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The Indiana Aerospace University is open to any student who shows intellectual capacity and personal
aptitude to carry on a directed schoolwork. To qualify for admission the applicant should meet IAU’s
academic standards and must be willing to abide by the rules and regulations, policies and ideals of the

In the selection of applicants, the following qualities are deemed favorable and necessary for success in
the academic community:

a. Sincere desire to grow both as a human being and as a professional

b. Proficiency in English language
c. Social adaptability
d. Intellectual honesty and
e. A commitment to excellence in the various phases of schoolwork

Every student should meet the requirements of the college concerned and must present complete and
valid credentials upon enrolment.

1.1 For Freshmen:

1.1.1 A Senior High School graduate who enrolls in college must present the following:
a. Report card (Form 138)
b. Certificate of Good Moral Conduct
c. Certificate of Senior High Completion
d. Birth Certificate (NSO authenticated or original copy)
e. Two copies each of 1x1 and 2x2 colored picture (blue background)
1.1.2 The applicant must pass through the processes of the IAU Guidance Center for entrance
examination and interview.
1.1.3 A student who fails in the IQ Test is automatically placed under Academic Probation. It
is a status given for a period of one semester to a student and a transferee with serious
academic deficiency. Putting a student on academic probation status serves as a
warning that academic consequences like separation from the school may result if
he/she fails to meet the requirements stated in the Academic Probation Contract signed
by the parents and students concerned, Department Head, and the Dean of Colleges.
 A student who fails in a three-unit subject is required to earn the lacking unit(s) during
summer as pre-requisite for promotion to the next semester, and he/she is
automatically placed under academic probation. Failure to earn the lacking unit(s)
during summer disqualifies a student from enrolling for the next school year.
 The parents/guardians of the students with failing grades are notified and invited for a
dialogue with the subject teachers. Department Head, and the Guidance Counselor.

1.1.4 Additional requirements for Bachelor of Science in Aviation Technology (major in Flying):
After passing the entrance examination/interview applicant must have to comply with the Medical Fitness
requirement and submit the following:
 Audiometry & ECG result
 X-ray result
 Dental exam result
 Urinalysis & Drug Test result
 Neuro-psycho exam result
 Final medical certification from CAAP flight surgeon (the school will assist in this

The applicant will also file his/her Student Pilot License (SPL). The school will supply the forms and
facilitate the processing to Manila.

1.2 For Transferees: A college student who comes from another school must present the following:
a. Honorable Dismissal/Certificate of transfer Credentials (CTC)
b. Informative copy of the Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
c. Certificate of Good Moral Character
d. Birth Certificate (NSO authenticated or original copy)
e. Two copies of 2x2 picture
f. Two copies of 1x1 picture He must go through the processes of the entrance examination and interview to be
administered by the Guidance Center. A permit to study issued by the Registrar of the school last attended is required if the
student intends to enroll for summer and is good for one term only. Major, technical or professional courses should be taken and passed in this university.

1.3 For International Students: Pre-requisite for enrollment:

The following are the documents to be submitted to the International Students Section of the Registrar’s
 Original copies of the fully accomplished Personal History Statement (PHS) with
original picture on it and photocopy thereof;
 Transcript of records (original and photocopy), duly authenticated by the Philippine
Embassy or Consulate General in his country of origin;
 A notarized affidavit of support from abroad to be accompanied by a Bank Statement,
duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate General in his Country of
 Birth certificate and/or Passport pages where name, pictures, birth date, birth place
appear, duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate General in his
Country of Origin;
 Certificate of Good Moral Character from the School head of the Institution where he
last attended;
 (Physical Examination) Medical Health Certificate-Place of Origin.
 Police Clearance – Country of Origin If the international student is a transferee from any school, college or university in the
Philippines, the following requirements for admission should be observed:

 A certificate of Transfer Credentials approved by CHED with authenticated copies of the

abovementioned documents should be presented.
 The international students shall start not later than a third year of a 4-year curriculum, or fourth
year of a 5-year curriculum.
 The foreign students shall not obtain any failure and shall be of good moral character. A international student-transferee shall be required to take the IAU admission

Examination and to submit to an interview by the IAU Guidance Center. He/She shall
obtain a rating of “Passed” in both the examination and the interview. He/she shall
secure a Certificate of Acceptance from the College Dean who thoroughly evaluates
his/her scholastic records. English Requirement – A prospective foreign student who wants to study in the
university is required to present evidences of his English proficiency. Foreign students
coming from non-English speaking countries must enroll in a Special English Program. International students must present an admission slip from the University Foreign
Student in-charge duly approved by the university Registrar and the Dean Colleges
before enrollment every semester.

