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1. Every day Mary _________ (clean) her room.

2. At the moment Mary ____________ (sweep) the floor.
3. Yesterday Mary ___________ (wash) the dishes.
4. Peter and Ann usually ___________ (help) their mother.
5. The children ___________ (rake) all the leaves last year.
6. Right now they ____________ (walk) the dog.
7. We ____________ (take) out the trash every week.
8. They ____________(wash) the windows today.
9. Look! Nina __________(iron) the laundry.
10. My parents always ____________(clean) up the closet.
11. Listen! Mark ____________ (do) the dishes!
12. Sonya ____________ (fold) the laundry three weeks ago.
13. Every winter we _____________ (decorate) the house.
14. At the moment she ______________ (work) in the garden.
15. Last Christmas they ____________ (cook) a tasty cake.
16. She ____________ (work) in the garden every spring.
17.My sister ____________ (sweep) the floor now.
18. We _____________ (study) at school.
19.. Parents ____________ (love) their children.
20. My granny _____________ (make) a surprise for my last birthday.
21. My granny ______________ (make) a surprise for my birthday every year.
22. Right now they _______________ (eat) soup.
23. Look! the child ____________ (dust) the furniture!
24. Mother ___________ (mop) the floor on Tuesdays.
25. We _____________ (water) the grass two years ago.

2. Complete with Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple.

a) Mary ___________(go) to the cinema, when she ____________ (meet) Stacy last
b) He always ______________ (plan) everything, but now he _______________ (face)
something unexpected.
c) The teachers _______________(tell) us the results of the tests yesterday, but usually
they ________________(not/say) a word about it.
d) I never _________________ (know) your friends, but at least today you
___________________(introduce) me to some of them.
e) We often __________________(eat) at this restaurant, but yesterday we
______________(decide) not to go there and we at home.
f) ___________________(you/come) here every week? I _________________(see) you
here last week.
g) Yesterday, I _________________(be) at the station and I ______________ (lose) my
keys. I always ________________ (leave) things everywhere.
h) Sarah _________________ (study) right now. Yesterday she _______________(do) it.
i) ____________________(Mike/wait) for us outside now? No, he
________________(shop) at the moment. He always ______________ (leave) us waiting.

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