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What is OSH management?

Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a discipline

dealing with the prevention of work related injuries and diseases as well as the protection
and promotion of the health of workers.It aims at the improvement of working conditions and
working environment
OSH benefit
1. Enhanced Workplace Safety: Implementing OSH management practices helps create a
safer work environment, reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, and illnesses. This leads to
improved employee well-being and morale.
2. Increased Productivity: When employees feel safe and secure in their workplace, they can
focus better on their tasks. OSH management helps minimize disruptions caused by
accidents or health issues, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
3. Cost Savings: By preventing accidents and occupational illnesses, organizations can save
significant costs associated with medical expenses, workers' compensation claims, and
potential legal liabilities. OSH management helps minimize these financial burdens.
4. Compliance with Regulations: OSH management ensures that organizations comply with
relevant health and safety regulations. By meeting legal requirements, organizations avoid
penalties and maintain a positive reputation.
5. Improved Employee Engagement: Engaging employees in OSH management fosters a
sense of ownership and responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their colleagues.
This involvement leads to increased employee engagement and a positive safety culture.

Disadvantage of poor OSH m

. safety measures may not be in place, increasing the likelihood of accidents, injuries,
and health problems for employees.
. employees may be exposed to hazardous conditions in the workplace, such as faulty
equipment or dangerous substances.
. insufficient training for employees, leaving them unprepared to handle potential risks.
Additionally, necessary safety measures may not be implemented, further
compromising employee safety.
. frequency of workplace incidents such as accidents or near misses is likely to
. Non-compliance with OSH regulations can lead to legal repercussions, including fines,
penalties, and potential lawsuits against the company.
. Workplace incidents and injuries can lead to employee absences, reduced efficiency,
and decreased productivity, impacting the overall performance of the organization.
Principles of OSH management
1. Anticipation: means being proactive and anticipating potential hazards and risks in the
workplace. By identifying possible dangers, we can take preventive measures to avoid
accidents or injuries.
2. Recognition: is a principle involves recognizing and acknowledging existing hazards and
risks in the workplace.
3. Evaluation: refers to assessing and evaluating the risks associated with workplace
hazards. We need to analyze the severity and likelihood of potential harm to determine the
best strategies for prevention.
4. Control: Once we have identified and evaluated the risks, the next step is to implement
control measures. This involves implementing safety measures, procedures, and protocols to
minimize or eliminate hazards.

What is OSHAS 18001 and ISO 45001:2019?

OSHAS 18001 and ISO 45001:2019 are both international standards for occupational health
and safety management systems. They provide guidelines for organizations to establish and
maintain effective safety practices. They help ensure the well-being of employees and
promote a safe working environment.
Key difference of OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001
OHSAS 18001:
- Older standard
- Less comprehensive
- Limited focus on risk management
- May require additional efforts for integration with other ISO management system standards
ISO 45001:
- Newer standard
- More comprehensive
- Robust risk management approach
- Designed for easier integration with other ISO management system standards
What is the management system in occupational safety?
The management system in occupational safety refers to a set of policies, procedures, and
practices that an organization implements to ensure the health and safety of its employees. It
involves identifying and assessing workplace hazards, implementing control measures,
training employees, conducting regular inspections, and continuously improving safety
performance. The management system helps create a safe and healthy work environment,
prevent accidents and injuries, and comply with relevant laws and regulations.
Why do we need OSH management?
We need Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) management to ensure the well-being and
safety of workers in the workplace. It helps prevent accidents and injuries by identifying and
controlling hazards, promoting safe work practices, and providing proper training . OSH
management also helps organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements,
enhance productivity, and improve overall employee morale and satisfaction. It's all about
creating a safe and healthy work environment for everyone!

The Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSH-MS)- key elements:
1. Policy: This sets the organization's commitment to health and safety, outlining objectives,
responsibilities, and the overall approach to managing OSH.
2. Organizing: This involves establishing clear roles, responsibilities, and accountability for
OSH within the organization. It includes establishing communication channels, and ensuring
employee involvement.
3. Planning and Implementation: This step focuses on identifying hazards, assessing risks,
and implementing controls to eliminate or minimize them. It includes developing safe work
procedures and providing necessary training.
4. Evaluation: Regular evaluation and monitoring of the OSH performance are crucial. This
includes conducting inspections, audits, and incident investigations to identify areas for
improvement and measure the effectiveness of control measures.
5. Action for Improvement (Mitigation):is corrective actions should be taken to address
identified deficiencies and improve the OSH performance. This may involve revising policies,
updating procedures, or implementing new control measures.

What is ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001:2018 is a globally recognized standard that provides a framework for
organizations to manage occupational health and safety. It sets out requirements for
establishing, implementing, and improving an (OH&S MS). The standard focuses on
identifying and controlling hazards, promoting worker participation, and continually
improving OSH performance.
By implementing ISO 45001:2018, organizations can ensure a safe and healthy work
environment for their employees.

