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Pathology literally translates to the study of suffering

(Greek pathos = suffering, logos = study);
- More prosaically, the term pathology is
invoked to represent the study of disease.
Germane to this opening chapter.
- Virchow coined the term cellular pathology to
emphasize the basic tenet that all diseases
originate at the cellular level. Thus, modern
pathology is basically the study of cellular
The major classes of functional non–protein-coding
abnormalities. Therefore, diseases and the
sequences found in the human genome are the following:
underlying mechanisms are best understood
o Promoter and enhancer regions that provide
in the context of normal cellular structure and
binding sites for transcription factors • Binding
sites for factors that organize and maintain
higher order chromatin structures.
GENOME o Noncoding regulatory RNAs. More than 60% of
the genome is transcribed into RNAs that are
- This coding genome is similar across species, never translated into protein, but which
and the diversity lies in the non-coding nevertheless can regulate gene expression
genome. through a variety of mechanisms. The two best-
- As the complexity of organism increases so studied varieties—micro-RNAs and long
does the proportion of non-coding genome. noncoding RNAs—are described later.
o Mobile genetic elements (e.g., transposons).
Remarkably, more than one third of the human
genome is composed of these elements,
popularly denoted as “jumping genes.” These
segments can move around the genome,
exhibiting wide variation in number and
positioning even amongst closely related species
(i.e., humans and other primates). They are
implicated in gene regulation and chromatin
organization, but their function is still not well
o Special structural regions of DNA, in particular
NON-CODING DNA telomeres (chromosome ends) and centromeres
(chromosome “tethers”)
- The human genome contains roughly 3.2
billion DNA base pairs. Within the genome
there are about 20,000 protein-encoding EPIGENETIC
genes, comprising only about 1.5% of the - describes a phenomenon in which genetically
genome. These proteins variously function as identical cells or organisms express their
enzymes, structural components, and genomes differently, causing phenotypic
signaling molecules and are used to assemble differences.
and maintain all the cells in the body.

• Protection from the environment,
• Nutrient acquisition,
• Communication,
• Movement,
• Renewal of senescent molecules,
• Molecular catabolism, and
• Energy Generation.


- Plasma membranes (and all other organellar
membranes) are more than just static lipid
• Another mechanism of gene regulation depends on sheaths. Rather, they are fluid bilayers of
the functions of noncoding RNAs. As the name implies, amphipathic phospholipids with hydrophilic
these are encoded by genes that are transcribed but head groups that face the aqueous
not translated. Although many distinct families of environment and hydrophobic lipid tails that
noncoding RNAs exist, we will only discuss two interact with each other to form a barrier to
examples here: small RNA molecules called passive diffusion of large or charged
microRNAs, and long noncoding RNAs >200 molecules.
nucleotides in length. In addition, asymmetric partitioning of phospholipids is
important in several other cellular processes, as follows:
1. Phosphatidylinositol on the inner membrane
leaflet can be phosphorylated, serving as an
- The miRNAs do not encode proteins; instead, electrostatic scaffold for intracellular proteins;
they function primarily to modulate the alternatively, polyphosphoinositides can be
translation of target mRNAs into their hydrolyzed by phospholipase C to generate
corresponding proteins. Posttranscriptional intracellular second signals like diacylglycerol and
The genome 5 silencing of gene expression by inositol trisphosphate.
miRNA is a fundamental and well-conserved 2. Phosphatidylserine is normally restricted to the
mechanism of gene regulation present in all inner face where it confers a negative charge
eukaryotes (plants and animals). involved in electrostatic protein interactions;
however, when it flips to the extracellular face,
LONG NONCODING RNA (LNCRNA) which happens in cells undergoing apoptosis
- Recent studies have further identified an (programmed cell death), it becomes an “eat
untapped universe of lncRNAs—by some me” signal for phagocytes. In the special case of
platelets, it serves as a cofactor in the clotting of
calculations, the number of lncRNAs may
exceed coding mRNAs by 10- to 20-fold.
3. Glycolipids and sphingomyelin are preferentially
lncRNAs modulate gene expression in many
expressed on the extracellular face; glycolipids
(and particularly gangliosides, with complex
sugar linkages and terminal sialic acids that
CELLULAR HOUSEKEEPING confer negative charges) are important in cell-cell
and cell-matrix interactions, including
- Many normal housekeeping functions are inflammatory cell recruitment and sperm-egg
compartmentalized within membrane-bound interactions.
intracellular organelles.
- A cell can survive only if the following The plasma membrane is liberally studded with a variety
housekeeping functions are performed on a of proteins and glycoproteins involved in:
regular basis. (1) ion and metabolite transport,
(2) fluid-phase and receptor mediated uptake of
macromolecules, and

(3) cell-ligand, cell-matrix, and cell-cell interactions. resistance barrier to solute movement, this
zone also represents the boundary that allows
o Passive Membrane Diffusion. Small, nonpolar the segregation of apical and basolateral
molecules like O2 and CO2 readily dissolve in lipid domains of cells, helping to maintain cellular
bilayers and therefore rapidly diffuse across them; in polarity. Nevertheless, these junctions (as well
addition, hydrophobic molecules (e.g., steroid-based as the desmosomes described later) are
molecules like estradiol or vitamin D) also cross lipid dynamic structures that can dissociate, and
bilayers with relative impunity. reform as required to facilitate epithelial
o Carriers and Channels. For each of the larger polar proliferation or inflammatory cell migration.
molecules that must cross membranes to support
normal cellular functions (e.g., for nutrient uptake and 2. Anchoring junctions (desmosomes)
waste disposal), a unique plasma membrane protein - mechanically attach cells—and their
is typically required.
intracellular cytoskeletons—to other cells or
to the extracellular matrix (ECM). When the
• Channel proteins create hydrophilic pores, which,
adhesion focus is between cells, and is small
when open, permit rapid movement of solutes
and rivet-like, it is designated a spot
(usually restricted by size and charge.)
desmosome or macula adherens. When such
• Carrier proteins bind their specific solute and
a focus attaches the cell to the ECM, it is called
undergo a series of conformational changes to
a hemidesmosome. Similar adhesion
transfer the ligand across the membrane; their
domains can also occur as broad bands
transport is relatively slow.
between cells, where they are denoted as belt
INTERACTIONS 3. Communicating junctions (gap junctions)
- The ability of cells to adopt a particular shape, - mediate the passage of chemical or electrical
maintain polarity, organize the relationship of signals from one cell to another. The junction
intracellular organelles, and move about consists of a dense planar array of 1.5- to 2-
depends on the intracellular scaffolding of nm pores (called connexons) formed by
proteins called the cytoskeleton. hexamers of transmembrane proteins called
connexins. These pores permit the passage of
ions, nucleotides, sugars, amino acids,
Cell-Cell Interactions. vitamins, and other small molecules; the
- Cells interact and communicate with one permeability of the junction is rapidly reduced
another by forming junctions that provide by lowered intracellular pH or increased
mechanical links and enable surface intracellular calcium. Gap junctions play a
receptors to recognize ligands on other cells. critical role in cell-cell communication; in
Cell junctions are organized into three basic cardiac myocytes, for example, cellto-cell
types: calcium fluxes through gap junctions allow the
myocardium to behave like a functional
1. Occluding junctions (tight junctions) syncytium capable of coordinated waves of
- seal adjacent cells together to create a contraction—the beating of the heart.
continuous barrier that restricts the
paracellular (between cells) movement of
ions and other molecules. Viewed en face,
occluding junctions form a tight meshlike
network of macromolecular contacts - The structural proteins and enzymes of the
between neighboring cells. The complexes cell are constantly renewed by ongoing
that mediate the cell-cell interactions are synthesis tightly balanced with intracellular
composed of multiple transmembrane degradation.
proteins, including occludin, claudin, zonulin, - The SER in most cells is relatively sparse and
and catenin. Besides forming a high- primarily exists as the transition zone from

