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0:0:0.0 --> 0:0:6.

Arif, Mohamed
And production why we went for these two system landscape as per the client requirements.
0:0:6.600 --> 0:0:14.960
Arif, Mohamed
You know, we have one full development in case if you need changes before doing it in the production
system, we'll do it in the development and we're moving to production.
0:0:14.970 --> 0:0:17.140
Arif, Mohamed
So that's idea what they have brought it up with.
0:0:17.150 --> 0:0:20.740
Arif, Mohamed
You know two system landscape solman development scope.
0:0:20.750 --> 0:0:20.980
Arif, Mohamed
0:0:20.990 --> 0:0:21.400
Arif, Mohamed
All things.
0:0:21.410 --> 0:0:24.380
Arif, Mohamed
What you do it indie development system of solution manager.
0:0:25.200 --> 0:0:27.70
Arif, Mohamed
So I explained you there are.
0:0:27.80 --> 0:0:29.630
Arif, Mohamed
I'll show you the other staying.
0:0:34.970 --> 0:0:39.640
Arif, Mohamed
So these all things are there in this scope actually.
0:0:39.710 --> 0:0:42.560
Arif, Mohamed
So they have come up with the mainly the tech monitoring right.
0:0:43.90 --> 0:0:46.650
Arif, Mohamed
So with this they want to enable all these stuff.
0:0:47.430 --> 0:1:5.460
Arif, Mohamed
So when we talk about, you know, this uh to the customer, so you really need to implement all these
things because you know as per the requirements only we will be enable these things right because each
and everything it will be taking time and also you need to configure each and everything but some of the
cases you really don't do configure it.
0:1:5.730 --> 0:1:12.500
Arif, Mohamed
So from the client side, as I explain you previously, they don't have any idea about, you know what to
implement, what not to implement, right?
0:1:12.590 --> 0:1:14.80
Arif, Mohamed
So they told we need everything.
0:1:14.210 --> 0:1:17.160
Arif, Mohamed
So now this also they're in this cop from the beginning.
0:1:17.170 --> 0:1:17.960
Arif, Mohamed
What they have given it.
0:1:17.970 --> 0:1:19.120
Arif, Mohamed
Indeed, uh.
0:1:19.150 --> 0:1:21.190
Arif, Mohamed
You know email or in the in the scope.
0:1:22.420 --> 0:1:28.470
Arif, Mohamed
This uh, including the early watch alert, you know we will be enabling all these things.
0:1:28.520 --> 0:2:0.530
Arif, Mohamed
So when we are talking about the solution manager development system, these tech monitoring and
system monitoring for the non prod system or your blog arc ECC and your you know SRM all these non
production system they're developed in if they want to include sandbox but I don't think the sandbox is
required but in case if they asking we can include otherwise you are development and quality to be you
know enable for this tech monitoring and or in the SDS system that is your solution manager
development system.
0:2:0.860 --> 0:2:8.490
Arif, Mohamed
The idea is something like, you know, not to harm your production solution manager production system
with so many monitoring metrics.
0:2:8.800 --> 0:2:14.270
Arif, Mohamed
So that's a reason you know why here, stick it on development separately for the monitoring things.
0:2:14.520 --> 0:2:16.470
Arif, Mohamed
We also discuss the same thing with the clients.
0:2:16.540 --> 0:2:26.80
Arif, Mohamed
They also agreed to work for the same thing, and we'll separate the monitoring things for development
system in the solution manager production system.
0:2:26.230 --> 0:2:31.80
Arif, Mohamed
We lacked only for the production system, monitoring and job.
0:2:31.410 --> 0:2:34.40
Arif, Mohamed
Obviously you have your main call.
0:2:34.410 --> 0:2:37.920
Arif, Mohamed
You'll be doing it in the production charm and all this system will be connected to this.
0:2:38.190 --> 0:2:40.180
Arif, Mohamed
Yep, solution like their production system.
0:2:41.30 --> 0:2:46.440
Arif, Mohamed
OK, so the beginning I had given this timeline for doing this actually.
0:2:47.50 --> 0:3:5.350
Arif, Mohamed
So this all completed your because when I join you know it was in the development was in progress and
how many days you know it was required for to complete each and every task you know starting from
the building of your system, OK, we built both the system development and production now.
0:3:5.460 --> 0:3:6.830
Arif, Mohamed
So how many days it has taken?
0:3:6.840 --> 0:3:12.930
Arif, Mohamed
So basically configuration we told five days, 5 days and the agent installation in all satellite system seven
0:3:13.220 --> 0:3:17.410
Arif, Mohamed
So these all completed in the non prod systems now.
0:3:17.510 --> 0:3:23.70
Arif, Mohamed
OK, but non prod system, I could see the either development.
0:3:23.80 --> 0:3:25.900
Arif, Mohamed
I mean DB system, right?
0:3:25.950 --> 0:3:39.910
Arif, Mohamed
The distributed system, like you know, ECC and BW system serve you know it is running separately with
the HANA system that that used to be agent to be installed and to be connected with the system. OK.
