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aoissuy we s,DOW) Jamsuy HOS A19,A = VSA ‘swo|qodg [POHAWNN= IN ‘A404, = J, :910N, paramsum aq 0} om suoNIsaNd LE [Ko SuONSANg Zs Jo Ino — aoI0KD “Z OZI/STT = Sinoy Buryovas Jo saqumyNysyseUE [eIOL = aFeNysIa\4 “7 ja | | erste simop Somyoeay, 0, sya 2up duo" = v7 somsuy Hoys =! 96°0 (anoy yov9 105 S3AI96'0 suoquesoIpaH SoubyUNSs] pur sojdioung aiseg tog - Anstauoyo 2102840) stonoPay xOpOY SMDAATS FETNSS|ONT pare Furpuog peony somusdorg OF Auoipoueg 7 Smasurate] Jo uOnROTSSEI) ‘mumaguinby ~~ sotureuXpouuay,, (NT wo}y Jo among (aN) 1 our £0) ¥S (ST OLOT Agsnmayy 30 sidaouo3 a1seq ato, ory 10) Sa coun | (ou. 0) vs |z0) ¥S Couey 0) vs | zo) vs T ya (ou leo vs aurouy, Aqwn /uyewop v1 guano /raydeqD zo) vs SA =) Aiddy op =) IGM (0 =) purassopun, (pf) AW.LSTWAHD - ONd LST PZ-ELOT Ad Vd NOLLSANO TAGOW INAA LAVA YON LNIAd FATA Cr =) SLOW Oz OL St Time: 3 Hrs, 15 Mints. (Total No. of questions: 52) Hand Book for Examination DEPARTMENT MODEL QUESTION PAPER I PUC - CHEMISTRY(34) ; Max. Marks : 71 Instructions: 1. Question paper has FIVE parts having 52 questions. All parts are compulsory. a) Part-A carries 20 marks, Each question carries 1 mark. b) Part-B carries 10 marks. Each question carries 2 marks. ¢) Part-C carries 18 marks. Each question carries 3 marks. d) Part-D carries 10 marks, Each question carries 5 marks. e) Part-E carries 12 marks. Each question carries 3 marks. In Part-A questions, first attempted answer will be considered for awarding marks. Write balanced chemical equations and draw neat labeled diagrams and graphs wherever necessary. . : : Direct answers to the numerical problems without detailed steps and specific unit for final answer wil not carry any marks. Use log tables and simple calculator if necessary (Use of scientific calculators is not allowed.) PART-A Select the correct option from the given choices: 1x 15=15 lL. The number of significant figures in 0.523 is a)3 b)4 2 di Molarity is defined as the number of moles, of solute present in a) one litre of solution *. b) one litre of solvent c) one kg of solution d) one kg of solvent Rutherford’s o - ray scattering experiment is related to the size of the a) nucleus b) atom. c) electron d) neutrons Mendeleev‘s periodic table is based on a) atomic weight b) atomic number c) number of neutrons d) number of electrons In XeF,, molecule, number of lone pairs and shared pairs of electrons respectively are a)4,1 b) 2,4 c) 4,3 d) 4,2 Which of the following is true for ionic compounds? a) conduct electricity in solid state b) have directional bonds c) soluble in polar solvents d) are non-electrolytes in molten state Hand Book for Examination 7. 12. 15. The second law of thermodynamics introduced the concept of: a) enthalpy 6) work c) entropy d) internal energy The difference between heat of reaction at constant pressure and heat of reaction at constant volume is greater than RT when a) Ang =1 b) Ang >1 c) Atty Fe*? + Mn2* V, Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. . . 3x3=09 35. Write the any three postulates of Dalton’s atoinic theory. 36. Write any three limitations of Bohr model of an atom. 37. For the element with atomic number 24. i) Write the electronic configuration i) How many unpaired electrons present in it? ii) To which block of the periodic table it belongs? 38. Derive the relationship between C, and C, for an ideal gas. 39. State Lechatlier’s principle. What is the effect of temperature on the equilibrium if the reaction is exothermic? 40. How are Kp and Ke related? Give one reaction each in which () Kp > Ke (ii) Kp = Ke PART-D VI Answer any TWO of the following, Each question carries five marks. ° 2x5=10 41. a) What is the type of hybridisation of carbon atoms marked as a, b and c in the following compound? H,C* -HC® =C> =cH, b) What is carbocation? Write the decreasing order of stability among 1°, 2° and 3° carbocations. (+2) 42. a) Explain the principle and calculations involved in the estimation of carbon in the organic compound. 43. 44, VIL 45. 46. 47. 48. Hand Book for Examination b) What are electrophiles? ‘An alkene ‘A’ on ozonolysis gives a mixture of ethanal and propan- 2-one. a : Write the chemical reaction and IUPAC name of ‘A’. b) Explain Wurtz reaction with a suitable example. (3 +2) a) Explain the mechanism of nitration of benzene. b) Draw the staggered conformation of ethane. (3 +2) PART -E Answerany FOUR of the following. Each question carries three marks. 4x3= An Organic cpound contains 26.66% carbon, 2.22% hydrogen and 71.12% oxygen. The molecular mass of the compound is 90. Find molecular formula. Dinitrogen and dihydrogen react with each other to produce ammonia according to the following chemical equation. Nog) + 3Haig) = 2NHs@) Calculate the mass of ammonia produced if 2 * 10°g dinitrogen reacts with 1 x 10°g of dihydrogen. Calculate the wave number and wave length of first line in Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum, (Given: Ry = 1.09677 x10’ m7!) Calculate the energy of one mole of photon of radiation whose frequency is 5x10! Hz. 49. The standard enthalpies of combustion of carbon, hydrogen and C,H, are —393.5 50. 