1.4 Aliens, Naturalized Filipinos and Students with foreign Names

1.4.1 Philippine-born alien student must submit a photocopy of his/her Alien Certificate of
Registration (ACR) and Native Born Certificate of Registration (NBCR) which must be
certified against the original by the commission on Higher Education (CHED). At the time
of graduation, the students should submit a receipt of payment for the Alien Registration
fee for the current year.

1.4.2 Children of naturalized Filipino citizenship must submit a copy of the Identification
Certificate issued by the Commissioner of Immigration, certified against the original by

1.4.3 Filipino citizens whose family names are foreign origin must submit their Birth Certificates
issued by the local Civil Registrar. Foreign-born alien students must submit a photocopy
of their alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) which must be certified against the original
by CHED.
1.5 Special Students. Special students are those admitted but who are not entitled to receive
official credit for a course because they do not satisfy the requirement for admission. Special students may be admitted to the course they wish to attend provided that they:

 Get the approval of the Dean of Colleges and/or the Department concerned;
 Pass an interview conducted by the Guidance Center;
 Execute the contract in which they waive the right to receive and to demand credit for the work
done; and pay in full the required fees at the time of enrollment. Special students are not eligible for any honors or privileges.

1.6 Public school teachers should present a Permit-To-Study approved by the Division
Superintendent before admission.


2.1 General Procedures

2.1.1 Every prospective student must enroll during the prescribed registration period.
Detailed instructions on enrollment procedures are issued during enrollment time.
Enrollment by proxy is not allowed.

2.1.2 When a student registers, it is understood that he is enrolling for the entire
semester for collegiate courses.

2.1.3 No student shall be officially enrolled unless he presents the proper credentials
on or before the end of the enrollment period for the school term.

2.1.4 A student is deemed officially enrolled after he has submitted his appropriate
admission or transfer credentials, has made an initial payment of school fees, and
has been authorized to attend classes.

2.1.5 The name and other personal data and circumstances of each student indicated
in his Birth Certificate or alien Certificate of Registration, where applicable, shall

2.1.6 No international students shall be enrolled without prior approval of the

Philippine Government Agencies Concerned.

2.2 Disqualification from Registration

IAU reserves the right to turn down an applicant for admission whom it considers undesirable or who
was/is involved in any act of behavior, which is forbidden by the school as set forth in this student
Furthermore, IAU reserves the right to refuse admission of a student:

 Whose transfer credentials are not in order.

 Who has unsettled property or financial responsibilities with IAU or any other institution.
 Who is under suspension or expulsion or under investigation by this or any other institution.
 Whose academic record shows poor academic performance subject to the school scholastic
 Who is verified as drug user/pusher.
 Who does not comply with other admission requirements as may be determined by the board of
 Who registers late (old and new alike).
 Who fails in the entrance test administered by the Guidance Counselor.

The decision of the board of admission approved by the President of the INDIANA AEROSPACE
UNIVERSITY shall be considered final.


During the enrolment period, a student may, with the approval of the College Dean or Department Head
add, drop, or change subjects or schedule. Changes are not permitted after the close of the official
enrolment period.

The period for adjustment of subjects is designated by the Registrar’s Office. After this period, no change
of subjects is allowed. Blank forms for this purpose are available at the Registrar’s Office.


4.1 Withdrawal of subject(s) is valid upon the recommendation of the Dean and approval of
the University Registrar. A rating of “W” is given to a student who has officially filed an
application to withdraw the subject within the prescribed period.

4.2 Charges for withdrawal of subjects or courses require that if the student
withdraws enrollment from any subject/course, he shall be charged all fees
whether or not he has actually attended classes. The schedule of charges based on the
total school fees is as follows:

Within the first week of classes ………………………. 10%

Within the second week of classes …………………. 20%
Any week thereafter ……………………………………… 100%

A refund of the amount paid (less processing charges) shall be made if a student withdraws during the
registration period before the opening of classes. The matriculation fee, however, is non-refundable.