0:3:42.10 --> 0:3:44.640
Arif, Mohamed
For the agent agent to be installed, I was.
0:3:44.790 --> 0:3:50.860
Arif, Mohamed
You know, I was getting installed for the day the but you know, uh PROD not installed.
0:3:51.780 --> 0:3:55.410
Arif, Mohamed
OK, dear, it's not as no, but in this item in prod.
0:3:55.420 --> 0:4:5.660
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, but you know, development also, you know some systems like uh BW saram is done and ECC.
0:4:6.10 --> 0:4:14.360
Arif, Mohamed
So last week I was checking, you know, what are the database system where the agent has been done it
or not, you know, because it's not been done.
0:4:14.930 --> 0:4:23.40
Arif, Mohamed
So then you know there is a separate, you know configuration to connect with your system, right?
0:4:23.250 --> 0:4:24.720
Arif, Mohamed
So that has to be activated.
0:4:24.730 --> 0:4:38.820
Arif, Mohamed
You need to go and you know, either through the command prompt, we know we'll be going through
the, you know, the I like cycle this feeling will be operating at you know adding the user HDB store, you'll
be creating the user, it will be connecting the system.
0:4:39.10 --> 0:4:41.900
Arif, Mohamed
So those things is pending in the development system.
0:4:41.910 --> 0:4:43.300
Arif, Mohamed
Only two systems, two landscape.
0:4:43.490 --> 0:4:43.940
Arif, Mohamed
0:4:44.370 --> 0:4:48.210
Arif, Mohamed
And the production landscape you have all the agents to be installed and you know to connect the
0:4:50.210 --> 0:4:52.900
Arif, Mohamed
So this is the beginning.
0:4:52.910 --> 0:4:53.490
Arif, Mohamed
I had your hand.
0:5:1.610 --> 0:5:5.120
Arif, Mohamed
So solvent development scope you have any doubt.
0:5:8.90 --> 0:5:8.400
Arif, Mohamed
0:5:11.90 --> 0:5:13.20
Arif, Mohamed
Uh solution manager.
0:5:13.30 --> 0:5:14.0
Arif, Mohamed
Production scope.
0:5:14.550 --> 0:5:21.960
Arif, Mohamed
I explain you what you the mainly the job will be working on the production landscape only solution
0:5:21.970 --> 0:5:35.990
Arif, Mohamed
All the system will be connected to that and we know ideas are also later you need to ohh integrate so in
dev design is done no I guess it has not been started yet actually.
0:5:36.0 --> 0:5:41.240
Arif, Mohamed
So I think this is also there in the scope of the solution manager project.
0:5:41.250 --> 0:5:44.990
Arif, Mohamed
OK, atheism was not there in school.
0:5:45.320 --> 0:5:46.930
Arif, Mohamed
I didn't say he's there, OK.
0:5:47.160 --> 0:5:53.790
Arif, Mohamed
It is there in the scope, but we, you know, we did not even start with ITSM and other tech monitor
because the priority was on job.
0:5:53.980 --> 0:5:56.50
Arif, Mohamed
So that's the reason we started running, working later.
0:5:56.60 --> 0:6:2.840
Arif, Mohamed
Once after charm is, you know when like you can start in ITSM and you integrate with the job.
0:6:6.280 --> 0:6:9.800
Arif, Mohamed
So what are things as completed in development and production system?
0:6:18.300 --> 0:6:24.430
Arif, Mohamed
So I'll share with you this in case if they are asking anything you know for the timeline or anything.
0:6:24.440 --> 0:6:30.150
Arif, Mohamed
So this is not to share with the customer with the timeline, but at least you know you can share that.
0:6:30.160 --> 0:6:39.480
Arif, Mohamed
You know what is the status in case if they ask you know that's like so starting from here, you know we
have completed all ohh these things in the.
0:6:41.860 --> 0:6:42.810
Arif, Mohamed
I mean development system.
0:6:44.660 --> 0:6:48.30
Arif, Mohamed
OK, this is in respect to the charm configuration.
0:6:48.40 --> 0:6:55.370
Arif, Mohamed
Mainly OK immediately once we switch after the installation, after the mandatory configuration, we
switch to charm implementation.
0:6:55.660 --> 0:7:8.410
Arif, Mohamed
Then I have put all the you know activities for the CHARM implication once are things and what are we
have completed in the development and only these things are pending now.
0:7:8.680 --> 0:7:15.850
Arif, Mohamed
So I was doing the RC test in RFC's completed then I told no we will create a change document and we'll
be doing it.
0:7:16.280 --> 0:7:25.540
Arif, Mohamed
So that was in progress and development and demo to the customer that is pending in development
solution manager for production system.
0:7:27.230 --> 0:7:28.910
Arif, Mohamed
Till here we have completed everything.
0:7:35.400 --> 0:7:39.610
Arif, Mohamed
LMDB and everything has been set and TR installation also complete.