51. 52, kJmol", -285.83 kJmol and —3267 kJmot’ respectively. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of C,H, Calculate the total work done when one mole of a gas expands isothermally and reversibly from an initial volume of 10 dn to a final volume of 20 dm’ at 298 K. (R = 8.314 JK" mol) Calculate ‘AG° for the hydrolysis of sucrose. The equilibrium constant K, is 2x107 at 300 K. (R = 8.314 JK“ mol") Reaction between N, and O, take place as follows IN2(g) + Or(@) = 2N20@) Ifa mixture of 0.482 mol of N, and 0.933 mol of O, is placed in a 10L vessel and allowed to form N,O at a room temperature at which K, =2x 10737, determine the composition of equilibrium mixture. eee Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mints. (Total No. of questions: 52) Hand Book for Examination MODEL QUESTION PAPER-1 J PUC - CHEMISTRY(34) Max. Marks : 70 Instructions: 1. Question paper has FIVE parts having 52 questions. All parts are compulsory. a) Part-A carries 20 marks. Each question carries 1 mark. b) Part-B carries 10 marks. Each 2. question carries 2 marks. c) Part-C carries 18 marks. Each question carries 3 marks. d) Part-D carries 10 marks. Each question carries 5 marks. e) Part-E carries 12 marks. Each question carries 3 marks. 3. In Part-A questions, first attempted answer will be considered for awarding marks. 4, Write balanced chemical equations and draw neat labeled diagrams and graphs wherever necessary. 5. Direct answers to the numerical problems’ without detailed steps and specific unit for final answer will not carry any marks. 6. __ Use log tables.and simple calculator if necessary (Use of scientific calculators is not allowed.) ; PAREA I Select the correct option from the given choices: 1x 15=15 1. Slunit of density is a a) kg b) kgm... ©) gmv/em 4) kgm? 2. The number of significant figures in 0.0046 is a) Two b) Three ©) Four 4) Five 3. Shape of 'p' orbital is, a) Circular b) Sperical ©) Dumibell 4) Double dumbell 4, Modern periodic table is based on * a) Atomic mass b) Atomic number ¢) Automic weight d) All the above 5. Average bond enthalpy of water molecule is a) 464.5 KJ mol! b) 502 kJ mot! . ©) 427 kI Ms" @) 4.50 SKI mol" 6. Bond order of oxygen molecule is a) 2 b) I °) 3 do 7. Mathematical form of First law of thermodynamics is a) Au=g-w _ b) Au=g+w c) Au=g.w = d) Au=w Hand Book for Examination . 19 8, Measure of degree of disorderness is a) Enthalpy b) Entropy ©) Temperature. d) Volume 9, Conjugate base of H,CO, is a) COs b) H,0 ©) HCO; 4) OFF 10, Factor affecting equilibrium position of a reversible reaction is a) Temperature b) Concentration c) Catalyst d) All the above 11. Oxidation state of Mn is MnO; is a) +6 b) +5 °) +1 d+7 12. Functional group of aldehyde is a) -OH ~ b) -CO- c) -CHO “@) “COOH 13. Number of o (sigma) bond present CH, = C'=CHCH, is a) 10 “yo 9 6 o4 14, Name the following reaction; R-X+2Na+X—R- AOR -R +2NaX a) Wurtz reaction _b) Nitratidn’”""' “¢) Halogination ‘) Hydrogination 15. CH,-C=CH —™ >A , identify’A': a) CH,-CH=CH, b) HCSCH ©) CH=CH, 4) CH,CH,CH,CH, II Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets: - 5x 1=5 [Isothermal, p¥, cyclohexane, Dipdle moment, kekule, ' Adiabatic ] 16. The product’ of the magnitute of the charge and the distance between the centre of positive and negative charge is called 17. In process no heat transfer between system and surrounding. 18. Negative logarithm to base 10 of hydrogenion concentation is 19. &) is 20. Structure of benzene is given by 20 Hand Book for Examination PART-B II. Answer any FIVE of the following. Each question carries two ae ui 5x2= 21. Mention two thermodynamic criteria for spontaneous process. 22. State le Chatelier's principle. 23. i) Name the gas liberated when calcium carbide react with water. i) Give reason: Noble gases have large positive electron gain enthalpies. 24. For 2H,0, —>+2H,0 +0, o Qa ‘What is the oxidation number of oxygen in (1), (2) and (3). 25.’ Explain Fajan's rules, 26. What is the oxidation number of i) Hydrogen in Metalhydrides ; _ ii) Element in free state. 27. What is position isomerism? Give an exmple. 28. What is chromatography? 29. How do you convert propyne to propene. PART-- C IV. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 3x3=09 30. What is ionisation enthalpy? How it varies along the period and down the group. 31. Explain sp? hybridisation by taking BCI, as an example. 32. i) Define hydrogen bonding or what is hydrogen bonding? Mention the types. ji). Define the Bond order. 33. Write the molecular orbital electronic configuration of lithium molecule [14] and comment on magnetic nature, stability also calculate the bond order of the molecule. 34. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method. Cr,07F +803 —> Cr’ + $02 (acid medium) V, Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 3*3=09 35. a) ‘ State Avogadro's law, i Hand Book for Examination 21 b) What is the value of Avogadro number? 