RER to transport vehicles moving to the Golgi. endosome; late endosomes mature into
However, in cells that synthesize steroid lysosomes. During the maturation process,
hormones (e.g., in the gonads or adrenals), or the organelle becomes progressively more
that catabolize lipid-soluble molecules (e.g., acidic.
in the liver), the SER may be particularly 2. Senescent organelles and large, denatured
conspicuous. Indeed, repeated exposure to protein complexes are shuttled into
compounds that are metabolized by the SER lysosomes by a process called autophagy.
(e.g., phenobarbital catabolism by the Through poorly understood mechanisms,
cytochrome P-450 system), can lead to a obsolete organelles are corralled by a double
reactive SER hyperplasia. The SER is also membrane derived from the endoplasmic
responsible for sequestering intracellular reticulum; the membrane progressively
calcium; subsequent release from the SER into expands to encircle a collection of structures
the cytosol can mediate a number of and forms an autophagosome which then
responses to extracellular signals (including fuses with lysosomes and the contents are
apoptotic cell death). In addition, in muscle catabolized. In addition to facilitating the
cells, specialized SER called sarcoplasmic turnover of aged and defunct structures,
reticulum is responsible for the cyclical autophagy is also used to preserve cell
release and sequestration of calcium ions that viability during nutrient depletion. Autophagy
regulates muscle contraction and relaxation, is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.
respectively. 3. Phagocytosis of microorganisms or large
fragments of matrix or debris occurs
WASTE DISPOSAL: LYSOSOMES AND primarily in professional phagocytes
(macrophages or neutrophils). The material is
engulfed to form a phagosome that
- As already mentioned in brief, cellular waste subsequently fuses with a lysosome.
disposal depends on the activities of
lysosomes and proteasomes. Proteasomes
- play an important role in degrading cytosolic
proteins (Fig. 1-9); these include denatured or
- are membrane-bound organelles containing
misfolded proteins (akin to what occurs within
roughly 40 different acid hydrolases (i.e.,
the ER), as well as any other macromolecule
enzymes that function best in acidic pH ≤ 5);
whose lifespan needs to be regulated (e.g.,
these hydrolases include proteases,
transcription factors). Many proteins destined
nucleases, lipases, glycosidases,
for destruction are identified by covalently
phosphatases, and sulfatases. Lysosomal
binding to a small 76–amino acid protein
enzymes are initially synthesized in the ER
called ubiquitin. Poly-ubiquitinated molecules
lumen and then tagged with a mannose-6-
are then unfolded and funneled into the
phosphate (M6P) residue within the Golgi
polymeric proteasome complex, a cylinder
apparatus. Such M6P-modified proteins are
containing multiple different protease
subsequently delivered to lysosomes through
activities, each with its active site pointed at
trans Golgi vesicles that express M6P
the hollow core. Proteasomes digest proteins
into small (6 to 12 amino acids) fragments
that can subsequently be degraded to their
Catabolism in the lysosomes arrive by one of three other
constituent amino acids and recycled.
1. Material internalized by fluid-phase
pinocytosis or receptor-mediated CELLULAR METABOLISM AND
endocytosis passes from plasma membrane MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION
to early endosome to late endosome, and
ultimately into the lysosome. The early - Mitochondria evolved from ancestral
endosome is the first acidic compartment prokaryotes that were engulfed by primitive
encountered, while proteolytic enzymes only eukaryotes about 1.5 billion years ago. Their
begin significant digestion in the late origin explains why mitochondria contain

their own DNA (circularized, about 1% of the mitochondria also regulate the balance of cell
total cellular DNA), encoding roughly 1% of the survival and death. There are two major
total cellular proteins and approximately 20% pathways of cell death.
of the proteins involved in oxidative
phosphorylation. Necrosis:
- External cellular injury (toxin, ischemia,
Energy Generation. trauma) can damage mitochondria, inducing
- Each mitochondrion has two separate and the formation of mitochondrial permeability
specialized membranes. The inner membrane transition pores in the outer membrane.
contains the enzymes of the respiratory chain These channels allow the dissipation of the
folded into cristae. This encloses a core matrix proton potential so that mitochondrial ATP
space that harbors the bulk of certain generation fails, and the cell dies.
metabolic enzymes, such as the enzymes of
the citric acid cycle. Outside the inner Apoptosis:
membrane is the intermembrane space, site - Programmed cell death is a central feature of
of ATP synthesis, which is, in turn, enclosed by normal tissue development and turnover and
the outer membrane; the latter is studded can be triggered by extrinsic signals
with porin proteins that form aqueous (including cytotoxic T cells and inflammatory
channels permeable to small (<5000 daltons) cytokines), or intrinsic pathways (including
molecules. Larger molecules (and even some DNA damage and intracellular stress).
smaller polar species) require specific Mitochondria play a central role in the
transporters. intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. If
mitochondria are damaged (a sign of
o The major source of the energy to run all the basic irreversible cell injury or stress) or the cell
cellular functions derive from oxidative cannot synthesize adequate amounts of
metabolism. Mitochondria oxidize substrates to survival proteins (because of deficient growth
CO2, transferring the high-energy electrons from signals), mitochondria become leaky.
the original molecule (e.g., sugar) to molecular
oxygen, and generating the low-energy electrons CELLULAR ACTIVATION
of water. The oxidation of various metabolites
drives hydrogen ion (proton) pumps that transfer
H+ From the core matrix into the intermembrane
space. As the H+ ions flow back down their - extracellular signals determine whether a cell lives
electrochemical gradient, the energy released is or dies, or whether it remains quiescent or is
used in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate stimulated to perform its specific function.
Intermediate metabolism. - clearly important in the developing embryo,
- As described in Chapter 7, pure oxidative - that tissues respond in an adaptive and effective
phosphorylation produces abundant ATP, but fashion to various threats, such as local tissue
also “burns” glucose to CO2 and H2O, trauma or a systemic infection.
leaving no carbon moieties suitable for use as
building blocks for lipids or proteins. For this • Loss of cellular communication can variously lead to
reason, rapidly growing cells (both benign and growth (cancer) or an ineffective response to extrinsic
malignant) upregulate glucose and glutamine stress (as in shock).
uptake and decrease their production of ATP
per glucose molecule, a phenomenon called GROWTH FACTORS
the Warburg effect.
- The role of growth factors is to stimulate the
Cell Death. activity of genes that are required for cell growth
- In addition to providing ATP and metabolites and cell division.
that enable the bulk of cellular activity,


- The sequence of events that results in cell division
is called the cell cycle.

- During development, stem cells give rise to all the
various differentiated tissues
- In the adult organism, stem cells replace
damaged or senescent cells.

