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Plan For Bagacay

Mine Site
Caster Troi Garcia

Characterized by severe acidity and near-

zero vegetation, this site demands urgent
attention. The surrounding communities,
grappling with poor livelihoods, face
additional pressures as locals illegally
sell abandoned facilities. A
comprehensive rehabilitation plan is
essential to restore ecological balance,
mitigate environmental hazards, and
uplift the socio-economic conditions of
the affected communities.
Key Components of Rehabilitation

A Environmental Rehabilitation

B Community Development

C Infrastructure Redevelopment

D Stakeholder Collaboration
Environmental Rehabilitation

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Remediation:

Implementing measures to neutralize acidic discharges and

prevent AMD, such as installing alkaline leach beds,
neutralization ponds, or constructed wetlands.
Environmental Rehabilitation

Soil Stabilization and Erosion Control:

Introducing erosion control techniques and soil stabilization

measures to prevent further degradation and promote the re-
establishment of vegetation.
Environmental Rehabilitation

Vegetation Restoration:

Conducting extensive reforestation efforts by planting native

and adapted species to restore biodiversity and enhance soil
Environmental Rehabilitation

Water Quality Improvement:

Implementing water treatment systems to purify contaminated

water sources, safeguarding aquatic ecosystems, and providing
clean water for local communities.
Community Development

Livelihood Programs:

Introducing sustainable livelihood programs, such as

agriculture, aquaculture, and eco-tourism initiatives, to
diversify income sources for the local communities.
Community Development

Skills Training and Employment Opportunities:

Providing skill development programs to empower locals with the

necessary skills for alternative employment opportunities,
including mine site rehabilitation activities.
Community Development

Community Engagement and Education:

Establishing community-based educational programs to raise

awareness about environmental conservation, sustainable
practices, and the long-term benefits of mine site
Community Development

Legal Awareness Campaigns:

Conducting campaigns to educate locals about the illegality and

consequences of selling abandoned facilities, while working
with law enforcement to address and discourage such activities.
Infrastructure Redevelopment

Site Security and Monitoring:

Establishing a comprehensive security system to deter illegal

activities, with regular monitoring and patrols to safeguard
rehabilitated areas.
Infrastructure Redevelopment

Infrastructure Renovation:

Rehabilitating abandoned facilities for community use, such as

converting them into community centers, educational facilities,
or health clinics, enhancing their value for the local
Infrastructure Redevelopment

Waste Management Systems:

Implementing effective waste management systems to address any

residual pollution and promote a clean and healthy environment.
Stakeholder Collaboration

Government and NGO Partnerships:

Collaborating with government agencies, non-governmental

organizations, and environmental bodies to pool resources,
expertise, and funding for the successful implementation of the
rehabilitation plan.
Stakeholder Collaboration

Community Involvement:

Encouraging active participation of the local community in

decision-making processes, ensuring that their needs, concerns,
and traditional knowledge are integrated into the
rehabilitation plan.

Environmental Community Infrastructure

Rehabilitation Development Redevelopment

Watershed Restoration
= ₱10,000 Site Security =
Acid Mine Drainage Skills Training ₱15,000
Restoration = ₱50,000 Programs = ₱15,000 Waste Management
Soil Stability = Legal Awareness Systems = ₱40,000
₱30,000 Campaigns = ₱5,000 Infrastructures
Vegetation Renovations = ₱60,000
Restoration = ₱20,000

Total Cost Estimation = ₱245,000


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