36. Write any three postulates of Bohr's theory of atom. 37. a) State Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity. b) Write electronic configuration for the element with atomic number 18. 38. What is the change in entropy when i) Water freezes i) NH,Clis dissolved in water ii) H, molecule is dissociated to give hydrogen atoms? 39. Explain how equilibrium constant (K,) helps in predicting the direction of the reaction, 40. a) Define solubility product? b) What is Hydronium-ion? PART-D Vi Answer any TWO of the following. Each question carries five marks. 2x5=10 41. a) What is functional isomerism? Give an example b) What is functional group? Give one example, c) Write the resonance structure of benzene. 42. a) What is the difference between inductive effect and mesomeric (resonance) effect? i b) Explain preparation of Lassaigne's extract (or) SFE (Sodium Fusion Extract)? 43. a) Explain with an example Friedel Craft Acylation of benzene, b) Complete the following equations: ) C,H, -on —£eetts® + HO A i) CH,-CH=CH-CH, “"_, ii) 3CH=SCH —Redhotironinte 873K 44, a) Explain the mechanism of sulphonation of benzene? b) Explain carcinogenil property of benzene and polynuclear hydrocarbons. 22 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Hand Book for Examination PART - E (PROBLEMS) Answerany FOUR of the following. Each question carries three marks. 4x3=12 Determine the empirical formula of an oxide of Iron which has 69.9% Iron and 30.1% dioxygen by mass. [Atomic mass of Fe = 56, O = 16]. The density of 3M. solution of NaCl is 1.25 g mL“. Calculate the molality of the solution. ‘ The threshold frequency v, for a metal is 7.0x10'4 s"!. Calculate the kinetic energy of an electron emitted when radiation of frequency v=1.0x 10's" hits the metal. Calculate the wave number of the first spectral line of Lyman series of hydrogen spectrum (R = 10.97 x10°m") , Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of methane. Given that the standard enthalpy of combustion of methane, carbon'and hydrogen are —890.3'kJ mot", —393 kJ mo} and -285.8 kJ mol" respectively. 1g of graphite is: burnt in a bomb calorimeter in excess of oxygen at 298K and 1 atmospheric pressure according to the equation C (graphite) + O,(g) > CO,(g) During the reaction, temperature rises fom 298K to 299K" If the heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter is 20.7kJ/K, what is the enthalpy change for the above teaction at 298K and 1 atm? For the equilibrium, 2NOCI(g) = 2 NO(g) +Cl;(g) the value of the equilibrium constant, K, is 3,75 x10 at 1069 K. Calculate the K for the reaction at this temperature? The value of AG® for the phosphorylation of glucose in glycolysis is 13.8 kJ/mol. Find the value of K, at 298 K. eae = Hand Book for Examination MODEL QUESTION PAPER-2 I PUC - CHEMISTRY(34) Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mints. (Total No. of questions: 52) Instructions: 4. Question paper has FIVE parts having 52 questions. All parts are compulsory. 2. a) Part-A carries 20 marks. Each question carries 1 mark. b) Part-B carries 10 marks, Each question carries 2 marks. c) Part-C’carries 18 marks. Each question carries 3 marks. d) Part-D carries 10 marks. Each question carries 5 marks. @) Part-E carries 12 marks. Each question carries 3 marks. In Part-A questions, first attempted answer will be considered for awarding marks. Write balanced chemical equations and draw neat labeled diagrams and graphs wherever necessary. 2 5. Direct answers to the numerical problems without detailed steps and specific unit for final answer will not carry any marks. 6. _Use log tables and simple calculator if necessary (Use of scientific calculators is not allowed.) Max. Marks : 70 Aw PART-A I Select the correct option from the given choices: 1x 15=15 1. Scientific notations of 0.00053 is a) 5.3x10° b) 53x10% = 0) 53x104 > d) 53x107 2. Emperical formula for benzene is a) CH, b) CH °) CH, d) CH, 3. Special lines observed in the UV region a) Lyman series b) Balmer series c) Brakett series d) p-fund series 4. Outer electronic configuration of Eblock elements is, a) (n-2)f4(n-1)dns! b) (-2)f-4(m-1)d“"ns™! c) (n-2)f“(n-1)d™'ns! d) (n-2)f“4(n-1)d™'ns* 5. Dipole moment is usually expressed in a) cm b) Coulomb c) Debye d) kJmor 6. Bond angle of water molecule is a) 180° b) 120° c) 109,5° d) 104.5° 7. Gibbs free energy is represented by _a)H=G+TS . b) G=H-TS c) G=H-s d) H=G-TS Hand Book for Examination 3 8. 10. ue. 13. 