Stem cells are characterized by two important

- Self-renewal, which permits stem cells to
maintain their numbers.
- Asymmetric division, in which one daughter cell
enters a differentiation pathway and gives rise to
mature cells, while the other remains
undifferentiated and retains its self-renewal


- Hematopoietic stem cells may be isolated directly
from bone marrow, as well as from the peripheral
- These stem cells can be used to repopulate
marrows depleted after chemotherapy (e.g., for
leukemia), or to provide normal precursors to
correct various blood cell defects e.g. sickle cell

- identify, isolate, expand, and transplant stem
- A handful of genes have been identified whose
products can—remarkably—reprogram somatic
cells to achieve the "stem-ness" of ES cells.
Eg: insulin-secreting ß-cells in a patient with diabetes

INTRODUCTION TO PATHOLOGY triggered by the same stimulus and is being
studied in clinical trials.
Physiologic hyperplasia
- Pathology studies disease-causing changes in
- Caused by hormones or growth factors,
cells, tissues, and organs using molecular,
occurs when there's a need to increase the
microbiologic, immunologic, and morphologic
functional capacity of hormone-sensitive
techniques. It provides a rational basis for
organs or after damage or resection.
clinical care and therapy, serving as the
Hormonal hyperplasia is seen in the female
scientific foundation for all medicine.
breast during puberty and pregnancy, while
compensatory hyperplasia is seen in liver
- is defined as a reduction in the size of an
The four aspects of a disease process that form the core of organ or tissue due to a decrease in cell size
pathology: and number. Atrophy can be physiologic or
• Etiology: Cause
• Pathogenesis: physiologic mechanism Physiologic atrophy
• Morphologic changes: structural alterations - common during normal development. Some
• Clinical manifestations: functional consequences of embryonic structures, such as the notochord
these changes and thyroglossal duct, undergo atrophy
during fetal development. The decrease in the
There are three basic steps in the molecular size of the uterus that occurs shortly after
pathogenesis of cardiac hypertrophy: parturition is another form of physiologic
- Hypertrophy is linked to the switch of
contractile proteins from adult to fetal or Pathologic atrophy
neonatal forms, and some genes expressed - has several causes and it can be local or
during early development are re-expressed in generalized.
hypertrophic cells.
- Cardiac hypertrophy is associated with The common causes of atrophy are the following:
increased atrial natriuretic factor gene • Decreased workload (atrophy of disuse)
expression, which reduces hemodynamic • Loss of innervation (denervation atrophy)
load. When muscle mass cannot cope with • Diminished blood supply
increased burden, myocardial fibers undergo
regressive changes, leading to lysis and loss of METAPLASIA
myofibrillar contractile elements, and - is a reversible change where one
potentially myocyte death. To prevent this, differentiated cell type is replaced by another.
drugs inhibiting key signaling pathways are in It often represents an adaptive response to
phase 1 or 2 clinical trials. stress, such as in the respiratory tract, where
columnar to squamous epithelial cells are
HYPERPLASIA common. This process is triggered by signals
- A condition involving an increase in cell from cytokines, growth factors, and
numbers in response to a stimulus, is often extracellular matrix components. Vitamin A
deficiency or excess can cause metaplasia, as
it regulates gene transcription through

nuclear retinoid receptors. Other external - Is a special form of necrosis usually seen in
stresses may also alter the activity of immune reactions involving blood vessels.
transcription factors regulating This pattern of necrosis typically occurs when
differentiation. In all cases, the cause of complexes of antigens and antibodies are
metaplasia remains unknown. deposited in the walls of arteries. Deposits of
these “immune complexes,” together with
NECROSIS fibrin that has leaked out of vessels, result in a
- Necrosis and necroptosis occur due to bright pink and amorphous appearance in
denaturation of intracellular proteins and H&E stains, called “fibrinoid” (fibrin-like) by
enzymatic digestion of injured cells. Necrotic pathologists.
cells leak out, causing inflammation. Enzymes
digest the cells, derived from dying cells and MECHANISM OF CELL INJURY
leukocytes. Digestion takes hours, so no
detectable changes in cells are observed.
- It is all about the discussion of cellular
Myocardial necrosis is not apparent until 4-12
pathology of cell injury and necrosis, it occurs
hours later, but cardiac-specific enzymes and
sa resulta ng physical, chemical or biological
proteins can be detected within 2 hours.
insults or from the vital substrate deficiency.

Liquefactive necrosis
We have several principles relevant to most form ng cell
- in contrast to coagulative necrosis, is
characterized by digestion of the dead cells,
• The cellular response to injurious stimuli depends
resulting in transformation of the tissue into a
on the nature of the injury, its duration, and its
liquid viscous mass. It is seen in focal bacterial
or, occasionally, fungal infections, because
• The consequences of cell injury depend on the
microbes stimulate the accumulation of
type, state, and adaptability of the injured cell.
leukocytes and the liberation of enzymes from
• Cell injury results from different biochemical
these cells.
mechanisms acting on several essential cellular
Gangrenous necrosis
- is a general term for a variety of cell death
patterns. However, the phrase is frequently
employed in clinical settings. It is typically - Reduction in ATP levels is the fundamental
administered to a limb that has lost blood, cause of necrotic cell death. ATP depletion
typically the lower leg. and has had necrosis and decreased ATP synthesis are frequently
(usually coagulative) necrosis) that affects associated with both hypoxic and chemical
several tissue planes. (toxic) injury.
- The major causes of ATP depletion are
Caseous necrosis reduced supply of oxygen and nutrients,
- The most common sites for caseous necrosis mitochondrial damage, and the actions of
are foci of infection with tuberculosis. The some toxins
adjective "caseous" (cheese-like) refers to the - ATP to 5% to 10% of normal levels has
look of the substance as being friable and widespread effects on many criticalcellular
white. necrotic area. systems.


- Is a phrase used frequently in medical - Mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells, are
terminology but in fact, does not indicate a sensitive to a wide range of injurious stimuli
particular necrotic pattern. Instead, it refers including hypoxia, toxins, genetic mutations in
to concentrated zones of fat breakdown. mitochondrial genes, etc. are critical players
in cell injury and cell death by all pathways.
Fibrinoid necrosis

INFLUX OF CALCIUM AND LOSS OF CALCIUM membrane damage, is a consistent feature of
HOMEOSTASIS most forms of cell injury.

