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Strategic Management (KMBN301)

Semester Assignment
A3: Write up submission— Internal Assessment CO2 (10 marks)

a. Give your financial ratio analysis. Highlight especially good and bad ratios. Do not give
definitions of the ratios and do not highlight all the ratios?




Basic EPS (Rs.) 1.00 1.57 2.03 2.25 1.30

Diluted EPS (Rs.) 1.00 1.57 2.03 2.25 1.30

Cash EPS (Rs.) 1.07 1.76 2.22 2.44 1.44

Book Value [ExclRevalReserve]/Share 1.90 5.77 5.44 4.06 3.30


Book Value [InclRevalReserve]/Share 1.90 5.77 5.44 4.06 3.30


Dividend / Share(Rs.) 0.75 1.25 0.50 1.00 1.00

Revenue from Operations/Share (Rs.) 2.11 3.93 1.98 5.19 5.05

PBDIT/Share (Rs.) 1.20 1.89 2.52 3.13 2.03

PBIT/Share (Rs.) 1.14 1.71 2.34 2.94 1.89

PBT/Share (Rs.) 1.13 1.70 2.32 2.88 1.82

Net Profit/Share (Rs.) 1.00 1.57 2.03 2.25 1.30


PBDIT Margin (%) 56.80 48.16 127.59 60.29 40.31

PBIT Margin (%) 53.80 43.46 118.15 56.68 37.40

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

PBT Margin (%) 53.68 43.24 117.45 55.58 35.98

Net Profit Margin (%) 47.51 40.02 102.72 43.42 25.69

Return on Networth / Equity (%) 52.95 27.27 37.35 55.45 39.29

Return on Capital Employed (%) 58.84 29.02 42.14 71.08 54.71

Return on Assets (%) 42.92 18.13 32.19 34.50 19.49

Total Debt/Equity (X) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21

Asset Turnover Ratio (%) 0.94 0.52 31.33 79.45 75.89


Current Ratio (X) 2.94 1.83 6.42 2.31 1.78

Quick Ratio (X) 2.94 1.83 6.42 2.31 1.78

Inventory Turnover Ratio (X) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Dividend Payout Ratio (NP) (%) 62.23 79.46 36.92 66.81 0.00

Dividend Payout Ratio (CP) (%) 58.53 71.12 33.81 61.69 0.00

Earnings Retention Ratio (%) 37.77 20.54 63.08 33.19 0.00

Cash Earnings Retention Ratio (%) 41.47 28.88 66.19 38.31 0.00


Enterprise Value (Cr.) 6,769.60 2,354.73 934.25 285.23 1,165.80

EV/Net Operating Revenue (X) 77.97 58.48 46.12 5.37 22.55

EV/EBITDA (X) 137.25 121.42 36.14 8.90 55.94

MarketCap/Net Operating Revenue 78.33 59.38 46.68 5.63 22.67


Retention Ratios (%) 37.76 20.53 63.07 33.18 0.00

Price/BV (X) 87.31 40.47 16.98 7.19 34.68

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

Price/Net Operating Revenue 78.33 59.38 46.68 5.63 22.67

Earnings Yield 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.01

b. Show the firm’s organizational chart found or “created based on executive titles.” Identify the
type of chart as well as good and bad aspects?

Managing Directors
Managing Directors


Charu Khosla
COO, Strategic Markets, Governments & Institutions


Amit Sudhakar


Gautam Aggarwal


Strategic Management (KMBN301)

Ajit Alexander
Chief Growth Officer


Jitendra Sahu
COO, Visa & Consular Business


Ekta Bhaskhar
Global Head, Corporate Communications


Karan Aggarwal
Executive Director


Gaurav Aggarwal


Strategic Management (KMBN301)

Dharak A. Mehta
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

View all teams (3)

Leadership Team
9 members

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

CEO and Executive Team

7 members

Board of Directors
5 members

Good Aspects:

1. Clear Hierarchy: A hierarchical chart provides a clear view of the leadership

structure and the reporting relationships within the organization.
2. Easy to Understand: This type of chart is generally easy to understand,
making it accessible for employees at all levels.
3. Visual Representation: Visual representation helps in quickly identifying key
executives and their roles.

Bad Aspects:

1. Limited Information: Hierarchical charts might not capture the complexity of

lateral relationships or collaborations between teams.
2. Rigidity: This type of chart can appear rigid and may not reflect the dynamic
and cross-functional nature of modern organizations.
3. Limited Context: The chart doesn't provide information on teams or
functional areas, limiting the context for understanding how different parts of
the organization collaborate.

