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Salbuyon Schist
Daguma Range

Exposures of metamorphic rocks at Salbuyon and Apno creeks in the southeastern part of the Daguma Range.
Oldest rocks in southern Cotabato Cordillera, consisting mainly of crystalline schists of various subfacies resulting from
the regional metamorphism of older volcanic and sedimentary rocks.
Schists are partly traceable along the southeastern core of the Cotabato Cordillera, primarily along Salbuyon and Apno
Kiamba Formation
Daguma Range

Previously named Siloay Formation for the

conglomerate and limestone beds at the
headwaters of Siloay River, South Cotabato.
The lower part of the formation: dominated by
massive andesite intercalated with basalt flows
with occasional flow breccias.
The upper part of the formation consist dominantly
of flow breccias with minor flows and wackes.
Exposure of pillow lavas is conformably overlain by
thin beds of wackes intercalated with volcanic
breccia. at Bacud Point (foot of Buko Mtn.)
Daguma Diorite
Daguma Range

Batholithic mass of diorite, more or less elongated in shape, intrudes older formations along portions of the Daguma
typical diorite is medium- to coarse-grained with euhedral hornblende and plagioclase up to 5 mm across.
Few sample exhibiting banding of plag and ferromagnesian minerals
Mottled, massive, well jointed
Maganoy Formation
Daguma Range

Sedimentary sequence along Maganoy River, south-central Maguindanao.

Dark gray to black fossiliferous limestone, pebble and cobble conglomerates, and greenish gray pebbly and orbitoidal
Nakal Formation
Daguma Range

Named by Froehlich and Melendres (1960) for the rocks along Nakal Creek, which cuts the Matulas Anticline.
Consists of graywacke and conglomerate interbedded with shale and mudstone, as well as thin beds of fossiliferous
Head Allah Limestone at the south central part of the basin
Tigbauan Limestone in the northern portion.
Cablacan Formation
Daguma Range

Thick sequence of conglomerate, graywacke, quartzite and schistose marble

subdivided into a lower volcanic member and an upper sedimentary member.
Volcanic rocks were described by Malicdem and Peña (1963) as volcanic flows and flow breccias
Upper sedimentary member consists of sandstones, shale and limestone with intercalated pyroxene-bearing andesite
flows. The basal section is dominantly made up of limestone with lenses of calcareous lithic wackes and reddish brown
Abundant megafossils and coral fingers in Labo locality
Tual Quartz Diorite
Daguma Range

Occurs as stocks intruding the Kiamba Formation and Cablacan Formation in a few localities in Kiamba, South
The quartz diorite is generally light gray and medium grained.
A number of iron and copper prospects in several localities in Kiamba are associated with the intrusion of the quartz
diorite bodies.
Tampanan Limestone
Daguma Range

Probably equivalent to the Siloay Limestone of Francisco

and Comsti (1950).
basal portion of the formation is a conglomerate
consisting of basaltic clasts in a calcareous matrix
containing fossils
Limestone typically coralline an dhoney-combed w/
In places, the limestone is well-bedded and arenaceous.
Siguil Formation
Daguma Range

a sequence of both clastic rocks and limestone that apparently rests unconformably on the older formations and
overlaps the Tampanan limestone along an elongated but narrow basin.
Interbedded tuffaceous conglomerate, sandstone and shale comprise the clastic members of the formation.
Capping the whole sequence of clastic sedimentary rocks is massive white to flesh colored coralline limestone.
Karst topography w steep gorges in area underlain by limestone
Base of limestone is tuffaceous marl (about a meter thick)
Allah Formation
Daguma Range

clastic rocks and limestone along the basin defined by the Allah River and its tributaries, representing the northern
facies of a similar sequence - the Siguil Formation - in the southern part of the area.
Tuffaceous sandstone and shale comprise the clastic deposits in upper reaches of Allah River tributaries
The upper member of the formation is flesh-colored massive limestone.
Fossils probably deposited in open basin of relatively shallow depth.
The formation is tightly folded along the western flank of the Allah River Valley.
Kamanga Limestone
Daguma Range

recently uplifted reef limestone adjoining the Kamanga-Siguil area, along the western coast of Sarangani Bay.
basal portion of the Kamanga Limestone consists of conglomerate layers derived from rocks of the Parker Volcanic
the limestone grades upward to purely coralline type from the impure marl in the lower horizon
contain marine flora and molluscan shells in several localities
bioclastic-biohermal aggregates are white to flesh in color, generally vuggy, and are partly sandy and tuffaceous.
Poor to no bedding
Matulas Gravel
Daguma Range

Terrace gravel deposits of Holocene age are found along the Marbel-Banga highway, north of Matulas Range.
Topographically expressed by moderately-elevated rolling, sparsely- vegetated hills along the eastern margin of the
Cotabato Basin.
Gravel deposits of Matulas Range consist of fluviatile detrita of various compositions merging with the alluvium of the
lowlands. The sub-rounded to rounded pebbles and cobbles include a heterogeneous assemblage of the older rocks in
the area.
Bedding is poor or entirely lacking in the area.

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