- Calcium ions are important mediators of cell

Mechanisms of Membrane Damage;
injury. In keeping with this, depleting calcium
- Reactive oxygen species. Decreased
protects cells from injury induced by a variety
phospholipid synthesis
of harmful stimuli. Cytosolic free calcium is
- Increased phospholipid breakdown
normally maintained at very low
Cytoskeletal abnormalities.
concentrations (~0.1 μmol) compared with
extracellular levels of 1.3 mmol, and most
Consequences of Membrane Damage;
intracellular calcium is sequestered in
- Mitochondrial membrane damage Plasma
mitochondria and the ER.
membrane damage Injury to lysosomal
- Cell injury induced by free radicals,
- Cells have mechanisms that repair damage
particularly reactive oxygen species, is an
to DNA, but if DNA damage is too severe to be
important mechanism of cell damage in
corrected (e.g., after exposure to DNA
many pathologic conditions, such as chemical
damaging drugs, radiation, or oxidative
and radiation injury, ischemia-reperfusion
stress), the cell initiates a suicide program
injury (induced by restoration of blood flow in
that results in death by apoptosis. Clumping
ischemic tissue), cellular aging, and microbial
of DNA and other misfolded Proteins leads to
killing by phagocytes. Unpaired electrons are
irreversible damage that can be corrected
highly reactive and “attack” and modify
leading to Apoptosis
adjacent molecules, such as inorganic or
organic chemicals—proteins, lipids, • REVERSIBLE CELL INJURY:
carbohydrates, nucleic acids—many of which - cell swelling, detachment of ribosomes from
are key components of cell membranes and granular ER (endoplasmic reticulum), plasma
nuclei. membrane blebbing, myelin figures,
mitochondrial swelling
• Reactive oxygen species (ROS) • IRREVERSIBLE CELL INJURY:
• Oxidative stress - mitochondrial swell and are unable to
synthesize ATP, lysosomes swell, damage to
Removal of Free Radicals plasma membrane and lysosomal
membranes lead to enzyme leakage;
• Antioxidants
acidosis. This is the point of no return.
• Iron and copper can catalyze the formation of
Clinicopathologic Correlations: Selected
• A series of enzymes acts as free radical-
scavenging systems and breaks down Hydrogen Examples of Cell Injury and Necrosis
Peroxide and oxygen saturation
Pathologic Effects of Free Radicals - Ischemia is the most common type of cell
• Lipid peroxidation in membranes injury in clinical medicine and it results from
• Oxidative modification of proteins hypoxia induced by reduced blood flow, most
• Lesions in DNA commonly due to a mechanical arterial


- Early loss of selective membrane - Restoration of blood flow to ischemic tissues
permeability, leading ultimately to overt can promote recovery of cells if they are

reversibly injured, but can also paradoxically • The mitochondrial pathway is tightly regulated to
exacerbate the injury and cause cell death. prevent inappropriate activation and to ensure
that apoptosis occurs only when it is necessary for
CHEMICAL (TOXIC) INJURY the maintenance of tissue homeostasis,
- remains a frequent problem in clinical development, or the elimination of damaged or
medicine and is a major limitation to drug potentially harmful cells. Dysregulation of this
therapy pathway can lead to various diseases, including
cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.
APOPTOSIS • The death receptor pathway. The death receptor
pathway is an important mechanism for
eliminating cells that are no longer needed,
- Apoptosis is a pathway of cell death that is
infected by viruses, or have become potentially
induced by a tightly regulated suicide
harmful to the organism. It plays a critical role in
program in which cells destined to die
the immune system's surveillance and elimination
activate intrinsic enzymes that degrade the
of abnormal or damaged cells.
cells’ own nuclear DNA and cytoplasmic
proteins AUTOPHAGY

CAUSES OF APOPTOSIS - Is a process in which a cell eats its own

- Apoptosis occurs normally both during contents (greek: auto, phagy, eating) l. It
development and throughout adulthood, and involves the delivery of cytoplasmic materials
serves to remove unwanted, aged, or to the lysosome for degration. Depending on
potentially harmful cells. It is also a pathologic how the material is delivered, autophagy can
event when diseased cells become damaged be categorized into three types:
beyond repair and are eliminated.
• Chaperone-mediated autophagy
Apoptosis in Physiologic Situations • Microautophagy
- The destruction of cells during embryogenesis • Macroautophagy
Involution of hormone-dependent tissues
upon hormone withdrawal Cell loss in There is increasing evidence that autophagy plays a role in
proliferating cell populations Elimination of human diseases. Some examples are listed:
potentially harmful self-reactive lymphocytes • Cancer: This is an area of active investigation,
Death of host cells that have served their autophagy can both promote cancer growth and
useful purpose act as a defense against cancers.
• Neurodegenerative disorders: Many
Apoptosis in Pathologic Conditions neurodegenerative disorders are associated with
A. DNA damage dysregulation of autophagy. In Alzheimer disease,
B. Accumulation of misfolded proteins formation of autophagosomes is accelerated and
C. Cell death in certain infections in mouse models genetic defects in autophagy
D. Pathologic atrophy in parenchymal organs after accelerate neurodegeneration.
duct obstruction • Infectious diseases: Many pathogens are
degraded by autophagy; these include
MORPHOLOGIC AND BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES mycobacteria, Shigella spp., and HSV-1. This is one
IN APOPTOSIS way by which microbial proteins are digested and
- Before discussing the mechanism of delivered to antigen presentation pathways.
apoptosis, the morphologic and biochemical • Inflammatory bowel diseases: Genome-wide
characteristics of this process are described. association studies have linked both Crohn
disease and ulcerative colitis to SNPs in
Mechanisms of Apoptosis autophagy related genes.
Two distinct pathways converge on caspase activation: INTRACELLULAR ACCUMULATIONS

- One of the manifestations of metabolic - The cellular metabolism of cholesterol is
derangements in cells is the intracellular tightly Regulated such that most cells use
accumulation of abnormal amounts of cholesterol for the synthesis of cell
various substances that may be harmless membranes without intracellular
associated with varying degrees of injury. The accumulation of cholesterol or cholesterol
substance may be located in the cytoplasm, esters. Accumulations manifested
within organelles (typically lysosomes), or in histologically by intracellular vacuoles are
the nucleus, and it may be synthesized by the seen in several pathologic processes.
affected cells or may be produced elsewhere.
4 Pathological processes of accumulated cholesterol
There are four main pathways of abnormal intracellular 1. Atherosclerosis
accumulations: 2. Xanthomas
• Inadequate removal of a normal substance 3. Cholesterolosis
secondary to defects in mechanisms of packaging 4. Niemann-Pick disease, type C
and transport, as in fatty change (steatosis) in the
• Accumulation of an abnormal endogenous - Intracellular accumulations of proteins
substance as a result of genetic or acquired usually appear as rounded, eosinophilic
defects in its folding, packaging, transport, or droplets, vacuoles, or aggregates in the
secretion, as with certain mutated forms of α1- cytoplasm. By electron microscopy they can
antitrypsin. be amorphous, fibrillar, or crystalline in
• Failure to degrade a metabolite due to inherited appearance. In some disorders, such as
enzyme deficiencies. The resulting disorders are certain forms of amyloidosis, abnormal
called storage diseases. proteins deposit primarily in extracellular
• Deposition and accumulation of an abnormal spaces.
exogenous substance when the cell has neither
the enzymatic machinery to degrade the Excesses of proteins within the cells sufficient to cause
substance nor the ability to transport it to other morphologically visible accumulation have diverse
sites. Accumulation of carbon or silica particles causes.
is an example of this type of alteration. • Reabsorption droplets in proximal renal tubules
• The proteins that accumulate may be normal
LIPIDS secreted
- All major classes of lipids can accumulate in • Defective intracellular transport and secretion of
cells: triglycerides, cholesterol/cholesterol critical proteins.
esters, and phospholipids. Phospholipids are • Accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins.
components of the myelin figures found in • Aggregation of abnormal proteins
necrotic cells. In addition, abnormal
complexes of lipids and carbohydrates HYALINE CHANGE
accumulate in the lysosomal storage
- The term hyaline usually refers to an
diseases. Triglyceride and cholesterol
alteration within cells or in the extracellular
accumulations are discussed here.
space that gives a homogeneous, glassy, pink
appearance in routine histologic sections
Steatosis (Fatty Change)
stained with hematoxylin and eosin.
- The terms steatosis and fatty change describe
abnormal accumulations of triglycerides
within parenchymal cells.
- Glycogen is a readily available energy source
stored in the cytoplasm of healthy cells.
Excessive intracellular deposits of glycogen
Cholesterol and Cholesterol Esters are seen in patients with an abnormality in
either glucose or glycogen metabolism.