For a more detailed and dynamic representation, you might consider other types of
charts, such as a matrix structure or a network diagram, depending on the complexity
and nature of your organization.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

c. Present your improved/recommended organizational chart. Tell why you feel it is improved over
the existing chart?

Improved Organizational Chart Approach: Matrix Structure

In a matrix structure, individuals report to more than one manager, reflecting the cross-
functional and collaborative nature of the organization. This structure allows for better
representation of how different teams and departments work together. Here's a simplified
text representation:


| | | |
| |
EB DA (Company Secretary)

| |
KA (Executive Director)
GA (Director)

JS (COO, Visa & Consular Business)

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

Reasons for Improvement:

1. Reflects Cross-Functional Collaboration: The matrix structure better represents the
collaborative nature of the organization, especially when individuals have responsibilities
across multiple functions.

2. Clear Reporting Lines: The matrix structure maintains a clear reporting line to the CEO
while allowing for flexibility in reporting to functional heads, emphasizing both hierarchy and
lateral relationships.

3. Captures Functional Roles: This structure allows for the inclusion of each executive's
primary role and function, providing a more comprehensive view of their responsibilities.

4. Enhanced Understanding of Roles: By indicating the specific roles of each executive (e.g.,
COO, CFO, CHRO), the chart provides a clearer understanding of the diverse skill sets within
the leadership team.

5. Dynamic and Adaptable: The matrix structure is more adaptable to changes in the
organization, reflecting the dynamic nature of modern businesses.

While the hierarchical chart is suitable for illustrating reporting lines, the matrix structure
offers a more nuanced view of how individuals collaborate across functions, providing a
better representation of the company's operational dynamics.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

d. Show a market positioning map with firm and competitors. Discuss the map in light of strategies
you envision for firm versus competitors’ strategies?

Market Positioning Map:

Let's consider two dimensions that are often used in market positioning: "Innovation" and
"Global Reach."


| BLS International
| (Innovation, Global Reach)

| FGP Ltd.
| (Competitor 1)
| (Moderate Innovation, Local Reach)

| Jayatma Enterprises Ltd.
| (Competitor 2)
| (Low Innovation, Local Reach)
-----------------------------------------------> Low

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

1. BLS International:
- Strategy: BLS International positions itself as a leader in innovation with a global reach, as
indicated by its emphasis on "relentless innovation and cutting-edge technology" and a
vision to "empower and enrich the lives of a billion people worldwide."
- Competitive Advantage: BLS International's focus on global impact and innovation gives it a
competitive edge, especially in the tech-enabled specialty services sector.

2. FGP Ltd. (Competitor 1):

- Strategy: FGP Ltd. is positioned with moderate innovation and a local reach. This suggests a
focus on serving a specific market with some innovation but not as much as BLS
- Competitive Positioning: FGP Ltd. may be a strong local player, but it might face challenges
in competing with BLS International on a global scale.

3. Jayatma Enterprises Ltd. (Competitor 2):

- Strategy: Jayatma Enterprises is positioned with low innovation and a local reach, indicating
a more traditional and localized approach.
- Competitive Positioning: Jayatma Enterprises might face challenges in innovation and
global expansion compared to both BLS International and FGP Ltd.

Strategic Implications:
- BLS International: Should continue to leverage its global reach and focus on innovation to
maintain its leadership position. Consider partnerships or acquisitions to strengthen global
presence further.

- FGP Ltd.: May explore opportunities to enhance innovation and consider expanding its
reach globally to compete more effectively with BLS International.

- Jayatma Enterprises Ltd.: Should consider investing in innovation and exploring ways to
expand its market reach, especially if there's a desire to compete on a larger scale.

This is a simplified representation, and in a real-world scenario, additional dimensions and

specific market data would provide a more accurate map.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

e. Identify the marketing strategy of the firm in terms of good and bad points versus competitors
and in light of strategies you envision for the firm?

