The Linchpin - Bill - S Summary

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Table of Contents

1) Foreword by Steve J. Larsen

2) The Linchpin
3) Continuity
4) The MIFGE
5) The Attractive Character Flywheel
6) Dramatic Demonstration #1
7) Dramatic Demonstration #2
8) The Linchpin Value Ladder
9) Your Next Step

Foreword by Steve J. Larsen

- Made $8 Million in sales but business only worth $500K
- "Mr. Larsen, you have no recurring revenue and YOU are the business."
- Mentioned that " I didn't have a business; I had a promotion."

- The real problem: Forgot about little "continuity arrows" and instead just drew
more rungs on the ladder.
- The Linchpin guides the entrepreneur's visionary thoughts into a productive
revenue model and ensures that all ideas anchor back to solving real business
- The Linchpin solves: Daily Cash Flow & Daily Lead Flow
- "Truly, cash flow is king."
- Focusing on continuity dramatically increase customer experience
- "The Linchpin is about creating one theme that your offers all attach to"
Chapter 1 - The Linchpin
(The Simple, Overlooked Secret In My Funnels That Took
Clickfunnels From Startup To 9 Figures A Year...
(In Just 3 Short Years))

- A business model all coaching clients inside 2CCX Coaching Program follows, a
model all Russell Brunson's Inner Circle members implements, a model all of RB
companies follows
- "if something doesn't fit into this Linchpin model, then we don't do it. Yes, it's that

- Moving The Location of the SLO (Self-Liquidating Offer)

- SLO is a low-priced offer on the thank-you page (often $37-$97) after somebody
gives you their email address and is created to help liquidate your ad costs
- Examples of RB's SLO below:
- The Traditional SLO

- Only making money whenever RB did a webinar and Todd Dickerson wasn't happy
with it (he wanted to build up a company with residual, recurring income)

- Todd Dickerson's idea:

"What if, instead of putting a $37 SLO on the thank you page... What if we put a free
14-day trial on the thank you page instead and encouraged people to create a free
trial BEFORE the webinar started... And our new goal was to see HOW MANY
TRIALS we could give away during the sign up process.
If we did that, and our goal was trials, then we could start to look at the $997 offer as
the SLO! Every penny we make from the $997 offer, we dump back into ads to get
more people to register for the webinar and create free trials!"

- What RB did afterwards...

- RB's Funnel Process
- Results from implementing The Linchpin

-"I saw the power of monthly recurring revenue. Sure, the webinar sales created a
chunk of cash flow... But the REAL MONEY was made in the continuity"
- Quoting Dan Kennedy: “Ultimately, the business that can spend the most to
acquire a customer wins.”
- The Linchpin Model enabled RB to outspend every other business in his industry
- Quoting Steve J. Larsen: “The Linchpin is basically the Value Ladder with rules.”
- The Linchpin Framework: Helps structure the offers in your Value Ladder for
maximum profit and scalability. In other words, it's basically your Value Ladder with
- Create your own Linchpin Framework with the following 9 steps:

- Do not need to build out the entire Linchpin framework before launching it.
- Linchpin is the best way to scale your business because your SLO becomes what
everyone uses for their main source of business revenue.

Chapter 2 - Continuity
(Without CONTINUITY You Don't Have A Business)
- STEP 1: Create Your Continuity Or Subscription Program (You'll create a continuity
program to get paid on a recurring basis)
- Quoting David Grey: If you don't have continuity... Then you don't have a business
- "Every promotion's goal was no longer just to make some quick money, but instead
they were designed and orchestrated with one goal in mind: How do we get more
people into continuity or membership by creating this product or doing this event?"
- Quoting Bill Glazer: We're in the two-things business: the business of 'getting
members' and 'keeping members'
- Get people into your continuity program and help them stay. Continuity is the key!
- Should NOT sell lifetime access to your continuity

Types of Continuity Programs

(You can create just one continuity program or blend several together if you like)

1) Software - Clickfunnels
2) Print Newsletters - NO B.S Magnetic Marketing Print Newsletter
3) Supplements - Ladyboss
4) Membership Sites - Netflix
5) Box Of The Month Club - Mark Robert's Build Box
6) Other - Gyms and Amazon Prime (service-based)

- Examples of RB's Membership Sites

1) Magnetic Marketing
(Gold: $97/month / Diamond: $297/month)

2) Funnel Builder - > Two Comma Club X

(Funnel Builder: $1,000 - $2,000/Year)
(Certification: $997/month or $9,997/Year)
(Two Comma Club X: $2,500/month or $25,000/year)

3) Inner Circle
(Inner Circle: $50,000/year)
(Category Kings: $150,000/year)
(Atlas: $250,000/year)

What should you put into your membership site?

- Quoting Stu McLaren: "The #1 reason people leave memberships is because of
- The three selling opportunities: Repair, Improvement,and Replacement

1) Repair (fixing something that was broken): We're helping a member implement
the concept we taught in the masterclass
2) Improvement (making something a little better, faster, easier): We're helping
our members improve and become better inside the new opportunity
3) Replacement (replacing whatever they were doing with a new way of doing
something, that is the new opportunity): This is the BEST choice, and covered in
greater detail inside Expert Secrets
7 Core Elements to a successful continuity program and membership
site that will help your members find success and stay in your continuity.

