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TRADE IN SILK ROAD: The Silk Road was a network of

trade routes that connected China and
Europe. The route passed through mountain
ranges, deserts, and grasslands. The trade
of silk, spices, and other luxury goods was
facilitated by the geography of the region.
According to historical records, geography significantly
influenced trade routes.
The development of a country depends on the ability to TRANS- SAHARAN TRADE: The Trans-

Saharan Trade was a network of trade
routes that connected West Africa to North
satisfy its own needs. But due primarily to the Africa and Europe. The route passed
through the Sahara Desert and facilitated
geographical conditions existing in the country, it may the trade of gold, salt, and other
not be possible for it to produce all its needs. Hence, it
produces some goods in good measure and others in a
large measure. The process in which the surpluses are Mediterranean Sea has been an important

trade route for centuries. The sea allowed

bartered for the deficits is called 'trade'. for the trade of goods between Europe,
Asia, and Africa. The geography of the
region, with its many ports and islands,
facilitated trade.

GROUP 4- Khadija, Diya, Hibah, Esther, Reeba

Commerce In
Land includes any natural resource used to produce goods and
services; anything that comes from the land. Some common
land or natural resources are water, oil, copper, natural gas,
coal, and forests. Land resources are the raw materials in the
production process.

In the case of cultivated products, soil, and climate are

considerations of first importance in determining the
variety obtained at different
places. But even with reference to such products, these are
not the
sole considerations. Facilities for finding a market, and all the
conditions that affect these facilities, have also to be taken
into account.

According to recent research, focusing specifically on the

effects of climate change on commerce. Temperature has
been found to affect income via agricultural yields, the
physical and cognitive performance of workers, and energy
01. 02.
What is the process in which ______ resources are the
the surpluses are bartered for raw materials in the
the deficits? production process.

03. 04.
What is the reason why What had been found to
a country may not be affect income via
able to produce all its agricultural yields?

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