0:7:42.470 --> 0:7:48.530
Arif, Mohamed
OK, so but such activation and will be doing it with the change control management.
0:7:52.260 --> 0:7:57.510
Arif, Mohamed
So I roughly put ITSM steps you know to demonstrate to the client, you know, for the beginning.
0:7:57.520 --> 0:8:10.250
Arif, Mohamed
Actually the project to make them aware that you know how much time it will be taking for each and
every task and how to get there of idea of you know you're continuously working on this idea.
0:8:10.260 --> 0:8:11.150
Arif, Mohamed
Someone job.
0:8:11.270 --> 0:8:12.210
Arif, Mohamed
How much time it will take.
0:8:12.220 --> 0:8:15.600
Arif, Mohamed
So roughly have given this timeline to complete this itself.
0:8:17.650 --> 0:8:20.420
Arif, Mohamed
So green means it is done is green means it is done.
0:8:25.90 --> 0:8:27.480
Arif, Mohamed
So do you do you the annoying?
0:8:27.850 --> 0:8:30.120
Arif, Mohamed
Hello I think I have activated later.
0:8:30.130 --> 0:8:35.420
Arif, Mohamed
I did not update it here, so you know that step where you need to do it while doing the configuration
0:8:35.750 --> 0:8:37.950
Arif, Mohamed
So they'll ask you to do HTTP NR.
0:8:37.960 --> 0:8:42.40
Arif, Mohamed
They connection support for this, not you can go ahead with the configuration.
0:8:42.50 --> 0:8:45.830
Arif, Mohamed
It's not mandatory, but as per the prechecks they will ask you to enable this.
0:8:46.770 --> 0:8:49.990
Arif, Mohamed
So later I think for ticket races and all, you know I have done this.
0:8:50.800 --> 0:8:51.900
Arif, Mohamed
Updated this if your order.
0:8:57.720 --> 0:9:3.500
Arif, Mohamed
Such computer number search you know, just need to go into the pain for that, you know to configure it.
0:9:3.570 --> 0:9:9.60
Arif, Mohamed
But uh, I'll share with you the TRX, you know credentials and all.
0:9:9.70 --> 0:9:30.60
Arif, Mohamed
What I have created and even the steps I have documented, everything OK yeah, this is the test screen
for starting from the implemented, I mean the installation of the solution manager system and uh,
whatever the configuration I have and I have captured each and every screenshot.
0:9:30.430 --> 0:9:31.650
Arif, Mohamed
So I'll share with you, OK.
0:9:33.920 --> 0:9:34.280
Arif, Mohamed
0:9:46.260 --> 0:9:48.70
Arif, Mohamed
What else? Uh.
0:9:50.280 --> 0:9:54.160
Arif, Mohamed
OK, so uh, what we're trying to do the test today for the.
0:9:56.420 --> 0:9:59.670
Arif, Mohamed
Uh, purely development to connect with the production, right?
0:10:0.560 --> 0:10:2.810
Arif, Mohamed
So like that, you know, you know that, right?
0:10:2.820 --> 0:10:7.410
Arif, Mohamed
So like, can you do the trusted RFC for every system?
0:10:7.550 --> 0:10:15.760
Arif, Mohamed
OK, so anyway for all the other uh, non prod system, we have already completed the complete managed
system completed because you know we need the tech mode anyway.
0:10:15.890 --> 0:10:18.100
Arif, Mohamed
So that is the reason we completed for everything.
0:10:18.450 --> 0:10:24.920
Arif, Mohamed
But in production you need to just create the connections you know complete the manual system with
the third step.
0:10:28.440 --> 0:10:33.700
Arif, Mohamed
Any any doubts it you can ask me anything basically can make a note of that.
0:10:34.130 --> 0:10:43.790
Arif, Mohamed
So for any case, uh, you know, uh, you want to ask me any of the towns or, you know, to go on television
side or the other thing you can ask?
0:10:44.710 --> 0:10:48.900
Arif, Mohamed
Uh, I'd also do one thing you know, will prepare that documents anyway.
0:10:49.750 --> 0:10:50.20
Arif, Mohamed
0:10:50.30 --> 0:10:53.980
Arif, Mohamed
Anyway, I have captured everything but some of the things you know during the test purpose.
0:10:53.990 --> 0:10:56.580
Arif, Mohamed
You know, I have captured this one John test screen.
0:10:56.830 --> 0:11:6.900
Arif, Mohamed
So this one also I'll make it in a a simple way and you know we'll share with you every document I'm
doing in the roles that are not roles and the users and passwords.
0:11:11.20 --> 0:11:15.30
Arif, Mohamed
Everything we see, mainly the during the installation and configuration.
0:11:15.40 --> 0:11:16.490
Arif, Mohamed
I have put the password below itself.
0:11:16.500 --> 0:11:32.730
Arif, Mohamed
You know what are the password I have used in the so mainly that HPE password what we explain you
right is the main password you know we have used it in case if you're not able to use it that in that case
you know I have changed I have updated below the document also you'll get it back yeah.