PIGMENTS - Metastatic calcification may occur in normal
- Pigments are colored substances, some of tissues whenever there is hypercalcemia.
which are normal constituents of cells (e.g.,
melanin), whereas others are abnormal and CELLULAR AGING
accumulate in cells only under special
circumstances. Pigments can be exogenous, - Mankind has pursued immortality from time
coming from outside the body, or immemorial. Toth and Hermes, two Egyptian
endogenous, synthesized within the body and Greek deities, are said to have discovered
itself. the elixir of youth and become immortal.

Exogenous Pigments • Accumulation of DNA damage

- The most common exogenous pigment is • Replicative senescence
carbon (coal dust), a ubiquitous air pollutant
in urban areas. Two mechanisms are believed to underlie cellular
Ex. Tattooing senescence:
• Telomere attrition- One mechanism of replicative
Endogenous Pigments senescence involves progressive shortening of
- Lipofuscin is an insoluble pigment, also known telomeres, which ultimately results in cell cycle
as lipochrome or wear-and-tear pigment. arrest.
• Activation of tumor suppressor genes
- derived from the Greek (melas, black), is an Defective Protein Homeostasis
endogenous, brown-black, pigment formed - Resulting from impaired chaperone and
when the enzyme tyrosinase catalyzes the proteasome functions.
oxidation of tyrosine to
dihydroxyphenylalanine in melanocytes. Nutrient sensing system
- Caloric restriction increases longevity.
Hemosiderin Mediators may be reduced IGF-1 signaling
- A hemoglobin-derived, golden yellow to- and increases in sirtuins
brown, granular or crystalline pigment is one
of the major storage forms of iron. Two major neurohormonal circuits that regulate
• Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-
- is the abnormal tissue deposition of calcium signaling pathway
salts, together with smaller amounts of iron, • Sirtuins
magnesium, and other mineral salts.

There are two forms of pathologic calcification.

• Dystrophic Calcification
• Metastatic Clasification

- is encountered in areas of necrosis, whether
they are of coagulative, caseous, or
liquefactive type, and in foci of enzymatic
necrosis of fat.


INFLAMMATION AND REPAIR Some of its fundamental properties:

- Inflammation is a response of vascularized • Components of the inflammatory response

tissues to infections and damaged tissues that - The major participants in the inflammatory
brings cells and molecules of host defense reaction in tissues are blood vessels and
from the circulation to the sites where they leukocytes
are needed, in order to eliminate the offending
agents. • Harmful consequences of inflammation
- Although in common medical and lay - Protective inflammatory reactions to
parlance, inflammation suggests a harmful infections are often accompanied by local
reaction, it is actually a protective response tissue damage and its associated signs and
that is essential for survival. It serves to rid the symptoms
host of both the initial cause of cell injury (e.g.,
microbes, toxins) and the consequences of • Local and systemic inflammation
such injury (e.g., necrotic cells and tissues). - Much of this discussion of inflammation
- Without inflammation, infections would go focuses on the tissue reaction that is a local
unchecked, wounds would never heal, and response to an infection or to localized
injured tissues might remain permanent damage.
festering sores. In addition to inflammatory
cells, components of innate immunity include • Mediators of inflammation
other cells, such as natural killer cells, - The vascular and cellular reactions of
dendritic cells, and epithelial cells, as well as inflammation are triggered by soluble factors
soluble factors such as the proteins of the that are produced by various cells or derived
complement system. Together, these from plasma proteins and are generated or
components of innate immunity serve as the activated
first responders to infection. They also
function to eliminate damaged cells and • Acute and chronic inflammation
foreign bodies. - The initial, rapid response to infections and
tissue damage is called acute inflammation.
THE TYPICAL INFLAMMATORY REACTIONS DEVELOPS Chronic inflammation is longer duration and
THROUGH A SERIES OF SEQUENTIAL STEPS is associated with more tissue destruction, the
• The offending agent, which is located in presence of lymphocytes and macrophages,
extravascular tissues, is recognized by host cells the proliferation of blood vessels, and the
and molecules. deposition of connective tissue.
• Leukocytes and plasma proteins are recruited
from the circulation to the site where the offending FIVE CARDINAL SIGNS OF INFLAMMATION
agent is located.
• The leukocytes and proteins are activated and
• Rubor (redness) - may appear red because the
work together to destroy and eliminate the
blood vessels of inflamed areas are filled with
offending substance.
more blood than usual.
• The reaction is controlled and terminated.
• Tumor (swelling) - common when a part of the
• The damaged tissue is repaired.
body is inflamed. It results from fluid accumulating
in tissues.
• Calor (heat) - when inflamed areas of the body
feel warm, it is because there is more blood flow
in those areas.

• Dolor (pain) - both acute and chronic ACUTE INFLAMMATION
inflammatory pain is the result of inflammatory
chemicals that stimulate nerve endings, causing - The initial, rapid response to infections and
the affected 5 areas to feel more sensitive. tissue damage is called acute inflammation. It
• Functio laesa (loss of function) - inflammatory typically develops within minutes or hours
may cause loss of function related to both injury and is of short duration, lasting for several
and illness. hours or a few days; its main characteristics
are the exudation of fluid and plasma proteins
CAUSES OF INFLAMMATION (edema) and the emigration of leukocytes,
predominantly neutrophils (also called
• Infections polymorphonuclear leukocytes).
- (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic) and
microbial toxins are among the most Stages of Acute Inflammation
common and medically important causes of • Vasodilation
inflammation. - vasodilation occurs through release of
• Tissue necrosis mediators (include histamine, prostacyclin,
- elicits inflammation regardless of the cause of and nitric oxide) from cells. Vasodilation
cell death, which may include ischemia increases the hydrostatic pressure by causing
(reduced blood flow, the cause of myocardial slowing of blood flow.
infarction), trauma, and physical and • Increased Vascular Permeability
chemical injury (e.g., thermal injury, as in - Increased vascular permeability occurs
burns or frostbite; irradiation; exposure to through release of mediators (histamine,
some environmental chemicals). bradykinin, tumor necrosis factor) from cells.
• Foreign bodies • Movement of WBC from blood vessels into soft
- (splinters, dirt, sutures) may elicit tissue at the site of inflammation
inflammation by themselves or because they - The steps required are rolling, pavementing,
cause traumatic tissue injury or carry and transmigration.
microbes. Even some endogenous substances
can be considered potentially harmful if large Fate of Acute Inflammation
amounts are deposited in tissues; such • Resolution
substances include urate crystals (in the - complete return to normal tissue following
disease gout), cholesterol crystals (in acute inflammation.
atherosclerosis), • Healing
• Immune reactions - fibrosis takes place when the tissue
- (also called hypersensitivity) are reactions in destruction in acute inflammatory is
which the normally protective immune extensive so that there is no tissue
system damages the individual’s own regeneration.
• Ulcer
tissues. The injurious immune responses may
be directed against self antigens, causing - loss of the mucosa and deeper tissues
autoimmune diseases, or may be • Fistula
inappropriate reactions against - anomalous patent connective between two
environmental substances, as in allergies, or organs; most commonly organs with a lumen
against microbes. • Suppuration
- when the pyogenic bacteria causing acute
The steps of the inflammatory response can be inflammation result in severe tissue necrosis,
remembered as the five Rs: the process progresses to suppuration.
(1) recognition of the injurious agent, • Scar formatio
(2) recruitment of leukocytes, - replacement of lost parenchyma with
(3) removal of the agent, disorganized connective tissue
(4) regulation (control) of the response, and
(5) resolution (repair).