The disadvantage of poor implementation or non-compliance with ISO 45001:2018 is

the increased risk to the health and safety of employees. Without proper adherence to the
standard's requirements, organizations may have inadequate safety measures in place,
leading to a higher likelihood of accidents, injuries, and illnesses. This can result in increased
absenteeism, decreased productivity, and potential legal and financial consequences for the
absenteeism, decreased productivity, and potential legal and financial consequences for the

The key elements of ISO 45001:2018- Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. It's a continuous
improvement process that organizations follow to manage occupational health and safety
1. Plan: This involves establishing objectives, identifying hazards, assessing risks, and
developing plans to address them.
2. Do: Implement the plans and controls, provide resources, and train employees to ensure a
safe and healthy work environment.
3. Check: Monitor and measure the performance of the OH&S management system, conduct
audits, and evaluate compliance with legal requirements.
4. Act: Take corrective actions to address any identified non-conformities, make
improvements based on the evaluation results, and continually enhance the OH&S

internal and external factors that can affect the organization's HSE performance (why)
is important for effective management and improvement of overall safety and sustainability

key internal and external factors that can affect an organization's HSE performance.

Internal factors, such as the organization's vision, mission, and objectives, play a crucial role
in shaping the HSE culture and priorities within the company. The organization's structure
and leadership also influence how HSE is managed and integrated into daily operations. The
safety and health policy, along with management commitment and employee training, are
essential for creating a safe work environment. Proper workplace design and equipment
safety measures are also important considerations.

External factors, like OSH regulations and laws, set the legal requirements that organizations
must comply with. Economic factors and market and industry requirements can impact the
resources and priorities allocated to HSE. Technological changes can introduce new risks or
opportunities for safety improvements. Lastly, environmental conditions, such as weather or
geographical factors, can also affect HSE performance.

ISO 45001 is important because it provides a globally recognized framework for managing
occupational health and safety (OHS) risks. It helps organizations establish and maintain a
safe and healthy work environment for their employees and other stakeholders.

By implementing ISO 45001, organizations can identify and control hazards, prevent work-
related injuries and illnesses, and continually improve their OHS performance. It promotes a
related injuries and illnesses, and continually improve their OHS performance. It promotes a
systematic approach to managing OHS, ensuring that risks are assessed, controls are
implemented, and compliance with legal requirements is maintained.
ISO 45001 also can also lead to cost savings by reducing workplace incidents, improving
productivity, and minimizing the impact of accidents or occupational diseases.

HSE Policy:
• Definition: The Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) policy is a formal document that
outlines an organization's commitment to ensuring the well-being of its employees and the
protection of the

Leadership and worker participation are crucial for a successful HSE management system.

When both leadership and workers are involved in the development and implementation of
the HSE management system, it creates a sense of ownership and commitment to safety
throughout the organization. Top management commitment is essential in setting the tone
for a strong safety culture and ensuring that(OSH) is a priority.

Policy development on OSH establishes the organization's commitment to providing a safe

and healthy workplace. Setting objectives and targets helps drive continuous improvement in
OSH performance. Allocating a budget specifically for OSH shows that the organization is
dedicated to investing in safety measures and resources.

Effective communication and training on OSH are vital for ensuring that everyone
understands their roles and responsibilities in maintaining a safe work environment. Regular
monitoring of OSH performance allows for the identification of areas for improvement and
the implementation of corrective actions.

planning in (OSH)

1. Identify hazards and assess risks: Look for things that could be dangerous in the
workplace and figure out how risky they are. This helps in understanding what needs to be
fixed or controlled to keep people safe.
2. Establish an OSH policy: Create a clear plan that shows how important safety is and what
steps will be taken to protect everyone at work.
3. Follow legal requirements: Make sure to know and follow the rules and regulations related
to safety and health in the workplace. This helps ensure compliance and avoid penalties.
4. Assess risks and identify hazards: Keep an eye out for anything that could cause harm or
4. Assess risks and identify hazards: Keep an eye out for anything that could cause harm or
danger to people at work. This includes things like slippery floors, heavy objects, or
hazardous chemicals.
5. Develop OSH programs and activities: Create specific plans and actions to address the
hazards and risks identified. This can include training programs, safety initiatives, and
regular checks to make sure everything is working well.
6. Be prepared for emergencies: Have plans in place to handle unexpected situations like
fires, accidents, or natural disasters. This includes having clear procedures, training
employees, and conducting drills.
7. Provide training and ensure competency: Make sure that employees receive proper training
on safety procedures, know how to use equipment correctly, and are aware of potential risks.
This helps ensure everyone knows how to stay safe.
8. Keep good records: Document all safety-related activities, such as risk assessments,
training records, and incident reports. This helps track progress, identify areas for
improvement, and demonstrate compliance with regulations.

key components of a Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) policy

1. Objectives: The HSE policy should clearly state the goals and objectives of the
organization when it comes to health, safety, and the environment. This helps everyone
understand what we're aiming for.
2. Responsibilities: It's important to define who is responsible for what when it comes to HSE
within the organization. This makes sure that everyone knows their role in keeping things
safe and healthy.
3. Compliance: The HSE policy should ensure that we follow all the relevant laws and
regulations related to health, safety, and the environment. This keeps us on the right side of
the law and helps us avoid any trouble.
4. Continuous Improvement: The HSE policy should show our commitment to always getting
better in terms of health, safety, and the environment. We want to keep finding ways to
improve and make things even safer.
5. Communication: It's crucial to have ways to communicate the HSE policy to everyone in
the organization, no matter what level they're at. This makes sure that everyone is aware of
the policy and understands what needs to be done.
6. Implementation: The HSE policy should be put into action throughout the organization.
This means that everyone should be aware of it and actually follow it in their day-to-day

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