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Postharvest Biology and Technology 49 (2008) 348–354

Effect of cold storage on vitamin C, phenolics and antioxidant activity

of five orange genotypes [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]
Paolo Rapisarda ∗ , Marisol Lo Bianco, Paolo Pannuzzo, Nicolina Timpanaro
CRA-Centro di Ricerca per l’Agrumicoltura e le Colture Mediterranee, Corso Savoia 190, 95024 Acireale, Italy
Received 25 October 2007; accepted 2 February 2008

The effect of cold storage on antioxidant profile and the antioxidant activity of five sweet orange genotypes [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck], three
blood (pigmented) varieties with different anthocyanin contents (‘Tarocco Messina’, ‘Tarocco Meli’ and ‘Moro’) and two blond varieties (‘Ovale’
and ‘Valencia late’), stored at 6 ± 1 ◦ C for 65 d was investigated. During fruit storage, anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, vitamin C, flavanones
and total phenolics were determined, and juice antioxidant capacity was measured by two different in vitro tests (DPPH scavenging activity and
inhibition of induced linoleic acid peroxidation). The results showed an increase in anthocyanins, flavanones and hydroxycinnamic acids and a
slight decrease in vitamin C in the blood oranges. Cold storage negatively affected flavanone concentration, while positively influenced vitamin
C in blond orange varieties. Both antioxidant activity tests showed an increase in antioxidant capacity during storage caused mainly by phenolic
accumulation (blood oranges) and vitamin C increase (blond oranges). Finally, correlations between antioxidant activity and total or individual
phenolic components were examined.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Blood oranges; Anthocyanins; Flavanones; Hydroxycinnamic acids

1. Introduction diuretic, analgesic and hypolipidemic activities (Galati et al.,

1994; Monforte et al., 1995). Citrus fruit also contains signifi-
Clinical trials and epidemiological studies have established cant quantities of hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA) such as ferulic,
an inverse correlation between fruit and vegetable dietary intake p-coumaric, sinapic and caffeic (Risch and Hermann, 1988).
and the occurrence of diseases such as inflammation, cardiovas- Recently, the role of hydroxycinnamic acids as antioxidants
cular diseases, cancer and aging-related disorders (Doll, 1990; (Silva et al., 2000) and orange juice markers (Rapisarda et al.,
Ames et al., 1993; Willet, 1994). Dietary antioxidants, including 1998) has been pointed out.
vitamin C, polyphenols and carotenoids, are believed to be effec- ‘Tarocco’, ‘Moro’ and ‘Sanguinello’ are the most widely cul-
tive nutrients in the prevention of these oxidative stress-related tivated sweet orange varieties [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] in
diseases (Kris-Etherton et al., 2002). Italy. They have unique flesh and rind color, due to the red
Citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C and other bioactive com- pigments belonging to the anthocyanin class, and higher con-
pounds including flavonoids and phenolic acids, all potentially centration of vitamin C, flavanones and hydroxycinnamic acids
health-promoting (Widmer and Montanari, 1996). Several than blond oranges (Rapisarda and Giuffrida, 1992; Rapisarda
studies have shown that certain cancers can be prevented and Intelisano, 1996; Rapisarda et al., 1998; Postorino and
by selective food consumption; citrus flavonoids being one Gionfriddo, 1999).
of several possible cancer-preventing agents (Attaway, 1994). Anthocyanins have been associated with potentially bene-
Moreover, citrus flavonoids, particularly hesperidin and dios- ficial effects on various diseases such as capillary fragility, dia-
min, have shown a wide range of therapeutic properties in betic retinopathy and human platelet aggregation (Rapisarda
medical and clinical applications such as antihypertensive, et al., 2001). The main anthocyanins in blood (pigmented)
orange juice are cyanidin-3-glucoside (Cy3G) and cyanidin-
3-(6 -malonyl)-glucoside (Cy3MG) (Maccarone et al., 1998).
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 095 7653134; fax: +39 095 7653113. Recently, it was reported that Cy3G has a higher antioxidant
E-mail address: (P. Rapisarda). activity than other more common anthocyanins (Wang et al.,

0925-5214/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Rapisarda et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 49 (2008) 348–354 349