1) New Opportunity
- You'll create a Success Path with your new opportunity (that is the framework that
produces your members' desired result).
2) Consumption
- You'll help your members consume the content by adding a members only podcast
3) Monthly Improvement
- You'll help your members improve each month by giving them a Masterclass
training on a certain topic from the Success Path and a Backstage Pass to show how
you're implementing that topic.
4) Monthly Repair
- You'll help your members fix what they implement from the Masterclass training in a
Member Makeover.
5) Library / Archive
- You'll help your members gain mastery by offering carefully curated deep-dive
training, courses, files, and templates in your library / archive.
6) Community
- You'll help your members gain connection by creating a group for them to talk to
each other.
7) Ascension
- You'll ascend your members into higher membership levels with you by inviting
them to join and ascend your Value Ladder.

Element 1: New Opportunity

- Quoting Brooke Castilo: Your framework is your map from where someone is to
the results they're trying to get. It's the step by step process you're taking someone

Element 2: Consumption
- "If your members don't consume your content, they won't stay for very long."

Element 3: Monthly Improvement

- What RB practices:
1) Masterclass: I teach a new concept each month in a 30-minute video
2) Backstage Pass: I show behind the scenes of what we're doing in regard to the
monthly masterclass topic

Element 4: Monthly Repair

- Help members fix something that is broken
- Member Makeover: Help members implement the concept correctly
- RB's gameplan:
1) Week 1 - Masterclass
2) Week 2 - Backstage Pass
3) Week 3 - Member Makeover
4) Week 4 - Implementation Week (Don't add content to week 4, let members caught

Element 5: Library / Archive

- Resources Section
- Note: This is NOT a place to dump every video, training, or file you've ever created.
The library should still be a carefully curated area of your best content
Element 6: Community
- Quoting Stu McLaren: People come for the content and stay for the community
- Help members connect and answer each other's questions

Element 7: Ascension
- Quoting Dan Kennedy & Bill Glazer: How do we get our members to ascend to
the next level so we can increase the amount of money every member spends over
- EG: After buying Magnetic Marketing, we added internal ascension into our
Magnetic Marketing brand.
1) Level 1 - Gold: $97/mo.
2) Level 2 - Diamond: $297/mo.

So, if you're a Gold member, you'll get sent to a landing page that will show you all
the amazing benefits of upgrading to a Diamond member.
Levels Of Continuity
- Quoting Russell Brunson: "People will spend more money for the same content
packaged in a different way"

Ideas to create more levels of Continuity:

- What's the core problem you solve for your dream customers?
- "Remember, the frameworks you teach remain the same, it's just HOW they
consume it that is different at each level"

- For Example, if you create 3 levels in your Continuity:

1) Level 1 (MIFGE): $97/Mo. (Do It Yourself)
They're going through your frameworks on their own. The continuity / membership
includes the training on your frameworks
2) Level 2 (Bulk Continuity + Offer): $297/mo.(In a Group Setting)
They get all the tools. They're going through the program and getting help from other

3) Level 3 (High-Ticket Offer):

1. $997/mo. (With Coaching)
They get the best service. They're fully supported with coaches, mentors, and
friends. At this level, you might decide to do Certification or a coaching group with

2. $2500/mo. (Exclusive Mastermind)

They get time with the Attractive Character plus hot seats and masterminding with
members at their same level. These usually have prerequisites in order to apply.
Examples based on your niche / type of company:

Chapter 3 - The MIFGE (Your MIFGE Builds Your Continuity)

- Create your MIFGE (Most Incredible Free Gift Ever):
You'll create an irresistible offer that includes a free trial of your continuity
- Definition of MIFGE:
* An offer so irresistible that someone is willing to try out your continuity program just
to get that free offer.
* It always includes continuity plus other bonuses.
* The bonuses can be digital and/or physical products, and the offer doesn't have to
be 100% free.
* EG: All digital that you can buy for $1 or $7, others that are free with $29.95
printing & shipping costs.

- MIFGE Examples: NO B.S. Letter

* Russell Brunson & Dan Kennedy put together both physical & digital products (plus
FREE 30-day trial of the NO B.S Letter)
* After the 30-day trial, they continue with their NO B.S Letter membership at just
* Results: Added 4000 new people; 4000 people x $97/month = $388K/Month &
- MIFGE Example: Your First Funnel
* Russell Brunson put together both physical & digital products (plus FREE 30-day
trial of ClickFunnels)
* After the 30-day trial, they continue with their ClickFunnels membership at just
* Results: Used to cost $150-$200/acquisition for a free trial. Upon applying MIFGE,
CPA dropped to $100/acquisition. ACV (average cart value) is over $100 per

- MIFGE Example:

* Russell Brunson put together a digital product (plus FREE 14-day trial of
* After the 14-day trial, they continue with their ClickFunnels membership at just
* Using MIFGE to ascend your members into higher levels of your membership
* EG: When someone upgrades from Magnetic Marketing's Gold Level ($97/month)
to Diamond Level ($297/month), they'll get a free physical copy of Dan Kennedy's
443-page Diamond Faxes book (the only place they can get that book)
* Results: Over 300+ people upgrade during launch week from $97/month to
$297/month to get Dan's Diamond Faces book as well as higher level of continuity
How To Create A MIFGE?
- MIFGE Hook: You'll create a hook to promote your MIFGE
- MIFGE Story: You'll develop a story about why the offer matters right now
- MIFGE Offer: You'll create an offer that includes your continuity + bonuses (digital
and/or physical)

