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Circulation Journal

Official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society

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Comparison of Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Between

the New High-Speed Gamma Camera and
the Standard Anger Camera
Hirokazu Tanaka, MD; Taishiro Chikamori, MD; Satoshi Hida, MD; Kenji Uchida;
Yuko Igarashi, MD; Tsuyoshi Yokoyama; Masaki Takahashi; Chie Shiba, MD;
Mana Yoshimura, MD; Koichi Tokuuye, MD; Akira Yamashina, MD

Background: Cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) solid-state detectors have been recently introduced into the field of
myocardial perfusion imaging. The aim of this study was to prospectively compare the diagnostic performance of
the CZT high-speed gamma camera (Discovery NM 530c) with that of the standard 3-head gamma camera in the
same group of patients.

Methods and Results: The study group consisted of 150 consecutive patients who underwent a 1-day stress-rest
99 mTc-sestamibi or tetrofosmin imaging protocol. Image acquisition was performed first on a standard gamma cam-

era with a 15-min scan time each for stress and for rest. All scans were immediately repeated on a CZT camera with
a 5-min scan time for stress and a 3-min scan time for rest, using list mode. The correlations between the CZT
camera and the standard camera for perfusion and function analyses were strong within narrow Bland-Altman limits
of agreement. Using list mode analysis, image quality for stress was rated as good or excellent in 97% of the 3-min
scans, and in 100% of the ≥4-min scans. For CZT scans at rest, similarly, image quality was rated as good or excel-
lent in 94% of the 1-min scans, and in 100% of the ≥2-min scans.

Conclusions: The novel CZT camera provides excellent image quality, which is equivalent to standard myocardial
single-photon emission computed tomography, despite a short scan time of less than half of the standard time.  
(Circ J 2013; 77: 1009 – 1017)

Key Words: Cadmium-zinc-telluride detector; Coronary artery disease; Scan time; Single-photon emission com-
puted tomography

admium-zinc-telluride (CZT) solid-state detectors dard 3-head gamma camera using 360°-arc acquisition in the
have recently been introduced into the field of myo- same group of patients. In addition to the short scan time set
cardial perfusion imaging (MPI).1–3 In this camera, initially for the CZT gamma camera, the possibility of further
the conventional sodium iodide crystals have been replaced reduction of the scan time was also evaluated with the use of
by CZT semiconductors, which directly convert radiation into list files with this new SPECT system.
electric signals.4 Energy resolution and spatial resolution have
been significantly improved, and reduction of acquisition time
or radiotracer dose has been reported from the USA and Eu- Methods
rope.5–7 Although these observations regarding this new tech- Subjects
nology are promising,8 the image quality of the CZT high- The subjects consisted of 150 patients (102 men and 48 women;
speed gamma camera has not yet been fully evaluated in the mean age, 71±10 years) with suspected or known coronary
Japanese population in comparison to standard single-photon artery disease (based on clinical symptoms, coronary risk pro-
emission computed tomography (SPECT) with an Anger cam- files, electrocardiographic findings or past medical history)
era, which is used in almost all Japanese institutions. Thus, we who also gave written informed consent to participate in this
prospectively compared image quality of the CZT high-speed study between September 2011 and December 2011. Previous
solid-state SPECT camera (Discovery NM 530c) with a stan- myocardial infarction had occurred in 46 patients. Patients with

Received August 22, 2012; revised manuscript received October 18, 2012; accepted November 27, 2012; released online December 26, 2012  
Time for primary review: 16 days
Department of Cardiology (H.T., T.C., S.H., Y.I., C.S., A.Y.), Department of Radiology (K.U., T.Y., M.T., M.Y., K.T.), Tokyo Medical
University, Tokyo, Japan
Mailing address: Hirokazu Tanaka, MD, Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Medical University, 6-7-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
160-0023, Japan.   E-mail:
ISSN-1346-9843  doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-12-1093
All rights are reserved to the Japanese Circulation Society. For permissions, please e-mail:

Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

1010 TANAKA H et al.

Figure 1.   Study protocol for stress myocardial perfusion imaging. AC, Anger camera; ATP, adenosine triphosphate disodium;
CZT, cadmium-zinc-telluride camera.

acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina within 1 month method. One hundred and thirty-one of 150 patients (87%)
before the study and those with advanced atrioventricular block were in sinus rhythm during image acquisition. SPECT images
were excluded. This prospective study was approved by the were reconstructed from the data with a data processor (Odys-
Ethics Committee of Tokyo Medical University (No. 1739). sey VP, Picker) combined with a Butterworth filter (order 8;
cut-off frequency 0.25) and a ramp filter.
Stress MPI Immediately after the completion of the first data acquisi-
The study protocol of stress MPI with the use of 2 gamma tion using the standard Anger camera, the second data were
camera systems is shown in Figure 1. MPI during exercise acquired in list mode using the high-speed CZT camera with
with 99 mTc-sestamibi or tetrofosmin was obtained in 54 pa- pinhole collimation (Discovery NM 530c; GE Healthcare,
tients using the 1-day protocol. Patients performed symptom- Haifa, Israel).4,13 This new gamma camera is equipped with a
limited multistep exercise using a bicycle ergometer.9,10 99 mTc- multiple-pinhole collimator and 19 stationary CZT detectors
sestamibi (370 MBq) or 99 mTc-tetrofosmin (296 MBq) was that simultaneously focus on the heart to maximize the effi-
given when a sub-maximal heart rate, chest pain, or ST-seg- ciency of SPECT. The stationary array simultaneously acquires
ment depression of ≥0.1 mV, or leg fatigue developed. Exer- all the views necessary for tomographic reconstruction, saving
cise was then continued for 1 min at the same level as before. the time required by conventional cameras for acquisitions
Sixty min after this last session of exercise, electrocardiogram- while rotating around the subjects.14 Stress and rest scans were
gated SPECT was acquired. Four hours after that, the patients acquired in 5 min and 3 min, respectively, and data were col-
were given 99 mTc-sestamibi or tetrofosmin (740 MBq) while at lected as a list file with scan times of 1−5 min. SPECT images
rest. Sixty min later, electrocardiogram-gated SPECT image were reconstructed on the workstation (Xeleris, GE Healthcare)
acquisition began. using a new dedicated iterative algorithm with integrated col-
Adenosine triphosphate disodium (ATP) loading MPI with limator geometric modeling, using maximum penalized likeli-
99 mTc-sestamibi or tetrofosmin was performed in 96 patients hood iterative reconstruction to obtain perfusion images in
using the 1-day protocol. Patients were instructed not to con- standard axes.3,15 For image reconstruction, 40 iterations were
sume caffeine for 12 h before the test. ATP (0.16 mg · kg−1 · min−1) performed for stress and 50 iterations for rest. A Butterworth
was given i.v. for 6 min.11,12 Three minutes after ATP, 99 mTc- filter (order 7; cut-off frequency 0.41) was applied to the recon-
sestamibi or tetrofosmin (296−370 MBq) was given i.v., and structed slices. When obtaining electrocardiogram-gated im-
imaging was started 60 min later. After 4 h, the patients were ages, the R-R interval was divided by the R wave trigger into 8
given 99 mTc-sestamibi or tetrofosmin (740 MBq) while at rest. equal portions. No scatter or attenuation corrections were made.
Sixty min later, electrocardiogram-gated myocardial SPECT After the completion of 2 sessions of data acquisition, par-
was performed. The estimated total radiation exposure with ticipants completed a questionnaire about their preference of
this protocol was 9.00−9.58 mSv. study protocol for each gamma camera and of assigned cam-
The first data were acquired with a 3-detector gamma cam- era for the next MPI session.
era system (Prism 3000XP or Prism IRIX; Picker, Cleveland,
OH, USA) over a 360° arc (in 6°-wide directions, taking 45 s Image Analysis
per projection, 20 times). The scan time was 15 min after stress Image quality was graded visually on a 4-point scale as 1, poor;
and at rest. A low-energy high-resolution parallel multihole 2, fair; 3, good; or 4, excellent, based on myocardial count
collimator was used. The maximum matrix size was 64×64. density, uniformity, myocardial edge definition, visualization,
When obtaining electrocardiogram-gated images, the R-R in- and background noise.5 Left ventricular (LV) myocardial activ-
terval was divided by the R wave trigger into 8 equal portions. ity was measured using a semi-automatically drawn region of
End-diastolic and end-systolic MPI was obtained with this interest around the LV myocardium with the use of the vertical

Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

New High-Speed SPECT 1011

long-axis view of the SPECT image on the Xeleris from the list Table 1. Clinical Patient Characteristics (n=150)
file of 1−5 min.
Age (years) 71±10
In accordance with a previous method, each SPECT image
Gender (M/F) [%] 102/48 [68/32]
was divided into 17 segments.16 The radiopharmaceutical ac-
cumulation in the myocardium was visually evaluated by 2 Height (cm) 161±9
cardiologists (blinded to clinical data) using a 5-point scale: 0, Body weight (kg) 60±12
normal; 1, slight reduction of uptake; 2, moderate reduction of Body mass index (kg/m2) 23±3
uptake; 3, severe reduction of uptake; or 4, absence of radioac- Risk factors
tive uptake. The total of the scores for all the segments during   Hypertension 113 (75)
exercise and at rest was designated as the summed stress   Diabetes mellitus 53 (35)
scores (SSS) and the summed rest scores (SRS), respectively.   Dyslipidemia 93 (62)
SSS minus SRS was defined as the summed difference score   Smoking 59 (39)
(SDS).11 Disagreements in image interpretation were resolved
Prior MI 46 (31)
by consensus after extensive discussion.
Prior PCI 58 (39)
Each reconstructed short-axis electrocardiogram-gated
SPECT image at the 3-min scan time at rest was processed, Prior CABG 7 (6)
and LV functional parameters (LV end-diastolic volume, LV Type of stress (Exercise/ATP) [%] 54/96 [36/64]
end-systolic volume and LV ejection fraction) were automati- Radiotracer (99mTc-sestamibi/99mTc-tetrofosmin) [%] 91/59 [61/39]
cally obtained as described by Germano et al.17 Data given as mean ± SD or n (%).
ATP, adenosine triphosphate disodium; CABG, coronary artery
Statistical Analysis bypass grafting; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous
coronary intervention.
Results are expressed as mean ± SD. To assess reproducibility
for perfusion and functional indices derived from the CZT and
standard gamma cameras, Spearman’s correlation and Bland-
Altman analysis with limits of agreement were used. The κ the CZT camera or the standard Anger camera were compared
statistic was also used to compare the concordance of the inter- using linear regression analysis (Figure 3). Strongly positive
pretation of myocardial perfusion in a 17-segment model be- correlations of 0.83−0.95 were observed. Bland-Altman limits
tween the CZT and standard cameras. P<0.05 was considered of agreement for summed scores were −3.8 to 5.7 for SSS,
to indicate a statistically significant difference. Statistical com- −3.4 to 5.0 for SRS and −2.7 to 3.0 for SDS (Figure 3).
putations were performed using SPSS 11.0 (SPSS, Chicago, In 139 patients (93%) who successfully completed LV
IL, USA) and MedCalc 11.4 (MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, functional analysis with electrocardiogram-gated SPECT, lin-
Belgium). ear regression analysis was performed to compare the func-
tional parameters (LV end-diastolic volume, LV end-systolic
volume, LV ejection fraction) at rest between the CZT at the
Results 3-min scan time and the standard Anger camera acquisitions.
