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of the
you worked on

BIS2018 – Management Information Systems

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Group __ (your group number)

Student Number Student Name

M00…… First Name LAST NAME

Attention: this text box is for guidance so delete after you read.
If you wish to use this template, the text in red is for you to enter
and then change the colour into black.

Word count: 3,000

(words in graphs, figures, tables and appendices do not count.

Submitted on: DD/MM/YYYY

Computer Science Department

Faculty of Science & Technology

Middlesex University
Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Table of Contents

0. Introduction......................................................................................................................4
0.1 Introduction of your consultancy start-up.................................................................4
0.2 Presentation of each group member profile.............................................................4
0.3 Description of the selected Case Study organisation.............................................4
1. Strategic Management Principles.................................................................................5
1.1 Establishment of a robust strategic management process....................................5
1.2 Conduct of the sector’s competitive analysis...........................................................5
1.3 Introduction of strategic leadership approach.........................................................5
2. Information Systems Types...........................................................................................6
2.1 Overview of different types of information systems relevant to the organisation6
2.2 Discussion of a suitable typology for classifying the organisation’s systems......6
2.3 Description of the organisation’s information system functions............................6
3. Managing IT Projects..................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Review of the core IT project management practices............................................7
3.2 Creation of a project management plan...................................................................7
3.3 Identification of key work packages..........................................................................7
4. Systems Development Models.....................................................................................8
4.1 Review of appropriate systems development models............................................8
4.2 Selection of the most suitable model for the organisation.....................................8
4.3 Description of how the model will be implemented by the organisation..............8
5. Digital Business Models.................................................................................................9
5.1 Overview of appropriate digital models for the specific sector..............................9
5.2 Description of an appropriate model that is in place at the organisation.............9
5.3 Reflection on how the model is implemented and its impact on the organisation
.............................................................................................................................................. 9
6. Business Information Systems (ERP/CRM/SCM)....................................................10
6.1 Review of the organisation’s Business Information Systems..............................10
6.2 Description of core business operations supported by these systems..............10
6.3 Explanation of the infrastructure and resources required for these systems....10

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

7. Globalisation Issues (marketplaces / infrastructure / workforce)...........................11

7.1 Reflection on the organisation’s readiness for enter global markets..................11
7.2 Evaluation of the organisation’s infrastructure maturity for globalisation...........11
7.3 Review of how the organisation’s workforce would adapt to globalisation........11
8. Networking Issues (Social Networks / Wed 2.0 / IR 4.0).........................................12
8.1 Review of the organisation’s presence in social networks and media...............12
8.2 Review of the organisation’s use of the Internet for business purposes............12
8.3 Review of the organisation’s practices aligned towards IR 4.0...........................12
9. Agile Approach to MIS.................................................................................................13
9.1 Overview of agile approaches in deployment of MIS...........................................13
9.2 Introduction of an operational plan for transforming current practices...............13
9.3 Description of measurable key performance indicators for the agile MIS
approach........................................................................................................................... 13
10. Impact of Information Systems on Society (ethics / privacy / security / CSR)......14
10.1 Reflection on the ethical impact of the organisation’s operations.....................14
10.2 Evaluation of the organisation’s current practices towards privacy / security /
safety................................................................................................................................. 14
10.3 Assessment of the organisation’s credo in relation to CSR..............................14
11. Intelligence and MIS (BI / AI / IE)...............................................................................16
11.1 Evaluation of the organisation’s maturity to integrate Business Intelligence. .16
11.2 Assessment of any opportunities for application of Artificial Intelligence
solutions............................................................................................................................ 16
11.3 Assessment of the organisation’s capacity to exploit Intelligent Environments
............................................................................................................................................ 16
12. Conclusions...................................................................................................................18
12.1 Summary of main suggestions for the organisation...........................................18
12.2 Identification of main constraints in applying proposed plans...........................18
12.3 Reflection on lessons learnt for the members of the start-up............................18
Appendix A – Interview questions.....................................................................................19
Appendix B – Individual reflection.....................................................................................20
Member 1 – M00…… First Name, LAST NAME.........................................................20
Member 2 – M00…… First Name, LAST NAME.........................................................22
Member 3 – M00…… First Name, LAST NAME.........................................................24

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Appendix C – Further evidence.........................................................................................26

References........................................................................................................................... 27

Group __ (your group number)

0. Introduction
Add text here…

This could act as an executive summary that can be a few lines describing the scope
of the entire report.