Marketing Strategy Analysis for BLS International:

Good Points:

1. Global Presence and Reach:

- Strength: BLS International's global presence and reach, serving 46 client governments in
over 64 countries, is a significant strength. It positions the company as a key player in the
international market.
- Competitive Advantage: This is a distinct advantage over local competitors, showcasing the
company's ability to handle diverse regulatory environments and serve a wide range of

2. Innovation and Technology Focus:

- Strength: The emphasis on "relentless innovation and cutting-edge technology" reflects a
commitment to staying at the forefront of industry advancements. This is a strong point in a
tech-enabled specialty services sector.
- Competitive Differentiator: This focus on innovation differentiates BLS International from
competitors and can be a compelling factor for tech-savvy clients seeking efficient and
advanced solutions.

3. Diverse Service Portfolio:

- Strength: BLS International's diverse service portfolio, including visa, passport, consular, e-
governance, attestation, biometric, e-visa, and retail services, positions it as a one-stop
solution provider for governments and diplomatic missions.
- Competitive Edge: This comprehensive offering provides a competitive edge over
competitors with a more limited service range.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

Areas for Improvement:

1. Clear Communication of Value Proposition:

- Opportunity: BLS International could improve its marketing by clearly communicating the
unique value proposition it offers to clients. Explicitly highlighting the benefits of its global
reach, innovation, and diverse services can enhance its attractiveness.

2. Competitor Benchmarking and Analysis:

- Opportunity: Conducting a detailed analysis of competitors like FGP Ltd. and Jayatma
Enterprises Ltd. can provide insights into their strategies and allow BLS International to
identify areas for improvement or adjustment in its own strategy.

3. Customer Engagement and Testimonials:

- Opportunity: Leveraging customer testimonials and success stories can enhance BLS
International's marketing efforts. Positive experiences from clients served globally can be
powerful in building trust and attracting new business.

Envisioned Strategies:
1. Strategic Alliances and Partnerships:

- Recommendation: BLS International could explore strategic alliances or partnerships with

key players in related industries to enhance its service offerings and strengthen its global
footprint further.

2. Enhanced Digital Marketing:

- Recommendation: Given the tech-driven nature of its services, BLS International could
invest in enhanced digital marketing strategies, including targeted online advertising and
social media campaigns, to reach a broader audience and showcase its innovative solutions.

3. Client-Centric Marketing:
- Recommendation: Develop marketing campaigns that emphasize the client-centric
approach, showcasing how BLS International's services simplify and improve the application
and processing experience for end-users.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

f. Show a map locating the firm’s operations. Discuss in light of strategies you envision. Also,
perhaps show a Value Chain Analysis chart?

Locating the Firm's Operations:

1. Global Presence: Given BLS International's global reach, its operations are likely spread
across multiple continents and regions. Key hubs may include major cities in Asia, Africa,
Europe, South America, North America, and the Middle East.

2. Strategic Locations: The firm may strategically position its operations in countries where it
has a significant client base or where it can efficiently serve multiple governments and
diplomatic missions.

3. Proximity to Clients: BLS International's operations may be strategically located near

embassies, consulates, and government institutions to facilitate efficient visa, passport, and
consular services.

4. Digital Infrastructure: In addition to physical locations, BLS International's operations likely

involve a robust digital infrastructure to support e-governance, biometric solutions, and
other tech-enabled services.

Discussion in Light of Envisioned Strategies:

- Strategic Global Expansion: The location of operations should align with the firm's strategy
of global expansion. Investing in regions with growing demand for visa and consular services
can enhance the company's market presence.

- Efficiency and Accessibility: Locating operations in key cities with high diplomatic activity
ensures proximity to clients and efficient service delivery. This aligns with the company's
mission of providing accessible and seamless solutions worldwide.

- Technology Integration: With a focus on innovation and technology, BLS International's

operations may involve technology hubs or center of excellence, contributing to the
development and implementation of cutting-edge solutions.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

Value Chain Analysis:

A Value Chain Analysis can help identify the firm's primary and support activities that
contribute to its competitive advantage.

1. Primary Activities:

- Inbound Logistics: Efficient handling of visa and passport applications, secure

transportation of documents.
- Operations: Processing applications, biometric data collection, consular services.
- Outbound Logistics: Delivery of processed documents to clients.

2. Support Activities:
- Technology Development: Continuous innovation in e-governance, biometric solutions, and
digital services.
- Procurement: Sourcing partnerships for secure document transportation and other
- Human Resource Management: Managing a skilled workforce for effective service delivery.
- Firm Infrastructure: Maintaining a global network of offices and digital infrastructure.