- Create a hook to promote your MIFGE
- Refer to "Magnetic Marketing" hook; It's an irresistible offer, and you want to lead
with that right away
- Key Phrase: "All you have to do is say "MAYBE”” on the sales page; The key with
the MIFGE is to delay their decision to say "Yes" right now.
- Intention: Get your lead to say "Maybe", get a free gift, test drive it, and see if they
like it, and if they don't, they can cancel.
- Examples of RB's Favourite Phrases to use in the messaging on his MIFGE sales
- Develop a story about why the offer matters right now
- Use a story to put a spin on your MIFGE to help it convert.
- Few options that helps to tell a story about your MIFGE offer

- Why You Created The Offer

* EG: I'll be launching the Secrets of Success MIFGE which includes manuscripts no
one has ever seen before!
- Why You're Making The Offer Today
* You can use any holiday and create a promotion around it to make it feel urgent.

* Examples below:
- You'll create an offer that includes your continuity + bonuses (digital and/or
- Include a free 7-days, 14-days, or 30-days trial
- PRO TIP: Don't do forced continuity or put your continuity on upsells or order
bumps because most people don't read those carefully
- Use words like "subscribe" front and center so they know exactly what they're
signing up for.
* This is the fastest way to lose your merchant account, get upset customers, and
create ton of headaches
* Core issue on hand is to SELL CONTINUITY, so don't put it into the stack as a tiny
bullet point that no one will see.
* Talk about membership benefits and why someone would want to be a member.
* Show them the bonuses or bribes.
- Increase the value of the offer by adding a bunch of digital and/or physical products
to push them over the fence to join your continuity
- More doesn't mean better; You want to help them, not overwhelm them
- MIFGE offer shouldn't be a "complete" product; Quoting Ryan Deiss: "your MIFGE
should be useful, but incomplete"

- Examples of Digital Products

- Examples of Physical Products
(Your Attractive Character Flywheel Promotes Your MIFGE And
Dramatic Demonstration)
- 3 Core Steps In This Chapter
Step 1) Launch MIFGE using Internal Pressure Launch and Attractive Character
Step 2) Create your Dramatic Demonstration #1 and fill your Dramatic
Demonstration #1
Step 3) Create your Dramatic Demonstration #2 and fill your Dramatic
Demonstration #2

- What is an Attractive Character?

* An Attractive Character is the front-facing personality behind the brand, and you
need an Integrator / Operator who can manage all the behind-the-scenes parts
* The Attractive Character: Responsible for creating all the content in the member's
areas, running challenges and webinars, selling the MIFGE, and making videos
* The Integrator / Operator: Responsible for all the technical aspects of the
business, including building the funnels, creating the ads, managing the sales, and
creating the structure for the business.


* Step 1) Find a Hot Market - > Step 2) Ask Them What They Want - > Step 3) Give
It To Them
* Best way to do this is to follow this 30-days plan to launch your offer to the world:
1) Week 1: List Building (Prepare Yourself to Catch Them) - Curate your personal
page on Facebook and create a "Coming Soon" page.
2) Week 2 (Days 5-14): List Building (Be Awesome) - Create valuable posts and
answer questions in Facebook groups
3) Week 3: Pre-Launch - Increase the desire for your MIFGE and continue to build
up your early bird list.
4) Week 4: Launch - Launch your MIFGE to your list and social media channels

- Pro Tip: Internal Pressure Launch can be used to launch any offer.
Week 1: List Building (Prepare Yourself to Catch Them) -
Curate your personal page on Facebook and create a
"Coming Soon" page.

- Change Your Cover Photo On Your Facebook Personal Page

* Your personal page isn't a place to spam your friends and family with business
content, but definitely is a place to tell the world who you are and what you're doing
in business.
* The best place to do that is in your Facebook cover photo.

- Create A Coming Soon Page

* Make sure your headline and sub-headline share the benefits that your MIFGE will
give them.
* NOTE: This is not a lead magnet, so there's nothing you're giving them yet.
* They're just opting in so they get notified first when you launch your MIFGE

- Add a Link On Your Facebook Page To Your Coming Soon Page

* On this page, you'll start collecting email addresses that you can later promote to.

- Change Your Bio To Match Your Positioning Statement

* Use this format: "I help (niche) to (result) through (new opportunity)"

- Start Posting Consistently

* Create social media posts that are relevant to your MIFGE and post consistently
(minimum 3X/week; ideally daily) on your personal page
* Tell your story (in a text post or on Facebook Live) then end with a call to action for
them to opt in to your Coming Soon Page.

- Join 5-10 Groups (Each With At Least 100K People)

* Search Facebook for the topic that your MIFGE is about and join the top groups.
Week 2 (Days 5-14): List Building (Be Awesome) -
Create valuable posts and answer questions in Facebook groups.

- Provide Value In The Facebook Groups

* Post valuable content, answer 3 questions per group (that have a lot of comments
in it already), and start having conversations.
* DO NOT sell anything.
* Additional benefit being it allows you to text out your hooks and see what lands.
Week 3: Pre-Launch - Increase the desire for your MIFGE and
continue to build up your early bird list.

