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Dragoslav Slović,

Ivan Tomašević,
Improving Productivity in the Apparel
Milić Radović Industry Through Gain Sharing
University of Belgrade,
Faculty of Organizational Sciences,
and Continuous Process Improvement:
Belgrade, Serbia,
E-mail: the Case of a Serbian Manufacturer
DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1168239

This paper analyses the effects of combined implementation of gain sharing wage incen-
tives and continuous process improvement on productivity growth in the apparel industry.
Results were obtained through empirical research conducted in a Serbian apparel manu-
facturer - Javor. A five step research approach was designed and applied in Javor, where
productivity was continuously measured over a five year period. Results show a significant
increase in productivity in Javor by the end of the fifth year, even though productivity was in
decline in the apparel sector. The results were statistically tested, showing that productivity
gains can really be attributed to combined implementation of gain sharing and continuous
process improvement. The paper has significant practical implications, since it suggests
that wage incentives can be used as an efficient tool for motivating employees to take an
active role in improvement efforts while relying on existing knowledge and resources.

Key words: productivity, apparel, gain sharing incentives, continuous process improve-

n Introduction employees [7]. Serbian companies are

well behind other transitional economies
Textiles and apparel is a major sector for and the EU, especially with respect to ef-
both industrialised and the lesser devel- ficiency [8]. Serbian apparel companies
oped economies, contributing both to often try to replicate the Tayloristic ap-
wealth generation and employment [1]. proach to organization, which includes
The sector employs in excess of two mil- strict management control, narrow task
lion people in Europe alone, and is domi- definition, low skill (and often low pay)
nated by a large number of SMEs [2]. workers, etc [9, 10].
Textile and apparel industries are among
the most globalised industrial sectors A high level of productivity is an im-
[3], and European garment and textile portant factor for a company to perform
manufacturers find it difficult to compete well, to compete successfully, and to
with manufacturers from Asia [2]. Deliv- survive [11]. Productivity can be defined
ering high quality garments at low cost as a ratio of outputs and inputs. Input
in shorter lead times are the major chal- factors might include labour, capital, or
lenges faced by apparel manufacturers resources. Output factors might include
[4]. Therefore it is necessary to transform the physical production volume or fi-
the existing production and improve it by nancial indicators. Improving produc-
employing strategies that fulfill the ex- tivity means increasing the efficiency
pectations of global customers. However, and effectiveness of the transformation
major constraints that manufacturers face of inputs into outputs. Tangen sees that
include limited financial resources, a lack productivity can be improved through
of personnel and time, little or no expe- elimination of waste [12]. Most local
rience, and limited confidence in imple- apparel manufacturers seek alternative
menting new systems [5]. strategies in order to face the challenges
of the market in a more efficient way,
Serbian textile and apparel manufactur- with lean and continuous improvement
ers were once key players in industrial (CI) being one of them. Lean is a signifi-
production, generating 11% of gross na- cant step in operations management de-
tional income before 1991, and constitut- velopment, whose principles have helped
ing 20% of country’s national export [6]. manufacturing companies around the
However, the apparel industry fell into world to realise significant quality and
crisis, which brought about redundan- cost gains [1, 13, 14]. Lean and CI prin-
cies, decreased sales, issues with supply ciples are widely applied in companies
of raw materials, and a constant decrease across the world, but not so much in the
in production indices and the number of apparel industry. Certain authors present

Slović D, Tomašević I, Radović M Improving roductivit in the pparel Industr Through Gain Sharing and ontinuous rocess Improvement the ase of a Ser ian Manufacturer 15
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016; 24, 2(116):15-22.DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1168239
Post- Cont. process
Cont. process Post-
Baseline Gain sharing
Gain sharing
implementation improvement
improvement implementation
productivity plan program
measurement introduction productivity
productivity productivity
measurement introduction measurement (1) introduction measurement (2)
measurement (1) introduction measurement (2)

Figure 1. Research phases.

