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Joseph’s College
S1 English Reading – War Horse
Chapter 2

Name: ________________________ Class: _________ Date:______________________

‘I learnt to come at his whistle, not out of obedience but because I always wanted to be
with him. His whistle imitated the stuttering call of an owl – it as a call I never refused
and I would never forget.’ (p.11-12)

What does the quote tell you about the relationship between Joey and Albert? Find more
evidence at the beginning of this chapter to support your answer.

They have formed ______________ _____________.

They spend more ________ ● They would go out to the ________ and marsh.
together. ● Albert trains Joey to follow some ________ ________
eg. walking, trotting up and down etc.

Albert ________ Joey from When his father is drunk, Albert would often find an
his drunken father. ________ to ensure that he doesn’t get ________ to Joey.

2. Circle the appropriate adjectives to describe Albert’s father.

knowledgeable apathetic uncaring patient

violent threatening respectful gentle

3. What is the deal between Albert and his father in this chapter?


4. On p17, it says ‘This was a different Albert’. How different Albert has become? Explain the

5. At the end of this chapter, a war between the British and Germans has started. What do you
know about World War 1 when the story is set? Do some research on WW1 and write your
notes below.

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