0.1 Introduction of your consultancy start-up

Add text here…

In this section you need to describe your group as a consultancy firm, in realistic
role-playing style. You do not need more than 2-3 lines and emphasis should be
given on explaining that you are a group of MIS experts.

0.2 Presentation of each group member profile

Add text here…

In this section you should include a profile of every group member. This should
include the student number and name, as well as the corresponding sections that
they have participated in. Ideally each member should try to reflect on their own
professional profile that can be done after reviewing the four surveys available
through the GOAL system after you click the SURVEY tab. Example:

ID Name Sections VARK MBTI PAEI Belbin

M00…… First, LAST 2, 3 V ESFJ PaeI Plant

0.3 Description of the selected Case Study organisation

Add text here…

In this section you must present the case study organisation you have selected to
work for in a few lines. Make sure you include interesting facts of the organisation,
perhaps a general background of the sector it operates in and a brief history. Make
sure you include references to its mission and vision as well as any interesting
illustrations that will make the section more relevant.
Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

1. Strategic Management Principles

Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

1.1 Establishment of a robust strategic management process

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 1 and in particular slides 4-13.
Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

1.2 Conduct of the sector’s competitive analysis

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 1 and in particular slides 15-
25. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

1.3 Introduction of strategic leadership approach

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 1 and in particular slides 27-
31. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

2. Information Systems Types

Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

2.1 Overview of different types of information systems relevant to the

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 2 and in particular slides 4-11.
Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

2.2 Discussion of a suitable typology for classifying the organisation’s

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 2 and in particular slides 13-
19. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

2.3 Description of the organisation’s information system functions

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 2 and in particular slides 21-
34. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

3. Managing IT Projects
Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

3.1 Review of the core IT project management practices

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 3 and in particular slides 4-18.
Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

3.2 Creation of a project management plan

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 3 and in particular slides 19-
24. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

3.3 Identification of key work packages

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 3 and in particular slides 26-
47. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

4. Systems Development Models

Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

4.1 Review of appropriate systems development models

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 4 and in particular slides 4-14.
Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

4.2 Selection of the most suitable model for the organisation

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 4 and in particular slides 16-
29. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

4.3 Description of how the model will be implemented by the organisation

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 4 and in particular slides 31-
43. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

5. Digital Business Models

Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

5.1 Overview of appropriate digital models for the specific sector

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 5 and in particular slides 4-19.
Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

5.2 Description of an appropriate model that is in place at the organisation

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 5 and in particular slides 37-
47. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

5.3 Reflection on how the model is implemented and its impact on the
Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 5 and in particular slides 21-
35. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

6. Business Information Systems (ERP/CRM/SCM)

Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

6.1 Review of the organisation’s Business Information Systems

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 6 and in particular slides 4-12.
Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

6.2 Description of core business operations supported by these systems

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 6 and in particular slides 13-
59. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

6.3 Explanation of the infrastructure and resources required for these systems
Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 6 and in particular slides 13-
59. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

7. Globalisation Issues (marketplaces / infrastructure / workforce)

Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

7.1 Reflection on the organisation’s readiness for enter global markets

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 7 and in particular slides 4-24.
Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

7.2 Evaluation of the organisation’s infrastructure maturity for globalisation

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 7 and in particular slides 26-
49. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

7.3 Review of how the organisation’s workforce would adapt to globalisation

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 7 and in particular slides 51-
55. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

8. Networking Issues (Social Networks / Wed 2.0 / IR 4.0)

Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

8.1 Review of the organisation’s presence in social networks and media

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 8 and in particular slides 4-36.
Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

8.2 Review of the organisation’s use of the Internet for business purposes
Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 8 and in particular slides 38-
46. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

8.3 Review of the organisation’s practices aligned towards IR 4.0

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 8 and in particular slides 48-
56. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