Patient Characteristics and Response to Examinations This analysis produced strongly positive correlations of 0.93−
The mean patient age was 71 years, and two-thirds were men 0.98 (Figure 4). Bland-Altman limits of agreement were −16.7
(Table 1). The mean body mass index was 23 kg/m2. Among to 9.8 for LV end-diastolic volume, −14.2 to 9.4 for LV end-
classical coronary risk factors, the prevalence of hypertension systolic volume, and −7.7 to 12.1 for LV ejection fraction
was the highest, and that of diabetes mellitus was 35%. During (Figure 4). An example of MPI taken by both the CZT and
stress MPI, 99 mTc-sestamibi was used in 91 patients and 99 mTc- standard cameras in a patient with previous myocardial infarc-
tetrofosmin in 59. All of the 150 patients underwent stress MPI tion and 3-vessel disease is shown in Figure 5.
using both the standard and CZT gamma cameras successfully. Per-segment analysis was judged with the use of a 17-seg-
Of these, 113 patients (75%) preferred the CZT camera to the ment model, and a total of 2,550 segments in 150 patients were
standard camera in this protocol. In addition, 119 patients analyzed using the κ statistic (Table 2). This showed a strong
(79%) indicated their preference for the CZT camera for the concordance (κ=0.815) for perfusion analysis on a per-segment
next assignment of MPI. basis, either acquired with the CZT or standard Anger camera.
When these segments were categorized based on the 3 coro-
Quality of CZT Gamma Camera SPECT Imaging nary territories, however, the concordance rate decreased, par-
Quality of SPECT image acquired with the high-speed CZT ticularly in the right coronary territory. In the segment related
camera according to scan time is shown in Figure 2. In the to the right coronary artery, a greater number of segments were
post-stress acquisition at the dose of 296−370 MBq, the preva- rated as having more severe defects with the CZT camera as
lence of excellent/good ratings for SPECT image increased compared with the standard Anger camera (Table 2).
rapidly. At the 3-min scan time, the prevalence of high-quali-
ty image reached 97% (Figure 2A). In the acquisition at rest
using 740 MBq of 99 mTc-sestamibi or tetrofosmin, the preva- Discussion
lence of high-quality image was already 94% at the 1-min scan We set out to determine whether the quality of MPI using a
time (Figure 2B). novel high-speed CZT camera with a short scan time of less
The LV technetium activity increased linearly as the scan than half that of the Anger camera, which usually requires a
time progressed (Figures 2C,D). With LV technetium activ- 15-min scan time, was comparable to that using the standard
ity of ≥6,000,000 counts, 94% of myocardial SPECT images method in the Japanese population. With the scan time of
were rated as excellent/good. 5 min after stress and 3 min at rest, the image quality of MPI
was rated as excellent using the CZT gamma camera in 150
Comparison of MPI Between the CZT and Standard Cameras Japanese patients with suspected or known coronary artery
The summed scores (SSS, SRS and SDS) obtained either by disease. A further reduction in the scan time of 1 or 2 min may

Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

1012 TANAKA H et al.

Figure 2.  Image quality and the average of acquired counts in the field of view using the cadmium-zinc-telluride camera accord-
ing to scan time. The prevalence of excellent/good rating for single-photon emission computed tomography image increased with
prolonged scan time, but no further improvement appears after the scan duration of (A) 3 min is reached for stress imaging and
(B) 2 min for rest imaging. The average of acquired counts increased linearly as the scan time progressed in (C) stress imaging
and (D) rest imaging. Results are expressed as box-and-whisker plots; the central box covers the interquartile range, with the
median indicated by the line within the box. The whiskers extend to the most extreme values within 1.5 interquartile ranges. More
extreme values are plotted individually.

also be possible based on the image quality derived from the strongly positive (r=0.81 to r=0.94; Figure 3). In addition, the
list data. As a trade-off for acquisition time, that is, using Bland-Altman method showed an almost null bias and accept-
longer acquisition time, dose reduction of 99 mTc-sestamibi or able limits of SD (Figure 3). Thus, the present study has
tetrofosmin is also possible. In addition, the majority of the demonstrated an advancement in this new SPECT technology
patients preferred the CZT camera for the next assignment of regarding fast data collection without loss of image quality;
MPI. These observations were consistent with early reports this technology is also favored by the Japanese patients.
from the USA and Europe, where the body size of patients are
usually larger than that of Japanese patients.5,6,18 We also pro- Comparison With Previous Studies
spectively compared the perfusion abnormality of the SPECT A limited number of studies have compared image quality of
image and LV functional analysis in the same patients between the CZT camera and the Anger camera in the same patients.
the CZT camera and the Anger camera with a 360° arc ac- Using a Ventri dual-head camera over a 180° arc acquisition for
quisition. The correlation coefficients for summed scores and 15 min, Herzog et al evaluated percentage tracer uptake in the
LV functional parameters between the 2 measurements were 3 coronary territories in 20 subjects.5 Applying linear regres-

Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

New High-Speed SPECT 1013

Figure 3.  (Left) Linear regression analysis and (Right) Bland-Altman plots for (A) summed stress score (SSS), (B) summed rest
score (SRS) and (C) summed difference score (SDS) between the cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) camera and standard Anger
camera (AC).

Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

1014 TANAKA H et al.

Figure 4.  (Left) Linear regression analysis and (Right) Bland-Altman plots for (A) left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic volume
(LVEDV), (B) LV end-systolic volume (LVESV) and (C) LV ejection fraction (LVEF) between the cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) cam-
era and standard Anger camera (AC).

Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

New High-Speed SPECT 1015

Figure 5.  Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and coronary angiography images of a 76-year-old man with
a history of anterior myocardial infarction. (A) The cadmium-zinc-telluride camera scans and (B) conventional SPECT images show
reversible perfusion defects of the antero-lateral and infero-posterior segments. (C) Coronary angiogram indicated 3-vessel coro-
nary artery disease with an intermediate stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery and left circumflex artery, and
severe narrowing of the right coronary artery and diagonal branches.

sion and Bland-Altman analyses, they reported good agree- camera applying a single-day standard protocol (370 MBq for
ments between the image taken with the standard Anger cam- stress, 740 MBq for rest) in 34 patients with known or sus-
era and that taken with the CZT camera for 3 min after the pected ischemic heart disease.18 They reported modest to good
injection of 99 mTc-tetrofosmin of 300−350 MBq, or the image agreements of percentage tracer uptake in individual coronary
acquired for 2 min using 99 mTc-tetrofosmin of 750−1,050 MBq. territories between the image taken with the Anger camera and
Gimelli et al also used a dual-head gamma camera and CZT the image taken with the CZT camera for a 5-min scan time

Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

1016 TANAKA H et al.

Table 2. Agreement of Per-Segment MP Scoring

Anger camera
Cadmium-zinc-telluride camera
0 1 2 3 4
Total: 2,550 segments (κ=0.815; agreement: 87.1%)
  0 2,024 92 4 2 0
  1 110 126 6 1 0
  2 6 52 34 4 0
  3 5 6 18 19 7
  4 2 0 3 12 17
LAD: 1,050 segments (κ=0.821; agreement: 90.1%)
  0 895 32 2 0 0
  1 29 33 2 0 0
  2 3 18 5 1 0
  3 3 2 7 5 3
  4 0 0 0 2 8
RCA: 750 segments (κ=0.774; agreement: 79.1%)
  0 484 53 1 0 0
  1 57 74 2 0 0
  2 0 20 24 1 0
  3 2 4 8 7 2
  4 1 0 3 3 4
LCX: 750 segments (κ=0.847; agreement: 90.8%)
  0 645 7 1 2 0
  1 24 19 2 1 0
  2 3 14 5 2 0
  3 0 0 3 7 2
  4 1 0 0 7 5
LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; LCX, left circumflex coronary artery; MP, myocardial perfusion; RCA,
right coronary artery.