0:11:32.250 --> 0:11:35.100
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So for the password right Arif?
0:11:35.320 --> 0:11:35.580
Arif, Mohamed
0:11:38.320 --> 0:11:38.450
Arif, Mohamed
0:11:43.90 --> 0:11:44.50
Arif, Mohamed
OK. Yeah.
0:11:35.140 --> 0:11:56.680
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So just for the sake of convenience, it's fine that you're like you put it in the document, but it would be
better if you can just Update 1 Excel and just put all the customer wherever you have created user for
the arif's or for any workflow right you can just update it, make a sheet and then update all the password
landscape wise.
0:11:56.930 --> 0:11:59.650
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
OK, so that it will be convenient for, yeah.
0:12:0.620 --> 0:12:1.440
Arif, Mohamed
I understand.
0:12:1.740 --> 0:12:6.810
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
And for the for, can you also just give that for the SLD?
0:12:6.820 --> 0:12:8.360
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
What is the status like?
0:12:8.370 --> 0:12:13.810
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Suppose if she wants to start working for the production after the agent installed, right?
0:12:14.440 --> 0:12:20.10
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So which SLDC should push and what are the credentials of the POS systems?
0:12:20.60 --> 0:12:22.340
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So those also we need for that.
0:12:23.70 --> 0:12:23.260
Arif, Mohamed
0:12:24.390 --> 0:12:26.440
Arif, Mohamed
So for they sell you what he's talking about.
0:12:26.450 --> 0:12:35.900
Arif, Mohamed
You know, previously the cups in a world which, uh, what is going to be our central SLD either it's going
to be a solution manager or it's going to be your PO system.
0:12:36.130 --> 0:12:40.540
Arif, Mohamed
So it has taken quite some time to, you know, get a confirmation from the client.
0:12:40.550 --> 0:12:45.520
Arif, Mohamed
Also, finally we had, you know, convert the PO production assets.
0:12:45.530 --> 0:12:49.150
Arif, Mohamed
And so now the configuration, we already change it in both.
0:12:49.880 --> 0:12:52.410
Arif, Mohamed
Uh Solution Manager development system.
0:12:52.420 --> 0:12:59.230
Arif, Mohamed
Also production system, so now it is pointing to PO a production assistant, LSD.
0:12:59.690 --> 0:13:5.100
Arif, Mohamed
So now it will be singing with your MDB all of your system will be singing with, you know be seeing that.
0:13:5.110 --> 0:13:11.600
Arif, Mohamed
Alright, so ohh now I'll I'll share the PO credentials anyway.
0:13:11.770 --> 0:13:13.940
Arif, Mohamed
OK, I have that your credentials.
0:13:13.590 --> 0:13:13.940
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:13:13.950 --> 0:13:21.360
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
And also if you can share your like let's see the configuration of the SLD PPO central SLD.
0:13:21.370 --> 0:13:24.550
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So you're seeing the can you open and share the screen?
0:13:25.130 --> 0:13:33.270
Arif, Mohamed
Which were it's only configuration you have any documentation for that I I talk I have made a diagram.
0:13:33.280 --> 0:13:37.910
Arif, Mohamed
You know how it has been done, but the configuration is nothing there.
0:13:38.380 --> 0:13:39.700
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
The conclusion is simple.
0:13:39.710 --> 0:13:41.620
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Yeah, it's simple, straightforward.
0:13:40.340 --> 0:13:42.100
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, change that.
0:13:43.510 --> 0:13:44.120
Arif, Mohamed
That's good.
0:13:41.720 --> 0:13:48.880
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
It will just forward the request, but so they were also saying about that PO development SLD something
0:13:49.190 --> 0:13:56.370
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So finally, what like they agreed with the PO production as the one SLD central SLD even for the non prod
as well right?
0:13:57.10 --> 0:13:58.70
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, non products.
0:13:58.80 --> 0:14:16.70
Arif, Mohamed
Lt also you production is going to be your central SLD, so there requirement is something like you know
in case if there development system or you know somebody wants to work in the development system
you know they need all the SLB to be synced to their PO DEV.
0:14:18.40 --> 0:14:18.810
Arif, Mohamed
You got it right.
0:14:18.960 --> 0:14:25.660
Arif, Mohamed
So uh, for that purpose only we have, uh, you know, asked for Domino.
0:14:25.670 --> 0:14:32.920
Arif, Mohamed
We'll create a SLD bridge between PO production SLD to PO development SLD.
0:14:34.680 --> 0:14:36.870
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
OK, so now it is routing to two places.
0:14:36.880 --> 0:14:39.10
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Pure dev and then solman system.
0:14:39.870 --> 0:14:40.360
Arif, Mohamed
0:14:40.450 --> 0:14:41.100
Arif, Mohamed
Let's see now.
0:14:53.700 --> 0:14:54.120
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
That's what.