9. Agile Approach to MIS

9.1 Overview of agile approaches in deployment of MIS


Through the agile approach Tesla may focus on better team collaboration and interaction
that minimise bureaucracy and making quick decisions,. Tesla may improve its adaptive
planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continuous improvement, and quick and
adaptable response in the dynamic market. Using an agile approach Tesla may improve a
culture of innovation and emerging new technologies. For making surety of product quality
and expense skill, Tesla focus on several operational measurement in their business.
Through this approach, it may adjust to the continuously changing market and quick
iterations. It can collaborate with functional teams and promote their responsibility and
create unity in the team.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

9.2 Introduction of an operational plan for transforming current practices


Operational plan Comprehensive technical and strategic concepts are translated into
detailed plans and actions. The operational plan emphasises overall scaling, talent retention,
data analysis, and document and formalise to give a detailed approach to transforming MIS
practice (Nyembe et al., 2023). Within the first phase first month to the third month, Tesla
required to create an organisation’s inner evaluation over its main business area by the

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

primary cross-functional team during delivering training in agile. The second phase starts
from the third month to the ninth month. At this time Tesla needs to develop the size
delivery team of cross-functional. It may allow decentralisation decision-making process. In
the final phase, Tesla needs to enhance the system of visualisation of self-service. For
development, It should employ quick feedback and measure utilisation.

9.3 Description of measurable key performance indicators for the agile MIS



For the agile MIS approach, it is necessary to measure key performance indicators and
evaluate the approach. To ensure quality Tesla requires to evaluate the rate of rejection and
defects on its products. To measure the agile MIS approach it also evaluates its time to
innovate the latest product or technology. It may measure the approach's effectiveness
through its financial position by using matrics' return on investment and market value of

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

share (Rouissi, 2022). It also measures through evaluating its cross-functional team
performance such as employee engagement.

10. Impact of Information Systems on Society (ethics / privacy / security / CSR)

10.1 Reflection on the ethical impact of the organisation’s operations


Tesla can measure the ethical effect of its business operation through sustainability
practices. It can measure its product’s emission of greenhouse gas report. It also measures
the ethical impact by evaluating its work environment. It may evaluate employee job
satisfaction and benefit packages (Tortorella et al., 2019). Tesla also evaluates ethical impact
by identifying whether consumer rights are met and ensuring the safe usage of its products.
It also measures it through providing stakeholder preferences and responsibility to them.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

10.2 Evaluation of the organisation’s current practices towards privacy /

security / safety


Tesla currently practices privacy current through getting overall information about the
driver like bio date, previous behaviour etc. It also provides safety through obtaining the
consent of its customers before getting data, and information from them. Tesco may
provide security by creating a skilled team that deals with overall cyber-related threats. It
also provides it through giving authority to the customer to control their account. Tesla may
provide safety by evaluating its vehicle’s rates of accidents to its competitors or other
manufacturer companies.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

10.3 Assessment of the organisation’s credo in relation to CSR


The credo of Tesla is to drive the world to renewable energy. All innovative vehicles produce
almost zero percent greenhouse gas and less polluted air which can reduce the impact of
their products on the environment. It emphasises the sustainable energy investment that
may reduce energy impact on the environment. Tesla practices sustainability by decreasing
waste, and fostering effectiveness of the energy. It also emphasizes social responsibility
through developing work environment, fostering diversity, and assisting the community.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

11. Intelligence and MIS (BI / AI / IE)

Add text here…

Reminder 1: Include figures, graphs tables and any other illustrations that will enrich
your discussion, either from the resources provided in the week folder or materials
that you have found during your own research. By including such material, you can
only refer to it and. Discuss how it applies on the case study, therefore significantly
reducing the word count of the report.

Reminder 2: Make sure you reflect on your selected case study organisation and
relate any discussion to specific aspects of the organisation in your role as

Reminder 3: Emphasise in your discussion aspects of MIS and avoid to focus only
on business aspects. The report requires you to make suggestions how the case
study organisation should embrace and exploit the technologies discussed in each
section. Consider how to use the content your group uploaded on the Wiki.

11.1 Evaluation of the organisation’s maturity to integrate Business

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 11 and in particular slides 4-
17. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

11.2 Assessment of any opportunities for application of Artificial Intelligence

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 11 and in particular slides 20-
34. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

11.3 Assessment of the organisation’s capacity to exploit Intelligent

Add text here…

Note: This section relates to content covered in week 11 and in particular slides 36-
45. Use the theoretical underpinnings from the lectures and apply them to your case
study. Do not explain the theories and models as this is will take up too many words
and is not going to offer you any extra grades.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

12. Conclusions
Add text here…

In this section you must provide a very brief summary of a couple of lines for your

12.1 Summary of main suggestions for the organisation

Add text here…

In this section you should provide one suggestion per topic/section for your case
study organisation. What should their next actions be with regards to each topic?

