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Date: ____________________________

Eating behaviors journal

Instructions: Capture any urges or behaviors that you notice, especially around eating time.

Meal time What did you eat? What are you feeling, doing or thinking?


Remember to stay on track with diet

today! Doing intermittent fasting —
7:00 AM Black coffee no breakfast. Stay strong!
Did 45 minutes fasted cardio.
Hoping to wait until lunch time.
Large coffee with cream & sugar Gave in and ate the muffin at the
10 AM
Muffin meeting. Feeling guilty and
Feeling rushed and anxious. Urge to
12” Subway sandwich over-eat is strong. Got extra-large
12 PM sub and ate it quickly.
Diet soda Planning longer workout tonight to
make up for it.
Date: ____________________________

Eating behaviors journal

Instructions: Capture any urges or behaviors that you notice, especially around eating time.

Meal time What did you eat? What are you feeling, doing or thinking?
Date: ____________________________

Meal time What did you eat? What are you feeling, doing or thinking?

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