the application of certain aspects of lean, crease its productivity. The remainder of and hotels, the army, police, and so on.
such as value stream mapping [4]. Oth- this paper is organised as follows: Sec- Roughly 80% of production was export-
ers discuss the holistic approach to lean tion 2 addresses the problem statement ed. The production process in Javor was
management in the apparel industry [15], and research design; section 3 presents predominantly organised according to
or the entire apparel supply chain [1]. the research results and discussion, and the principles of mass production. Small
And yet not too many papers address lean conclusions, practical implications, limi- numbers of different products were man-
and continuous process improvement in tations and directions for future research ufactured in large batches; the equipment
the apparel industry [15]. are presented in section 4. layout was fixed; material was ‘pushed’
through production in lots; internal trans-
Although evidence of increased effi- port was carried out by hand or by a fixed
ciency gained through continuous pro-
Problem statement and transportation line; employees were
cess improvement is abundant, many
research design narrowly specialised and self-taught;
companies still face the challenge of The main research question (RQ) of this the working method was not defined, and
motivating their employees to actively paper is: time standards were not precise. A dis-
participate in improvements. This is Can significant production efficiency tinctive feature of Javor was its willing-
mainly due to the fact that employees do improvements in the apparel industry be ness to acknowledge their shortcomings,
not see personal interest in production achieved through combined application and to initiate changes. Rather than tak-
improvement. While apparel company of gain sharing incentives and continu- ing a passive approach to solving prob-
owners and managers find motivation for ous process improvement, thus helping lems (typical for most apparel manufac-
improvement and success in operational to overcome a crisis? turers in Serbia), Javor opted for a more
growth or ‘being in the game’ [16], em- active role, undertaking countermeasures
ployee motivations can usually be identi- The exploratory case study method to buffer the effects of a crisis.
fied at lower levels of Maslow’s pyramid was chosen as the most appropriate for
[17]. Wages significantly impact em- the research, because the contemporary The research involved cooperation be-
ployee behavior, performance and effec- phenomenon within its real life context tween researchers, company managers
tiveness in organisations [18]. Research is being investigated [27]. For practi- and employees. Having that in mind, as
shows that wage incentives (along with cal purposes, the research is limited to well as the fact that the research question
promotion incentives) can significantly the Serbian point of view. The research ‘relates to describing an unfolding series
influence employees’ work motivation focuses on a single company which, ac- of actions over time in a given group,
to perform well [19, 20]. Gain sharing cording to Yin, can be appropriate if community or organisation’ [28], the re-
is a wage incentive approach that shares it provides ‚an opportunity to observe search can be further typified as action
the effects gained through productivity and analyse a phenomenon previously research, as a variant of the case research.
improvement between employees and the inaccessible to scientific investigation’ A process consultation model was cho-
company. Many gain sharing plans have [27]. This research offers a unique pos- sen. Here researchers help clients inquire
been devised throughout the years. Most sibility to gain empirical insight into how into their own issues, and actively par-
well-known are Scanlon’s plan [21], the combined application of gain sharing ticipate in the design and implementation
Rucker’s plan [22], Hunter’s plan [23], and continuous process improvement can of the solution [29]. A cyclical approach
and the IMPROSHARE plan [24], all of significantly improve an apparel manu- of data gathering, feedback, analysis, ac-
which have shown to be able to provide facturer’s productivity. The research was tion planning, implementation and evalu-
significant improvements in productivity, conducted over a considerable period of ation was used, as proposed by Coughlan
even by the end of the first year [25, 26]. time, which further supports the rationale & Coghlan [28]. A consistent approach
The main characteristic of all of these for a single case study approach [27]. was developed and well documented, and
plans is the formalised participation of thus it can be followed by other research-
employees in process improvement. In Javor was chosen as a case company. It ers [30]. The researchers’ subjectivity
addition, they include wage calculation can be regarded as a typical apparel man- was mitigated by including management
formalised in a way that takes into ac- ufacturer operating in Serbia and dealing and employee representatives in the re-
count the sharing of effects of improved with a period of crisis. The company’s search team. All decisions were made by
performance between employees and main product is men’s shirts, with a share consensus. In turn, employee subjectiv-
their company. of over 70% of the total production. In ity was mitigated by the presence of re-
addition to men’s shirts, the product port- searchers.
Having in mind the facts stated above, folio includes women’s blouses, night-
we strongly believe that the combined gowns, men’s and women’s pajamas, Research was conducted in five phas-
application of gain sharing incentives knitwear programs, sports programs, es (Figure 1): First, base productivity
and continuous process improvement PPE, white and green programs for measurements were taken in order to en-
can help a company to significantly in- healthcare, and programs for restaurants able researchers to understand the cur-

