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(An Open and Caring Church in Capiz)

Km. 1, Alvarez Subd., Roxas City, Capiz

OCTOBERIL 22, 2022

THE FOCUSING (Leader): There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but
full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every
trace of terror! 1 John 4:18 (AMPC)

God wants us to pursue a relationship with Him before performance or any kind
of “clean-up operation” on our behaviour. You have to remember that your
relationship with God is the most important thing. He wants you to live by His
guidelines and principles because they are the best way to live. However, your
ability to follow them has nothing to do with His love for you. He loves you
just as you are. You see, God is not focused on your shortcomings. He wants a
relationship with you. He loves you and wants you to experience that love.
And, as our verse today communicates, when you’re focused on love, there’s
no room for fear.
Religion relies on fear and guilt to control people’s behaviour, but it doesn’t
work. When you come to God full of fear about what you’ve done, or failed to
do, you’re not building your relationship with Him. Instead, you’re focused on
your performance or you’re looking for Him to clean up your behaviour. While
He has been more than happy to provide you with the grace you need to
change, that is not His main concern. He wants relationship to come first. In
fact, putting that relationship first gives you the power to change the things
you want to change. You see, faith works by love, not fear. As you begin to
realize how much He loves you and empowers you to change, you can start to
walk that change out. Get back to the basics. Your relationship with God is
and always will be the main thing. Choose to stay focused on His love today.

Call to Worship (Psalm 34)

L: Bless the Lord at all times.
P: Let everyone bless God.
L: Praise the Lord continually.
P: Let everyone praise Christ.
L: Our souls boast in the Lord.
P: We boast in the Spirit’s greatness.
L: With one voice, we magnify and exalt the Lord, for God has delivered us and
made us whole.
P: Exalt our God, the Lord of life.
ALL: Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes
refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his holy people, for those who fear him
lack nothing.

Opening Prayer Leader

Great Triune God, through Jesus Christ, our great and eternal High Priest,
we give you praise and consecrate ourselves to follow you. As we worship you
and celebrate your glorious resurrection, open our eyes so that we may see —
open the eyes of our mind to learning and understanding; open the eyes of our
heart, to love and compassion; open the eyes of our soul, to see our spiritual
selves during our time of worship. Amen.

Prayer of Confession ALL

Supernatural, supreme God, there is so much of life we simply do not know.
In our arrogance, we utter what we do not understand. Rescue us, O Lord, from
our afflictions. Restore us, O God, from our self-inflicted wounds. Have mercy
on us, Son of David, Son of God, and save us by your unending intercession.
This day, as your word is proclaimed, let our hearts and souls respond with joy.
Transform our lives to do your will. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN.

Words of Assurance PASTOR JUN GIL BEIRA

Turn and see the light of God’s love. It is lavished upon you. You have been
healed and made whole in God’s love. Be at peace and rejoice!

THE PRAISE Congregational Singing

I believe in the Bible, God’s love letter for me. I believe what it says it would
do. I believe what it says it would give. I will obey its commands, I will receive
its promises. I will stand by its ideals. I will, its precepts heed and
understand. It will be a lamp to my feet, a light to my path and I will hide its
Word in my heart that I may not sin against God.


 Thru the PREACHING OF THE WORD Pastor Jun Gil Beira

Call: [Leader] Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down,
shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it
will be measured to you.

Jesus calls us simply to “give.” Surely we are to give of our financial means. But generosity
should be the mark of a Christian beyond sharing of wealth. We give by forgiving. We give
by helping. We give by opening our hearts and homes to others. We give by using our gifts
for the sake of the Christian community. We give by sharing with others all that God has so
richly given to us. Thus, we become conduits for the blessings of God, those through whom
God gives to others. According to Jesus, there are rich rewards for a generous life. Not only
do others benefit from our giving, but so do we. “Give, and you will receive. Jesus says that
if we give, we will receive back not only what we have given, but far more. This may mean
that we will receive the same sort of substance we have given away. When we love, we may
be loved in return. When we give financially, we may be blessed with additional income.
But even if what we receive is not the same in kind as what we give, nevertheless, we will
receive generously from the hand of God. Thus, we give, not only because it is right to give,
and not only as a response to God’s giving to us. We also give because a generous life is the
best sort of life there is, one in which we are blessed even beyond the amount we bless
others. As we share our stuff, our talents, our gifts, and our love, we receive the joy of a full
life well lived.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: Why do you think Jesus backs up the call to
give with an appeal to our own self-interest? Couldn’t he have simply told us to give
because it is right to do so? Have you ever experienced the kind of generosity Jesus
describes, either as a giver or as a receiver? How might you give away God’s blessings

(take a pause for a moment)

Let us gather our gifts together and offer them to God in gratitude and praise.

Doxology All rise please

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. AMEN.

Prayer of Dedication ALL

Dear Lord, your call is crystal clear. I am to give. I am to live a generous life. If I do, I will
be generously blessed. I will receive even more than I give.

You know, Lord, that I am not wired for generosity. I tend to think in terms of a zero-sum
game, in which my giving means I end up losing. I am reticent to part with that which you
have entrusted to me, especially my “stuff.” Yet you are teaching me, helping me to
discover the joy of generous living. I ask you, Lord, to transform my heart, that I might be a
spontaneous, lavish giver.

Thank you, gracious God, for all that you have given to me, most of all, for the gift of
salvation in Christ. May I share generously with others what you have entrusted to
me. Amen.


THRU THE CLOSING HYMN Congregational Singing


V1. Day by day, I walk a little closer with my Lord.
Day by day!
Day by day!

V2. Where He leads me, where He leads me

I will follow! I will follow!
Where He wants me, where He wants me
I will go!
Repeat V1 (2x)
Repeat V2
Repeat V1 (End)

 Closing Prayer and Benediction Pastor Jun Gil Beira
 The Threefold Amen
 Soft Music
 The Fellowship Clasp

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