4.3 There shall be no more withdrawal of subjects after the fourth week of classes.
A student who failed to file an application for withdrawal of subjects, shall be given a
rating of “DR”. He shall be charged 100% on tuition fee.
4.4 Instructors shall keep a record of the date of the withdrawal in their class records every
time they sign the withdrawal form, to avoid giving “DR” to those students who have
officially filed an application to withdraw the subject.


Permission for cross-enrolment is issued by the Registrar only upon recommendation by the Dean and
only if the applicant is a candidate for graduation during the semester he is enrolled in and the subject is
not offered in IAU or is in conflict with other subjects.


For a student to be officially enrolled:

6.1 Enrolment forms must be properly filled in, signed, and approved by the offices/persons
indicated in the enrolment form.

6.2 Must have paid the required fees with the official receipt of payment of proof.

6.3 He must have an official study load from the College where he is enrolled.

6.4 He must have complied with all other requirements for enrollment.


The normal semestral study load is ordinarily prescribed by the curriculum to the student. A student is
considered “full-time” or carrying a full load when he enrolls all the subjects prescribed in his curriculum.

7.1 Subject load and sequence of subject shall be in accordance with the approved
curriculum. No student is permitted to take any advance subject(s) unless he has
satisfactorily passed the prerequisite subject(s).

7.2 A graduating student may be permitted, upon the discretion of the school, an additional
nine (9) academic units in the regular semester or an additional three (3) units in the
summer term, in excess of the normal load as prescribed in the last semester of his

7.3 Students cannot enroll in more than one laboratory subject during the summer term.

7.4 The written request for an overload by a graduating student should be addressed to the Dean of
Colleges and the Registrar. This is to be accomplished with the latest evaluation of his subjects. A
student may have an overload of not more than 6 units in excess of the normal under the following
 He/She has not incurred more than five failures (a grade of 5.0) in those terms
that he/she is enrolled in IAU.
 His/her general weighted average grade is not less than 2.5. In computing the
general weighted average grade, the grade for Campus Ministry, P.E. and NSTP
are included but a failure of 5.0 is excluded.
 The course/s is/are non-prerequisite/s. However, courses taken again due to
failure may be taken together with the overload if recommended by the
Department Head, the Dean of Colleges and approved by the Chief Executive


8.1 Prompt and regular attendance in all classes is required of all students from the
first meeting of every course.

8.2 A student is considered absent from class if he is not present within the first fifteen (15)
minutes of the scheduled class time.

8.3 Although members of the faculty are expected to begin their classes promptly various
contingencies that are sometimes unavoidable may cause some faculty members to be
late for class. In such cases, the students should wait for fifteen (15) minutes after which
they may leave the classrooms unless there was prior advice.

Instructors arriving late within the time scheduled may mark the students absent if they leave their classes
earlier that the prescribed time.

8.4 Students render themselves ineligible for a passing grade for absences of more
than 20 per cent of the total number of hours allotted for a subject during a

8.4.1 A limited number of absences (hours) is permitted, but not exceeding the

1 unit-course = 4 hours
2 unit-course = 7 hours
3 unit-course = 11 hours
4 unit-course = 14 hours
5 unit-course = 18 hours

8.4.2 Class hours lost by late registration is considered as absences.

8.5 The guidelines regarding approved absences are as follows:

8.5.1 An approved absence is one authorized through an approved Absence Form by

the Department Head because the student concerned officially represented his
duly accredited organization at some functions or activity, or that the said student
is engaged in another matters involving the university.
8.5.2 Absences due to sickness duly certified by a doctor, parent or guardian are
considered as approved absences. However, the student or his duly authorized
representative must notify the Department Head and teachers as soon as

8.5.3 In case of an approved absence, the event is recorded in the faculty class record
but such absence is not counted as excess absence.

8.6 A student is held responsible for all assignments and for the entire content of the
course missed regardless of the reason for his absences.


9.1.1 There are four (4) periodical examinations administered every semester, namely:
Preliminary Examination, Mid-term Examination, Semi-Final Examination and
Final Examination.
9.1.2 There are two (2) periodical examinations administered during the summer
term: Mid-Term and Final Examinations.
9.1.3 The University Registrar determines the schedule of the periodical examinations
and disseminates the information to all colleges as part of the School Calendar.
9.1.4 No student is allowed to take the periodical examination without the
examination permit/admission slip which he secures from the Accounting Office. No
Permit, No Exam policy should be strictly followed.
9.1.5 Students’ Clearance slips should be accomplished before the Major Examinations are
9.1.6 Talking, Opening of books or notes (unless authorized by the teacher), giving or receiving
information, orally or in writing or through cellular phones, or beepers in the conduct of
examinations and any other forms of cheating shall be punished with a score of zero (0)
for the particular examination.
9.1.7 No special or late exam is given to a student who fails. However, if the teacher finds
reasonable excuse to give special examination, he may do so. Special Examinations are
given only within a week after the scheduled dates of major examinations (one-week
grace period) with a corresponding 5-point deduction in the total score per subject.
9.1.8 The Grading System to be used in the computation of students’ grades is averaging which
means that the four (4) major ratings will be added then the sum will be divided by 4 to
get the Average Grade.
9.2 The Grading System Adopted by the University is as follows:

Grade Equivalent
1.0 A+ 99-100% Excellent
1.1 A 97-98% Very Good
1.2 A 95-96%
1.3 A 93-94%
1.4 A- 91-92%
1.5 A- 90%
1.6 A- 89% Good
1.7 B+ 88%
1.8 B+ 87%
1.9 B+ 86%
2.0 B 85%
2.1 B 84%
2.2 B 83%
2.3 B- 82%
2.4 B- 81%
2.5 B- 80%
2.6 C+ 79% Fair
2.7 C+ 78%
2.8 C+ 77%
2.9 C 76%
3.0 C 75%
5.0 C- 74 or below Failure
Unsatisfactory performance or absences more
than 20% of the prescribed number of class
hours or laboratory periods during the term.

W Withdrawal

DR Dropped


10. 1 The normal study load per term is ordinarily prescribed by the curriculum in which the
student is enrolled. This load usually consists of 30/34 units exclusive of Campus Ministry
and National Service Training Program (NSTP). NSTP may be taken as Reserve Officers’
Training Corps (ROTC) or Literacy Training Service (LTS) or Civic Welfare Training Service
(CWTS). A student is considered full time if he/she carries the normal load prescribed in
his/her curriculum for a given term.

10.2 CAMPUS MINISTRY. In addition to the regular curriculum requirements, every student
is required 4 units of Campus Ministry subject. Non- Catholic student is not exempted
to take up this course.
10.3 PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Students are required 8 units of Physical Education (PE during
the first two years. Simultaneous enrolment in two or more basic PE courses in a
particular term is not permitted. PE units are included in the summation of the total
study load for the term and in the computation of weighted grade average.

10.4 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM. The document on Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the National Service Training Program (NSTP), Act of 2001, states that,
“all incoming freshmen students, male and female, starting school year 2002- 2003,
enrolled in any baccalaureate airline related courses and in at least 2 year technical-
vocational or associate course, are required to complete the ROTC. Business related
courses are required to complete the CWTS or LTS program. Each of the
aforementioned NSTP components shall be undertaken for an academic period of two
semesters. It shall be credited for 3 units per semester, for 54 to 90 training hours per


11.1 Dean’s List – Dean’s List honors are awarded at the end of the first and second
semesters on the basis of weighted grade average of not less than 1.70 without any failing
mark. The student (s) who obtains the highest average rating will enjoy a 5% discount on
the next semester.

11.2 Graduation Honors

11.2.1 Students who complete their courses with the following average ratings computed on
the bases of the units shall receive the corresponding honors on graduation.

Honors Overall Average Ratings

Summa Cum Laude 1.00 to 1.20 with no average grade in any of the subjects below 2.0
Magna Cum Laude 1.21 to 1.45 with no average grade in any of the subjects below 2.3
Cum Laude 1.46 to 1.70 with no average grade in any of the subjects below 2.4
Academic Distinction 1.71 to 1.95 with no average grade in any of the subjects below 2.5
With Honors (Associate Degree) 1.00 to 1.20 (for two-year curriculum with full residence)

Special Dean’s List Award - this award is given to a student who is a consistent Dean’s List for at
least six (6) consecutive semesters in his/her stay in IAU. To graduate WITH ACADEMIC
DISTINCTION, a student must be a consistent Dean’s Lister in at least six (6) semesters during
his/her stay at Indiana Aerospace University.