1997), and that Cy3MG protects plant cells against UV-induced Meli’ and ‘Moro nucellar 58-8D-1’) and two blond varieties
damage (Takahashi et al., 1991). In addition, Bonina et al. (1998) (‘Ovale nucellar 55-7C-5’ and ‘Valencia late’). The fruit were
found that a standardized extract of blood orange juice contain- harvested in 25 February (‘Moro’), in 13 May (‘Tarocco’
ing 3% anthocyanins has strong in vitro antioxidant activity and clones) and 10 June 2005 (‘Ovale’ and ‘Valencia’), respec-
in vivo photoprotective effects against UVB-induced skin ery- tively, at the Palazzelli experimental farm of the CRA-Centro
thema. Lastly, other studies have demonstrated that blood orange di Ricerca per l’Agrumicoltura e le Colture Mediterranee
juices have higher antioxidant efficiency than blond orange (Acireale, Italy). Once in the laboratory, fruit were treated
juices (Rapisarda et al., 1999). with 1000 mg/L of Imazalil to minimize decay during storage.
These health benefits have prompted research into pre- and Fruit were then kept dry at room temperature for about 6 h
postharvest citrus fruit treatments to maintain or enhance their before being placed randomly in boxes (20 fruit per box).
biological activity. Postharvest storage at low temperature for Twelve boxes were used for each variety (four samples in
more or less extended periods is necessary to extend the com- triplicate form) and stored in temperature-controlled chambers
mercial shelf-life of citrus fruit. Some blood orange genotypes at 6 ± 1 ◦ C, relative humidity (RH) 90–95% and complete air
such as ‘Tarocco Messina’ and ‘Tarocco Meli’ are late varieties change every hour. Fruit sampling (three boxes per each sample)
that reach maturity in May. Therefore, postharvest management was carried out before storage (time 0) and at about 20-day
of these varieties could extend the presence of blood oranges in intervals, for a total storage period of 65 days. Fruit of each
the market until the summer months. box were squeezed by a domestic juicer and the juice obtained
Although oranges are considered to be non-climateric fruit, used for physicochemical analyses and antioxidant activity
storage treatment can increase fruit respiration because of pos- determination.
sible chilling injury (CI) (Grierson and Ben-Yehoshua, 1986).
Blood oranges are highly susceptible to CI when stored below 2.3. Physicochemical analysis
7–8 ◦ C and they can undergo internal metabolic changes during
prolonged storage (Pratella et al., 1969). Total soluble solids (TSS) and titrable acidity (TA, as %
The current study describes the responses of five orange of anhydrous citric acid) were determined by standard meth-
genotypes (three pigmented varieties with different anthocyanin ods (Kimball, 1999). Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid) concentration
content and two blond varieties) to storage at 6 ± 1 ◦ C for was determined by liquid chromatography using a Waters
65 d, focusing on phenolic and vitamin C content and their Alliance 2695 HPLC equipped with a Waters 996 photodiode
antioxidant activity. Anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, fla- array detector (PDA) and Waters Empower software (Rapisarda
vanones, total phenolics and vitamin C, were determined and and Intelisano, 1996). The column was a C18 Hypersil ODS
juice antioxidant capacity was assessed by means of two (150 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 ␮m; Phenomenex, Torrence, CA)
different in vitro tests (DPPH scavenging activity and inhi- maintained at 35 ◦ C. The elution was performed with a buffer
bition of induced linoleic acid peroxidation). Therefore, the solution of 0.1 M KH2 PO4 /H3 PO4 (pH 2.3) at a flow rate
objective of this study was to investigate the effects of cold 1 mL/min. Wavelength was set at 260 nm.
storage on the levels of phenolics, vitamin C and the antioxi- Anthocyanin content was evaluated spectrophotometrically
dant capacity in blood and blond oranges in order to evaluate (Varian UV-vis spectrophotometer mod. Cary 100 Scan) by the
if this treatment may enhance the health functionality of pH differential method (Rapisarda et al., 2000) and expressed
fruit. as cyanidin-3-glucoside equivalents (mg/L).
Flavanone glycosides, expressed as hesperidin equivalents
2. Materials and methods (mg/L), were determined by an HPLC procedure (Rouseff et
al., 1987) using the HPLC-PDA equipment described above.
2.1. Chemicals A sample of centrifuged juice was diluted 1:1 with the mobile
phase, filtered through a 0.45 ␮m filter and injected directly into
Ascorbic acid (AA), hesperidin, p-coumaric, ferulic, caffeic the column. The solvent system was water/acetonitrile/acetic
and sinapic acids, Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) reagent, 1,1-diphenil- acid (79.5:20:0.5), with flow rate 1 mL/min. The column effluent
2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH), linoleic acid, lipoxygenase was monitored at 280 nm. Total flavanone glycosides content
from soybean (E.C. were purchased from Sigma (the most abundant being hesperidin, narirutin and didymin) was
Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Water, acetonitrile and methanol calculated by comparing the integrated peak areas of individual
(HPLC grade) were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Ger- compounds to that of standard curve prepared using hesperidin
many). The solvents and reagents not expressly specified had a standard.
high degree of purity and were supplied by Carlo Erba (Rodano, Hydroxycinnamic acids (p-coumaric, ferulic, caffeic and
Italy). sinapic acids) were extracted from the juice using a solid-
phase extraction (SPE) procedure, after alkaline hydrolysis of
2.2. Fruit treatments hydroxycinnamic esters (Fallico et al., 1996). Ten milliliters of
centrifuged juice was added to 10 mL of 2 N NaOH and stored
The study was carried out on fruit of five sweet orange geno- at room temperature in the dark. Complete hydrolysis of bound
types [C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck], three pigmented varieties with hydroxycinnamic acids occurred in 4 h. The solution was then
different anthocyanin content (‘Tarocco Messina’, ‘Tarocco acidified with 2N HCl to pH 2.5 and passed through a C18 SPE
350 P. Rapisarda et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 49 (2008) 348–354