14. The property which do not depend on the quantity of matter is a) Adiabatic property b) Intensive property c) Extensive property d) None of these Relationship between solubility and solubility product of the type AB type is, 4) k,=ve a) k,=8 b) ky =4s° According to Bronsted-lowry an acid is a a) Proton donor b) Electron donar c) Proton acceptor d) Electron acceptor 2KCIO, —> 2KCl +30), type of redox reaction is, a) Oxidation b) Reduction. c) Disproportionation d) None of these . Electron deficient species are 2) Electrophifes b) Nucleophiles ¢) Free radicals d) Metamers Method used to separate steam volatile and immiscible with water mixture is a) Distillation : b) Differential extraction c) Steam distilation 4) Sublimation TUPAC name of (CH,),C(C,H,), is j a) 2.3 dimethyl hexane b) 3.3. dimethyl pentane c) dimethyl diethyl propane 4) methyl ethyl propane . Boiling point of alkanes are increase with increase in molecular mass due to a) intermolecular vander waals force b) Hydrogen bonding c) Polar bond d) None of these II Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets: 5x1=5 [CH, one, zero, negative, less, CH,OH] 16. Helium molecule does not exists because its bond order is ‘i 17. Inexothormic reaction value is AH value is “Hand Book for Examination 34 18. If AG®> 0, the equilibrium constant Kis than one. 19. In homologues series, any two successive members differ by 20. CH, +0, —Betiore $238, 100m PART-B Til. Answer any FIVE of the following. Each question carries two ae 10 5x2= 21. State Hess’s law of constant heat summation. Give an example. 22. Write K, and K, expression for the equilibrium reaction : a4 + 6B —— Ce+dD 23. i) What are 'd' block elemens? i) Write its general formula. 24. Write theh Lewis dot structure for CCl. 25. Write any two postulates of VSEPR theory. 26. . What is disproprtionation reaction? Give an example. 27. What is chain isomerism? Give an example, 28. Whaat is the, difference between inductive effect and electromeric effect. 29. Give the conversion of cyclo hexane to benzene (Aromatisation). PART-C ~ IV. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 3*x3=09 30. i) Define the term ‘Electron gain enthalpy.” ii) How does electron gain enthalpy varies (changes) in a period and down a group? 31. Explain sp* hybridisation taking Methane (CH,) as example. 32. Write the molecular energy level diagram for oxygen molecule. Calculate its bond order and comment on magnetic nature and stability of the molecule: (0 = 1s? 2s? 2p? 2p," 2p_), 33. Write any three postulates of MOT, 34. Balance the redox reaction by oxidation number method: Cl, +NaOH —> NaCl + NaClO, +H,0 Hand Book for Examination : 35 v, Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 3x3 =09° a) State law of multiple proportion. b) Define mole. Write any three postulates of Rutherford's model of an atom. Explain the significance of Quantum numbers. a) What are (j) Exothermic reactions; (ji) Endothermic reactions? b) Define enthalpy (H). ; Derive an expression to calculate pH of acedic buffer solution (Henderdon - Hasselbatch equation). ‘What is common ion effect? Explain with an example. PART - D VI Answer any TWO of the following. Each question carries five marks. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 2x5=10 a) Explain the estimation of Carbon and Hydrogen by Leibig's method. b) What is homolysis/homolytic cleavage? a) What is Homologous series? Give one example. b) What are nucleophiles? Give an example. c) Write bond Jine formula for cyclopropane. a) Draw the sawhorse projection formula of ethane. b) Explain Kolbe’s reaction with an example. c) Mention the hybridisation of carbon atom of alkane. a) Explain the mechanism of chlorination of methane (free radical mechanism). b) What are geometrical isomerism? Give an example. PART-E Answerany FOUR of the following. Each question carries three marks. 4x3=12 ‘A compound gave on analysis, the following percentage compositon, K = 26.27% (atomic mass of K = 39), Cr = 35.36% (atomic mass of Cr = 52) and rest is oxygen. (atomic mass of oxygen = 16). Determine the cmpirical formula of the compound. 36 47. 48. 49. 50. Si. 52. Hand Book for Examination . Calculate the-amount of carbon dioxide produced by the combustion of 24g of methane, A 100 watt bulb emits monochromatic light of wavelength 400nm. Calculate the number of photons emitted per second by the bulb. : The mass of an electron is 9,1x 107! kg, Ifits K-E. is 3.0x10*J, calculate its wavelength. A swimmer coming out from a pool is covered with a film of water weighing about 18g. How much heat must be supplied to evaporate this water at 298K? Calculate the internal energy of vaporisation at 298K. Ava H® for water at 298K = 44.01 kJ mol For oxidation of iron, 4Fe(s) + 3 0,(g) ——> 2 Fe,0; (s) entropy change is —549.4 JK"'mol" at 298 K. Inspite of negative entropy change of this reaction, why is the reaction spontaneous? A,H for this reaction is -1648 x 10°J mol Calculate the pOH ofa solution obtained when 0.05 mol NH,Clis dissolved in 0.025M ammonia soluiton, (Kb for ammonia is 1.77x10~*), At equilibrium, the concentration of N, =3.0%10°M; 0, =4.2x10% M and NO=2.8x 107M ina sealed vessel at 800K. What will be K, for the reaction? eo Hand Book for Examination As MODEL QUESTION PAPER-3 I PUC - CHEMISTRY (34) Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mints. (Total No. of questions: 52) Max, Marks : 70 Instructions: 1. 2 Question paper has FIVE parts having 62 questions. Al parts are compulsory. a) Par-A caries 20 marks. Each question cares 1 mark. b) Part carries 10 marks.” Each qreston caries 2 marie: 2 Part© comes 18 marks. Each question caries 3 marks t-t ies 10 marks. Each question carries 5. marks. t-E ie ieee omen q 8 8. @) Part-E carries 12 marks. Each 30 In Part-A questions, first attempted answer will be considered for awarding marks. 