after stress and for a 4-min scan time at rest. In contrast to was small, this result was somewhat worrisome. Askew et al
perfusion analysis, strongly positive correlations were ob- reported a reduced 99 mTc tracer uptake in the inferior wall,
served in LV functional analysis such as for ejection fraction, particularly during the early acquisition started from 0 to
measured either with the Anger or CZT camera.12 12 min after tracer injection.19 While many of the 19 pin-hole
In contrast to some of the aforementioned reports,5,18 we CZT cameras are positioned in an array around the region of
evaluated a greater number of patients (n=150) with known or the myocardium, some are positioned superior to the heart, but
suspected coronary artery disease using a 3-head gamma cam- oriented obliquely to look down at the myocardium; while
era system with a 15-min scan time as a standard. The dose of others are positioned inferior to the heart and angled oblique-
99 mTc-tetrofosmin was lower, particularly at rest with 740 MBq ly to look up at the myocardium.19 This arrangement may be
as compared with the previous studies, because the body size more sensitive to the presence of hepatic and bowel isotope
of the Japanese patients was taken into account. Although the activity compared with the standard Anger camera with a 360°
study designs are different between the previous studies and the arc acquisition. Another explanation may be attributed to the
present study, the results showing that this new CZT camera difference between the 360° and 180° rotation method; the
facilitates fast data collection without loss of image quality, are latter is similar to the CZT camera system. Nakajima et al
similar. Moreover, a further reduction of scan time or tracer reported that inferior segments showed lower isotope activity
dose in MPI may be a reachable target in Japanese patients. in the 180° rotation than in the 360° rotation, particularly in
Japanese men.20 To reduce the aforementioned pseudo-abnor-
Possible Differences in SPECT Images Between the CZT mality in the inferior wall, a modification of the study protocol,
and Standard Anger Cameras such as prone acquisition, may be worth trying in the future.21
Regarding the per-segment analysis, we evaluated a 17-seg-
ment model including a total of 2,550 segments in 150 patients Study Limitations
with the use of the κ statistic, whereas the previous studies In this prospective study, we did not perform coronary angio-
assessed tracer uptake of only 3 coronary territories.3,12 The grams in all of the 150 patients. We recognize that the ultimate
current study showed a strong concordance (κ=0.815) in over- goal in comparing the CZT and standard Anger cameras is to
all segments, but when these segments were categorized based evaluate the performance of these 2 SPECT systems in coro-
on the 3 coronary territories, the concordance rate decreased, nary artery disease diagnosis, in reference to the results of
particularly in the right coronary territory (κ=0.774). In the coronary angiogram. For example, it could be suggested that
segment related to the right coronary artery, a greater number the CZT camera might overestimate perfusion abnormalities,
of segments were rated as having more severe defects with the looking closely at linear correlations between the summed
CZT camera as compared with the standard Anger camera scores obtained from the CZT camera and those obtained from
(Table 2). Although the number of such discordant segments the Anger camera (Figure 3). These non-significant trends,

Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

New High-Speed SPECT 1017

however, need to be re-evaluated in relation to coronary anat- 7. Duvall WL, Croft LB, Ginsberg ES, Einstein AJ, Guma KA, George
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Circ J 2011; 75: 2206 – 2212.
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13. Bocher M, Blevis IM, Tsukerman L, Shrem Y, Kovalski G, Volokh
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tance with the manuscript. Treyer V, et al. Ultrafast nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging on a
new gamma camera with semiconductor detector technique: First clin-
ical validation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010; 37: 773 – 778.
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16. Cerqueira MD, Weissman NJ, Dilsizian V, Jacobs AK, Kaul S, Laskey
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Circulation Journal Vol.77, April 2013

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