11.2.2 The weighted grade (point) average should be computed on the basis of the Final
Grades and not of the Mid-term grades. Courses such as NSTP and P.E. are included in the
computation for honors. In the case of transferees only those grades obtained in
accredited programs are computed as they are with those obtained in non-accredited
programs or non- PAASCU accredited schools taking into consideration the student’s
consistent academic standing.
11.2.3 To graduate with honors, a student must:

 carry normal study load, that is, his minimum load should be according to the curriculum
he is enrolled in. However, a student may qualify for honors even if he has been under
loaded in a semester or two, provided the Department Head can justify it and the Dean
approves it on case to case basis. His under load may also be justified if he belongs to the
category of working students.
 complete in IAU at least 75% of the total number of academic units or hours for
graduation and must have been a residence for at least three years immediately prior to
 participate actively in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
 be able to communicate adequately in English.
 have no “DR” or failing marks including NSTP Components: ROTC and CWTS
 observe the following if he is a working student: carry minimum study load of 12 units
and a workload of at least 6 hours provided that he can submit during enrolment or on
the date of employment these proofs of his gainful employment:
- Certification of his employment by his employer
- SSS membership documents or any other pertinent documents to the Dean
when applicable providing his gainful employment.

11.3 Graduation Requirements

After having earned all the prescribed academic units in the curriculum and upon the
recommendation of the faculty and the Dean as well as the approval of the President, a student may be
granted his degree subject to the following conditions:

 He should possess good moral character and integrity.

 He was officially enrolled in IAU at least one year for an Associate title or two academic years for
a Bachelor’s degree as the case may be.
 He has settled all financial obligations such as tuition, graduation, batch activity and other school
 He must be present during:
- Retreat/Recollection/Seminars
- Baccalaureate Mass
- Graduation Rite practices
 He is required to apply for evaluation of his records during the second semester (90 to 100
calendar days) prior to his graduation so that any deficiency may be resolved. After his record
has been evaluated and cleared, he should file an application for graduation at the Office of the
 He is required to accomplish graduation clearance before the final examinations to clear him from
financial and property obligations.

Any member of the graduating class is eligible for Co-Curricular Performance Award in any particular field
of endeavor as long as he/she is endorsed by the Department Head. The Performance Award shall cover
the achievements of the graduating student for his/her entire duration of his/her stay at Indiana
Aerospace University including the following: active participation in organizations or clubs authorized by
the school, athletic awards in recognition of the actualization of what the student has learned, travels that
are directly related to school work, researches or other outstanding awards in school paper, contests and
competitions in different fields of study, sponsored by the school. Endorsements for such awards are duly
signed by the Department Heads or Advisers who directly supervise the activities.



The Candidate must:
1) be an officer regardless of position, in any or all of the following: SSC or Department Organization
2) have exhibited the attitude, commitment and enthusiasm of a true leader and must not have a
grade lower than 3.0 in any subject during his/her stay at Indiana Aerospace University.


The Candidate must:

1) have participated in several activities, both academic and non-academic, and have assumed a
truly functional role either as a leader or as a member.
2) have consistently showed responsibility and genuine enthusiasm in performing his/her duty
regardless of roles assumed.

B. A student applying for Co-Curricular performance award must submit a certification duly signed by
the Moderator or Department Head together with his/her application form which could be secured
from the Student Affairs Office. Participation with no supporting document will not be considered.
II. Criteria for the Selection of Co-Curricular Performance Awards are the following:

A. Participation in school activities or recognized organizations like: an emcee, organizer, facilitator,

B. Active participation in school activities and/or with achievements/awards.
C. Deportment (Exemplary Christian and/or Moral Conduct). This must be attested by the
Adviser/Department Head.


In honor of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the school’s patroness, the University shall recognize
students who have excelled in non-academic performance but equally important areas. A St. Therese
Awardee must exemplify the core values of Indiana Aerospace University. He/She serves or
participates actively in all activities throughout his/her stay at IAU.


This award is given to Teacher Education student(s) who has excelled in his/her practice teaching as
evaluated by the in/off-campus mentors and the University’s Department Head.


This award is given to the deserving private or commercial pilot license holder who has exhibited
academic excellence and outstanding pilot skills. Moreover, he/she has shown exemplary


This award is given to the undergraduate research group or individual who has undertaken an
excellent thesis output or research paper and has obtained the highest average rating of Research 1
and 2. Moreover, the recipient(s) of the award is decided by the University Research Council based
on the guidelines and criteria set.


The Candidate must:

1) Have no failing grade in any subject during his/her stay at Indiana Aerospace University.
2) Have good moral character and integrity.
3) Have exemplified the core values adhered by Indiana Aerospace University.
4) Have manifested the heart for others and must have the spirit of volunteerism beyond
5) Have organized a group activity that is beneficial in the school community.