cartridge (Waters, Milford, MA). Hydroxycinnamic acids were for each sample was calculated as follows:
eluted with 0.1% HCl in methanol. Chromatographic analysis
was performed by HPLC equipped as above. The eluents were A 0 − Ax
%inhibition = 100
water/acetic acid (98:2), solvent A and methanol, solvent B with A0
a gradient transition from 95 to 70% of solvent A during 40 min.
The flow rate was 1 mL/min and detection was performed at where A0 is the absorbance of a DPPH blank and Ax is the
300 nm. Total hydroxycinnamic acids content was calculated absorbance of juice solution. Stronger radical quenching results
using peak areas from standard curves of p-coumaric, ferulic, in a lower IC50 value.
caffeic and sinapic acids. Antioxidant activity was also determined through inhibi-
The orange juices were analyzed for total phenolics by the tion of induced linoleic acid peroxidation (InLAP) assay. The
Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) colorimetric method (Singleton et al., enzymatic oxidation of linoleic acid was obtained by adding
1999). Appropriately diluted samples (1 mL) were mixed with lipoxygenase (Lo Scalzo et al., 2004) and monitored in the
5 mL FC commercial reagent (previously diluted with water absence (blank test) and presence (sample test) of orange
1:10, v/v) and 4 mL of a 7.5% sodium carbonate solution. The juice by recording the linear increase in absorbance at 234 nm
mixture was stirred for 2 h at room temperature away from strong (Amax of conjugated diene peroxides from linoleic acid oxida-
light. The absorbance of the resulting blue solution was mea- tion). In the sample test, InLAP was measured in a solution
sured spectrophotometrically at 740 nm and the concentration containing 2.65 mL 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 0.3 mL
of total phenolics was expressed as (±) catechin equivalents 2.28 mM linoleic acid–water emulsion, 0.05 mL orange juice
(mg/L). and 0.025 mL lipoxygenase solution (15 mg lipoxygenase stan-
dard in 25 mL 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.0). In the blank
test orange juice was substituted with 0.05 mL 0.1 M phosphate
2.4. Antioxidant activity buffer (pH 7.0).
Antioxidant activity was expressed as the percentage protec-
The DPPH-scavenging activity (DPPH-SA) of orange tion from linoleic acid enzymatic degradation, where the blank
juice was tested as bleaching of the stable 1,1-diphenil- represents 100% degradation.
2-picrylhydrazyl radical (Brand-Williams et al., 1995). The
reaction mixture contained 4 mL 10−4 M DPPH methanolic
solution and different amounts of orange juice. After 10 min at 2.5. Statistical analysis
room temperature, the absorbance of the resulting solution was
recorded at 517 nm and the results were expressed as percentage One-way ANOVA was performed for each cultivar to obtain
decrease against controls. Percent inhibition vs. sample volume a statistical assessment of the evolution of physicochemical
(␮L) curves were used to determine the concentration at which parameters and antioxidant capacity during storage. Means were
50% radical scavenging occurred (IC50 ). Inhibition percentage separated by Tukey’s test at p ≤ 0.05 and at p ≤ 0.01 significance.

