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(ACV-S06) Homework - Escribiendo

sobre comida

Pedro Alexandre Gómez Arévalo

Writing about food

Look at the following pictures. Make as many sentences as you can. Write them and say them

 I love the burger with lots of mayonnaise.

 The meat burger is my favorite.
 I like to cook burgers every Sunday.

 The meat is nutritious.

 My wife went to the market to buy meat.
 The meat is very delicious in grill.

 I bought four eggs for my breakfast.

 I like fried egg with bread.
 My hen laid three eggs today.

 Rice with chicken is a Peruvian dish.

 My grandmother cooks rice with chicken once a month.
 One of my favorite dishes is rice with chicken.

 Every day after lunch i like to eat a fruit.

 Fruit salad is my mom's favorite dish.
 The fruits of the market are very expensive.

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