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1. There are __________ SDGs given by the united nations. Ans: 17

2. SDGs stands for __________ Ans : Sustainable Development Goal
3. Give any one practice/sustainable process that is being use d to help preserve
the environment. Ans : Organic farming/ vermicomposting

4.When and where Sustainable Development Goal were launched?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born at the United Nations
Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012.
5. What is Sustainable development?
Sustainable development is the development that satisfies the needs of the present
without compromising the capacity of future generations.
6. Enlist the different problems related to Sustainable Development.
Food and nutrition security, safe drinking water, energy security and waste
7. How can we achieve sustainable development?
1. Using eco friendly products and services.
2. The business industry will be required to make investments in the drive to low
carbon economy.
3. By judicious use of smoke emitting transportation or using bicycles.
4. The government has to prioritise the growth of green .
8. Briefly explain the importance of sustainable development?
1. Proper means of means and resources.
2. Development of positive attitude.
3. Develpment based on people participation.
4. Limited development
5. Long -lasting development
6. Fulfillment of basic human needs.
9.what are the 4R’s in reference to management of waste?

10.What is UPCYCLE?
Any product is not usable can be upcycled with creativity and innovation to give a
new look to an old product.This helps in sustainable development.
11.Enumerate any two initiatives through which we can reduce inequalities in our
1.helpful to one another
2.Friendly with everyone.
12.Write five man-made disruptions that cause ecological imbalance.
2.Degradation of land and soil erosion.
3.Overexploitation of resources.
4.Industrial and Atmospheric pollution.
13.Write two problems that arises due to deforestation?

1. Soil erosion 2.degrading the quality of land

14.What is organic farming?

Organic farming is where farmers do not use chemical pesticides and fertilizers to increase their

15. How an individual can contribute in controlling air pollution?

An individual can contribute in controlling air pollution by

1.using public transport
2.Pollution check and maintenance of vehicles at regular intervals.

16.Enlist different problems related to sustainable development.

Food and nutrition security, safe drinking water,energy security and waste management.
17. List some ways in which we can use resources sensibly
We can become responsible for our own environment by
1. reusing paper, glass, plastic, water, etc.
2. taking cloth bags to market carrying fruits and vegetables.
3. donate things we do not use such as clothes, books, furniture, food, etc.
4. Buy and eat seasonal fruits and vegetables from local growers.
5. Repair leaking taps and pipes to avoid wasting water.

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