Arachne Practice Test

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“Arachne” Practice Test

Part 1 – Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement.
1. One of the reasons that “Arachne” is considered a myth is that it includes
a. gods and what they do.
b. a contest between rivals.
c. the sudden appearance of a marvel.
d. a conflict between characters.

2. Many people who came to watch Arachne wondered if the goddess Athene had taught her to
weave. Arachne’s reaction to this wonderment suggests that she feels
a. angry
b. confident
c. surprised
d. worried

3. When Athene and Arachne compete in a weaving contest, it is part of the story’s
a. climax
b. rising action
c. falling action
d. exposition

4. Why was Athene angry at the progress she saw on Arachne’s loom?
a. The images were an insult to the god.
b. It was evident that Arachne was beating Athene in the competition.
c. She did not realize Arachne was so skilled.
d. The colors used were Athene’s least favorite colors.

5. Which sentence from the story is the climax?

a. “…they remembered the contest with Athene and thought it was not right for even the best of
men to claim equality with the gods.”
b. “At these words, the old woman threw down her staff and stood erect.”
c. “Never before had Arachne been matched against anyone whose skill was equal, or even nearly
equal to her own.”
d. “ ‘Live on, wicked girl…Live on and spin, both you and your descendents.’”

6. This story suggests that Arachne is best remembered for

a. her great weaving abilities
b. starting from humble beginnings
c. being punished for claiming equality to the gods
d. being a spider
Part 2 – Short Answer
7. A. Identify a character trait of Arachne.
a. foolish
b. determined
c. prideful
d. confident
B. Support your answer in part A with evidence from the text.

8. Identify an important conflict in the story. Who is it between? Why is this conflict important to
the plot (story)?

9. Reread lines 46-52. How does the information help establish the conflict of the story?

10. Describe the setting. How is this setting important to the plot (story)?

11. What event is the climax of the story? Explain why this is the climax.

12. Explain how the main conflict in the story is resolved.

13. Reread lines 56-58. What inference does the author want you to make.

14. What does the word obstinancy mean as it is used in line 59? Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.

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