4. Write balanced chemical equations and draw neat labeled diagrams and graphs wherever necessary. 5. Direct answers, to the numerical problems without detailed steps and specific unit for final answer will not carry any marks. 6. Use log tables and simple calculator if necessary (Use of scientific calculators is not allowed.) PART-A I Select the correct option from the given choices: 1x 15=15 1. Number of atoms present in 12g of C-12 isotope is a) 6.02210" b). 6.02210". ¢) 6.022 d) 6.022 x10" 2. Number of moles of solute present in one litre of the solutions is a) molality b) mole fraction c) molarity __d) mass percentage 3, Elements with same atomic number but different mass numbers are called as a) Isobars ~~) Electrons ¢) Protons —_d) Isotope 4. Which of the following have largest size a) Mg” b) Mg c) Al d) Al* 5. Shape of AB, molecules is a) Linear b) Trigonal ¢) Tetrahedral d) Octahedral 6. Which of the following molecule have inter molecular hydrogen bond a) HF b) O-nitro phenol c) water d) both a) and c) 7. For spontaneous process AG value is a) Positive b) Zero c) Negative d) Greater than one 50 : Hand Book for Examination 8. Born-Haber cycle is used to calculate a) Bond order b) Tonisation enthalpy c) Electro negativity d) Lattice enthalpy 9. The value of p! + P° at 298 K is equal to a) 10-4 b) 14 c) Zero d) One . Mixture of acetic acid and sodium acetate is an example for a) Acidic buffer b) Basic buffer c) Neutral buffer d) None of these 11. During oxidation, oxidation number of an element | a) Decreases b) No change _c) Increases d) Becomes zero Ss 12. “\A\___ Name of the compound is, a) Ethoxy Ethane b) 2-methoxy propane c) Bthoxy methane d) Methoxy propane 13. Unique property of carbon to form chains and rings is called as a) Isomerism b) Catenation cc) Hybridisation d) Ionisation 14. Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides with: alcoholic KOH gives a) Alkanes b) Alkenes'. c) Alkynes 4) Benzene 15. CgHy, 2S > 'A' + Hy. Identify ‘A’. a) CH, b) CH, c) CH, a) CH, If Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets: 5x1=5 [Open system, Acid, Octet rule, Base, -COOH, non-benzenoids] 16. Tendency of an atom to have eight electrons in its valence shell is 17. System which can exchange both energy and matter is called 18. Ammonia is a Lewis 9. Functional group of carboxylic acids is 20. Aromatic compounds without benzene ring are called Hand Book for Examination 51 PARTB I, Answer any FIVE of the following, Each question carries two marks. or 5x2=10 2i. xplain specific heat capacity. Write the formula used to find the heat required to increase the temperature of a substance. 22. a) Give relationship between K. and K. e b) Under what condition K = K? » WKY 23. a) Name the clement which has highest electronegativity? b)_ Which group elements have zero electronegativity? 24. Explain sp'd? hybridisation in $F, molecule. 25, Give the difference beween bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. 26. HyS,q) + Claig) —9 2HClig) + Sp is'2 redox reaction. Justify. 27. Write the TUPAC name of ®) CH, ~CH-CH, ~COOH » YS OH OH 28. What is R, value? 29. Give reason: a) Alkanes are not soluble in water. b) Alkenes and alkynes undergo Electrophilic addition reaction. PART-C IV. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 3x3=09 30. a) State Modern Periodic law. b) Write the IUPAC name of an element with atomic number i) 104 ii) 107 31. Explain sp hybridisation in ethyne. 32. Write the geometrical shape of molecules based on VSEPR Theory. i) 2 lonepairs and 4 bond pairs for its central atom. ii) One lone pairs and 3 bond pairs for its central atom. iii) 2 lone pairs and 2 bond pairs for its central atom. 52 Hand Book for Examination 33. Write the resonance structures of CO} ion. 34. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method. MnO, +Br- —> Mn” + Br, (acid medium) V. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 3x3=09 35. a) What is homogeneous mixture? Give example. b) What js limiting reagent. 36. Explain the hydrogen spectrum atomic model. 37. Write any three difference between orbit and orbital. 38. What is lattice enthalpy? Explain Born-haber cycle by taking sodium chloride as example. 39, a) Write the relationship between solubility (S) and solubility product for AgCl, Pbl,. b) Arrange the following Halogen acids in the increasing order of their acid strength. HE, HCl, HBr; HI. 40. Explain conjugate acid base pair with an example, PART -D - VI Answer any TWO of the following. Each question carries five marks. 2x5=10 41. a) “How do you detect halogen by Lassaigne's test? b) Name the separation technique used for the separation of i) — Glycerol from spent-lye-in soap industry. ii) Aniline - water mixture. 42. a)’ How is the percentage of nitrogen determined in an organic compound by Kjeldahl’s Method. b) Write neopentyl group. 