.{b} too……(for+২য়
( Sub ভিন্ন হলে ) That -> and sub এর obj)
8. Rule--- (5) {so that} 8. Rule--- (6) {want, 8. Rule--- (1-4)
expect, hope, desire} {to+verb,
9. (a) so--that 9. (a) So -> Very 9. (a) enough to (sub
(Affirmative) That -> and same)
9. (b) so—that 9. (b) So -> Very 9. (b) too…………to
(negative) That -> and
9. (c) so--that 9. (c) So -> Very 9. (c) enough—for+
(Affirmative) That -> and obj of 2nd sub to (sub
10. Relative pronoun+ 10. and (instead of 10. present participle
active voice relative pronoun)
11. Relative pronoun+ 11. and (instead of 11. past participle
passive voice relative pronoun)
12. If+ Affirmative 12. may+ and+ in that 12. By+ gerund
13. If+ Negative 13. or/ otherwise 13. Without+ gerund

Ex: 01
Complex: Though he is rich, he can’t buy happiness.
Compound: He is he is rich but he can’t buy happiness.
Simple: Despite being rich, he can’t buy happiness.
Ex: 02
Complex: As he is a Youtuber, he is famous.
Compound: He is a Youtuber and he is famous
Simple: Because of being a Youtuber, he is famous
Ex: 03
Complex: When it is summer, I like to eat mango.
Compound: It is summer and I like to eat mango.
Simple: In summer, I like to eat mango.
Ex: 04
Complex: When Fahim was writing, I spoiled his writing
Compound: Fahim was writing and I spoiled his writing
Simple: At the time of Fahim’s writing, I spoiled it
Ex: 05
Complex: When he was fourteen, he used to save money
Compound: He was fourteen and he used to save money
Simple: At the age of fourteen, he used to save money
Ex: 06
Complex: When you ate your dinner, you went for a walk
Compound: You ate your dinner and went for a walk
Simple: Eating your dinner, you went for a walk
Ex: 07(a)
Complex: Rahim is so lazy that he hasn’t done his H.W
Compound: Rahim is very lazy and he hasn’t done his H.W
Simple: Rahim is too lazy to do his H.W
Ex: 07(b)
Complex: The work was so easy that Karim did it laughingly
Compound: The work was very easy and Karim did it laughingly
Simple: The work was too easy for Karim to do it
Ex: 08
Complex: We should take a balanced diet so that we can live a healthy life
Compound: We should take a balanced diet and we want to lead a healthy life

Simple: We should take a balanced diet to live a healthy life

Or, we should take a balanced diet for living a healthy life
Or, we should take a balanced diet in order to live a healthy life
Or, we should take a balanced diet with a view to living a healthy life
Ex: 09(a)
Complex: He is so strong that he can do this work
Compound: He is very strong and he can do this work
Simple: He is strong enough to do this work
Ex: 09(a)
Complex: He has so the strength that he can do this work
Compound: He has much strength and he can do this work
Simple: He has enough strength to do this work
Ex: 09 (b)
Complex: The work is so easy that everybody can do it
Compound: The work is very easy and everybody can do it
Simple: The work is easy enough for everybody to do it
Ex: 10
Complex: The girl who was talented is a BCS cadre now
Compound: The girl was talented and she is a BCS cadre now
Simple: The girl being talented is a BCS cadre now
Ex: 11
Complex: The road which was damaged has been repaired recently
Compound: The road was damaged and it has been repaired recently
Simple: The road damaged has been repaired recently
Ex: 12
Complex: If you learn English well, you will get a good job
Compound: You may learn English well and, in that case, you will get a
good job
Simple: By Learning English well, you will get a good job
Ex: 13
Complex: If you don’t play well, we will not be able to win
Compound: Play well or/ otherwise we will not be able to win
Simple: Without your playing well, we will not be able to win
1. We plant trees to save the environment.
2. We plant trees for saving the environment.
3. We plant trees in order to save the environment.
4. We plant trees with a view to saving the environment.
5. We plant trees so that we can save the environment.
6. We plant trees and we want/ desire/ hope/ expect to save the

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