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Ahs1rnr1 --, hi~ l>"P'"' 1uuuru11111)•,; ,,,.

,11r,,vJ1•wn ,,,, t,,,,,Jt,~J, 11 J

dl'Vf•lnpnwnt for 111nltl11n nffld••flt ltflll , , ,,,, ,,t,,,, 11,,,, Y,111'/, ( ,,, ,,, , .
< 1111 ,um Is 10 Mrnl ;· tl,r vnrlou, cft· w•J1, pr,1,·1,r•, In tt,,, J',JJ••/ , 11 1u,,,
mitr lltru•~ anti thf'lr p•·t(orrnnrtCf•. < IH ,-,,111 1,,,·t,u,,1,,,~y '''"'""'''*''l
us1•d ror r uulng thf) .KfA t,1 hy tlH' n11u1111,,lly 1,,,,11u,,,1 (f,,v;u, r t t,IJI
111 ,, survey vJr foun(I t11111 vnrlmu: tyr,,·~ of s, 1
nrJ9 ,·u 1t111 r,v11 !s.t,h• Jr,
111,11 kC'I whlr h nrr run hy rnu11nnof ,;,,Jnr. (!J,,,·tMI' 1u1 '1 lnte, 11hl
r.oml111s11nn r ngln". GrrH,Rc·utff•rn rir1, uvr,tl1thl1• lr1 rns,rl'tt1 h11 vi·;?
snn1C' limit to cut grass 11t sorn,, t11•lf~1.r. Wl1 ,in· trylnS! ,,, u1akl-! rtte
1ww ann ovnrivc concept rnaJnly u£;mJ ha itt,rkul&u ral n,,fd. N<• ;, r 1~
going to faJ)ricate the gra as cufllnfJ rruu·hl 111• for U11• UM' ,,t
agnculrural field , to c11t lh~ cropti In the flf• ld a,~ w~JI h '; t,,, ut tt,,,
@ ·e1ad e - Co·nsist of nu1ne.rous blades that are a

rotali'ng shaft The blades rotate., creating a cutting motion.

® Bed knife - Is the stati.onary ·cutting ·mechanism of a mowf
® :Body fr,ame - The main. stru:cturial fram.e oflhe mower ont•
which. the other parts of the mower are moun·ted...

® Wheel.s - 'The·se help, propel the mo·wer in action . GeneraJI:

,our lawn. mowers have four w·heels.
•:• A g ra ss cu tt er is a m ac hi ne th at us
es sliding bla
to cu t a la w n at an even le ng 1

th . Even rr
so p h is tica te d de vi ce s are there in ev

er y field. Po
co n sw n p ti o n becomes essential for

future .
@ There
are several types of mowers ~ ea-c· b

suited to a parti cular scale· and purpose.


® The smaller types are p·u shed by human

user and are suitable for sman
residential lawns and gardens.

@ Lawn mowers are widely used in all

sports grounds. Lawn mowers become a
inore efficient alternative to th£

domesticated grazing animals.
It is widely used to cut small grasses & II
it can als~ be used for cutti~g sn1all
plants and also used for triJDll'IID8 grass
· -la , _ 0 ,.mds and sports ground.
ANT U,Ui:.:, 1 IUN:>!


140( ;o v1,:1tNl\11':N'I' 1101.v ·ati:C'I I NH'C 'OI I Ha•

M.h'. .NA(;AM, C·111:NNA I (1fHIOHI

l>1•: l1 AK'l'I\U,: N I' OF 1\11,:c 'IIAN IC ,\I. l•:Nca NEEIU NC;

SI:\ I'll s•:~U'.S'I 1-:K l'K0.1•:( "I WOHh (l'i •M' hl'nu•) 21l2.l-211 l-'

11 n .E: o•:slGN AN D 1-' ARRl('A TION ()I,' (;RAS~ ( 'I ' f I U( f,'()I(

A(;1uc1 11.n IRAI. APPl.l('A'l'ION


S.NO ~ NAJ\lm
I ~.A 1ny Snmvnna kumar ',,01<," I
2 l:.A~nsh 21 io1C1:!~
J • r .!\I \\ Ill l·h111i:,nr
4 V.Ar1111 k11n1111 ~210 111:!0
~ M.( 'lrnr.111 , " Oh IJ2

( ;t 'll>E: Mrs.TA MIi. s•:LVI

Al'PROXI I\IATE ('OST: 8,000 /. ( H<ii II 1'111 Hl" '' ' ll Rll l'I I·~)

AUV'AN tAlJt:>

•!• No fuel consumption

•!• No. of reciprocating parts are less
•!•Compact size and portable
•!• Easy to move from one place to another place
•:•Operating principle is siinple.
•!• Non-skilled person also operate tl1is machine

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