12.2 Identification of main constraints in applying proposed plans

Add text here…

In this section you should identify the main obstacles in implementing the
suggestions you made in the previous sub-section.

12.3 Reflection on lessons learnt for the members of the start-up

Add text here…

In this section you should briefly discuss the key lessons your group learnt during the
project with emphasis on those aspects you would change for your next project.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Appendix A – Interview questions

A list of at least 20 questions for an interview with a strategic manager of the

1. Add text here…? (focus on topic 1)

2. Add text here…? (focus on topic 1)
3. Add text here…? (focus on topic 2)
4. Add text here…? (focus on topic 2)
5. Add text here…? (focus on topic 3)
6. Add text here…? (focus on topic 3)
7. Add text here…? (focus on topic 4)
8. Add text here…? (focus on topic 4)
9. Add text here…? (focus on topic 5)
10. Add text here…? (focus on topic 5)
11. Add text here…? (focus on topic 6)
12. Add text here…? (focus on topic 6)
13. Add text here…? (focus on topic 7)
14. Add text here…? (focus on topic 7)
15. Add text here…? (focus on topic 8)
16. Add text here…? (focus on topic 8)
17. Add text here…? (focus on topic 9)
18. Add text here…? (focus on topic 9)
19. Add text here…? (focus on topic 10)
20. Add text here…? (focus on topic 10)
21. Add text here…? (focus on topic 11)
22. Add text here…? (focus on topic 11)

Note: You can use the titles of the sub-sections as guidance for coming up with
suitable questions. You should ensure that you include questions for each topic,
meaning that you should aim to have around two questions per topic. The above list
is an example of you could organise your questions.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Appendix B – Individual reflection

ATTENTION: This section is critical in order to obtain your individual portfolio grades.
It should contain individual reflection statements from each group member including
their contribution and personal views on the report sections. Below is an example of
what is required from each member. Include the same information, following the
same structure for each member.

Member 1 – M00…… First Name, LAST NAME

Add text here…

You should start your personal reflection with reference to your profile obtained from
the four surveys available through the GOAL system after you click the SURVEY tab.
If you have completed any of these surveys you will have sufficient information to
reflect with respect to your own:

 Learning style – VARK survey available at
 Personality type – MBTI survey available at
 Teamwork approach – PAEI survey available at
 Team role – Belbin survey available at

Alternatively, you may choose to discuss your personal reflection based on your own
views, or other sources of information. Please make sure you discuss each one of
the following sections.

Reflection – Learning Style

Add text here… (e.g. the way I learn is usually…., its impact on this report was…).

Reflection – Personality Type

Add text here… (e.g. as a persona I am…., which showed in this work as…).

Reflection – Teamwork approach

Add text here… (e.g. when I am in a team…., so for this group report I…).

Reflection – Team role

Add text here… (e.g. usually in a team my role is to…., in this case…).

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

You should also provide your reflection on each of the topics covered in the report.
Although you may have worked primarily on specific sections as part of your
individual work you should have discussed each topic on weekly blogs. Consider
how to use the content you uploaded on your blog for each of the following sections.

Topic 1 – Strategic Management Principles

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 1)

Topic 2 – Information Systems Types

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week2)

Topic 3 – Managing IT Projects

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 3)

Topic 4 – Systems Development Models

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 4)

Topic 5 – Digital Business Models

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 5)

Topic 6 – Business Information Systems (ERP/CRM/SCM)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 6)

Topic 7 – Globalisation Issues (marketplaces / infrastructure / workforce)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 7)

Topic 8 – Networking Issues (Social Networks / Wed 2.0 / IR 4.0)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 8)

Topic 9 – Agile Approach to MIS

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 9)

Topic 10 – Impact of Information Systems on Society (ethics / privacy / security /


Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 10)

Topic 11 – Intelligence and MIS (BI / AI / IE)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 11)

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Member 2 – M00…… First Name, LAST NAME

Add text here…

You should start your personal reflection with reference to your profile obtained from
the four surveys available through the GOAL system after you click the SURVEY tab.
If you have completed any of these surveys you will have sufficient information to
reflect with respect to your own:

 Learning style – VARK survey available at
 Personality type – MBTI survey available at
 Teamwork approach – PAEI survey available at
 Team role – Belbin survey available at

Alternatively, you may choose to discuss your personal reflection based on your own
views, or other sources of information. Please make sure you discuss each one of
the following sections.