16 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, oV l. 24, 2(116)

rent situation and to establish a baseline tion. In addition, issues with insufficient Gain sharing plan introduction
to which results obtained in later stages productivity, poor material flow control, The basic intent of the new gain sharing
could be compared. Then a new gain- high absenteeism, poor workers’ skills, plan was to stimulate the mutual work
sharing plan was introduced, and another and unwillingness of workers to change of all employees in the sewing brigade
set of productivity measurements fol- operations or workplaces were identified. to improve the entire sewing process. In
lowed. After that, a continuous process Poor performance record keeping, which this new system, wages were calculated
improvement program was introduced, caused unearned wages to be paid, the according to group performance, and
and a third and final set of productivity poor attitude of employees, and the effect it was decided that the basis for salary
measurements followed. Additional data of informal groups were added to the list calculation should be the time spent at
were gathered from archival sources and of problems. Workplaces were arranged work, as well as achieved performance
semi-structured interviews with manag- around a central desk according to the se- calculated according to actual hours
ers, foremen and workers from Javor. quence of operations for sewing a stand- and hours earned. Wages were then cal-
ard shirt. The workers were narrowly spe- culated on the basis of the individual
Productivity was measured as a ratio of cialised in performing a small number of wage rate, actual hours, and group per-
industrial production and the number of formance. Earned hours is the time dur-
operations and were not interested in pro-
employee indices (productivity per em- ing which products are being manufac-
duction improvement or in learning how
ployee). The industrial production index tured, whereas actual hours is time spent
to perform additional operations. They
shows change tendencies in industry’s at work. Standard time is that needed
thought that it was the manager’s duty to
development and production dynamics. to manufacture one piece of a product.
provide them with the work they know
The industrial production index is calcu- Earned hours are calculated by multiply-
how to perform. Moreover, because of
lated using Laspeyeres formula, which is ing the standard time with the number of
a ratio of the weighted production vol- high absenteeism, some operations were
not performed, which caused the mate- products manufactured during the day.
ume in a given period and the weighted Standard time was determined by analys-
production volume in the base period. rial to be stacked in production for long
ing the previous year’s production data.
The number of employees index is calcu- periods of time. Production workers were
Apart from effective work time, this time
lated as a ratio of the number of employ- paid according to the individual perfor-
covers all delays, stoppages and other
ees in a given period and that in the base mance of operations they were acquaint-
overhead activities in production. Actual
period. Measurements were taken con- ed with. Periods when there was no work
hours for the group were calculated as
tinuously, which means that, for exam- were noted and paid as an overhead. As
the sum of actual hours of all workers in
ple, the first set of post-implementation judged by the management, workers had the sewing brigade according to records
