Lesson Plan - 2022

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Define sensory imagery;
b. Identify the types of sensory images used in the sentence;
c. Materialize the essence of the lesson using sensory images in creating a short
story; and
d. Use sensory images in creating a short story

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Expressing Appreciation for Sensory Images Used
Lesson: Sensory Imagery
Skills: Literary Appreciation
Agustin, M. A., Gil, A. J., Sedilla, C. S., Villamin, A. M., Aguado, M. M.,
& Papango, M. C. (2020). My Distance Learning Buddy: A Modular
Textbook for the 21st Century Learner Grade 9-ENGLISH. Sibs
Publishing House, Inc.

Materials: Laptop, Pictures, Visual Aids and Chalk and Whiteboard Marker

III. Procedure


A. Preliminary Activities

Good afternoon class. Good afternoon, Ms. Morgadez

Before anything else, let us pray first. (Jonna leads the prayer)
Can we have Jonna to lead the prayer?

Thank you Jonna! Now I want you to (Students pick up pieces of papers)
arrange your chairs and pick up pieces
of trash under you chairs. You can
keep it and throw it later.

Is everybody present today? Yes ma`am.

Very good!

Did I give you an assignment yesterday?

Yes, ma`am!
Okay class, get your assignment and pass it in
front by column. ( the students will pass their papers in front)

This morning we will have a new lesson. Are Yes, ma`am!

you ready?

Good to hear that you are all ready and

excited for our new lesson today. But before
we proceed let’s have a recap first of what we
have tackled yesterday?

Yes, Jane?
Yesterday we talked about short story.
Fantastic! Thank you Jane.

And what is a Short Story? Yes, Mark?

Short story, is a narrative that is written to
entertain and sometimes bring message to the
Precisely Mark, Take your seat.

Class are you familiar with the game ‘Four

pics, One word? Yes, ma`am!

I have modified the game into 5-pics, 2-

words. All you have to do is to guess these
hidden words here by referring to the pictures
that I am going to show to you. Am I clear?
Yes, ma`am!

Let`s start. Yes, Kyla? The hidden words are Sensory and Imagery.
The hidden word are: Sensory and Imagery.
Very good, Kyla!

Reffering to the activity that we have, do you

have an idea what will be our lesson for this Sensory Imagery, ma`am.
morning? Yes, Ronald?

Very good, Ronald.

B. Lesson Proper
A. Activity

This time for us to define the definition of

Sensory Imagery, let’s have an Activity first.

Kindly get a bond paper and read this excerpt

from the story ‘The Boy in the Polar
Express’. After reading, try to visualize and Yes, ma`am.
draw what you have visualized. Am I clear,

class? (The students will read the story and make a

picture out of the story that they have just
Okay, I will give you 5 minutes to read and
draw what you have visualized.

Time is up! Vale can you show me your

output? (Vale is showing his output)

Wonderful output class!

C. Analysis

Based on the short story that you have just

read, and by relating it from your drawings,
can you now define Sensory Imagery? Yes, Sensory images are visualization done to
Keren? understand more deeply about the context.

That`s right. What a brilliant idea Keren. In

other words, Sensory Imagery class, is a
literary device that writers use to employ, to
engaged readers in multiple levels.

Through the use of five senses, ma`am.

Now, question. How do readers engaged in
multiple levels? Yes, Gwen?

Very good, Gwen. And what are these five

senses? Kindly raise your hands.
The five senses are; sense of touch, sense of
Yes, Mae? smelling, sense of hearing, sense of tasting and
the last one is sense of sight.

Precisely, Mae. Kindly take your seat.

Now I have here class words and sentences, I

Yes, ma`am.
want you to guess which word or sentences
appeal to. Are you ready?

Sweet is for sense of tasting.

Here is the first word.

1. SWEET For sense of touch.

Correct! How about the second one?
2. The fire warmed our frozen toes.

Sense of smelling.
That`s right! Let`s have the third one.

3. The Velvety coat was perfumed. For sense of hearing.

Well done! How about the fourth one?

4. Screaming

Okay, this is for hearing or auditory. For sense sight.

How about the last one?

5. Colorful

Well done, class.

D. Abstraction

Now, remember that imagery is powerful.

Because it can make something abstract, like
emotion more concrete and tangible to the
readers. The sensory images is also important
in stablishing the story, because the
description will help the reader understand Ma`am, when to use Imagery?
what is happening within the story.

Yes Jane, do you have some question?

Good question Jane! Imagery class is used

anytime a description is necessary.

It is important class, to remember that human

beings learn about the world through using
the five senses. They are our primary source
of knowledge which incorporates vivid
sensory detail is more likely to engage and
affect the reader`s.
E. Application

Now this time let`s have another activity.

Speaking of writing which incorporates
sensory vivid detail, I want you to create a
short story using sensory words and create a
table illustrating the sensory words used in the Yes, ma`am.
story. Am I clear?

(The students will create a story and write 10

I will give you 20 minutes. sentences, after 20 minutes the students will
pass their papers.)

IV. Evaluation

The student will read the story, ``The Scarlet

Ibis’' by James Hurst and will get 10
sentences that evokes sensory images in the (The student`s will read and answer.)
story and identify which sense these sentences
appeal to.
V. Assignment

Read the Percy Shelley`s ``Ode to the West

Wind’’. Underline the words that help you
make a picture and draw what you have
visualized per stanza.

This ends our lesson for today. Let us end this

with a payer. Can I have Jonna to lead us the

Goodbye, class. See you tomorrow.

(Jonna leads the prayer)

Goodbye, miss Morgadez.

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