Reflection – Learning Style

Add text here… (e.g. the way I learn is usually…., its impact on this report was…).

Reflection – Personality Type

Add text here… (e.g. as a persona I am…., which showed in this work as…).

Reflection – Teamwork approach

Add text here… (e.g. when I am in a team…., so for this group report I…).

Reflection – Team role

Add text here… (e.g. usually in a team my role is to…., in this case…).

You should also provide your reflection on each of the topics covered in the report.
Although you may have worked primarily on specific sections as part of your
individual work you should have discussed each topic on weekly blogs. Consider
how to use the content you uploaded on your blog for each of the following sections.

Topic 1 – Strategic Management Principles

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 1)

Topic 2 – Information Systems Types

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week2)

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Topic 3 – Managing IT Projects

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 3)

Topic 4 – Systems Development Models

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 4)

Topic 5 – Digital Business Models

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 5)

Topic 6 – Business Information Systems (ERP/CRM/SCM)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 6)

Topic 7 – Globalisation Issues (marketplaces / infrastructure / workforce)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 7)

Topic 8 – Networking Issues (Social Networks / Wed 2.0 / IR 4.0)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 8)

Topic 9 – Agile Approach to MIS

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 9)

Topic 10 – Impact of Information Systems on Society (ethics / privacy / security /


Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 10)

Topic 11 – Intelligence and MIS (BI / AI / IE)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 11)

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Member 3 – M00…… First Name, LAST NAME

Add text here…

You should start your personal reflection with reference to your profile obtained from
the four surveys available through the GOAL system after you click the SURVEY tab.
If you have completed any of these surveys you will have sufficient information to
reflect with respect to your own:

 Learning style – VARK survey available at
 Personality type – MBTI survey available at
 Teamwork approach – PAEI survey available at
 Team role – Belbin survey available at

Alternatively, you may choose to discuss your personal reflection based on your own
views, or other sources of information. Please make sure you discuss each one of
the following sections.

Reflection – Learning Style

Add text here… (e.g. the way I learn is usually…., its impact on this report was…).

Reflection – Personality Type

Add text here… (e.g. as a persona I am…., which showed in this work as…).

Reflection – Teamwork approach

Add text here… (e.g. when I am in a team…., so for this group report I…).

Reflection – Team role

Add text here… (e.g. usually in a team my role is to…., in this case…).

You should also provide your reflection on each of the topics covered in the report.
Although you may have worked primarily on specific sections as part of your
individual work you should have discussed each topic on weekly blogs. Consider
how to use the content you uploaded on your blog for each of the following sections.

Topic 1 – Strategic Management Principles

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 1)

Topic 2 – Information Systems Types

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week2)

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Topic 3 – Managing IT Projects

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 3)

Topic 4 – Systems Development Models

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 4)

Topic 5 – Digital Business Models

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 5)

Topic 6 – Business Information Systems (ERP/CRM/SCM)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 6)

Topic 7 – Globalisation Issues (marketplaces / infrastructure / workforce)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 7)

Topic 8 – Networking Issues (Social Networks / Wed 2.0 / IR 4.0)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 8)

Topic 9 – Agile Approach to MIS

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 9)

Topic 10 – Impact of Information Systems on Society (ethics / privacy / security /


Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 10)

Topic 11 – Intelligence and MIS (BI / AI / IE)

Add text here… (focus on slides, articles and Individual GOALs from Week 11)

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

Appendix C – Further evidence

In this appendix you may include any additional information you wish to include in
your report that will not be included in the word count.

Group __ (your group number)

Case Study: The name of the organisation you worked on

[1] Add text here…
[2] Add text here…
[3] Add text here…

Note: You can use this appendix to include all the references you used in your

Group __ (your group number)

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