Table 1
Change of standard quality parameters of different orange genotypes stored at 6 ± 1 ◦ C for 65 d
Orange variety Storage (days) TA (%) TSS (%) TSS/TA pH

0 1.38 A 8.07 D 5.85 C 3.70 B

20 1.36 A 9.82 C 7.22 B 3.52 D
‘T. Messina’
40 1.37 A 9.92 B 7.24 B 3.57 C
65 1.09 B 10.12 A 9.28 A 3.73 A
0 1.40 A 8.62 D 6.16 C 3.46 B
20 1.43 A 9.42 C 6.57 B 3.31 C
‘T. Meli’
40 1.46 A 9.97 B 6.85 B 3.46 B
65 1.25 B 10.62 A 8.49 A 3.51 A
0 1.57 A 10.57 D 6.73 D 3.44 C
20 1.53 AB 10.62 C 6.94 C 3.36 D
40 1.52 B 11.07 B 7.28 B 3.53 B
65 1.34 C 11.47 A 8.56 A 3.63 A
0 0.90 A 10.58 B 11.80 B 3.74 b
20 0.88 A 10.54 B 11.98 B 3.76 ab
40 0.83 B 10.94 A 13.18 A 3.76 ab
65 0.80 B 10.95 A 13.70 A 3.78 a
0 1.11 B 10.47 C 9.43 A 3.59 A
20 1.11 B 10.81 B 9.74 A 3.60 A
40 1.13 AB 11.21 A 9.89 A 3.56 B
65 1.18 A 10.51 C 8.88 B 3.58 AB

Values in the same column for each orange variety having different letters are significantly different: p ≤ 0.01, capital letters or p ≤ 0.05, small letters.
P. Rapisarda et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 49 (2008) 348–354 351

Correlation analysis of antioxidant activity values vs. vitamin ent behavior of this variety (Echeverria and Valich, 1989). As a
C or phenolic components (anthocyanins, flavanones, HCA and result of concomitant changes in TSS and TA, the TSS/TA ratio
total phenolics) was performed by MSTAT WIN 10. increased during storage in all varieties with the exception of
‘Valencia’ orange where a drop was observed on the 65th day
3. Results and discussion of storage.
Table 2 shows the changes in the antioxidant components of
Changes of fruit quality parameters for ‘T. Messina’ and ‘T. different orange genotypes during storage. In orange fruit the
Meli’, ‘Moro’, ‘Ovale’ and ‘Valencia’ oranges stored at 6 ± 1 ◦ C predominant form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid whereas dehy-
for 65 d are shown in Table 1. Fruit weight loss after 65 d of stor- droascorbic acid (DHA) is less than 10% of total vitamin C
age was less than 5% with respect to the initial weight (data not content. Moreover, the change during fruit storage of DHA val-
shown). Titratable acidity remained constant in the early stages ues is negligible (Wills et al., 1984), thus the amount of ascorbic
of storage, then decreased in all the varieties, except for ‘Valen- acid can be assumed as vitamin C content in juice.
cia’ orange which increased slightly. This trend is reflected on Vitamin C slightly decreased in ‘T. Meli’ and ‘Moro’ oranges.
pH levels which significantly increased at the end of storage, In ‘Valencia’, this component rose after 40 days of storage,
whereas a slight decrease in ‘Valencia’ fruit was observed. Cit- whereas in ‘T. Messina’ and ‘Ovale’ it increased initially and
ric acid has been reported to decrease in stored citrus fruit and then declined. However, at the end of storage, the vitamin C
this decline may be in part due to the use of organic acids for levels in all the genotypes (48.86–63.66 mg/100 mL) were not
energy production and alcoholic fermentation (Echeverria and such as to lead to an excessive reduction in fruit antioxidant
Valich, 1989). In addition, organic acids may provide carbon protection (Scandalios, 1993).
skeletons for the synthesis of phenolics, including anthocyanin A marked increase of juice anthocyanins in both ‘Tarocco’
and non-anthocyanin phenolics (Kalt et al., 1999). An increase clones was observed during storage. Anthocyanin levels rose
in TSS during storage occurred in all samples, although both almost 5-fold (from 4.89 to 23.83 mg/L) in ‘T. Meli’ and 9-
‘Tarocco’ clones showed a more noticeable rise than the oth- fold (from 1.09 to 10.26 mg/L) in ‘T. Messina’, whereas ‘Moro’
ers. In ‘Valencia’ orange the increase was followed by a decline pigment increased only 2-fold (from 78.85 to 151.32 mg/L).
at the last interval of storage. The same TSS change in cold- Recently, it has been reported that anthocyanin production in
stored ‘Valencia’ orange was observed by El-Zeftawi (1976). blood oranges continues after harvesting when fruit are stored
Previous studies have demonstrated that de novo synthesis of at low temperatures and this accumulation depends on activa-
sugars from organic acids is a possible mechanism involved tion of the enzymes involved in phenylpropanoid metabolism
in the continuous increase of sugar levels in harvested citrus such as phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL), chalcone synthase
fruit but the presence and increase of glycolytic enzymes during (CHS), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), and UDP-glucose
later stage of ‘Valencia’ orange storage can explain the differ- flavonoid glucosyl transferase (UFGT) (Lo Piero et al., 2005).

