Negative Thoughts

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Write any Automatic Negative Thoughts that you can think of in the left column.
Next, consider each in turn and see if you can challenge it with a Positive Replacement Thought in the
right-hand column.
Certainly! Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) are common cognitive distortions that can contribute to
negative emotions and behaviors. Here are some examples along with possible Positive Replacement
Thoughts (PRTs):

Automatic Negative Thought (ANT) Positive Replacement Thought (PRT)

"I'm not good enough." "I am capable and have strengths that make me valuable."
"This is too hard; I can't do it." "I may face challenges, but I can learn and overcome them."
"Nobody likes me." "I have meaningful connections, and people appreciate me."
"I always mess things up." "Mistakes happen, and I can learn and grow from them."
"I'll never succeed." "Success takes time, effort, and persistence; I can achieve it."
"I'm a failure." "I may face setbacks, but I have the ability to bounce back and succeed."
"I'll never be happy." "Happiness is attainable, and I can focus on positive aspects of my life."
"I'm so overwhelmed; I can't handle it." "I can break things down, prioritize, and tackle one thing at a
"I'm always to blame." "Responsibility is important, but I don't have to shoulder all the blame."
"I'll never get better." "Change is possible, and I can take steps to improve my situation."
It's important to note that challenging negative thoughts takes practice, and finding realistic, positive
replacements is key to promoting a healthier mindset. Additionally, seeking support from friends, family,
or a mental health professional can be beneficial in addressing negative thought patterns.

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