43. a) Explain the mechanism of halogenation OR chlorination of benzene. b) Explain the preparation of benzene from sodium salt of benzoic acid. - Hand Book for Examination 53 44, a) An organic compound 'A' reacts in the presence of anhydrous AICI, with compound 'B’ to give acetophenone. Identify ‘A’ and.'B' and name the reaction. b) Draw the Newman’s projection formula of ethane. PART -E vit. Answerany FOUR of the following. Each question carries three marks. . 4x3=12 45. Calculate the concentrations of HNO, in mol/L in a sample which has density 1.41g/mL and mass percente of 69% Mol. Mass of HNO, = 63. 46. An organic compound contains 4.05% hydrogen, 24.26% carbon and 71.67% chlorine. Its molecular mass is 98.96." Find its empirical and molecular formula (Atomic mass of H = 1, C = 12, Cl= 35.45). 47, What are the frequency and wavelength of a photon emitted during a transition from n= 5 state to the n = 2 state in the hydrogen atom? 48. Calculate the mass of a photon of sodium light having wavelength 5894A° and velocity 3x10® ms, h=6.63x10™ Js. 49. If water vapour is assumed to be a perfect gas, molar enthalpy change for vapourisation of 1 mol of water at I bar and 100°C is 41kJ mol". Calculate the internal energy change, when 1 mol of water is vapourised at 1 bar pressure atnd 100°C. 50. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CH,OH;, from the following data. CHOH+30 4, CO xq) +2H,0,, AH°=+726KI/mol — ..G) (8) + Ong) —? COne) AH? =-393kJ/mol ii) lo, > AH? =-393KI/mol (ii Hag + 7 Ore) H,0q Hi m (iii) 51. 3.00 mol of PCI, kept in 1L closed reaction vessel was allowed to attain equilibrium at 380K. Calculate composition of the mixture at equilibrium. K,= 1.80. pH of 0.08M solution of hypochlorous acid, HOCI. The ionization 52. Calculate the a . Determine the percent dissociation of HOC. constant of the acid is 2.5 x10 wee Hand Book for Examination 65 MODEL QUESTION PAPER-4 1 PUC - CHEMISTRY(34) Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mints. (Total No. of questions: 52) Max. Marks : 70 Instructions: 1. 2 Question paper has FIVE parts having 52 questions. All parts are compulsory. a) PartA carries 20 marks. Each question carries 1 mark. b) Part-B carries 10 marks. Each question carries 2 marks. ¢) Part-C carries 18 marks. Each question carries 3 marks. 9) Part-D carries 10 marks. Each question carries 5 marks. e) Part-E carries 12 marks. Each question carries 3 marks. 3.__In PartA questions, first attempted answer will be considered for awarding marks. 4. ‘Write balanced chemical equations and draw neat labeled diagrams and graphs wherever necessary. 5. Direct answers to the numerical problems without detailed steps and specific unit for final answer will not carry any marks. 8__Use log tables and simple calculator if necessary (Use of scientific calculators is not allowed.) PART-A I Select the correct option from the given choices: 1x 15=15 1. The drug Azidothymidine (AZT) is ‘used for the helping a) Cancer patients b) ATD's patients ¢) Malaria d) Tuberculosis 2. The reactant which gets consumed first and limits the amount of product is called a) Limiting reagent b) Excess reagent c) Normal reagent d) Allof these 3. The magnetic quantum number represents a) Size of the orbital i b) Spin angular momentum c) Orbital angular momentum d) Spatial orientation of orbital 4. The s-block and p-block elements are collectively called as a) Representative elements b) Halogens c) Noble gas d) Alkaline earth metals 5. The energy required to completely separate one more of a solid ionic compound into gaseous constituent ions is called, a) Electron gain enthalpy b) Bond angle c) Bond enthalpy d) Lattice enthalpy 6. The geometry of ammonia molecule is a) Tetrahedral’ _b) V-shape ©) Pyramidal d) Octahedral 66 Hand Book for Examination 7. Free expansion of gas in vaccum is a) positive b) negative ©) zero d) None of these 8. Internal energy change (AU) is measured by a) Bomb calorimeter b) Simple calorimeter ¢) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above 9. The value of p® at 298K is a) 14 b) less than 7 ©) zero d) more than 7 10. If equilibrium constant (Ke) is greater than reaction quotient (Qc) the reaction goes a) forward direction b) backward direction c) remains same d) None of the above 11. The oxidation state of an atom in the elemental state (uncombined state) is a) one b) two c) three d) zero 12. The first organic compound prepared by F. Wohler from inorganic compounds, Ammonium cyanate is, + a) Benzene b) Methane ©) Urea d) Cyclohexane 13. Halogen present in the organic compound is estimated by a) Dumar method b) Kjedahl's-method ©) Carius method d) Both (a) and (b) 14. Sodalime is a mixture of a) NaOH + CaO : . bd) NaOH + Ca(OH), c) NaOH +. KOH 4) Both (b) and (c) _ 15. In Benzene, each carbon atom have a) sp hybridisation b) sp? hybridisation ¢) sp? hybridisation 4) sp'e? hybridisation s18 Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets: 5x1=5 (Molar heat capacity, chemical boni, closed, ZSM-5, Steam distillation, open] 16. The electrostatic force of attraction beween same OR different type of atoms to form new chemical species is called . 17. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one mole ofa substance by one degree celsius is Hand Book for Examination 67 18, Equilibrium is possible only in a system at a given temperature. 