- 5-days email sequence that will get them primed to buy!

- Create a Facebook Post daily and send out an email to your list based on the
content below
- On Days 4-5, post on all other social media channels and lists.

Day 1: Ask Them What They Want

* Say something like: "I'm working on this project. You've probably seen my posts
sharing about it. I have _____ coming out soon, and I'm very excited.

I want to make sure this is the best thing in the world. So, what do you want me to
make sure I cover in it so you get all your questions answered and it's exactly what
you need?

What's your number one question or concern about ____?

* Be sure to be as specific as possible (a niche within a niche within a niche) to get
the best engagement on your post.

Day 2: "Oh My Gosh!"

* Thank them for all the responses you got back, and let them know you're going to
go add it all into the new offer you're creating

Day 3: Hold Me Accountable

* Say that you need them to hold you accountable because you want to launch it the
next week and you need their help to complete it.
* Invite them to get on the early bird list (that is on the Coming Soon page) if they
aren't already so they can get access to the offer a day before anyone else.
* To get them on both platforms, your email should link to your Facebook Post (tell
them to comment "I'M IN" on the post so it holds you accountable), while your
Facebook Post should have a link to join your early bird email list.

Day 4: Early Bird

* Remind them to get on the early bird list.

Day 5: Closing Early Bird List

* Remind them to jump on your early bird list because you're closing it at the end of
the night.
Visual Representation Below:

Week 4: Launch - Launch your MIFGE to your list and

social media channels.

- 6-Days email sequence to push them off the fence and into your customer list!
- With the exception of Day 1, create a Facebook Post and send out an email to all of
your social media channels and your lists

Day 1: Early Bird Launch

* Send an email only to your early bird list, letting them know they can get your
MIFGE now, 24 hours before everyone else, because they're an early bird.
Day 2: Official Launch!
* Promote your MIFGE to everyone. (Include your early bird list for this and each of
the days below)

Day 3: Why...
* Answer the question: "Why are you doing this?"
* They might wonder why you're giving it free when you could sell it for $1,000. Let
them know you're giving it away for free because you want them to be part of your
membership, so you thought you would just give it to them for free so they could find
success quicker

Day 4: Facts & Figures

* All of the emotional buyers bought on Days 1-3, so now it's time to explain logically
why they should buy it now.

Day 5: Closing Cart

* Quoting Kevin Richards, COO of ClickFunnels: "The only reason we open the cart
is so we can close the cart"
* Let them know that you're closing the cart soon because it's time for you to go help
everyone who joined, and you'd love to help them, too.

Day 6: Last Call!

* Whatever sales you make on Day 1, you'll usually match on the last day.
* Be sure to bombard your lists and social media channels at least 3x on the last day
Visual Representation Below:

The Attractive Character Flywheel

- A flywheel is "a heavy, revolving wheel that stores kinetic energy to increase the
machine's momentum and provide greater stability" if power interruptions occur.
- In the case of ClickFunnels, it's a proven process to get consistent traffic into your
funnel even when your traffic sources might change over time or even go away.
- At any moment, Facebook or Google or YouTube can decide to shut down your ads
or ban your account, and you need to have enough momentum already created from
as many traffic sources as possible that you can ride out any ups and downs in the
- Start building traffic right now for the future.
Parts of the Flywheel
1) Daily Emails
- Create daily email to stay in connection and communication with your list
2) Dream 100 / Collabs
- Do joint ventures, partnerships, and collaborations with others who have a list
3) Organic Content (Twitter/Reels/TikTok/Shorts)
- Create short, organic content to increase your chances for semi-viral and viral
4) Attractive Character Ads
- Create content as the Attractive Character to turn into paid ads.
5) Your Show (Blog, Vlog, Podcast)
- Publish consistently to keep your followers warm

Daily Emails - Create daily email to stay in connection and

communication with your list

2 suggested types of email sequences

1) Soap Opera Sequence
- Use emails to tell a story to connect with our followers
- The key is to always include a hook at the end of each email that sets you for the
next day's email, hook them with a cliffhanger, and entices them to open up your
email the next day to keep reading.
- Each email closes the loop from the day before and opens a new loop that won't be
closed until the next day
- At any given time, your customers/leads should partake in a 3-5 days Soap Opera
Sequence which warms them up and invites them to take that next step of your value

- Examples Below:
* When someone joins your list: Send them emails thanking them, welcoming
them, and inviting them to take their next step with you.
* When someone opts in for a product funnel: Send a specific email sequence
designed to help them buy after a set number of days
* When someone buys a product: Send them emails thanking them, giving them
access to what they bought, and inviting them to take their next step with you

For your offers, you should create (at a minimum) a Soap Opera Sequence for:
* When someone joins your list (be sure to invite them to buy the offer)
* When someone buys your offer (after you give them access, you can ascend them
to your next offer)
2) Seinfeld Emails
- AFTER they completed all our Soap Opera Sequence emails, they drop into our
daily broadcast emails.
- Send an email daily with an invitation to take an action to your offer at the bottom of
every email
- Encouraged to write email daily (3-5 times per week) and push them to your offer
- Money is in the list; Prioritise building your email list so you own your own traffic
Dream 100 / Collabs - Do joint ventures, partnerships, and
collaborations with others who have a list

- Who has the attention of my dream customers... And how do I get in front of them?
- Important to think and find out who is most likely to promote our offer.
- It's a numbers game; You might reach out to 100 people, have 30 that say they will,
and 10 actually promote.
- Just because someone has a huge audience doesn't mean their collaboration will
result in huge sales for you; Audience might not be a good fit, might not be
conditioned to buy, influencer might not promote in the way you hoped they would.
- Sometimes smaller influencers have a better relationship with their followers and
turn out to be the best partners.
- If you're unable to get any partnership, that's okay as you can always buy ads and
target your Dream 100's followers.
Organic Content (Twitter/Reels/TikTok/Shorts) -
Create short, organic content to increase your chances for
semi-viral and viral posts.