0:14:41.110 --> 0:14:55.490
Arif, Mohamed
Now it is routing only to one that is your PO Central SLD, no the configuration we have given it for PO
Central SLD only but to get all the system which is there in the PM central SLD we'll make a bridge to PO
DEV yeah.
0:14:54.130 --> 0:15:0.480
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
That's what I'm saying from the PO production, central SLD, it is routing to two places PO DEV and then
this all men.
0:15:1.880 --> 0:15:3.90
Arif, Mohamed
And the solve many to yeah, yeah.
0:15:3.100 --> 0:15:4.380
Arif, Mohamed
Through LLDB till connected.
0:15:4.390 --> 0:15:4.760
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, correct.
0:15:5.630 --> 0:15:9.290
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So is it connecting only to solvent production or dev also?
0:15:9.70 --> 0:15:10.800
Arif, Mohamed
It's a little document production now.
0:15:11.290 --> 0:15:13.860
Arif, Mohamed
Now it is connecting only to solvent production.
0:15:16.370 --> 0:15:16.590
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:15:35.480 --> 0:15:36.190
Arif, Mohamed
0:15:36.240 --> 0:15:37.30
Arif, Mohamed
0:15:37.90 --> 0:15:37.980
Arif, Mohamed
Anything else, Abhishek?
0:15:45.180 --> 0:15:45.470
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:15:45.520 --> 0:15:54.930
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
No, I just wanted to this one, you know about this SLD, you can continue while the screen is loading can
come back to see this.
0:17:2.740 --> 0:17:5.940
Arif, Mohamed
So you have to change the deer already business decision.
0:17:6.420 --> 0:17:8.100
Arif, Mohamed
LMDB data source has been changed.
0:17:9.850 --> 0:17:23.470
Arif, Mohamed
Previously it was giving a local uh SLD that is you're in MDB directly, then when there is added you have
given the PO production assets in the lesson to you now it is directly singing with you just.
0:17:32.980 --> 0:17:35.120
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Sorry, uh, I didn't understood that.
0:17:37.410 --> 0:17:37.690
Arif, Mohamed
0:17:39.820 --> 0:17:41.570
Arif, Mohamed
Abhishek, actually, this is the point.
0:17:41.580 --> 0:17:44.110
Arif, Mohamed
But we have changed it for the configuration.
0:17:46.800 --> 0:17:47.450
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
What was changed?
0:17:50.410 --> 0:17:50.970
Arif, Mohamed
I'm sure that.
0:17:57.130 --> 0:17:58.180
Arif, Mohamed
You can see this right?
0:17:58.950 --> 0:17:59.270
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:17:58.410 --> 0:18:4.550
Arif, Mohamed
The target what we have with this here once after we decided which is going to be a central SLD, right?
0:18:5.260 --> 0:18:5.480
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:18:4.820 --> 0:18:7.220
Arif, Mohamed
So this is the point we've changed to PO.
0:18:9.380 --> 0:18:13.140
Arif, Mohamed
Previously it was your local, uh MDP.
0:18:13.150 --> 0:18:16.30
Arif, Mohamed
What we have given it in the uh solution manager production already?
0:18:17.600 --> 0:18:17.820
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:18:20.100 --> 0:18:25.150
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
But I think uh, like if the routing is done right, it should.
0:18:25.220 --> 0:18:28.160
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I mean, the local SLD will also work, isn't it?
0:18:29.870 --> 0:18:38.700
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
For example, from the PO SLD the data is coming from PSD and syncing with the solution manager SLD.
0:18:39.140 --> 0:18:40.60
Arif, Mohamed
Uh. Uh.
0:18:38.880 --> 0:18:42.600
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Right then the same data is there in both the places, right?
0:18:42.880 --> 0:18:43.160
Arif, Mohamed
0:18:46.80 --> 0:18:46.200
Arif, Mohamed
0:18:42.610 --> 0:18:47.430
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So we can use the local SLD and LMDB for the solution manager I mean.
0:18:51.10 --> 0:18:51.320
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:18:47.430 --> 0:18:51.390
Arif, Mohamed
Yep, actually, obviously you have all the data there in the DB, no?
0:18:51.330 --> 0:18:54.160
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So do we really need to like, is there this is?
0:18:54.170 --> 0:19:1.170
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Is this a hard requirement to connect to the PO SLD from this LMDB of solution manager?
0:19:1.650 --> 0:19:4.960
Arif, Mohamed
No, no, no, Abhishek.
0:19:4.970 --> 0:19:11.80
Arif, Mohamed
Actually the requirement is to connect to PO development not to the solution manager.
0:19:11.380 --> 0:19:12.410
Arif, Mohamed
Leo would solution manager.
0:19:13.690 --> 0:19:19.820
Arif, Mohamed
They're looking for PO development to be connected with their PO production system, NOT solution
0:19:22.850 --> 0:19:24.560
Arif, Mohamed
You got it now.
0:19:30.750 --> 0:19:32.890
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Yeah, that I understood right.