19. ____catalyst converts alcohol into gasoline. 20. Ortho and para nitro phenol can be seperated by ' PAREB TI. Answer any FIVE of the following, Each question carries two marks. 5x2=10 21. State first law of thermodynamics? Give its mathematical formula. 22. Write the significance of reaction quotient? 23. State and illustrate with example the Dobereiner’s ‘Law of triads.” 24. Give reason: ‘Carbon dioxide and water are both triatomic molecules but dipole moment of CO, is zero where as water is 1.83D.” 25. Write the lewis dot structure of Ammonium ion (NH; ion). 26. What is metal displacement redox reaction. Give an example. 27. What is functional group? 28. Write the Sawhorse representation of eclipsed and staggered conformation of ethane? 29, Explain the following terms with one example for each. i) Alicyclic compounds i) — Benzenoids PART-C IV. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 3x3=09 30. a) Define ‘Atomic radius.” l b) How does atomic radii varies in the i) periods; ii) groups? 31. Explain sp'd hybridisation taking PCI, molecule. 32. Explain the overlaping (s-s, $-P, p-p) and foimation of sigma and pi bond with examples. 33. What is an inter mo! , 34. Balance the following redox equations oo 3h 3 4 acidi : cr oF .+ Fe" —> crt + Fe™ inacidic medium, Jecular hydrogen bonding and intra molecular hydrogen bonding? by half reaction method: 68 Hand Book for Examination V. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks, 3x3=09 35. Define the terms; i) Element ; ii) Compound ; ili) Mixture 36. i) State Paul's exclusion principle. i) State Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity. iti) State Aufbau rule. 37. 2) Mention the number of nodal plane for s-orbital. b) Using s, p and d notations, describe the orbitals with the plerhs quantum numbers (i) n=2,/=1; (ii) n=4,7=0; (iii) n=3,/=2. 38. Describe the measurement of AU by bomb calorimeter. 39. Write the Conjugate Acid (C.A.) and Conjugate Base (CB) for the following: @ NH, (ii) HO (iii) HCO; 40. Give any three characteristics of an equilibrium constant. PART -D VI. Answer any TWO of the following. Each question carries five marks. 2*5=10 41. a) Describe Dumas method for the estimation of nitrogen. b) Mention one use of chromatography. 42. a) Explain why the following systems.are not aromatic? CHO ° i) CH,-CO-CH,-CH, ii) (9) iii) CH, -CH,—-C-NH, Ne b) What is the difference between inductive effect and electromeric effect. 43. a) What is cracking OR pyrolysis? Give example, ‘i b) Mention the conditions for geometrical isomerism. c) Give an example for cycloalkanes. 44. a) Give reason: Nitration of benzene is faster than nitro benzene. b) What is Huckel Rule? c) Give three uses of methane, Hand Book for Examination 69 PART -E Vit Answerany FOUR of the following. Each question carries three marks. 4x3=12 45. In the reaction, 2A + 5B —+ C + D, if 10 moles of A and 10 moles of B are reacting to form products C and D. Find the limiting reagent. Find the number of moles of ‘A’ left, Find the number of moles of ‘D’ formed. 46. Calculate the percentage of water of crystallisation in blue vitriol CuSO,.5H,O 47. The Vividh Bharati station of All India Radio, Delhi, broadcasts on a frequency of 1,368 kHz (kilo hertz). Calculate the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by transmitter. 48. Calculate the wavelength of the radiation emitted producing a line in the Lyman series when an electron falls from fourth stationary state in hydrogen atom. Ry= 11 x10’m". 49. For the equilibrium 2 NOCI,, = 2NOg, + Clyp the value of the equilibrium constant K, is 3.75* 10% at 1069 K. Calculate the K, for the reaction at the same temperature. 50. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of acetic acid (CH,COOK) if its enthalpy of combustion is -867kI/mol. The enthalpies of formation of CO,,, and H,0,, are 393.5 and -285.9 kJ/mol respectively. 51. Write the expression for equilibrium. constant K, for the reaction aA+bB = cC+dD. Ifthe equilibrium constant for this reaction is 50, what is the equilibrium constant for its reverse reaction cC+dD = aA +bB? 52. The equilibrium partial pressure of Hl, H, and [, for the reaction 2H) = lg + Haig) are 0,04 atm, 0,08 atm and 0.08 atm respectively. Calculate equilibrium constant K, for the reaction, ae Hand Book for Examination Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mints. (Total No, of questions: 52) Instructions: 1. 719 MODEL QUESTION PAPER-5 I PUC - CHEMISTRY(34) Max, Marks : 70 Question paper has FIVE parts having 52 questions. “All parts are compulsory. 2, a) Part-A carries 20 marks. Each question carries 1 mark. b) Parl-B carries 10 marks : . Ei question carries 2 marks. ¢) Part-C carries 18 marks. Each question centes 9 marks, @) Part-D caries 10 marks. Each question carries 5 marks. @) Part-E carries 12 marks. Each question carries 3 marks, 3. In Part-A questions, first attempted answer will be considered for awarding marks. 4. Write balanced chemical equations and draw neat labeled diagrams and graphs wherever necessary. 