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Amity International School Sector-1, Vasundhara,Ghaziabad

Final Term Examination

Sample paper 23-24 (2022-23)

Subject-Social Science

1. Read all questions carefully.
2. The Question paper has 4 Sections:A, B, C and D
3. Section-A Contains Objective type questions. Each question carries
one mark.
4. Section-B Contains Source Based Question. Each question carries
one mark.
5. Section- C contains subjective questions. The word limit for 2
marker questions is 25-40 words. Word limit for 3 marker
questions is between 60 and 80 words.
6. Sec- D contains map based questions. Attach both maps to the
answerscript. Answers are to be filled on map itself.

1.In which language was Ashoka’s inscriptions written?

(a) Dev Nagari
(b) Sanskrit
(c) Tamil
(d) Brahmi Script

2.How many towers supported the massive wall of Pataliputra?

(a) 670

(b) 870

(c) 570
(d) 470

3. Who composed the Prayag Prashasti?

(a) Ravikirti

(b) Harisena

(c) Kalidasa

(d) None of these

4. The capital of the Mauryan empire was the city of _____________

5. Name the Greek ambassador who was sent to the court of Chandragupta Maurya

6.___________________is the prakrit word for the Sanskrit word Dharma.

7. Which Mauryan city was the gateway to North-west and Central Asia?

a) Pataliputra

b) Taxila

c) Ujjain

d) Lumbini

8. Identify this Chinese pilgrim-He spent a lot of time at Harsha’s court and left a detailed
account of what he saw--

(a)Hiuen Tsang

(b) Marco Polo

(c) Ibn Batuta

(d) Magasthenes

9. To which language does the term ‘Prashasti’ belong?

(a) English

(b) Hindi
(c) Sanskrit

(d) Tamil

10.What was the meaning of Kumar-amatya?

(a) Minister

(b) Chief banker

(c) Scribe

(d) Judicial officer

11)Which of these was titles was considered to be the highest during the Gupta rule?




12._____________was the ruler who stopped Harshavardhan from extending his kingdom
beyond the Narmada to the Deccan part of India.

13. Who was Pulakeshin II?

(a) Ruler of Chola dynasty

(b) Ruler of Chalukya dynasty

(c) Ruler of Gupta dynasty

(d) Ruler of Pandya dynasty

14. Banabhatta’s account provides a vivid description of the Kings army on the move. Identify
the correct statement about this army.

A)The army was careful not to harm villagers when they travelled

B)The king never travelled with his army

C)Apart from weapons, the army also carried items of daily use.
D)Villagers did not have to provide anything to the army.

15. The member of Panchayat is also called

(a) Member of Parliament

(b) Panch

(c) Prime Minister

(d) None of these

16.Who appoints the Secretary of Gram Panchayat?

(a) Government

(b) Sarpanch

(c) Election Commissioner

(d) Landlord of village

17. At which level does the Zila Parishad make development plans?

(a) District level

(b) Panchayat Samiti

(c) Block level

(d) National level

18. Who does the work of measuring land and keeping land record?

(a) Tehsildar

(b) Police

(c) Patwari

(d) All of these

19. Who did Mohan meet at the Police station to complain about what had happened with him?

(a) SHO
(b) SI

(c) ASI

(d) None of these

20. The Hindu Succession Amendment Act was passed in the year ________

21. List any one feature of the Hindu Succession Amendment Act.

22. The subdivisions of a district are known by different names such as ____________

23. The___________ record of the Patwari gives you information regarding which plot of land is
owned by whom.

24. The ___________ is the narrow zone where we find land, water and air together. It contains
all forms of life.

25. There are two main divisions of the earth’s surface. The large landmasses are known as the
___________ and the huge water bodies are called the ______________

26. North America is linked to South America by a very narrow strip of land called the

27. A narrow passage of water connecting 2 larger water bodies is called a _______________

28. From south to north, main land of India extends between _____________ and ____________

29. The ____________ is a piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides..

30. Which of the following is NOT our neighbouring country?

A) China

(b) Australia

(c) Pakistan

(d) Sri lanka

31. Sri Lanka is separated from India by the ____________

32. What do you understand by a tributary?

33.State whether true or false-The Ganga and the Indus rivers form the world’s largest delta, the
Sundarbans delta.

34.Name any one west flowing river in India.

Section B

Source based question(Attempt all questions)

The Gram sabha is a meeting of all adults who live in the area covered by a
Panchayat. This could be only one village or a few villages. In some states, as in the
example above, a village meeting is held for each village. Anyone who is 18 years old
or more and who has the right to vote is a member of the Gram Sabha.

35. Which of the following is a function of the Gram sabha?

A) Electing the members of the Panchayat

B) Implementing development plans in villages

C)Electing the secretary of the Panchayat

36.State whether true or false-the Gram sabha is elected every 6 years.

37.The work of the panchayat has to be approved by the ______________

The gaseous layers that surround the earth, is the Atmosphere, where oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide and other gases are found. This thin blanket of air is an integral and important aspect of
the planet.

38.List any one reason why the atmosphere is important.

39. Why is carbon dioxide an important part of the atmosphere?

40. State whether true or false: The atmosphere is divided into five layers based on composition,
temperature and other properties.

Section C(Attempt all questions)

41. List any 2 functions of the Gram panchayat (2)

42. Mention any 2 sources of funds for the Gram panchayat (2)
43. What are the functions of a patwari in a village? (2)
44. Describe any 2 functions performed by the Tehsildar in a village
45. The earth is called the blue planet. Why do we still have a scarcity of freshwater?
46. What are Corals and how do they form Coral islands? (2)
47. Discuss the main features of the Mauryan administration.
48. How did the Kalinga war change Ashoka’s life? (3)
49. The Pallava inscriptions describe local assemblies found in the south. Describe any 3 of
these assemblies. (3)
50. Describe the three levels of the Panchayati raj in India with special emphasis on the
function of each level.
51. Discuss the role of the police in a village (3)
52. How do the three domains of the earth interact with each other and affect each other?
53. Differentiate between the Andaman& Nicobar islands and the Lakshadweep islands.

Section D(Attempt all questions)

54. On the political map of India: Locate and label

i)the area where Ashoka fought his last battle. He gave up wars after this battle.

ii)The capital of The Mauryan empire

iii)The capital of the Chalukyas

iv)The kingdom taken over by Harsha after its ruler(his brother in law), was killed by the
ruler of Bengal.

v)Andaman and Nicobar islands.

viWestern ghats and Eastern Ghats.

55.On the political map of the world: Locate and label the smallest continent in the world


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