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DataBase:(Sample DB Script is in MS SQL Server)

Create database Batch122-23

Create Table Disease_Master

disease_id int identity(1,1) primary key,
disease_Name varchar(50)
insert into Disease_Master values('Diarrhea');
insert into Disease_Master values('Headaches');
insert into Disease_Master r values('Allergies');

Create Table Medicine_Master

medicine_id int identity(1,1) primary key,
medicine_Name varchar(50),
disease_id int
insert into Medicine_Master values(' Sulfatrim',1);
insert into Medicine_Master values(' Bactrim',1);
insert into Medicine_Master values(' Lomotil',1);
insert into Medicine_Master values(' Aspirin',2);
insert into Medicine_Master values('
insert into Medicine_Master values('
Prochlorperazine',2); insert into Medicine_Master
values(' Cetirizine',3); insert into Medicine_Master
values(' Desloratadine',3); insert into Medicine_Master
values(' Loratadine',3);
Create Table Doctor_Master
Doctor_id int identity(1,1) primary key,
Doctor_Name varchar(50),
Doctor_Phone varchar(50),
Doctor_Email varchar(50)
insert into Doctor_Master values('Dr. Sunil Choudhury','9861098610','')
insert into Doctor_Master values('Dr. Hara Mohan Mohanty','9771497714','')
insert into Doctor_Master values('Dr. Manoj Singh','9861198611','')
Create Table Doctor_Appointment
Doctor_Appointment_id int identity(1,1) primary key,
Doctor_id int,
Patient_Name varchar(50),
Patient_Phone varchar(50),
Date_Of_appointment date,
Patient_Status char(1)
insert into Doctor_Appointment values(1, 'Rama Barik','9861298612', '2023-04-29', 'A');
insert into Doctor_Appointment values(1, 'Rosa Sahoo','9861398613', '2023-04-29', 'A');
insert into Doctor_Appointment values(2, 'Rabi Muduli','9861498614', '2023-04-28', 'P');
insert into Doctor_Appointment values(2, 'Rupa Mohanty','9861598615', '2023-04-28', 'P');
insert into Doctor_Appointment values(2, 'Raju Pattanaik','9861698616', '2023-04-29', 'A');
insert into Doctor_Appointment values(2, 'Rupali Mishra','9861798617', '2023-04-29', 'A');
Create Table Prescription
slno int identity(1,1) primary key,
Doctor_Appointment_id int,
disease_id int,
medicine_id int,
prescription varchar(500)
insert into Prescription values(1,3, 2,5, 'Prescription details-1');
insert into Prescription values(2,4, 3,8, ' Prescription details-2');
1. When the page gets loaded into the memory Doctor and disease DropDownList Will be filled from respective
2. When you select a Doctor it will fill all the patients those have taken appointment for the selected doctor and
appointment status is ‘A’ and appoint date is current date. On the same time the table will show all the
appointment details of the selected doctor as shown.
3. When you select a patient, it will show selected patient name and date of appointment.
4. When you select a Disease it will fill all the medicine for the selected Disease.
5. After entering prescription when you will click on the Save Button data will be saved to Prescription Table and
appointment status of Doctor_Appointment table will update to ‘P’. and the table will also get refresh.

UI Design, Client Side Validation, Use of Exceptional Handling, Optimized Code, Use of Store Procedure are part of the
marking scheme.

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