5. _ Direct answers to the numerical problems without detailed steps and specific unit for final answer will not carry any marks. 6. _Use log tables and simple calculator if necéssary (Use of scientific calculators is not allowed.) PARLA I Select the correct option from the given choices: 1x 15=15 1. The volume occupied by 1 mole of a diatomic gas at S.T.P. is a) 22.4L b) 1.2L c) 5.6L d) 44.8L 2. The temperature of the human body is 37°C. The temperature in ‘Degree Fahrenheit (CF) is, 7 . a) 98.6°F b) 66.6°F ¢). 32°F d) 94.8°F 3. The stability of completely filled .and half-filled sub-shells due to a) Symmetrical distribution of electrons b) Unsymmetrical distribution of electrons c) Exchange energy - d) Both (a) and (c) 4, In the Long form of the periodic table, there are, a) 7 periods and 18 groups b) ‘18 periods and 7 groups c) 8 periods and 10 groups d) 10 periods and 8 groups 5, The shape of BF, molecule is a) Linear b) tetrahedral c) Triagonal planar d) Octahedral 6. the magnitude of Hydrogen bonding is maximum in a) Gaseous state) Liquid state c) Solid stated) allof these 80 Hand Book for Examination 7. The releation between Cp and Cy is given by, = a) C-Cy=R db) G#C=R oc) GAR A) C,-C=R 8. The enthalpies of all clemehts in their standard states are a) Unity b) zero c) Less than zero d) Different for cach element 9. The equilibrium constant (K,) for a reverse reaction is, c) Ky =K? a) K,,=K, vb) K, 10. In Basic solution, the p" is a) >7 b)<7 c) 0 d7 ll. The process of removal of electrons is called, a) Oxidation b) Reduction c) Redox reaction d): Disproportionation Reaction 12. Hetcrocyclic compound is ‘OS “O" *O* "9 13. Nitrogen present in the organic compound is estimated by a). Dumas method b) kJedahl's method c) Carius method . d) Both (a) and (b) . 14. Partially deactivated palladised charcoal is known-as a) Beyer's catalyst b) Friedel-craft's catalyst c) Lindlar's catalystd) None of these 15. Ethyne on passing through red hot iron tube at 873 K gives a) Benzone b) Ethane c) Ethene d) Cyclohexane Il Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets: : §x1=5 [isolated system, bond length, heterogeneous, sodalime, chromatography, homogeneous] 16. The-internuclear distance between the two atoms in a covalent molecule is called 7 b pene HAs th eet Hand Book for Examination 81 17. The presence of reactants in a thermoflask is an example for 18. In 19. 20. Til. y 1 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. IVA 30. 31. ince —— equilibrium, the reactants and products are in a different is a decarboxylating agent. —_ is a technique used to seperate mixture into their components based on differential adsorption isothesom. PART-B Answer any FIVE of the following. Each question carries two marks. 5x2=10 . Mention the factors affecting enthalpy of reaction (A,H). . Write the expressio for K, and K, for the reaction. Nag) + 3H = 2NHy) Give reason: i) _Ionisation enthalpy of inert gases is very high. i) Electron gain enthalpy of chlorine is higher than fluorine. What are polar molecules? Give one example. Mention any two conditions for the combination of atomic orbitals. What is an oxidising agent and reducing agent? Give example. What is metamerism? Give an example. ‘What is fractional distillation? Give an example. ‘Write an expression, AU for adiabatic process. PART -C nswer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 3x3=09 Write a brief note on s, p and d block elements. Write the molecular energy level diagram for carbon molecule (C,). Calculate its bond order and comment on magnetic nature. 32. Mention the limitations of octet rule. 33. Mention the main postulates of VSEPR theory. (any Three) 34, Mention the rules to calculate oxidation number of atoms. 82 Hand Book for Examination V. Answer any THREE of the following. Each question carries three marks. 355 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 3x3=09 Explain the term accuracy and precision with an example. Mention any two main points of Planck’s quantum theory of radiation. Illustrate (n + 1) rule with example. State and explain Hess's law of constant heat summation. a) Write the expression for K, for the reaction: Fe (ay) + SCN" gy = [Fe (SCN)}* Yellow Colourless Deep red b) What happens to the above reactiori when (aa) i) Thiocyanate is added ? ii) Oxalic acid is added 2 What is buffer solution? Give an example for acidic and basic buffer solutions. PART - D VI Answer any TWO of the following. Each question carries five marks. 41. 42, 43. 2x5=10 a) Explain the estimation of halogens by 'Carius' method. b) Write the formula of prussian blué complex. a) What is the shape of following molecule? i) CH,=0; ii) CHF; iii) HC=N Explain on thé basis of hybridisation. b) What is negative inductive effect? Give an example. a) Explain Markovnikov rule with an example. b) Give the preparation of alkene from vicinal dihalides. a) Explain why the following systems are not aromatic? Yorriena b) Give two tests to distinguish between alkanes and alkenes.

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