- Some tissues are able to replace the
- is a response of prolonged duration (weeks or damaged components and essentially return
months) in which inflammation, tissue injury to a normal state; this process is called
and attempts at repair coexist, in varying regeneration.
Connective tissue deposition (scar formation)
Causes of Chronic Inflammation - If the injured tissues are incapable of
• Persistent infections by microorganisms that are complete restitution, or if the supporting
difficult to eradicate, such as mycobacteria and structures of the tissue are severely damaged,
certain viruses, fungi, and parasites. repair occurs by the laying down of
• Hypersensitivity diseases - Chronic connective (fibrous) tissue, a process that
inflammation plays an important role in a group may result in scar formation.
of diseases that are caused by excessive and
inappropriate activation of the immune system Repair by Regeneration
• Prolonged exposure to potentially toxic agents, • Tissues are classified as labile, stable, and
either exogenous or endogenous. permanent, according to the proliferative
capacity of their cells.
CELLS AND MEDIATORS OF CHRONIC • Cell proliferation is controlled by the cell cycle,
INFLAMMATION and is stimulated by growth factors and
interactions of cells with the extracellular matrix.
• Regeneration of the liver is a classic example of
Role of Macrophages
repair by regeneration. It is triggered by
• The dominant cells in most chronic inflammatory
cytokines and growth factors produced in
reactions are macrophages.
response to loss of liver mass and inflammation.
• They act as a phagocyte.
• Production of cytokines and growth factors. Repair by Scar Formation
• Tissues are repaired by replacement with
Role of Lymphocytes connective tissue and scar formation if the injured
• Microbes and other environmental antigens tissue is not capable of proliferation or if the
activate T and B lymphocytes, which amplify and structural framework is damaged and cannot
propagate chronic inflammation support regeneration.
• The main components of connective tissue repair
GRANULOMATOUS INFLAMMATION are angiogenesis, migration and proliferation of
- is a form of chronic inflammation fibroblasts, collagen synthesis, and connective
characterized by collections of activated tissue remodeling
macrophages, often with T lymphocytes, and • Repair by connective tissue starts with the
sometimes associated with central necrosis formation of granulation tissue and culminates in
the laying down of fibrous tissue.
- Repair, sometimes called healing, refers to REPAIR AND FIBROSIS
the restoration of tissue architecture and
function after an injury. Healing of Skin Wounds
- Repair of damaged tissues occurs by two - This is a process that involves both epithelial
types of reactions: regeneration by regeneration and the formation of connective
proliferation of residual (uninjured) cells and tissue scar and is thus illustrative of the
maturation of tissue stem cells, and the general principles that apply to healing in all
deposition of connective tissue to form a tissues

Healing by First Intention
- When the injury involves only the epithelial
layer, the principal mechanism of repair is
epithelial regeneration, also called primary
union or healing by first intention

Healing by Second Intention

- When cell or tissue loss is more extensive,
such as in large wounds, abscesses,
ulceration, and ischemic necrosis (infarction)
in parenchymal organs, the repair process
involves a combination of regeneration and

Cutaneous Wound Healing and Pathologic Aspects of


• The main phases of cutaneous wound healing are

inflammation, formation of granulation tissue,
and ECM remodeling.
• Cutaneous wounds can heal by primary union
(first intention) or secondary union (secondary
intention); secondary healing involves more
extensive scarring and wound contraction
• Wound healing can be altered by many
conditions, particularly infection and diabetes; the
type, volume, and location of the injury are
important factors that influence the healing
• Excessive production of ECM can cause keloids in
the skin.


EDEMA - It involves activation of coagulation factors.

- is a swelling within the tissues commonly caused
by an expansion of the interstitial fluid volume. INTRINSIC PATHWAY
- Contract activation
Factors of intrinsic pathway
- is an active process in which arteriolar dilation EXTRINSIC PATHWAY
(e.g., at sites of inflammation or in skeletal muscle
- Tissue factor release result from
during exercise) leads to increased blood flow.
Affected tissues turn red (ery- thema) because of
increased delivery of oxygenated blood.
Factors of Extrinsic pathway
- is a passive process resulting from reduced Fibrin - 1st to be identified to take action in coagulation
outflow of blood from a tissue. It can be systemic, cascade.
as in cardiac failure, or localized, as in isolated
venous obstruction.



- Precisely orchestrated process involving platelets,
clotting factors and endothelium that occurs at
the site of vascular injury and culminates in the
formation of blood clot, which serves to prevent or
limit the extent of bleeding

As per Laboratory test:

• Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)
- is for intrinsic pathway
- 25- 29 seconds
• Prothrombin Time (PT)
- is for extrinsic pathway
- 12 seconds

Vitamin K Dependent Factors

- play a critical role in hemostasis by forming the
- is a vitamin K reductase inhibitor and promotes clotting
primary plug that initially seals vascular defects
and providing a surface that binds and
concentrates activated coagulation factors.

ENDOTHELIUM - An embolus is a detached intravascular solid, liquid, or
- is like the inner lining of blood vessels in our body’ acts gaseous mass that is carried by the blood from its point
as a protective barrier, controls what goes in and out of origin to a distant site, where it often causes tissue
of our blood vessels. dysfunction or infarction.
- The vast majority of emboli are dislodged thrombi,
HEMORRHAGIC DISORDER hence the term thromboembolism.
- Other rare emboli are composed of fat droplets,
- also known as bleeding disorder
nitrogen bubbles, atherosclerotic debris (cholesterol
- Medical conditions characterized by abnormal
emboli), tumor fragments, bone marrow, or even
bleeding or an increased tendency to bleed. (ex.
foreign bodies.
excessive bleeding when injured)

Category of Bleeding Disorder:
● Pulmonary Embolism
● Defects of Primary Hemostasis (Platelet Defects or von
● Systemic Thromboembolism
Willebrand Disease)
● Fat And Marrow Embolism
● Defects of Secondary Hemostasis
● Air Embolism
● Generalized Defects Involving Small Vessels.
● Amniotic Fluid Embolism