A student is allowed to shift to another course under the following conditions:

1. He/she must have at least a General Weighted Average Rating of 2.2 during the previous
semester on an academic load of not less than 9 units; with no failing grade or dropped rating on
general education subjects. A student with an average rating below 2.2 will not be allowed to
enroll in a major subject on the intended course during the following semester and may only be
conditionally accepted if the average rating will reach at least 2.2 and with a minimum of 9 units
2. He/she must either be a first year or a second year student. A third year student may be allowed
to shift to another course provided he obtains a favorable endorsement from the Guidance
Counselor as a result of the career/interview conducted by the Guidance Center and the
Department Head of his current course.
3. He/she must satisfy the admission requirements of the new course and of the University.
4. A shiftee who is favorably recommended for admission by the Department Head must comply
with the following:
a. He/she must be ranked among the prospective student-applicants to be accepted in the
b. He/she must report to the office of the University Registrar for evaluation and credit of his
subjects obtained from his previous course and should be approved by the Department Head.


Payment of students’ assessment for tuition and other school fees may be done in full at the time of
enrolment or by installment according to the mode of payments established by the University.

13.1 Full Payment during enrolment. The University welcomes payment in full of tuition and
other fees during enrolment.

13.2 Installment payment. Those who could not pay their tuition and other fees in full at the
time of enrolment are allowed by the University installment payments as follows:

13.2.1 At the time of enrolment: Down payment according to the amount that shall be
fixed by the University Administration.

13.2.2 The balance may be paid in four installments relative to four (4) periodical


14.1 Cash Discounts

14.1.1 A discount of 5% of the tuition fees is given provided that full payment is made on or
before the start of regular classes or within five (5) days after the start of classes.

14.1.2 Senior High School graduates of Indiana Learning Center are given a discount of 10% of
their tuition fees on their first year.

14.1.3 Children of employees/faculty members are given a discount of 30% of the tuition fees.

14.1.4 Siblings are given a cash discount on tuition fees:

- 2nd sibling 5%
- 3rd sibling 10%
- 4th sibling 15%


The Indiana Aerospace University Student Assistance Program is designed to give the opportunity to
deserving students in need of financial help to acquire a bachelor’s degree by assisting the IAU staff in the
various offices of the institution.
15.1 Ricardo Cardinal J. Vidal Scholarship Program

The Ricardo Cardinal J. Vidal Scholarship Program is offered to senior high school graduates who
are less fortunate but deserving.

15.1.1 Requirements
The applicant must:
 have an average rating of 88% or above.
 have a final grade not lower than 85 in any subject including non-credit subjects.
 present a certification of good moral character.
 present a certification of parents’ low income from the Barangay Captain of their
place of residence.
 pass the entrance examination with a rating of 95% or above.
 be a fresh graduate from Senior High School and not a transferee or a shiftee.
15.1.2 Privilege
 Free tuition
15.1.3 Conditions
 The Student Assistant generally carries a load of 21 units per semester.
 He must obtain the required average grade of 88% or above with no grade less than
 Any major violation of the rules and regulations of the school is a ground for expulsion
from the program.
 This scholarship is renewable every succeeding semester if the requirements and
conditions are met.


A student is granted Certificate of Transfer Credential (CTC) or Honorable Dismissal when he transfers
from the university, provided that he is of good standing as far as moral conduct is concerned. The CTC is
given to the student who voluntarily severs his connection with the university and upon clearing all his
accounts and responsibilities. This CTC is obtained from the Office of the Registrar upon a written request.


17.1 A student or graduate of Indiana Aerospace University desiring to secure the Official Transcript
of Records (OTR) should fill out the necessary forms at the Office of the Registrar.

17.2 The diploma will be released upon issuance of Special Order from CHED.

17.3 An informative copy of the Transcript of Records and other records will be issued with the
Certificate of Transfer Credential. The official Transcript of Records and other documents will be
mailed by the university upon receipt of the request through a “Return Slip” from the school
where the student is enrolled. (Transcript regulations are specified in the Official Transcript of
Any student who wants to secure a Certificate of Good Moral Character must fill out the request form at
the Registrar’s Office. Then the student must proceed to the Student Affairs Office for approval. Only
those students with no recorded infraction of the school’s rules and regulations and upon the approval of
the SAO will be issued a certificate. Applicants can get the certification three days after filing the

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