0:19:24.610 --> 0:19:33.380
Arif, Mohamed
Uh PO development will not be having all the data which is there in the PO Central SLD, so they just want
to get the.
0:19:32.900 --> 0:19:33.630
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I got.
0:19:36.270 --> 0:19:36.490
Arif, Mohamed
0:19:33.800 --> 0:19:40.290
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I got that OK, that part this is solution manager production you have opened right that.
0:19:40.240 --> 0:19:40.440
Arif, Mohamed
0:19:42.580 --> 0:19:43.140
Arif, Mohamed
Got it correct.
0:19:46.980 --> 0:19:47.200
Arif, Mohamed
0:19:46.790 --> 0:19:47.450
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:19:47.990 --> 0:19:49.830
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Can you come down the LMDB source?
0:19:53.510 --> 0:19:54.250
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Is this one?
0:19:55.340 --> 0:19:58.360
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Umm, so it is using desk two.
0:19:58.590 --> 0:20:1.340
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Dress two is a pure prod.
0:20:3.740 --> 0:20:4.580
Arif, Mohamed
Ohh beautiful.
0:20:7.940 --> 0:20:8.140
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:20:9.70 --> 0:20:18.290
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So I mean, if we use the local one like which one that target ohh which one this one after that?
0:20:19.380 --> 0:20:23.820
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Yeah, there's one will, we can still use test one also, right.
0:20:24.130 --> 0:20:24.480
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, yeah.
0:20:27.580 --> 0:20:29.70
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Can you open the this one?
0:20:30.780 --> 0:20:32.140
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
PO prod SLD.
0:20:34.430 --> 0:20:36.340
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Opened up your productivity.
0:20:36.350 --> 0:20:39.930
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I want to see the bridge like let's see the bridge.
0:20:39.940 --> 0:20:42.620
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Like what is the configuration there?
0:21:51.700 --> 0:21:52.280
Arif, Mohamed
What is that?
0:21:52.290 --> 0:21:52.640
Arif, Mohamed
What is that?
0:21:56.800 --> 0:21:57.370
Arif, Mohamed
0:22:2.290 --> 0:22:4.10
Arif, Mohamed
Here God.
0:22:24.810 --> 0:22:26.500
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I think there is one extra space.
0:22:26.510 --> 0:22:28.790
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Uh, while you copied, just check that.
0:23:11.790 --> 0:23:12.70
Arif, Mohamed
Let's see.
0:23:11.690 --> 0:23:15.170
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Umm, OK, OK, we're a.
0:23:15.180 --> 0:23:17.390
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Let's see the what is the routing?
0:23:17.890 --> 0:23:20.450
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Can you open that forwarding bridge?
0:23:31.130 --> 0:23:32.480
Arif, Mohamed
Do you want this? Here?
0:23:32.490 --> 0:23:40.670
Arif, Mohamed
Only will be giving that this one targets for the bridge will make it which one you want to see.
0:23:40.540 --> 0:23:40.880
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:23:42.560 --> 0:23:42.770
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:23:42.780 --> 0:23:45.170
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So I mean, the bridge is not done yet, right?
0:23:45.420 --> 0:23:46.500
Arif, Mohamed
No, no, no, no.
0:23:47.620 --> 0:23:49.890
Arif, Mohamed
Here only will make the bridge, but he does not.
0:23:49.900 --> 0:23:52.790
Arif, Mohamed
The requirement actually, uh, where exactly?
0:23:52.800 --> 0:23:53.650
Arif, Mohamed
You know we are.
0:23:53.720 --> 0:23:54.840
Arif, Mohamed
We have all the for the.
0:23:52.900 --> 0:23:56.970
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Uh, that's what I I wanted to see if you said bridges done.
0:23:56.980 --> 0:23:58.660
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So I just wanted to see the bridge.
0:23:58.250 --> 0:23:58.680
Arif, Mohamed
0:23:59.110 --> 0:24:0.230
Arif, Mohamed
See bridge only.
0:24:0.240 --> 0:24:1.140
Arif, Mohamed
Here you go.
0:24:1.150 --> 0:24:3.460
Arif, Mohamed
That ministration here give the parameters.
0:24:3.470 --> 0:24:5.650
Arif, Mohamed
You'll be able to make the bridge that has a place you'll define.
0:24:6.430 --> 0:24:9.80
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Hmm yeah, I I just.
0:24:9.140 --> 0:24:11.210
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I just told you I wanted to see the price.
0:24:11.220 --> 0:24:17.530
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
That's why you have made the LMDB as the SLD PO production POK.
0:24:15.520 --> 0:24:18.340
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, yes, yes.
0:24:18.140 --> 0:24:31.180
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So if Ananya starts working on production, so she has to send the data to PO Central, OK, fine, fine, OK,
so can you can can this be done tomorrow or if this adding the target ones?
0:24:32.400 --> 0:24:32.760
Arif, Mohamed
Which are.