- blood clot within blood vessels that limits the flow of - A blood clot that blocks and stops blood flow to an
blood. artery in the lung.
- originates from the lower extremity (leg) deep venous
Arterial thrombosis thromboses and travels to the lungs, and are the most
- is a blood clot that develops in an artery. It's dangerous common form of thromboembolic disease.
as it can obstruct or stop the flow of blood to major
organs, such as the heart or brain. Consequences of PE:
- Sudden death, right heart failure, or cardiovascular
- If a blood clot narrows one or more of the arteries collapse
leading to the heart, muscle pain known as angina can - Pulmonary hemorrhage; if the bronchial arterial flow is
occur. obstructed, infarction may occur.
- Most cases of arterial thrombosis are caused when a - Embolic obstruction of arteriolar pulmonary branches
process called atherosclerosis damages an artery. can cause hemorrhage or infarction.
- Fatty deposits build up on the walls of the arteries and - Pulmonary hyper-tension and right ventricular failure.
cause them to harden and narrow.
- If you've had a blood clot in an artery, you may need to SYSTEMIC THROMBOEMBOLISM
take medication to prevent it from happening again. - occurs when a blood clot is dislodged and carried in the
bloodstream to the lungs, known as pulmonary
It's also vital that you live a healthy lifestyle. This includes: thromboembolism (PTE), and to other visceral organs
- stopping smoking (if you smoke) doing some physical (eg, brain, heart, and kidney).
activity reducing the amount of salt and saturated fat - Most systemic emboli arise from within the heart.
that you eat. - Mostly occurs in the lower extremities and the brain.
- Results in tissue infarction.
- is the term used for the complication of a number of - condition where particles of fat get into your
conditions associated with systemic activation of bloodstream and block blood flow; usually follows
thrombin. breaking a major bone.
- leads to widespread formation of thrombi in the - Microscopic fat globules can be found in the
microcirculation. pulmo-nary vasculature after fractures of long bones
- can cause hemorrhagic stroke or hypovolemic shock. or, rarely, in the setting of soft tissue trauma and burns.
- Common incidental findings after vigorous
cardiopulmonary resuscitation are probably of no
EMBOLISM clinical consequence.

- defined as a displaced thrombi, or blood clot.

- A rather rare condition of vascular obstruction caused
by air or gas bubbles that travel to your brain, heart, or
lungs and cause heart attack, stroke, or respiratory
- occurs when your veins or arteries are exposed, and
pressure allows air to travel into them.
- decompression sickness or the bends
the chokes (respiratory decompression sickness)
caisson disease (chronic form)

Treatment: Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) chamber therapy


- Fifth most common cause of maternal mortality
- The underlying cause is the infusion of amniotic fluid or
fetal tissue into the maternal pulmonary circulation via
a tear in the placental membranes or rupture of uterine
veins, causing cardiovascular collapse.


- an area of ischemic necrosis caused by blockage of

either the arterial supply or the venous drainage.

Factors that Influence Development of an Infarct

● Anatomy of vascular supply
● Rate of occlusion
● Tissue vulnerability to hypoxia
● Hypoxemia


- is a state in which diminished cardiac output or reduced

effective circulating blood volume impairs tissue
perfusion and leads to cellular hypoxia. STAGES OF SHOCK
● Non progressive phase
● Progressive stage
● Cardiogenic Shock
● Irreversible stage
● Hypovolemic Shock
● Shock associated with systemic inflammation.


- Genetic disorders are far more common than is widely

appreciated. The lifetime frequency of genetic disease is
estimated to be 670 per 1000. Furthermore the genetic
disease encountered in medical practice represents
only the tip of the iceberg, that is those with less
extreme genotypic errors that permit full embryonic
development and live birth.
- It is estimated that 50% of spontaneous abortuses
during the early months of gestation have a
demonstrable chromosomal abnormality; there are in
additional numerous smaller detectable errors and
many other genetic lesions that are only now coming
into view thanks to advance in dna sequencing. MENDELIAN DISORDERS
- About 1% of all newborn infants possesses a gross
chromosomal abnormality and serious disease with a - It is estimated that every individual is a carrier of five to
significant genetic component developed in eight deleterious genes, a number originally estimated
approximately 5% of individuals younger than age 25. from studies of populations that appears to be borne
out by genomic sequencing of normal individuals.
Disorders Related to Mutations in Single Gene with Large About 80% to 85% of these mutations are familial.
- Chromosomal Disorders
- Complex Multigenic Disorders

- Defined as a permanent change in the DNA.
- Mutations that affect germ cells are transmitted to the
progeny and can give rise to inherited disease.


• Autosomal Dominant
• Autosomal Recessive
• X-linked

Autosomal Dominant Disorders

- Manifested in the heterogeneous state, so at least one
parent of an index case is usually affected.

Autosomal dominant conditions are characterized by the

✓ With every autosomal dominant disorder, some
proportion of patients do not have affected parents.
✓ Clinical features can be modified by variation in
penetrance and expressivity.
✓ In many conditions the age and onset is delayed;
symptoms and signs may not appear until adulthood.

Many Autosomal Dominant Disease Arising from Deleterious BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR BASIS OF
Mutations fall into one of a Few Familiar Patterns:
1. Those involved in regulation of complex metabolic SINGLE-GENE (MENDELIAN) DISORDER
pathways that are subject to feedback inhibition. - Mendelian disorders result from alterations involving
2. Key structural proteins, such as collagen and single genes. The genetic defect may lead to the
cytoskeletal elements of the red cell membrane. formation of an abnormal protein or a reduction in the
output of the gene product.
- The biochemical consequences of an enzyme defect in
such may lead to three major consequences.
o Accumulation of the substrate
o Can lead to a metabolic block and decreased
amount of end product
o Failure to inactive a tissue damaging substrate

Alteration in structure, function or quantity of non enzyme

- Genetic defects resulting in alterations on non enzyme
proteins often have a widespread secondary effects as
exemplified by sickle cell disease

Genetically Determined Adverse Reactions to Drugs

- Certain genetically determined enzyme deficiencies art
unmasked only after exposure of the affected individual
to certain drugs
- This special area of genetics, called pharmacogenetics,
X-LINKED DISORDERS is of considerable clinical importance.
- All sex-linked disorders are x-linked and almost all are
recessive. Several genes are located in the "male-
specific religion of Y" all of these are related to DISORDER ASSOCIATED WITH DEFECTS IN
spermatogenesis. Males with mutation affecting the Y-
linked genes are usually infertile, and hence there is no STRUCTURAL PROTEINS
Y-linked inheritance.
- is a disorder of connective tissues, manifested
principally by a change in the skeleton, eyes and
cardiovascular system.
- marfan syndrome results from an inherited defect in
extracellular glycoprotein called FIBRILLIN

- Skeletal abnormalities are the most striking feature of

Marfan syndrome. Typically the patient is unusually tall
with exceptionally long extremities and long, tapering
fingers and and toes. The joint ligaments in the hands
and feet are lax, suggesting that the patient is double
jointed; typically the thumb can be hyperextended back
to the wrist.

EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME (EDS) - The exit of cholesterol from the lysosomes requires the
- EDSs comprise a clinically and genetically action of two proteins, called NPC1 and NPC2 (see
heterogeneous group of disorders that result from some "Niemann-Pick Disease Type C").
defect in the synthesis or structure of fibrillar collagen.
Other disorders resulting from mutations affecting Three separate processes are affected by the released
collagen synthesis include osteogenesis imperfecta. intracellular cholesterol, as follows:
• Cholesterol suppresses cholesterol synthesis within the
• Cholesterol activates the enzyme acyl-coenzyme A:
cholesterol acyltransferase.
• Cholesterol suppresses the synthesis of LDL receptors.