productivity measurements (Post-imple- skills to adequately perform 2 to 7 op- on the presence of all employees.
mentation productivity measurement (1)) erations, and it was not uncommon that
was taken from the end of the base period because of the absence of workers for If earned hours equal actual hours, then
until the beginning of the continuous pro- key operations, a sewing brigade finished standard performance is met. Here each
cess improvement program. Productivity zero products, while workers that were worker earns a full wage, otherwise wag-
measurements were compared to the av- present achieved a performance of over es are proportionally reduced (but not
erage productivity in the entire apparel 100% in operations they were working more than the minimum wage prescribed
sector. Data on the number of employees on. by law and other regulations) if standard
and volume of production in Javor were performance is not met. Wages are in-
gathered by analysing the company’s re- The main goal of the production im- creased if the standard performance is ex-
cords for the period referenced. Data on provement initiative in Javor was to in- ceeded. Since all employees contributed
the number of employees and physical crease the production and sales volumes to performance improvement, the results
volume of production in the apparel sec- of high quality products, which was to be gained through improvements are shared
tor were obtained from the national office done through the mutual work of all em- equally among employees. The applica-
for statistics. In order to test whether pro- ployees (from workers to managers), by tion of a new wage system based solely
ductivity improvement can be attributed better utilisation of resources currently on group performance led to employee
to gain sharing and continuous process available. Starting from the situation that dissatisfaction. Workers thought that it
improvement, data gathered were statis- was present at the time, an improvement should be taken into account that some
tically analysed using the Kolmogorov- program was formulated, with two pri- of them work harder than others, and that
Smirnov test, variance homogeneity test, mary directions: the good workers are at a disadvantage.
and Tamhane’s multiple comparison pro- n To motivate employees to take a more As such it was decided that the gain shar-
cedure. We used a SPSS Statistics soft- active role (through teamwork) in ing plan should undergo some changes:
ware package for statistical analysis. improving production efficiency by (i) group performance was kept and used
introducing a new gain sharing plan for calculating the wage fund of the en-
Baseline period based on the output of the whole sew- tire brigade; (ii) individual performance
Management and union representatives ing brigade; was introduced as a way of determining
analysed the situation within the com- the contribution of each worker to pro-
pany and concluded that with the way n To encourage the mutual work of all ductivity improvement. The total wage
business was organized at the time, Javor employees for continuous improve- fund was calculated by using group
would not be able to compete success- ment of manufacturing processes in performance. However, the distribution
fully on the global market. Costs were order to make work easier, safer, and of the wage fund was based on the indi-
often greater than the value of produc- more efficient. vidual performance of each worker. This