Table 2
Change in antioxidant components in juice of different orange genotypes stored at 6 ± 1 ◦ C for 65 d
Orange variety Storage (days) Vitamin C (mg/100 mL) Anthocyanins (mg/L) Flavanones (mg/L) HCAa (mg/L) T. phenolics (mg/L)

0 55.37 B 1.09 B 107.55 C 54.35 C 523.74 D

20 58.73 A 2.07 B 139.49 B 79.81 A 673.57 A
‘T. Messina’
40 59.88 A 9.23 A 133.55 B 81.45 A 647.37 B
65 50.87 C 10.26 A 175.55 A 70.80 B 580.64 C
0 64.78 A 4.89 D 78.48 C 39.51 C 507.13 B
20 61.64 C 7.46 C 85.13 C 60.41 A 621.58 A
‘T. Meli’
40 63.79 B 11.30 B 95.59 B 57.29 AB 620.99 A
65 63.00 B 23.83 A 109.37 A 54.34 B 597.31 A
0 55.11 A 78.85 C 201.69 B 69.15 C 696.43 C
20 50.27 B 122.60 B 213.59 B 78.87 BC 693.80 C
40 52.63 AB 130.44 B 292.59 A 90.42 A 835.08 B
65 48.87 B 151.32 A 306.82 A 80.10 AB 875.96 A
0 57.13 C 310.58 AB 51.63 B 636.90 B
20 61.44 B 312.50 A 53.49 B 666.61 AB
40 67.36 A 304.82 B 62.54 A 717.74 A
65 55.56 D 286.89 C 59.16 A 631.29 B
0 61.33 B 186.97 A 67.68 A 571.05 A
20 61.97 B 149.67 B 61.80 AB 578.57 A
40 62.74 AB 132.85 BC 62.77 AB 557.78 B
65 63.66 A 127.66 C 57.06 B 540.29 C

Values in the same column for each orange variety having different letters are significantly different, p ≤ 0.01.
a Hydroxycinnamic acids.
352 P. Rapisarda et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 49 (2008) 348–354