Mutations involving the LDL receptor gene can be classified

into five groups:

- are relatively uncommon and lead to a complete failure
of synthesis of the receptor protein (null allele).
- encode receptor proteins that accumulate in the
endoplasmic reticulum because their folding defects
DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH DEFECTS IN make it impossible for them to be transported to the
Golgi complex.
- affect the LDL-binding domain of the receptor; the
FAMILIAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA encoded proteins reach the cell surface but fail to bind
- is a "receptor disease"that is the consequence of a LDL or do so poorly.
mutation in the gene encod ing the receptor for LDL, • CLASS IV MUTATIONS
which is involved in the transport and metabolism of - encode proteins that are synthesized and transported
cholesterol. to the cell surface efficiently.
- encode proteins that are expressed on the cell
surface, can bind LDL, and can be internalized.




- inborn errors of metabolism characterized by the
accumulation of substrates in excess in various organs'
cells due to the defective functioning of lysosomes.

Tay-Sachs Disease (G2 Gangliosidosis: Hexosaminidase a-

Subunit Deficiency)
- a group of three lysosomal storage diseases caused by
an inability to catabolize Gm gangliosides.


- Discrete clinical manifestations of familial - are two related disorders that are characterized by
hypercholesterolemia. ( A ) Corneal arcus and lysosomal accumulation of sphingomyelin due to an
xanthelasma; ( B ) extensor tendon xanthomas; ( C and inherited deficiency of sphingomyelinase.
D ) Achilles tendon xanthomas.
Normal Process of Cholesterol Metabolism and Transport
- is distinct at the biochemical and genetic levels and is
- The first step involves binding of LDL to cell surface
more common than types A and B combined.
- After binding, the coated pits containing the receptor-
bound LDL are internalized by invagination to form
coated vesicles. - refers to a cluster of autosomal recessive disorders
- They migrate within the cell to fuse with the lysosomes resulting from mutations in the gene encoding
where the LDL dissociates from the receptor, which is glucocerebrosidase.
recycled to the surface.

• Type I (Chronic non-neuronopathic gaucher disease) • Hepatic forms - von gierke disease (I)
• Type II (Acute neuronopathic gaucher disease) • Myopathic forms - McArdle disease (V)
• Type III (Intermediate gaucher disease) • Miscellaneous types - pompe disease (II)

- group of closely related syndromes that result from
genetically determined deficiencies of enzymes
involved in the degradation of mucopolysaccharides

Glycogen Storage Diseases (Glycogenoses)

- result from a hereditary deficiency of one of the
enzymes involved in the synthesis or sequential
degradation of glycogen.


- Genetic disorders may also be complex, multifactorial,

or polygenic.

Examples: heart disease, Asthma, cancers, etc

- a type of genetic disorder that develops because of a
change (mutation) in one or more of your child's genes.


- Is a genetic condition where a person is born with an
extra copy of chromosome 21.

- a condition that affects only females, results when one
of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or
partially missing.


- is a rare genetic disorder caused by missing pieces on
a particular chromosome. It is not the result of anything
the parents have done or failed to do. The
characteristics of a newborn with cri du chat syndrome
include a high-pitched cry, a small head and a flattened
bridge of the nose.

- klinefelter syndrome where boys and men are born with
an extra X chromosome. Chromosomes are packages
of genes found in every cell in the body.


- is a genetic disorder. It causes delayed development,
problems with speech and balance, intellectual
disability, and, sometimes, seizures. People with
Angelman syndrome often smile and laugh frequently, HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE
and have happy, excitable personalities. - Trinucleotide: CAG
- Inheritance: Autosomal Dominant
- Symptoms:
o Aggression
o Psychosis

o Chorea • Deletion
o Dementia - Prader-Willi Syndrome when the maternal
- Findings: increased of Dopamine, Decrease of chromosome is present the paternal chromosome
Acetylcholine, GABA, Caudate is deleted.
- mnemonic: Can’t Aim Great when you HUNT 4 an - Angelman Syndrome when the paternal
animal. chromosome is present, the maternal
chromosome is deleted.
FRAGILE X SYNDROME • Uniparental Disomy (UPD)
- either both maternal chromosomes are present or
- Trinucleotide: CGG
both paternal chromosomes.
- Inheritance: X -Linked Dominant
• Defective imprinting
- Symptoms:
- “mix up” (ex. left shoe acts like the right shoe)
o Microorchidism
they are like the same but aren’t.
o Intellectual Disability
o Long ears
o Large ears
- mnemonics: “Congenitally Giant Gonads”
- finds out if someone has a specific genetic condition or
a genetic mutation.
- Trinucleotide: GAA
- Inheritance: Autosomal Recessive
o Ataxia/ Staggering Gait - examines and understands changes in an organism's
o Hammer Toes Pes Cavus DNA at a molecular level
o Scoliosis
- MCC Death: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA)
- due to its ability to analyze multiple genetic sequences
- mnemonic: Lady GAA-GAA Fell”Lady GAA-GAA na-
simultaneously within a single test, it is a useful
ATAXIA and Fell” diagnostic and genetics tool.


- It aids in genetic research and diagnostics by enabling
researchers to ascertain whether a sample contains a
Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) certain DNA sequence in a sample.
- typical patient is a young adult male
- males are more affected than females Cytogenomic Array Technology (CMA)
- mitochondrial inherited - assists researchers and physicians in identifying genetic
- cannot be past to paternal line differences in a person's DNA. STudy genomic
alterations, including CNVs, chromosomal
Treatment: No treatment
abnormalities, and other genetic variations.

GENOMIC IMPRINTING Array-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (Array

- is a epigenetic mechanism , meaning it occurs by
- is a sophisticated genetic method for identifying and
modifying the activation of our gene not by changing researching variations in an individual's DNA.
the genetic make up of one organism - closely related to CMA but is a subset of CMA. Focuses
primarily on detecting CNV
Prader- Willi Syndrome
- is characterized by mental retar- dation, short stature, SNP Genotyping Arrays
hypotonia, profound hyperphagia, obesity, small hands - are powerful tools for analyzing variations in single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found across a
and feet, and hypogonadism.
person's genome in genetics and genomics. (like
fingerprint reader to help us understand what makes
Angelman Syndrome each person unique and to learn more about ourselves
- mentally retarded, but present with ataxic gait, and health.)
seizures, and inappropriate laughter. They are
considered as happy puppet EPIGENETIC ALTERATION
- are similar to switches that can activate or deactivate
The molecular basis of these two syndromes lies in the genes in your body. Although they don't change your
genomic imprinting. Three mechanisms are involved: DNA, they do regulate how your genes are used.
- (ex. TV, TV(DNA), channels(genes), remote(epigenetic
alteration) present channel you are watching is the

active gene while the other channels are the inactive
genes. Even though you changed the channel it doesn’t
change the TV itself.

- is similar to reading and comprehending the messages
carried by the RNA molecules in your body to know
what is going on inside your cells and how it affects your


- is like a lightning-fast and accurate DNA reading
technology. It enables scientists to quickly and precisely
read the genetic instructions contained within your
DNA, assisting them in understanding your genes,
identifying variances, and deciphering genetic

key concepts in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)

• Spatial Separation
• Local Amplification
• Parallel Sequencing

- is like using computers to study and understand the
hidden information within our genes.

Clinical NGS DNA sequencing applications

- are like a genetic detective tool that aids medical
professionals in deciphering our DNA, identifying
potential problems, and provide more effective and
personalized care.

Different approaches or methods of DNA sequencing

● Targeted Sequencing
● Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)
● Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)

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