Nicole Cuevas - 1984 Reading Assignment 4 Reading Questions 2024

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First, read the questions below just to get an idea of some of the items you will be looking for.

read Book II, chapters 1-4 (pages 105-147) [pdf pages 132-185], keeping these questions in mind. As you
are reading, make check marks in the margins when you find a passage that may be relevant to these
questions or your predictions. (Use sticky notes if you can’t write in the book.)


Chapter I
1. Why does Winston have conflicting emotions when he sees the dark-haired girl from the fiction
department fall down? Explain.

He didn’t know whether or not he was being tricked by the thought police or a part of an underground
government against Big Brother but he had hoped that it was her who gave him the note and not for
anything else.

2. Why is Winston stunned when he reads what the girl wrote on the note she gave him? Explain.

She said “I love you” and he was stunned because he didn’t believe what he saw was there and he didn’t
believe she had an interest in him which is why he was taken by surprise since it would’ve been the last
thing she would’ve said in his head.

3. Why is it so difficult for Winston to meet the girl? Explain.

He couldn’t show much interest or the telescreens would tell that the note was not something good.

4. In the relationship between Winston and Julia, who seems to be in charge? Why? Explain.

Julias is in charge because she chooses where they meet and at what time not only that but she knows
to which spots to go to where they wouldn’t get in trouble.

Chapter II
5. Why does Winston trust Julia? Explain.

Winston trusts Julia because she has experience.

6. Why is Julia attracted to Winston? Explain.

She knew that Winston was different and was against the party the way that she was.

7. Who is Julia? What are her strengths? What are her weaknesses? Explain.

Julia is a young confident woman. She doesn’t care about going against the party which is one of her
strengths. However, her weakness is that although she goes against the party she is with the party
Chapter III

8. Why can’t Winston and Julia get married? Explain.

Winston is already married to Katherine and the party doesn’t allow divorces not only that but they don’t
allow intimate relationships where they love each other.

9. What kind of job does Julia have? Explain in detail.

She specializes in serving machines and used to work in a novel writing department. She does love her
work she just doesn’t like reading.

Chapter IV
10. Julia brings coffee, tea, and sugar to the room above the junk shop. But she also has make-up and
perfume. Why is Winston so surprised to see her wearing make-up? Explain.

Winston is surprised to see her wear make-up because people in their society are typically not trying to
attract one another.

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