Discussion in Light of Envisioned Strategies:

- Innovation Focus: The technology development aspect of the value chain aligns with the
company's emphasis on relentless innovation. Continuous improvement in digital services is
crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

- Global Procurement Strategy: Given the global nature of its services, BLS International may
benefit from a strategic procurement approach to ensure secure and efficient logistics

- Talent Management: With a global workforce, effective human resource management is

essential. Strategies may include training programs, talent retention initiatives, and cultural
diversity considerations.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

g. Show and discuss the firm’s Web site and e-commerce efforts/abilities in terms of good and bad

Let's discuss the BLS International website and its e-commerce efforts/abilities:

Good Points:

1. Clear Navigation:
- Good: The website appears to have clear navigation, making it easy for users to find specific
sections such as About Us, Services, Competencies, and more.

2. Multilingual Support:
- Good: The option to select a language demonstrates an effort to cater to a diverse
audience. This is particularly important for a company that provides global services.

3. Comprehensive Information:
- Good: The website offers comprehensive information about the company, including its
vision, mission, values, leadership team, awards, and services. This transparency is essential
for building trust with potential clients and investors.

4. Responsive Design:
- Good: The mention of selecting a country/region suggests a responsive design that adapts
to the user's location, providing relevant information based on their geographical location.

5. E-commerce Integration:
- Assumed Good: While the information provided does not explicitly mention e-commerce
efforts, the inclusion of services like "Visa Processing Services" and "E-Visas" suggests a
potential for e-commerce integration, which is beneficial for user convenience.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

Areas for Improvement:

1. Mobile Responsiveness:
- Opportunity: While responsive design is mentioned, it's essential to ensure that the
website is optimized for various devices, including mobile phones. Mobile responsiveness is
critical for an optimal user experience.

2. Call-to-Action (CTA):

- Opportunity: It would be beneficial to have clear and compelling CTAs throughout the
website, prompting visitors to take specific actions such as applying for services, subscribing
to newsletters, or connecting on social media.

3. Social Proof:
- Opportunity: Incorporating client testimonials or case studies in the "Testimonials" section
can add social proof, building credibility and trust among potential clients.

4. E-commerce Transparency:

- Assumed Opportunity: If the website includes e-commerce functionalities, there should be

clear information about the security measures in place, as users may be concerned about
the safety of online transactions.

5. Visual Appeal:
- Subjective: Without the ability to see the visual elements, it's challenging to assess the
website's overall design. However, a visually appealing and modern design can enhance the
user experience.

- User-Centric Approach:
- The website appears to be focused on providing users with comprehensive information
about the company and its services. A user-centric approach is crucial for engaging visitors
and encouraging them to explore further.
- Global Reach:
- The multilingual support and the ability to select a country/region reflect an understanding
of the company's global audience. This aligns well with the firm's vision of touching the lives
of a billion people globally.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

- Opportunities for Optimization:

- Improving mobile responsiveness, enhancing CTAs, and incorporating social proof can
contribute to a more effective website that not only informs but also engages and converts

In conclusion, while the BLS International website demonstrates several positive aspects,
there are opportunities for optimization, particularly in terms of mobile responsiveness, user
engagement, and e-commerce transparency. Regular updates and improvements can ensure
that the website remains aligned with the company's vision and mission.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

h. Show your “value of the firm” analysis?

To conduct a "value of the firm" analysis based on the provided information, we can look at
various financial and market indicators for BLS International Services Ltd.:

Financial Performance:

1. Stock Performance:
- Positive: The stock has shown positive momentum, with a 2.29% increase on the given
date. It is also 4.50% away from its 52-week high, indicating relative strength.

2. Revenue Growth:
- Positive: The company has shown growth in net sales, as mentioned in the news section.
This indicates positive performance and business expansion.

3. Profitability:
- Positive: The company has reported a consolidated net profit of Rs. 204 crore in the latest
available financials, showcasing profitability.

4. Earnings per Share (EPS):

- Positive: The TTM EPS of Rs. 6.50, even though showing a decrease of 7.77% YoY, reflects a
positive earnings trend.

5. Valuation Metrics:
- Mixed: The P/E ratio is high at 47.67, indicating a relatively higher valuation. Similarly, the
P/B ratio is 11.14, suggesting a premium in the market.

Market Position:

1. Market Capitalization:
- Positive: The market capitalization of Rs. 12,757 crore indicates a sizable presence in the

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

2. Analyst Recommendations:
- Positive: The analyst rating is generally positive, with a "Buy" recommendation based on
available data.

