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Running head: HISTORY 1

The 90s Nostalgia



Course coordinator



People born from the 70s and 80s have been reeling about the occurrence and events of

the 90s decade. Moreover, those born in this decade are not exempt from the nostalgia that is

associated with it. Majority of these people find themselves wanting to go back to the 90s for the

beauty it carried. From the music it presented to the movies that we viewed, everything was

exceptional about this decade. This paper, therefore, focuses on analysing the 90s nostalgia and

its effect to the so-called generation X. I think there has never been a decade that people felt

happy about than that decade.

Reasons for 90s nostalgia

Reasonably, the United States of America was performing very well during this period.

According to records, the economy of this country grew with an average of four per cent every

year during that decade. Moreover, the rate of employment in that decade was double of the last

two decades (Anon, 2018). Furthermore, the American household income grew by double digits

in the 90s as opposed to the turn of the century when it shrunk by over nine per cent (Anon,

2018). Consequently, I guess its right for every American to feel that this decade offered the best

for him/her.

While this and the last decade has seen the American suffer, the 90s were different.

During the 90s, crime and terrorism had not taken root into the Americans bloodstream. What is

happening today is the day to day mass shootings and Americans are living in fear of being

attacked by terrorists. Moreover, diseases had not taken root into the American society, and

people lived without fear of contracting diseases whatsoever. Currently, HIV/AIDS is endemic in

this nation making people fear to contract this disease.


During the 90s, countries had begun to come together to find lasting solutions to their

problems. Israel and Palestine signed a peace accord of living together harmoniously while South

Africa ended apartheid. In fact, there was little war between nations and the world seemed closer

to realising peace altogether. What has happened in the later decades is the complete opposite of

what was achieved in the 90s. The Middle East is a war hotbed with Israel and Syria continually

attacking each other. The civil wars in African countries are back and too far from ending. The

world is generally in war and finding peace in these warring nations has proved futile.

Additionally, it was during the 90s that the digital age began taking shape. Cellphones

technology got well underway during that decade. Moreover, laptops and access to computers, 3-

D games and digital music were born during this decade. The film and music industry was not

left behind which elevated the spirits of everyone (Anon, 2018). The 90s music was calm and

relaxing while the movies had just got an aspiring taste. Although the later generation feels that

social media has contributed to everything, this would not have been possible without what

happened in the 90s.


I believe the 90s nostalgia has been created due to the smooth nature of how life seemed

to be. With employment rates double the last two decades, everyone felt comfortable living then.

Moreover, lack of challenges such as crimes in that decade and the way the low terrorism rates

makes people wish for those past moments. People feel that during that decade life was very

social and smooth as opposed to now.



Anon, (2018). [online] Available at:


opinion/sunday/the-best-decade-ever-the-1990s-obviously.html [Accessed 11 Dec. 2018].

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