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, oV l. 24, 2(116) 17

lyse the change in productivity, as well as
Production index - Javor Production index - apparel sector
factors that influenced that change:
Production, and number of employees indices

No. of employees
Number - Javor
of employees - Javor No. of employees
Number - apparel
of employees sector
- apparel sector n First period: January of year one (la-
140 belled as Y1) to February of year two
(labelled as Y2) – baseline period;
n Second period: March of year two
100 (labeled as Y2) to December of year
three (labelled as Y3) – a new wage
system based on group performance
60 was introduced; individual perfor-
mance was introduced in addition to
group performance;
20 n Third period: January of year four
(labeled as Y4) to December of year
five (labelled as Y5) – continuous pro-
cess improvement program was intro-
Time period
Figure 2 shows the basic production and
Figure 2. Five year basic production and number of employees indices for Javor and the number of employee indices (first year
apparel sector. average equals 100 – the base) for Javor
and the apparel sector in all five years.
modification led to good workers earning were rearranged to support the flexibil- Although production (and productiv-
more compared to a system based solely ity of the line. Workplaces were grouped ity) and the number of employees indice
on group performance. Furthermore good in four sectors: collar and cuff sewing, were calculated monthly, for the sake
workers were still interested in achiev- front of shirt sewing, back and sleeve of better visibility the data shown in
ing the highest possible group perfor- sewing, and shirt completion. Material Figures 2, 3 and 4 were grouped in tri-
mance, since it increased the wage fund handling was carried out with the use mesters. The first trimester of year two
of the brigade. of specially designed trolleys, each of is divided into two parts: The first part
which carried material in batches of 10 represents the period when the old wage
Introduction of continuous process to 15 pieces. The trolleys were labelled system was still in use (January – Feb-
improvement program by colour depending on the sector they ruary), and the second part represents
Apparel manufacturing in Javor is or- were to be transported to. Carts were also the period when the new gain sharing
ganised in three phases: cutting, sew- marked with serial numbers that show plan was introduced (March - the end
ing, and ironing and packaging. Tailored which parts should be joined together. of baseline period). Figure 2 shows that
pieces were ‘pushed’ to the sewing sec- The carts are ‘pulled’ between workplac- there was a steady decline in the number
es in a predefined order, and pieces are of employees and value of production in
tion. After finishing the first operation
sewn according to the First In – First Out the entire apparel sector during the peri-
for the entire batch, it was ‘pushed’ to
principle. This way of material handling od referenced. The value of production in
the next operation. This procedure was
enables visual control during the produc- Javor was in decline from January of year
repeated until the last sewing operation
tion process. Material from each cart can one until March of year three. However,
was done. After that, the pieces from
be processed at one workplace at a time, Javor experienced growth in production
the batch were cleaned of extra thread,
thus preventing mixing and losing mate- volumes in the period from April of year
checked, ironed, and packed. Workers
rial. Workplaces were arranged in a way three to December of year five. The num-
were highly specialised, self-taught, and
that enables taking and disposing ma- ber of employees in Javor was in decline.
able to perform only a small number of
terial on the left hand side. They were A major change happened after Decem-
operations in a way they thought was
equipped with fixtures and other devices ber of year three due to the restructuring
appropriate. The workplace layout was
for holding material. Each operation was of the company, when large numbers of
poorly designed, with no predetermined
studied and standardised in order to elim- employees were laid off. It is also evi-
place for placing materials before or after inate unnecessary movement and im-
the operation was done. There was a lot dent from Figure 2 that the number of
prove sewing quality. By placing mate- employees index and value of produc-
of unnecessary material handling, caus- rial in an appropriate position in relation
ing fatigue and decreased productivity. tion in Javor and the apparel sector were
to the worker, unnecessary reaching and roughly at the same level from January of
carrying movements were eliminated, year one until February of year two.
Four approaches of continuous process while necessary movements were short-
improvement were deployed: improving ened and made easier. Moreover, poor
the layout of the sewing line, improving Figure 3 shows the productivity, ex-
worker skills were addressed through ad- pressed as a ratio of industrial production
the material handling system, workplace
ditional training. and the number of employees indices.
layout improvement, and work method
improvement. Workplaces were situated The company’s productivity and that of
in two columns, with 2.4 meters of empty the entire apparel sector were similar
n Results and discussion
space between them, which was used for between January of year one and Febru-
transporting material between workplac- The five year time period was subdivided ary of year two. Productivity decreased
es. Electric, air and steam installations into three shorter periods in order to ana- steadily both in the company and in