Total flavanone glycoside concentration (the most abundant Table 3

being hesperidin and narirutin) changed during storage in all the Change in antioxidant activity of different orange genotypes stored at 6 ± 1 ◦ C
for 65 d
genotypes. Fresh fruit flavanone levels ranged from 78.5 mg/L
for ‘T. Meli’ to 310.6 mg/L for ‘Ovale’. Low temperatures Orange variety Storage (days) DPPH-SAa (␮L) InLAPb (%)
stimulated flavanones biosynthesis in all the pigmented oranges, 0 38.14 A 57.00 B
whereas in ‘Ovale’ and ‘Valencia’ oranges flavanone content 20 30.57 B 57.30 B
‘T. Messina’
decreased significantly during 65 d storage which could be 40 29.77 B 57.46 B
attributed to storage-related degradation. 65 30.45 B 65.75 A
The orange varieties showed different trends for total 0 38.34 A 56.70 b
hydroxycinnamic acids with ‘T. Messina’, ‘T. Meli’ and ‘Moro’ 20 29.86 B 57.93 ab
‘T. Meli’
40 25.76 C 62.19 a
demonstrating an increase during early storage and a decline at
65 24.73 C 62.12 a
the end of storage. This change could be related to the possible
involvement of HCA in anthocyanin biosynthesis (Heller and 0 26.66 A 59.45 B
20 27.06 A 63.86 AB
Forkman, 1988) which reached a maximum in the last period ‘Moro’
40 27.52 A 62.66 AB
of storage. In ‘Ovale’, the blond orange variety with the highest 65 21.47 B 66.46 A
total phenolics, HCA slightly increased. Finally, phenolic acids
0 33.72 A 55.27 B
in ‘Valencia’ decreased, probably due to senescence phenomena 20 28.42 B 51.36 B
during storage. ‘Ovale’
40 29.53 B 61.30 A
Initial total phenolics ranged from 507.1 mg/L for ‘T. Meli’ 65 33.56 A 64.21 A
to 696.4 mg/L for ‘Moro’. The amount of total phenolics in 0 36.30 A 58.08 C
‘Moro’ orange depends on the high anthocyanin, flavanone and 20 28.48 B 62.31 BC
HCA concentrations, typical of this cultivar, while in ‘Ovale’ 40 28.30 B 62.84 B
the total phenolics was high because of the high flavanone con- 65 26.29 B 68.01 A
centration. During storage, there was an initial increase and Values in the same column for each orange variety having different letters are
subsequent decrease in total phenolics in both ‘T. Messina’ and significantly different: p ≤ 0.01, capital letters or p ≤ 0.05, small letters.
a Volumes (␮L) of juice sample yielding 50% inhibition of radical absorbance
‘Ovale’ reflecting the trend of vitamin C content. In these culti-
(IC50 ). A stronger radical quenching capacity results in a lower IC50 value.
vars, the correlation coefficients for total phenolics and vitamin b Inhibition (%) of linoleic acid hydroperoxide formation referred to the blank,
C were r = 0.640 (p ≤ 0.05) and r = 0.925 (p ≤ 0.001) respec- considered as 100% degradation.
tively. In addition, components were negatively correlated in
‘T. Meli’ (r = −0.740; p ≤ 0.01) and ‘Valencia’ (r = −0.868;
p ≤ 0.001). Folin-Ciocalteu reagent is nonspecific for phenolic synergistic effect with phenolic components. ‘Tarocco Meli’ and
compounds since it measures sample reducing capacity through ‘T. Messina’, having similar total phenolics, exhibited compa-
electronic transfer-based antioxidant capacity and, thus it can rable antioxidant activity during the initial storage period (0–20
be reduced by many non-phenolic compounds such as vitamin days), after which, ‘T. Meli’ showed more efficient DPPH-SA
C (Huang et al., 2005). Thus, due to the contribution of vita- than ‘T. Messina’, probably owing to higher ascorbic acid and
min C, the response of different genotypes to the FC assay anthocyanin content. The InLAP values of ‘T. Messina’ were
was high and comparable. ‘Moro’ total phenolics correlated the highest at the end of storage where flavanone concentra-
strongly with flavanones (r = 0.957; p ≤ 0.01) and anthocyanins tion was highest. ‘Moro’ samples reached maximum DPPH-SA
(r = 0.781; p ≤ 0.01). High interaction between total phenolics and InLAP only in the last storage period corresponding to the
and HCA was also found in ‘T. Messina’ (r = 0.938; p ≤ 0.001) highest concentration of anthocyanins, flavanones and total phe-
and ‘T. Meli’ (r = 0.946; p ≤ 0.001), whereas the correlation was nolics. A different behavior was noted for ‘Ovale’ which, after
relatively weak in ‘Valencia’ (r = 0.560; p ≤ 0.05) and ‘Ovale’ an initial increase in radical quenching capacity, a significant
(r = 0.561; p ≤ 0.05). decline followed, attributable mainly to decreasing vitamin C
The antioxidant activity of five orange genotypes determined in the last stage of storage. The antioxidant activity of ‘Valen-
as DPPH-SA and InLAP is given in Table 3. ‘Moro’ fresh cia’ oranges, determined by two methods, significantly increased
fruit showed major DPPH-SA as expected (IC50 = 26.66 ␮L), probably due to an increase in vitamin C during storage.
since it contained the highest concentration of anthocyanins, DPPH-SA was negatively correlated with anthocyanins, fla-
hydroxycinnamic acids and total phenolics. Thereafter, ‘Ovale’ vanones, HCA (only in ‘T. Messina’ and ‘T. Meli’ juices) and
orange juice showed good initial DPPH-SA due to high fla- total phenolics in pigmented varieties, showing a significant
vanones, total phenolics and vitamin C. There was no significant relationship between radical scavenging activity and phenolic
difference in the initial InLAP values of the different oranges compounds. Significant correlation was also observed between
(data not shown). Antioxidant activity for all the genotypes, DPPH-SA and total phenolics in both blond varieties and DPPH-
measured by two methods, increased significantly during cold SA vs. HCA and flavanones in ‘Valencia’ oranges. Besides,
storage. Recent studies have shown that the antioxidant effi- DPPH-SA was directly associated with vitamin C in ‘Moro’,
ciency of orange juice may be attributed, in a significant part, to ‘Ovale’ and ‘Valencia’ oranges (Table 4). Regardless of InLAP,
their total phenolic content (Rapisarda et al., 1999). However, a high correlation was found with flavanones in all cultivars. This
according to Kähkönen et al. (2001), ascorbic acid could exert a is probably because flavanone glycosides (hesperidin, narirutin
P. Rapisarda et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 49 (2008) 348–354 353