- Model Alex Hormozi's framework to get maximum engagement and exposure (he
gets 50k-60k+ per content)
1) Test your hooks on Twitter first.
2) The ones that get the most engagement become your content inspiration, so you
take that hook and film yourself talking about it for 15-20 minutes.
3) Then take that long-form content and post on:
- YouTube, Podcast, Blog
4) Then cut up each of the long-form content into at least 5 short, 15-30 second
video clips and post on:
- YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok, LinkedIn
Your Show (Blog, Vlog, Podcast) -
Publish consistently to keep your followers warm

- Publish on the platform you feel the most comfortable daily

1) If you're comfortable with writing, create a blog
2) If you're comfortable with speaking, create a podcast
3) If you're comfortable with being on camera, create a daily vlog
- If you film a vlog, you can publish the video, the audio as a podcast episode, and
transcribe it for a blog (3 in 1!)
- Quoting Russell Brunson: "if you publish everyday for a year, you won't have
money problems a year from now"
- Benefits of publishing consistently:
1) Gives you time to find your voice
2) Gives your audience time to find you

- Content ideas:
1) Document your journey - Talk about what you're doing that day to go toward
your goals.
2) Test out your stories - Try different hooks and endings and see which version of
your story lands best.
3) Answer questions - Each day you can answer one question your followers have.
When To Move Onto The Next Step Of The Linchpin Framework
- Publish daily and build your Attractive Character Flywheel so you can get more
traffic into your funnel(s).
- Evaluate your results, test things out, and improve it so you can get a higher ROI.
- Drive traffic using Facebook Ads and Social Media posts. Don't forget to add your
MIFGE offer to the thank-you pages of your current offers!

- Don't move on to the next step in the Linchpin framework until you're getting
consistent, repeatable sales in first your MIFGE, then your Bulk Continuity + Offer,
and finally your High-Ticket Offer

Chapter 5: Dramatic Demonstration #1 -

Your Dramatic Demonstration #1 (Challenge or Webinar)

Sells Your Bulk Continuity + Offer (Your SLO)

- You'll create an offer that includes free Bulk Continuity (usually 6 or 12 months)...
Then create a challenge or webinar to sell your Bulk Continuity + Offer (plus you'll
put your MIFGE on the thank you page of your challenge or webinar to get more
- After you launch your MIFGE, you're ready to create your Bulk Continuity + Offer
and your Dramatic Demonstration #1 & remember, your Bulk Continuity + Offer will
be the offer in the middle of your Value Ladder, and it'll fill your Level 2 Continuity.
Foundational Principle of what defines an Offer
- From a Product to an Offer: Quoting Dan Kennedy - " There is no strategic
advantage of being the second lowest price leader in town, but there is a huge
strategic advantage of being the most expensive"
- If you fight on price, you lose your margins, you can't pay for advertising, you can't
pay for and hire the best team, and you can't provide the value your dream
customers deserve.
- Build an offer that is perceived as inexpensive to those customers because you've
created so much value (and a lot of times the price is more expensive than the
competition), then you're able to serve them at the highest level.
- De-commoditize what you're selling, or in other words, add more products or
services to what you're selling so it's no longer a commodity.. It's now an offer.
- An Offer is a stack of digital and/or physical goods and/or services that will help
your dream customers get better results than if they only bought the product.
- Add more value than anyone else and no one else can compete on price because
they can't sell a similar offer as you.

- Generally, the goal of any offer is to:

1) Increase the perceived value of what is being sold
2) Make the thing being sold unique to you and only available within this special

Bulk Continuity + Offer

- Your Bulk Continuity + Offer is your new Self-Liquidating Offer (SLO), so all the
money you make on this step is meant to go back into ads.
- The first item in your offer stack is your Bulk Continuity offered for free when they
invest in your offer.
- Say something like: "We'll give you ___ months of ___ for FREE, when you invest
in this ____. Plus, you'll get this bonus, and this bonus, and this bonus" (Then the
continuity will renew at the monthly (of yearly) rate after the bulk period has ended)
Example: OFFER - An example of Russell Brunson's offer stack for the
ClickFunnels offer.

- When you create your Bulk Continuity + Offer:

* Three, six, or twelve months FREE of your Bulk Continuity
* A training component for them to learn how to be successful with the continuity /
product / service (like a course, training, challenge, or program)
* Bonuses that will help them find success (like tools, contracts, legal documents,
sales scripts, or templates)
Dramatic Demonstration #1 - After you create your Bulk
Subscription + Offer, you'll need to create a
Dramatic Demonstration to sell it.