0:24:33.710 --> 0:24:40.40
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
But this bridge bridge setup, if we have to do the bridge setup tomorrow then.
0:24:48.580 --> 0:24:49.440
Arif, Mohamed
0:24:49.790 --> 0:24:50.200
Arif, Mohamed
No, no.
0:24:41.140 --> 0:24:51.950
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Ohh everything will be sync and then we can start using the local one in the solvent prod and I can still
use the yeah?
0:24:53.100 --> 0:25:0.170
Arif, Mohamed
Actually, you know bridge why the bridge is required now to sing the data from PO Central SLD to your
PO development.
0:25:0.980 --> 0:25:7.350
Arif, Mohamed
Otherwise, for the charm and other things you know all the data is there actually in the LMDB it is
0:25:6.940 --> 0:25:10.390
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Yeah, it's there, but it's good practice to have that.
0:25:13.920 --> 0:25:14.100
Arif, Mohamed
0:25:10.460 --> 0:25:16.40
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I mean the data in all the places, right customer wants to use to SLD's.
0:25:16.960 --> 0:25:17.630
Arif, Mohamed
Ah, yeah, yeah.
0:25:16.160 --> 0:25:19.230
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
They told they want to the POS LDL.
0:25:17.720 --> 0:25:22.700
Arif, Mohamed
After the customer requirement would make it actually for the CHARM process, it is not really required
0:25:22.190 --> 0:25:23.920
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
No, no, it is not required for CHARM.
0:25:24.470 --> 0:25:24.760
Arif, Mohamed
0:25:23.930 --> 0:25:28.380
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Why I'm saying is that see if you want to set the correct things from the beginning.
0:25:28.390 --> 0:25:34.590
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
It's better later if we want to change after the charm configuration, something goes wrong, so we don't
want that again.
0:25:34.910 --> 0:25:35.670
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:25:35.710 --> 0:25:39.940
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So from the beginning only we will go with the correct like whatever is required.
0:25:40.270 --> 0:25:43.870
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
We'll do that since we haven't started with the production, right, OK.
0:25:45.330 --> 0:25:46.360
Arif, Mohamed
By that we can make it.
0:25:46.370 --> 0:25:47.280
Arif, Mohamed
That's not a problem.
0:25:47.550 --> 0:25:48.730
Arif, Mohamed
The requirement is different.
0:25:48.740 --> 0:25:49.460
Arif, Mohamed
That's what I'm saying.
0:25:49.470 --> 0:25:51.610
Arif, Mohamed
The requirement is not too related to this.
0:25:51.620 --> 0:26:2.610
Arif, Mohamed
The job requirement is related to in case if there is any PO development or something coming in the
development system for the developer to work it to get the system, they need a bridge from yes.
0:26:4.400 --> 0:26:4.750
Arif, Mohamed
0:26:4.470 --> 0:26:5.30
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Yeah, yeah.
0:26:4.760 --> 0:26:6.90
Arif, Mohamed
Speech under 32 period.
0:26:6.580 --> 0:26:7.310
Arif, Mohamed
That is the requirement.
0:26:8.610 --> 0:26:9.100
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:26:9.150 --> 0:26:9.900
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
OK, fine.
0:26:9.910 --> 0:26:13.310
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So you can just do this bridge setup tomorrow.
0:26:13.20 --> 0:26:13.760
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
0:26:13.590 --> 0:26:16.450
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I think this is not a show stopper.
0:26:16.490 --> 0:26:17.880
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I mean, not a big thing, OK.
0:26:17.780 --> 0:26:18.300
Arif, Mohamed
No, no.
0:26:17.920 --> 0:26:20.700
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
You continue continue further with the KT.
0:26:21.300 --> 0:26:23.310
Arif, Mohamed
That's all for the, you know, to today, right?
0:26:23.600 --> 0:26:23.860
Arif, Mohamed
0:26:25.380 --> 0:26:29.510
Arif, Mohamed
Uh, in case you know, don't think case if you have any doubts or anything, just make a note.
0:26:30.80 --> 0:26:33.930
Arif, Mohamed
So tomorrow we will start with the bridge setup and yeah, yeah.
0:26:33.940 --> 0:26:34.850
Arif, Mohamed
But you can make it there.
0:26:37.990 --> 0:26:40.440
Arif, Mohamed
And have it in the afternoon no problem.
0:26:46.0 --> 0:26:46.890
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
OK then fine.
0:26:47.80 --> 0:26:48.60
Arif, Mohamed
0:26:48.110 --> 0:26:48.640
Arif, Mohamed
0:26:48.880 --> 0:26:50.110
Arif, Mohamed
So we'll write up for today.
0:26:50.960 --> 0:26:52.750
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So tomorrow, what is pending for tomorrow?
0:26:54.0 --> 0:26:54.700
Arif, Mohamed
0:26:54.820 --> 0:27:1.520
Arif, Mohamed
From the Kitty sessions I can go take her through the configurations.