Table 4
Correlation coefficients between radical scavenging activity (DPPH-SA) and vitamin C, or phenolic components (anthocyanins, HCAa , flavanones and total phenolics)
in fruit of different orange genotypes stored at 6 ± 1 ◦ C for 65 d
Orange variety DPPH-SA vs. vitamin C DPPH-SA vs. anthocyanins DPPH-SA vs. HCAa DPPH-SA vs. flavanones DPPH-SA vs. T. phenolics

‘T. Messina’ −0.184 −0.656* −0.881*** −0.701** −0.793**

‘T. Meli’ 0.483 −0.757** −0.797** −0.858*** −0.851***
‘Moro’ 0.579* −0.651* 0.053 −0.553* −0.613*
‘Ovale’ −0.759** – −0.177 −0.481 −0.737**
‘Valencia’ −0.755** – 0.782** 0.922*** 0.525*

Significant at *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01 and ***p ≤ 0.001.

a Hydroxycinnamic acids.

Table 5
Correlation coefficients between antioxidant activity (InLAP) and vitamin C, or phenolic components (anthocyanins, HCAa , flavanones and total phenolics) in fruit
of different orange genotypes stored at 6 ± 1 ◦ C for 65 d
Orange variety InLAP vs. vitamin C InLAP vs. anthocyanins InLAP vs. HCAa InLAP vs. flavanones InLAP vs. T. phenolics

‘T. Messina’ −0.817** 0.636* 0.020 0.842** −0.210

‘T. Meli’ −0.050 0.671* 0.467 0.746** 0.525*
‘Moro’ −0.813** 0.821** 0.309 0.707** 0.582*
‘Ovale’ −0.060 – 0.783** −0.828** 0.011
‘Valencia’ 0.875*** – −0.820** −0.815** −0.783**

Significant at *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01 and ***p ≤ 0.001.

a Hydroxycinnamic acids.

and dydimin), being lipophilic substances, are more active than varieties, respectively. Furthermore, postharvest storage treat-
other phenolics in a linoleic emulsion system (Benavente-Garcia ment also enhanced antioxidant efficiency and, therefore, the
et al., 1997). Positive correlations were observed between InLAP health functionality of orange fruit. The antioxidant activity
and anthocyanins in pigmented cultivars, the highest correlation of orange juice seems not to be the property of a single phy-
being in ‘Moro’, the blood orange with the highest antho- tochemical compound but is widely distributed among vitamin
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