- Definition: A Dramatic Demonstration is an event that is so "loud" that eventually

everyone in your marketplace will hear about your offer.
- RB's favourite Dramatic Demonstration funnel: Challenge Funnel and Webinar
1) Reason #1: Both have a free registration page and time between when they
register and when they start going through the live training
2) Reason #2: Gap in time makes the first MIFGE possible, then sets you up during
the training to make your second MIFGE offer, your Bulk Continuity + Offer.

- Encouraged to run a new challenge or webinar every quarter; Simply change the
hook and teach a different topic or training to help your challengers get different
results and/or overcome a different limiting belief.

- Key to structure your presentation:

1) In just 90 minutes (for a webinar) or 5 days (for a challenge), create a desire for
the thing you want to sell... Build up the perceived value SO HIGH within that short
2) Create a "through-line": every step, every slide, every moment of your Dramatic
Demonstration is architected to get someone to buy your product or service.
The Perfect Webinar Framework (Dived Deeper In Experts Secrets)
1) Origin Story + New Opportunity + Vehicle False Beliefs
-> Origin Story: Tell the story of how you discovered the new opportunity
-> New Opportunity: Show them the new opportunity (that is the vehicle)
-> Vehicle False Beliefs: They want the result, but they're unsure the vehicle will
help them achieve it, so you have to help them overcome their vehicle's false beliefs.

2) Internal False Beliefs

-> They want that new opportunity, but they're not sure if they can be successful, so
you have to help them overcome their internal false beliefs.

3) External False Beliefs

-> Even if they do believe they can do it, they'll blame someone or something else as
the reason why they won't be successful, so you have to help them overcome their
external false beliefs

4) Stack & Close

-> Stack: Show them everything they get with the offer, stacking all the products on
top of each other to increase the value, then show the real price to surprise them.
-> Close: Add urgency and scarcity so they have to buy now to get the best offer.

5) Logic Repitch
-> Use price comparisons and other tools to show that what they're getting is a great
-> Use that time to answer any frequently asked questions that usually come up (I.e.
More objections and false beliefs)
Using The Perfect Webinar In A Webinar
Using "The Perfect Webinar" In A Challenge

Put The MIFGE On The Thank You Page

- Here's how you can promote your MIFGE on the thank you page:
* Webinar: "On the webinar, I'm going to show you how to ___. So, click on the
button below to get a free __-day trial of ____. Check it out, then on the webinar I'll
show you how to find success with it. At the end, if you decide you don't like it, you
can cancel it... "

* Challenge - Wrap the MIFGE offer into a "VIP Upgrade" for the challenge:
"Get a free ___-day trial of _____ when you upgrade, and you'll get a free VIP
upgrade, too, so you can have lifetime access to the recordings plus be part of our
VIP-only Q&A Sessions on Zoom so you can ask our speakers any of your

- Challenge or webinar is crucial for your members to go through so they STICK in

your membership
- Objective: Overcome members limiting beliefs, give them confidence they can be
successful with your continuity program, educate them about your continuity will
solve their problems, and indoctrinate them into your culture.

- The very act of going through your challenge or webinar will help those who got
your MIFGE to STAY longer in your continuity, and those who didn't get your MIFGE
to BUY your Bulk Subscription + Offer and STAY longer, too.

Examples Of Dramatic Demonstration #1

* Webinar For A Dramatic Demonstration #1
- Here's an example of one of our Webinar Funnel:
1) Webinar Registration Page: They registered for the webinar
2) Webinar Thank You Page: After registering, they could get a free 2-week trial of
ClickFunnels (that is the MIFGE) while they waited for the webinar to start
3) Webinar Offer: They attended the webinar and some signed up for the Bulk
Continuity + Offer
4) Trial-ers and Bulk Buyers Continue on Continuity:
-> Trial-ers were put into our Level 1 Continuity, and some continued at $97/mo. after
their free 14-day trial ended.
-> Bulk buyers were put into our level 1 Continuity, and some continued at $297/mo.
after their bulk 6-month membership ended.
* Challenge For A Dramatic Demonstration #1
1) Challenge Registration Page: They registered for the challenge.
2) Challenge Thank You Page: After registering, they could get a VIP Upgrade to
get a free 30-day trial of ClickFunnels (that is the MIFGE) while they waited for the
challenge to start
3) Challenge Offer: They attended the challenge and some signed up for the Bulk
Continuity + Offer.
4) Trial-ers And Bulk Offer Continue On Continuity:
-> Trial-ers were put into our Level 1 Continuity, and some continued at $97/month
after their free 30-day trial ended
-> Bulk buyers were put into our Level 1 Continuity, and some contid at $297/month
after their bulk 12-month membership ended.
Chapter 6: Dramatic Demonstration #2 -
Your Dramatic Demonstration #2 (Live Or Virtual Event) Sells Your
High-Ticket Offer

- Create a High-Ticket Offer (that includes Bulk Continuity + more)...

- Create a virtual or live event to sell your High-Ticket Offer.
- High-Ticket Offer will be the offer in the back end of your Value Ladder, and it'll fill
your Level 3 continuity.
- Using Funnel Hacking LIVE as an example:
1) 1st Year: Just shy of $1 million dollars
2) 2nd Year: $1 million dollars
3) 3rd Year: Almost nothing (1,500 people; lost money at the event)
4) 4th Year: $12 million dollars

From loss to $12 million dollars, what changed?