Investor Sentiment:

1. Shareholding Pattern:
- Mixed: While promoters have decreased holdings slightly, mutual funds have increased
their holdings. FII/FPI holdings have decreased.

2. Insider Transactions:
- Neutral: Insider transactions, as provided, do not show any alarming trends.

Technical Analysis:

1. Technical Rating:
- Neutral: The technical rating suggests a neutral trend, which means the stock is not
showing clear bullish or bearish signals.

Overall Analysis:
Considering the positive stock performance, revenue growth, and profitability, BLS
International Services Ltd. appears to be in a relatively strong position. However, the high
valuation metrics and mixed investor sentiment suggest that investors should carefully
assess the risk-reward scenario.
Potential Areas for Further Investigation:
1. Debt Levels: Assess the company's debt levels and its ability to manage debt efficiently.
2. Market Positioning: Understand how BLS International compares to its competitors in
terms of market share and positioning.
3. Future Growth Plans: Look for information on the company's future growth plans and
strategies. Investors should conduct a more in-depth analysis and consider future market
trends to make informed investment decisions.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

i. List up to 20 of the firm’s strengths and weaknesses?


1. Global Presence: BLS International operates in over 64 countries, serving 46 client

governments, showcasing a robust global footprint.

2. Experience and Expertise: With over 18 years of experience, the company has developed
expertise in handling visa, passport, consular, and other government-related services.

3. Large Workforce: The company boasts a workforce of over 60,000 employees and
associates, contributing to its extensive service network.

4. Diverse Service Offerings: BLS provides a range of services, including visa processing,
passport services, consular services, e-governance, attestation, biometric services, e-visa,
and retail services.

5. Technology Integration: Being a tech-enabled service provider, BLS leverages technology

for efficient and innovative service delivery.

6. ISO Certifications: The company holds various ISO certifications, including ISO 9001:2015,
ISO 27001:2013, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, indicating commitment to quality,
information security, environmental management, and occupational health and safety.

7. Recognitions and Awards: BLS International has received accolades such as being
recognized as the "Best under a Billion Company" by Forbes Asia and featuring among
Fortune India's Next 500 companies.

8. Listed on NSE and BSE: Being publicly listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) adds credibility and transparency.

9. Customer Orientation: The company values customer orientation as one of its core values,
emphasizing a focus on delivering customer-centric solutions.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

10. Strategic Partnerships: BLS is a preferred partner for embassies and governments
globally, indicating strong relationships and trust in its services.

11. Social Responsibility: Holding ISO 26000:2010 certification for Social Responsibility
reflects the company's commitment to ethical and socially responsible business practices.


1. High Valuation Metrics: The company's high P/E ratio (47.67) and P/B ratio (11.14) may be
perceived as a weakness, suggesting a potentially higher valuation.

2. Dependence on Government Contracts: BLS International heavily relies on contracts with

governments and diplomatic missions, making it susceptible to changes in government
policies and geopolitical factors.

3. Market Competition: Being among the top three global players implies intense
competition, and the company must continuously innovate to maintain its market position.

4. Economic Sensitivity: Economic downturns or geopolitical tensions can impact the

demand for visa and government-related services, affecting the company's revenue.

5. Regulatory Risks: Operating in multiple countries exposes the company to diverse

regulatory environments and risks associated with changes in regulations.

6. Potential Security Risks: Dealing with sensitive information and biometric data poses
security risks, and any data breaches could harm the company's reputation.

7. Dependency on Technology: While technology integration is a strength, dependency on

technology also poses a risk, especially in the event of system failures or cybersecurity

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

8. Operational Challenges: Managing a vast network of over 50,000 centers globally may
pose operational challenges, including logistics and coordination.

9. Currency Exchange Risks: Operating in multiple countries subjects the company to

currency exchange rate fluctuations, impacting financial performance.

10. Geopolitical Risks: Political instability in regions where BLS operates can impact its
operations and pose challenges in maintaining a consistent service quality.

11. Public Perception: Negative events, such as service disruptions or controversies, could
impact public perception and trust in the company's services.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

j. Show and explain your Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix?

Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix is a strategy tool used to evaluate firm’s internal environment
and to reveal its strengths as well as weaknesses. The internal and external factor evaluation
matrices have been introduced by Fred R. David in his book Strategic Management[1]. According
to the author, both tools are used to summarize the information gained from company’s external and
internal environment analyses.

