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Total drag is the sum of parasitic drag, profile drag, and induced drag.

Parasitic drag is caused by non-lifting portions of the aircraft, such as the rotor mast,
landing gear, etc. Parasitic drag is present anytime the aircraft is moving. Parasitic drag
increases significantly with airspeed.

Profile drag develops from frictional resistance as the rotor blades passing through the
air. Profile drag is comprised of form drag and skin friction. Overall, profile drag increases
moderately with increases in speed, but does not change significantly with changes in the
airfoil’s angle of attack. Form drag is the result of turbulent wake caused by separation of
airflow from the surface of a structure. A flat plat creates more form drag than a
symmetrical airfoil (teardrop).

Skin friction is caused by surface texture. The smoother something is the less skin
friction. Dirt, ice, and other items that impact the surface texture have a significant effect
on friction drag.

Induced drag is a result of the production of lift. Lift production generates downward
velocities and vortices that increase induced drag. As the aircraft increases forward
speed, induced drag decreases.


FAA-H-8083-21A – Helicopter Flying Handbook pg. 2-5

Principles of Helicopter Flight, 2nd Edition, pg. 28
FM 3-04.203-2007 Fundamentals of Flight pg. 1-28

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About the Author

Bradley J. Fenster loves aviation and has a passion for teaching. Brad is the owner and the
primary helicopter instructor for ETL Aviation. Prior to learning to fly, Brad spent several
years in the military. Brad was a Special Warfare Combat Craft Crewman in the U.S. Navy

and he was also a Ranger-qualified infantry officer in the Army. Brad is a father and lives in
Lexington, Kentucky with his beautiful wife and two cats.
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