1) Hired Bari Baumgardner & Blue Melnick from SAGE Event Management
2) They created a through-line for the event so that every step, every slide, and
every moment of our Dramatic Demonstration would be be perfectly architected to
get someone to buy our products and services at the end

High-Ticket Offer (By Bari Baumgardner)

- If you're nervous about selling something high ticket, just remember that sales is
- If you can serve hard, you can sell easy.
- Your "right-fit client" wants 2 things:
1) Speed
2) Hand-Holding
- Your HTO should have both; Take your LTO that has content and introduce a HTO
to better serve your client.

Proven Path In Action

- How to create a HTO or event:
1) Problem: The problem your client has
2) Solution: How you'll solve your client's problem
3) Mindset: The mindset your client needs to have in order to overcome the
problem. (They have to believe they can do it before they'll pay to do it)
- What you should create to ascend your client.. At the end of each step, simply ask:
"How many of you would like more?"..

1) And they'll likely say: "That's amazing. I'd like more."

2) Follow up with: "I thought you would. It just so happens I have a ____ coming
up. During it, we will ____. Would you like to join us for that?"

- This allows you to enrol them in your next offer, you're not creating new content;
you're just going deeper into the topics at each level and giving your clients a better
experience at each high level.
- Example of how to ascend your customers:
1) Challenge: High-level training so your clients can understand what could be
possible for them.
2) Course:
Week 1: Welcome Week
Week 2-7: Deep dive into your training topics
Week 8: Graduation
3) 3-Day Event:
Day 1: Deep dive into Topic #1
Day 2: Deep dive into Topic #2
Day 3: Deep dive into Topic #3
4) High-Ticket Offer (Could be Mastermind, Coaching, Retreat):
Event 1: Retreat for Topic #1
Event 2: Retreat for Topic #2
Event 3: Retreat for Topic #3

In between the events: Facebook Group, Monthly Q&A, Hot Seat Deep-Dive Calls

Suggest to design HTO content FIRST, then design your 3-day event, course,
and challenge from it.
1) Should have a maximum of 4-6 things in your HTO
2) Price should be at least $5,000

Make sure your HTO has both of these elements:

1) ACE:
Accountability: Holding them accountable to make progress
Community: Getting support and hand-holding
Enhanced Opportunity: Bring more, doing more, having more, and making more.

2) RIM:
Repetition: A muscle you need to build
Immersion: Be immersed in a like-minded community where you're reminded every
day of success stories
Modelling Proven Practices: Don't reinvent the wheel

Choose elements for your HTO below (suggest one from each category and
possibly 2 more activities; for a total of 6 deliverables)
1) Activity: Workshop, immersion, retreat, event
2) Group: Facebook, Signal, Telegram, Circle
3) Support: Monthly Q&A
4) Monthly Content: Hot seats or laser coaching
Examples of Dramatic Demonstration #2
- Live Event For A Dramatic Demonstration #2

1) Live Event Sales Page: They registered for the live event
2) Live Event Offer: They attended the live event and some signed up for our
High-Ticket Offer to join our Two Comma Club X Coaching Program for $2,500/mo.
or $25,000/year.
3) High-Ticket Buyers Continue on Continuity: High-Ticket buyers were put into
Level 3 of our continuity, and some continued at $2,500/mo. after their year
membership ended.

Some of the things you can only do in person (and you should do!) are:
1) During the first presentation on Day 1:
- Share the IDENTITY of your dream customer and get them pumped to go on the
journey over the next several days.
- Create the identity, vision, and belief of where you are all going together during the
event, and help them feel worthy to take that calling.
- WATCH Russel Brunson's "Drifters vs. Driven" speech at FHL in 2022 on YouTube
as reference

2) At the end of the first night:

- Give your attendees an opportunity to donate to one of your favourite charities.
- This also teaches them the process of buying at a live event, so after you pitch,
they'll know how to buy your High Ticket Offer
3) If you're doing a 3-day event:
- Hold the award ceremony at the end of the first night, right after the charity drive.
- This creates a gap between where they are and where they want to be (on the
award stage next year!)
- It also creates desire to achieve the award, and the belief that they'll be more likely
to achieve it if they're coached (I.e. Join your High Ticket Offer)
4) Take pictures with the buyers after the pitch
- It increases sales dramatically

Virtual Event For A Dramatic Demonstration #2

1) Virtual Event Sales Page: They registered for the virtual event.
2) Virtual Event Offer: They attended the virtual event and some signed up for our
HTO to join our Two Comma Club X Coaching Program for $2,500/month or
3) High-Ticket Buyers Continue on Continuity: High-Ticket buyers were put into
Level 3 of our continuity, and some continued at $2,500/month after their
membership ended.
Why Do A Virtual Event?
1) For You:
- No hotel contracts
- No big AV bill or overhead
- You don't feel cash-poor
2) For Your Attendees:
- No hotel rooms
- No flights
- They don't feel cash-poor and are more likely to sign up for your programs

The Event Through-Line (By Bari Baumgardner)

- When you think of your "right fit client", consider these questions:
1) How badly do they need you right now?
2) How isolated do they feel?
3) What secrets do you have that they need to know?
4) How much easier would it be to share in a group setting?