0:27:1.530 --> 0:27:23.760
Arif, Mohamed
What I have done it and she can verify in case if anything, any glitches or anything because the mainly
thing the workflow to be tested whatever we tested you know I can create the RFC you know for the
chat that means you know the things are working for you know according to me it is good and the only
thing is from there she has to take it at for creating the chain documents.
0:27:23.910 --> 0:27:29.100
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
OK charm is pending and and I think we have covered all the things except jam, right?
0:27:31.490 --> 0:27:33.10
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, yeah.
0:27:34.30 --> 0:27:38.560
Arif, Mohamed
Charm also, you know, but that's what I was sitting with her to, going through this.
0:27:38.570 --> 0:27:41.100
Arif, Mohamed
And also she has gone through the talk configuration.
0:27:41.110 --> 0:27:41.720
Arif, Mohamed
Is there. Right.
0:27:42.40 --> 0:27:47.470
Arif, Mohamed
So we'll what we discuss, actually, she'll start working on this production anyway.
0:27:47.790 --> 0:28:7.140
Arif, Mohamed
Meanwhile, you know, we'll try to and configure it if they're all send responsibility is not required, then
you know, we'll try to test the workflow once again and we'll see that if any issues or anything is there in
the development workflow, normal test before delivering to the customer.
0:28:8.620 --> 0:28:11.330
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
OK, so for tomorrow's agenda, right.
0:28:11.460 --> 0:28:41.990
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So what you can do is that like for the CHARM, definitely if she has any concerns she will that can be
discussed and you keep that SLD ready so that we can she can check it and then she can have her
pointers ready in the call so that we don't start checking the configuration and it'll be waste of time right
in the call we will discuss whatever she has concerns to the to utilize the time right so.
0:28:41.260 --> 0:28:42.430
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, that's really not busy.
0:28:42.470 --> 0:28:45.110
Arif, Mohamed
We'll take her through the configuration anyway.
0:28:45.360 --> 0:28:53.150
Arif, Mohamed
Some of the parts you know she has already gone yesterday and she was asking some of the things the
managed system and other things we already discussed today.
0:28:53.620 --> 0:29:2.630
Arif, Mohamed
Once again, she'll go through that and we are not going to take it up during the create the complete
configuration and all any glitches or any other things is done and she'll be able to ask me.
0:29:3.260 --> 0:29:3.570
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:29:3.580 --> 0:29:5.200
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Fine, fine.
0:29:5.360 --> 0:29:5.600
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:29:6.480 --> 0:29:7.640
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Any questions?
0:29:7.760 --> 0:29:10.980
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Any Ananya you have you can raise it.
0:29:11.770 --> 0:29:13.130
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Now or tomorrow as well.
0:29:14.580 --> 0:29:14.860
Arif, Mohamed
I know.
0:29:17.100 --> 0:29:20.570
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
And you have got your dedicated VPN user.
0:29:20.580 --> 0:29:26.910
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
OK, so you can start checking on the system independently, so you have your own RDP.
0:29:26.920 --> 0:29:28.500
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
OK, so I forwarded you that email.
0:29:29.930 --> 0:29:32.570
Arif, Mohamed
But RPC's using the five one right.
0:29:32.940 --> 0:29:33.680
Arif, Mohamed
You are also using.
0:29:33.290 --> 0:29:35.970
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
No, that is that is not done that you should not use.
0:29:35.980 --> 0:29:36.560
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
That is mine.
0:29:36.570 --> 0:29:38.170
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I'm doing the SRM migration.
0:29:38.310 --> 0:29:39.140
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
I've told her no.
0:29:39.150 --> 0:29:43.30
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So she has the new user, so she can use that no issues.
0:29:43.370 --> 0:29:45.610
Arif, Mohamed
The oddly P if she has to use mine right? Seven.
0:29:46.700 --> 0:29:47.780
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
No, no, she has.
0:29:48.20 --> 0:29:50.460
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
She has got and you catered one.
0:29:49.720 --> 0:29:51.900
Arif, Mohamed
Hello, that was.
0:29:51.450 --> 0:29:52.320
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
No, no problem.
0:29:52.330 --> 0:29:53.740
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
You can have your in.
0:29:54.110 --> 0:29:55.430
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Both are different.
0:29:55.570 --> 0:29:58.970
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
So Arif, you can use yours and she can use your hers.
0:29:59.930 --> 0:30:0.910
Arif, Mohamed
Three, I think.
0:30:1.570 --> 0:30:3.320
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Three, it's your SIS 3.
0:30:3.690 --> 0:30:4.810
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Arif, your is 7.
0:30:5.450 --> 0:30:5.770
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:30:6.220 --> 0:30:6.780
Arif, Mohamed
Yeah, yeah.
0:30:9.670 --> 0:30:10.600
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
0:30:11.130 --> 0:30:11.700
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Thank you.
0:30:11.800 --> 0:30:12.920
Panda, Abhishek (GRSB RPS)
Are you friend?
0:30:14.730 --> 0:30:14.930
Arif, Mohamed

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