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Region XI Grade Level 11

DAILY Personal
Teacher SADHANA MARIE C. ZAMORA Learning Area
PLAN Semester and FIRST/ 1st
Teaching Date August 30 – September 1, 2023
Quarter Quarter
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
A. Content Standard: Demonstrate understanding of himself/herself during middle and late adolescence.
B. Performance Standard: Conduct self-exploration and simple disclosure.
C. Learning Competencies: Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and limitations and deal
with others better.


Topic : Knowing and Understanding Oneself during Middle and Late Adolescence
Reference : Personal Development Alternative Delivery Mode, Quarter 1 – Module 1: Knowing Oneself
First Edition, 2020
Materials : Laptop, TV, powerpoint presentation



The teacher will lead the prayer.
2.Greetings  “Good morning, ma’am Sadhana, good
The teacher will greet the students morning classmates, Mabuhay!”
A. Preliminaries 3.Checking of Attendance
The teacher will ask the class beadle.  Beadle will provide the details

4.Review  Students will do the activity

The teacher will ask students about
what they have learned from their
previous ESP lesson.

B. Lesson Proper

1. ACTIVITY “Self-concept inventory” Students will do the activity.

Students will answer a self-concept inventory in
their journal notebooks.

2. ANALYSIS Understanding the “Sense of Self”

“WHO AM I?” – a question that leads to a Students will take note of the lesson.
better self-awareness

Adolescence is a stage where we may

increasingly ask, “who am I?”. It is a normal
process that you need to go through as you
advance to adulthood.

A state of having the knowledge about our
existence as unique individuals who are able to
recognize our values, beliefs, traits, behaviors and
feelings. It is being significantly conscious of what
we are good at while recognizing our flaws,
limitations and imperfections.

“Personality and Self”

Personality is the essence of who we are and is
the embodiment of one’s physical, psychological,
cognitive and spiritual self. Therefore, when we
speak of the “Self”, we will describe it in
personality terms.

“Nature and Nurture”

Personality is influenced by both.
 Nature – hereditary or genetic make up
 Nurture – by the environment

1. Intellectual self – a description about
your reasoning ability, problem solving
skills, specific areas you are good at or
the wisdom you gained from experience
2. Emotional self – describes how you feel
most of the time, feelings you don’t want
to experience and the emotions you want
to improve.
3. Physical self – describes your physical
image. You may include adjectives that
describe your complexion, height, weight,
hair or any body parts that you like the
4. Spiritual self – describes your over-all
spiritual development, your personal
connection to your religion and your
spiritual relationship with other people.
5. Social self – describes how well you get
along with other people with different
types of attitude and personality. It
describes the kind of person you are
when you are with your closest friends,
teachers or your family.
“I Am What I Am”
Students will answer the questions for discussion.
Direction: Describe yourself in terms of the
following aspects.

1. Intellectual Self
2. Emotional self
3. Physical self
4. Spiritual self
5. Social self

Guide questions:
1. What have you realized while doing the
2. Do these activities remind you of your
unique identity as a person? How?
3. ABSTRACTION 3. Do you consider yourself a unique
individual? How will you prove it?

The Johari Window

A technique developed by American psychologists
Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955, that helps
people improve self-awareness, interpersonal
relationships and opportunity for personal
development by giving or receiving feedback on
each other’s strengths and weaknesses and blind

4 quadrants of Johari window

1. Arena – the Known Self
2. Blind Spot – the Blind Self
3. Façade – the Hidden Self
4. Unknown – not known to others and not
known to self

“Johari Window” Students will do the activity.

This activity will help you further improve your self-
awareness by considering how others view you,
4. APPLICATION their opinions about you and how they describe
you as a person. It is true that sometimes, you
don’t realize your behavior, good qualities and
potentialities unless someone tells you.

Students will be asked to get their journal to answer the following questions.
1. The state of having the knowledge of one’s existence. __________
2. A technique developed by American psychologists to help improve self-awareness. __________
3. It is the essence of who we are and is the embodiment of one’s physical, psychological, cognitive and spiritual self. __________
4. It is a stage where we may increasingly ask, “who am I?”. __________
5. How many quadrants does the Johari window have? __________

“Sip and Share”
Direction: In the spaces indicated by numbers, write down the following.
1. Full name
2. Things about yourself that you are proudest of
3. Positive words that your family and friends use to describe you
4. Two personal goals that you have already achieved
5. Two things you consider as your greatest achievement
6. Two good qualities you see in yourself that you want the world to know
7. An experience that you have had in the past that had a positive impact in your life
8. Two skills that you have that you want to share with other people
Prepared by:


SHS-Teacher II
New Bataan National High School
Division of Davao De Oro

Approved by:


OIC-SHS Asst. School Principal
New Bataan National High School
Division of Davao De Oro

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