18 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, oV l. 24, 2(116)

the apparel sector up until the middle of
year three. While the apparel sector expe- Productivity - Javor Productivity - apparel sector
rienced moderate growth after the middle Productivity trend - Javor Productivity trend - apparel sector
of year three, Javor’s productivity grew 160
significantly . By the end of year five, it 140
had reached a level that was higher than
that recorded at the beginning of year
one. 100

Figure 3 shows that at the end of year 60
two and beginning of year three, Javor
experienced a decline in productivity that
was more significant than that recorded
in the entire apparel sector. Presumably 0
this was the consequence of increased
absenteeism during the process of re-
structuring. A list of employees who were
supposed to leave the company was cre-
Figure 3. Five year productivity per employee for Javor and the apparel sector.
ated in March of year three (the company
was unsuccessfully offered for sale in
September of the previous year, which Productivity of production work - Javor Productivity of total work - Javor
led to great disappointment among em- Productivity per total work hours fund - Javor Productivity per employee - Javor
ployees). Although lay-offs did not start Productivity per employee - apparel sector
until September of the same year, those
employees were disinterested in any fur- 140
ther efforts for improvement, and were 120
acting passively at best. 100

In order to get a clearer picture of pro-
ductivity dynamics in Javor, we analysed 60

the productivity of employees who were 40

really working. An additional analysis of 20
the productivity of production and the to-
tal work was done. The productivity of
production work is calculated as a ratio of
earned hours and actual hours. The pro-
Time period
ductivity of the total work is calculated
as a ratio of earned hours and the total
amount of hours of work. Productivity Figure 4. Five year productivity dynamics in Javor and the apparel sector.
per total work hours fund is calculated as
a ratio of the production output and total Figure 4 shows that the productivity per can be observed in the third trimester,
work hours fund (which includes hours employee in Javor was similar to that which can be attributed to the fact that
of work and absence). Data for calculat- in the apparel sector from January of most employees go on vacation during
ing the productivity of production work, year one to December of the same year, that period.
the total work and per total work hours and that they followed the same trend.
fund were gathered from the company’s The productivity of production work It is interesting to note two peaks in
records. Considering the fact that data (apart from the end of year two and be- the productivity of production work. One
about hours of work are not collected for ginning of year three) is significantly is in March of year two, and the other is
the entire apparel sector, it is not possible greater in the Second and Third periods in third trimester of year three, both after
to compare the above-mentioned produc- compared to the First (baseline). A high the introduction of a new wage system.
tivity to the sector average. However, we increase in the productivity per employee These peaks reflect the fact that employ-
did compare it to the sector’s productiv- and productivity per total work hours ees embraced the gain sharing plan’s
ity per employee. With the assumption fund at the beginning of year four was introduction, and started to work harder.
that average absenteeism was unchanged induced by the decrease in the number The decline in productivity between
during the period referenced, it is possi- of employees, as well as by the finalisa- the two peaks is a result of employees’
ble to compare all these variants of pro- tion of restructuring within the company. dissatisfaction with the initial wage sys-
ductivity measures. Figure 4 shows the The differences between the productivity tem based solely on group performance.
dynamics of productivity of production per employee and productivity per to- It was coupled with the attitude that good
work, the total work, per total work hours tal work hours fund can be attributed to workers were at a disadvantage, with
fund, per employee, and (per employee) overtime during certain months, as well bad workers being stimulated as equally
the apparel sector. Year one average was as to differences in the amount of hours as good ones. This last two implications
used as a basis, and equals 100. of work. In addition, a seasonal decline were as follows: (i) both peaks in produc-

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, oV l. 24, 2(116) 19

Table 1. Kolmogorov-Smirnov productivity per employee test for one sample.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

productivity productivity productivity productivity productivity productivity Total
Javor Javor Javor Apparal sector Apparal sector Apparal sector productivity
I’Y1 - II’Y2 III’Y2 - XII’Y3 I’Y4 - XII’Y5 I’Y1 - II’Y2 I’Y1 - II’Y2 I’Y1 - II’Y2
Sample size N 14 14 14 14 14 14 120
Normal distribution Arithmetic mean 100.650 100.650 100.650 100.650 100.650 100.650 100.650
Model parameters Standard deviation 31.7954 31.7954 31.7954 31.7954 31.7954 31.7954 31.7954
Variation ratio, % 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6
Significance(two-tailed) 0.886 0.886 0.886 0.886 0.886 0.886 0.886