3X3 PAG (Program At A Glance)

1) Day 1: SERVE
- Content: Give such good content at the beginning that they think, "That was worth
the whole event right there"
- Connection: Build a connection with you, the Attractive Character.
* Share your story with a charity and invite them to donate.
* Help them build a connection where they believe they can be successful with what
you're teaching
* They should think, "I thought it was impossible. Now I think I could do this."
- Community: Help them build a connection with each other. You could use
roundtable discussions.


- Pain: Give them more content, connection, and community, but after so many
ahas, they're feeling overwhelmed, unsure of how to get started, and they need your
* They feel a gap between where they are (feeling like they can do it) and where they
want to be (realising all that they need to do).
* They're feeling like they need support, troubleshooting, and hand-holding to find
- Solution: Introduce your product/service as the solution.
- Invitation: Invite them to get your HTO and explain that the solution is inside the
4-6 things you'll do together over the next 6-12 months


- Decision: It's your duty to help them get out of their own way and do what they're
meant to do.
* Tell them to go through all their notes and decide to do one thing differently
- Commitment: Tell them to commit to a day to start.
- Celebration: Tell them they should choose how they will celebrate.
* Then say, "If, in going through your decision to do one thing differently, committing
to a timeline to start, and choosing how you will celebrate, you've realised that you
need help, then my invitation is still here for you. Decide to join us. Commit by
putting a deposit down. And we're going to celebrate at the welcome celebration."
* You're celebrating that they invested in themselves and that they're not going it
alone anymore.
The SAGE 3-DAY WAY - Now let's take the 3x3 PAG and show you
how to plug each piece into your 3-day event.

- Your content will seed the deliverables of your offer, and the offer is presented with
the Trifecta below:
1) Day 1:
- Opening Keynote: Romance your audience
- Content: Foundations
- Meal Break (60 mins.)
- Content: Topic 1 (Part 1)
- Content: Topic 1 (Part 2)
- Meal Break (60 mins)
- Optional: Interactive to create community

2) Day 2:
- Keynote
- Content: Topic 2 (Part 1)
- Meal Break (60 min.)
- Content: Topic 2 (Part 2)
- Panel / Invitation (Trifecta)
* Success Panel for Social Proof
* Invitation to HTO
- Meal Enrollment Break (60 min.)
- Laser Coaching and Q&A (Trifecta)

3) Day 3:
- Heart Close (Trifecta)
- Help the logical buyer get out of their head and into their heart
- Let them know that the very reason they're saying they can't is the reason they
- "Your job is to make their reason not to... Their reason to" - Bari Baumgardner
- It must be in service to the whole room (serve first, sell second)

Overcoming Objections
* You don't have the time to do it? - That's why you must do it.
* You don't have the money? - That's why you must do it.
* Your spouse isn't supportive? - That's why you need us more than anyone
* You're afraid to do it? - Isn't it time to be done with that and start moving forward
because you know you're made for more.
* You're in shame and self-doubt because you didn't get it right? - Your past failure is
not a predictor of your future success.
- Content: Topic 3 (Part 1)
- Meal Break (60 min.)
- Content: Topic 3 (Part 2)
- Closing Session
- Essentially, your HTO is just another type of MIFGE like your other offers, you'll add
so much value into your HTO that it'll be irresistible.
- For instance: when customers invest in Funnel Builder Certification or Two
Comma Club X Coaching Program, they get 6 months of ClickFunnels Platinum for
FREE (Plus an Agency account while their certification is active)

Offer Stack for Funnel Builder Certification Program

Offer Stack for Two Comma Club X Coaching Program

- When designing any offer, remember to include continuity in all 3 of your

offer: MIFGE, Bulk Continuity + Offer, and High-Ticket Offer.
Chapter 7: The Linchpin Value Ladder -
From A Framework To A Value Ladder... Putting It All Together

Stage 1: The MIFGE (Steps 1-3)

1) Create Your Continuity Or Subscription Program: Create a continuity program to
get paid on a recurring basis
2) Create Your MIFGE (Most Incredible Free Gift Ever): Create an irresistible offer
that includes a free trial of your continuity
3) Launch Your MIFGE To The World: Use the Attractive Character Flywheel to sell
your MIFGE
Stage 2: Dramatic Demonstration #1 (Steps 4-6)
4) Create Your Bulk Continuity + Offer: Create an offer that includes free Bulk
Continuity (usually 6 or 12 months)
5) Create Your Dramatic Demonstration #1: Create a challenge or webinar to sell
your Bulk Continuity + Offer (Plus you'll put your MIFGE on the thank you page of
your challenge or webinar to get more members)
6) Launch Your Dramatic Demonstration #1 To The World: Use the Attractive
Character Flywheel to fill your Dramatic Demonstration #1

Stage 3: Dramatic Demonstration #2 (Steps 7-9)

7) Create Your High-Ticket Offer: Create a High-Ticket Offer (that includes Bulk
Continuity + more)
8) Create Your Dramatic Demonstration #2: Create a virtual or live event to sell your
High-Ticket Offer.
9) Launch Your Dramatic Demonstration #2 To The World: Use your Attractive
Character Flywheel to fill your Dramatic Demonstration #2

Using ClickFunnels Linchpin Value Ladder as an example:

Chapter 8: Your Next Step -
Want Help Creating Your Linchpin Value Ladder?

- Apply to be part of this exclusive group at

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