Internal Factor Analysis

Strengths and weaknesses are used as the key internal factors in the evaluation. When looking for
the strengths, ask what do you do better or have more valuable than your competitors have? In case
of the weaknesses, ask which areas of your company you could improve and at least catch up with
your competitors? The general rule is to identify as many key internal factors as possible.


Each key factor should be assigned a weight ranging from 0.0 (low importance) to 1.0 (high
importance). The number indicates how important the factor is if a company wants to succeed in an
industry. If there were no weights assigned, all the factors would be equally important, which is an
impossible scenario in the real world. The sum of all the weights must equal 1.0. Separate factors
should not be given too much emphasis (assigning a weight of 0.30 or more) because the success in
an industry is rarely determined by one or few factors.

Strategic Management (KMBN301)


The ratings in internal matrix refer to how strong or weak each factor is in a firm. The numbers range
from 4 to 1, where 4 means a major strength, 3 – minor strength, 2 – minor weakness and 1 – major
weakness. Strengths can only receive ratings 3 & 4, weaknesses – 2 and 1. The process of assigning
ratings in IFE matrix can be done easier using benchmarking tool.


The score is the result of weight multiplied by rating. Each key factor must receive a score. Total
weighted score is simply the sum of all individual weighted scores. The firm can receive the same
total score from 1 to 4 in both matrices. The total score of 2.5 is an average score. In internal
evaluation a low score indicates that the company is weak against its competitors.

IFE and EFE analyses have little value on their own. You should do both analyses and combine their
results to discuss new strategies or for further analysis. They are especially useful when building
advanced SWOT analysis, SWOT matrix for strategies or IE matrix.

BLS International PVT LTD

An Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix is a strategic management tool used to

evaluate and summarize a company's major strengths and weaknesses in the key
areas of internal operations. The IFE matrix assigns weights to internal factors and
rates them based on their importance and effectiveness. Here's an example for BLS
International Pvt Ltd:

Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix for BLS International Pvt Ltd:

| Factors | Weight (W) | Rating (R) | Weighted Score |


| Global Presence | 0.10 |4 | 0.40 |

| Experience and Expertise | 0.08 |4 | 0.32 |

| Large Workforce | 0.07 |3 | 0.21 |

| Diverse Service Offerings | 0.09 |4 | 0.36 |

| Technology Integration | 0.08 |4 | 0.32 |

| ISO Certifications | 0.06 |4 | 0.24 |

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

| Recognitions and Awards | 0.07 |3 | 0.21 |

| Listed on NSE and BSE | 0.05 |4 | 0.20 |

| Customer Orientation | 0.07 |4 | 0.28 |

| Strategic Partnerships | 0.08 |3 | 0.24 |

| Social Responsibility | 0.05 |3 | 0.15 |

| High Valuation Metrics | 0.07 |2 | 0.14 |

| Dependence on Gov. Contracts | 0.08 |2 | 0.16 |

| Market Competition | 0.07 |3 | 0.21 |

| Economic Sensitivity | 0.06 |2 | 0.12 |

| Regulatory Risks | 0.06 |3 | 0.18 |

| Potential Security Risks | 0.06 |2 | 0.12 |

| Dependency on Technology | 0.07 |3 | 0.21 |

| Operational Challenges | 0.06 |3 | 0.18 |

| Currency Exchange Risks | 0.06 |2 | 0.12 |

| Geopolitical Risks | 0.05 |2 | 0.10 |

| Public Perception | 0.05 |2 | 0.10 |

| Total | 1.00 | | 4.73 |


- Weights (W): The relative importance of each factor to the success of the
company. The sum of all weights should equal 1.0.

- Ratings (R): The company's performance on each factor, rated from 1 to 4 (1 =

major weakness, 4 = major strength).

Strategic Management (KMBN301)

- Weighted Score: Obtained by multiplying the weight of each factor by its rating.

- Total Weighted Score: The sum of all weighted scores, representing the overall
effectiveness of the company's internal factors.


The total weighted score of 4.73 suggests that, according to the internal factors
considered, BLS International Pvt Ltd has an overall strong internal position. The
company's global presence, experience, diverse service offerings, and technology
integration are identified as major strengths. However, areas like high valuation
metrics, dependence on government contracts, and economic sensitivity are
recognized as potential weaknesses that may require strategic attention. This IFE
matrix provides a snapshot for strategic decision-makers to focus on key internal
areas for improvement and leverage existing strengths


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