tivity follow the introduction of the new more, if their efforts were recognised and Javor, employees expected distinction
wage systems, which implies that wage stimulated, and (ii) the wage system has between good and bad workers, where
incentives can act as a great motivator, to be in line with employees’ expecta- company stimulates effort of good work-
where employees are willing to give tions in order to give results. In case of ers, and de-stimulates lack of effort of
bad workers.
Table 2. Productivity per employee variance homogeneity test.
A moderate decrease in productivity af-
Levene’s test Degrees of freedom - df1 Degrees of freedom - df2 Significance
ter the second peak shows that there are
9.961 5 114 0.000
limits to productivity improvement based
solely on wage incentives. The compa-
Table 3. Productivity per employee in Javor and apparel sector variance analysis. ny was in need of new knowledge, and
the results show that principles devised
Sum of Degrees of
squares freedom - df
Mean square F Significance in a completely different manufacturing
Between groups 59744.494 5 11948.899 16.105 0.000 environment (namely, the automotive
Within groups 84582.139 114 741.949 industry) can be used in the apparel in-
Total 144326.633 119 dustry. Wage incentives increased moti-
vation among employees to embrace new
Table 4. Tamhane procedure for comparing the average productivity per employee; * Mean
knowledge, mainly through the ‘learning
difference is significant at the level of 0.05. by doing’ principle. This helped employ-
ees to work ‘ more smartly’, in addition
Mean difference Standard
(I) Group (J) Group
(I-J) error
Significance to working harder. This also has two im-
2 Javor III Y2-XII Y3 51.1455(*) 10,8099 0,001
plications: (i) it shows that the continu-
3 Javor I Y4-XII Y5 -8,8833 12,1689 1,000 ous process improvement initiative can
1 Javor I Y1-II Y2 4 Sector I Y1-II Y2 4,4286 9,1997 1,000 be adapted to specific needs of the ap-
5 Sector III Y2-XII Y3 35.0409(*) 8,8792 0,018 parel industry, and(ii) it opens up oppor-
6 Sector I Y4-XII Y5 33.8708(*) 8,8740 0,024 tunities for apparel manufacturers to use
1 Javor I Y1-II Y2 -51.1455(*) 10,8099 0,001 improvement initiatives not often used
3 Javor I Y4-XII Y5 -60.0288(*) 10,9780 0,000 among apparel manufacturers.
2 Javor III Y2-XII Y3 4 Sector I Y1-II Y2 -46.7169(*) 7,5544 0,000
5 Sector III Y2-XII Y3 -16,1045 7,1606 0,394 In order to test if productivity increases
6 Sector I Y4-XII Y5 -17,2746 7,1541 0,292 can be associated with the gain sharing
1 Javor I Y1-II Y2 8,8833 12,1689 1,000 plan and continuous process improve-
2 Javor III Y2-XII Y3 60.0288(*) 10,9780 0,000 ment program, additional statistical
3 Javor I Y4-XII Y5 4 Sector I Y1-II Y2 13,3119 9,3966 0,935 analysis was conducted. Table 1 shows
5 Sector III Y2-XII Y3 43.9242(*) 9,0831 0,001
the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
6 Sector I Y4-XII Y5 42.7542(*) 9,0779 0,001
test. Productivity measurements are di-
1 Javor I Y1-II Y2 -4,4286 9,1997 1,000
vided into six groups. Groups 1, 2, and 3
2 Javor III Y2-XII Y3 46.7169(*) 7,5544 0,000
address productivity in Javor in the First
4 Sector I Y1-II Y2 3 Javor I Y4-XII Y5 -13,3119 9,3966 0,935
(baseline), Second, and Third periods,
5 Sector III Y2-XII Y3 30.6123(*) 4,3652 0,000
6 Sector I Y4-XII Y5 29.4423(*) 4,3545 0,000
respectively. Groups 4, 5, and 6 address
1 Javor I Y1-II Y2 -35.0409(*) 8,8792 0,018
the productivity of the apparel sector
2 Javor III Y2-XII Y3 16,1045 7,1606 0,394 during the First (baseline), Second and
5 Sector III Y2-XII Y3 3 Javor I Y4-XII Y5 -43.9242(*) 9,0831 0,001 Third periods, respectively. Sample size
4 Sector I Y1-II Y2 -30.6123(*) 4,3652 0,000 is given in months, and corresponds to pe-
6 Sector I Y4-XII Y5 -1,1701 3,6288 1,000 riods over which the productivity meas-
1 Javor I Y1-II Y2 -33.8708(*) 8,8740 0,024 urements were taken. The results show
2 Javor III Y2-XII Y3 17,2746 7,1541 0,292 that the significance for all six groups is
6 Sector I Y4-XII Y5 3 Javor I Y4-XII Y5 -42.7542(*) 9,0779 0,001 greater than the significance threshold
4 Sector I Y1-II Y2 -29.4423(*) 4,3545 0,000 (α = 0.05), meaning that all six groups
5 Sector III Y2-XII Y3 1,1701 3,6288 1,000 have a normal distribution.

20 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, oV l. 24, 2(116)

Table 2 shows the results of variance ho- sults obtained from the research have cation of a gain sharing plan and continu-
mogeneity analysis. It can be concluded several important implications: ous process improvement could lead to
that the probability of productivity vari- n The combined application of wage productivity improvement in an apparel
ance in each group being equal is 0.000, incentives and continuous process company. Through application of a com-
which means that the hypothesis that all improvement presents a powerful tool bined method for wage calculation, work-
variances are equal can be rejected, with for productivity improvement in the ers were motivated to improve production
a significance threshold of 0.01. apparel industry. This gives an answer efficiency as much as they could, relying
to the research question posed earlier on existing knowledge and resources.
Based on the variance analysis shown in in the text, where evidence show that Moreover the workers were interested
Table 3, it can be concluded that the gain productivity was elevated to a level in improving production efficiency even
sharing plan and continuous process im- above the business branch average in more since they saw financial benefits in
provement influenced the productivity a company that operated at the busi- working both harder and smarter. A new
per employee since the probability of this ness branch average level. This helped set of knowledge and skills was needed
influence being identical in all six groups the company to overcome crisis; in order to further improve production
equals 0.000. n Employees are willing to give more efficiency, hence a continuous process
if their efforts are recognized and improvement program was introduced.
Based on the comparison of mean values stimulated, and the effects of pro- The employees improved their knowl-
shown in Table 4, it can be concluded that ductivity improvement are shared be- edge through usage of the ‘learning by
productivity was influenced by the com- tween the company and employees, doing’ principle. By motivating employ-
bined application of the gain sharing plan and hence wage incentives can act as ees to take an active role, the combined
and continuous process improvement be- a (universal) motivation factor. How- application of these two approaches can
cause: ever, the wage incentives plan should help a company to elevate the productiv-
n There is no significant difference be- reflect employees’ expectations, and ity level above the apparel sector average.
tween groups 1 and 4. This means that must be perceived by employees as Additional statistical analysis shows that
average productivity in Javor and in ‘fair’; an increase in productivity can truly be
the apparel sector were the same in n Although continuous process im- attributed to the combined application of
the baseline period; provement is not widespread in ap- a gain sharing plan and continuous pro-
parel manufacturing, the results show cess improvement.
n There is a significant difference be-
that it is as efficient in the apparel sec-
tween groups 1 and 2 and between The advantage of this approach lies in
tor as it is in other industries. Statis-
groups 4 and 5. This means both the fact that it requires workers to work
tical analysis shows that productivity
Javor and the apparel sector experi- more smartly (in addition to working
per employee in Javor significantly in-
enced lower average productivity per harder) in order to increase the produc-
creased in years four and five, which
employee levels. However, Figure 4 tion of high quality products by using
was a period of continuous implemen-
shows a productivity shift in Javor resources that are currently available.
tation of the process improvement
after the first trimester of year three, By doing so, employees also work on
program. The results show that exist-
corresponding to the modifications in- increasing their earnings and improv-
ing knowledge of continuous process
troduced to the gain sharing plan; ing employment security. That is why
improvement could be adapted to
n There is a difference in average produc- the gain sharing plan can be used to ‘sell’
reflect the needs of apparel manufac-
tivity between groups 5 and 6, but the the idea of continuous process improve-
probability of averages being the same turers, which opens a new set of pos-
ment. It harnesses all of employees’
is such (1.000) that the hypothesis of sibilities for apparel manufacturers to
knowledge, and makes them ready to ac-
equality of these two productivity av- obtain and maintain their competitive
cept additional knowledge and practices
erages can be accepted. This means position on the market. Furthermore
in order to improve work processes even
that the apparel sector did not expe- this should encourage apparel manu-
further. The principles applied in Javor
rience an increase in productivity facturers to actively explore possi-
are universally applicable; however, the
per employee in years four and five; bilities of utilising other improvement
main limitation of this research is that it
n There is a significant difference in programs (e.g. Six Sigma, Theory of was done only in one company. Although
average productivity indices between Constraints, Business Process Re-en- strict procedure was designed and fol-
group 3 and groups 2, 5 and 6. This gineering, etc.) and adapting them to lowed during the research, it would be
shows that the productivity per em- the needs of the apparel sector; beneficial to test the three phase approach
ployee in Javor significantly increased n Opportunities for obtaining a compet- proposed on another apparel manufac-
in years four and five compared to itive position on the market lie within turer to see if the good results could be
the previous period, and also com- the company. Yet passivity and un- replicated in another environment. Fur-
pared to the average productivity per willingness to change things usually thermore there are no limits to applying
employee in the apparel sector for cloak them. the same approach to another industry.
the same period. The results obtained from this study have
important implications for practice since
n Conclusions
The results unambiguously show that the significant room for improvement lies
combined application of wage incentives Increasing productivity is one way of within the company itself. We strongly
and continuous process improvement improving the competitive position on a believe that wage incentives can be used
can have a significant positive impact on global market. The basic idea of this re- as a universal change facilitator, regard-
a manufacturer’s productivity. The re- search was to see if the combined appli- less of the change program and industry.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, olV . 24, 2(116) 21

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