Defending and Legally Establishing The Good News

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Both past & present, Jehovah’s people have been met with
different oppositions. And these oppositions can either comes from
individuals or governmental authorities.
If you are with your meeting workbook, pls turn to page 3, let us
see what opposition Jehovah’s people has faced in the past, Also by
means of a video, which we will watch much later, we also see what
legal challenges we had experienced, the legal victories we have had
and what part we can play in defending it?
On page 3 of meeting workbook, it mentions that when opposers
tried to stop the isrealities from rebuilding the temple, what did they
do? They established their legal right to proceed.
We want to read Ezra 5:11 & 13 and let see their responses.
**Yes from the reading, they mentioned who they were, saying:
“we are servants of the God of the heavens and the earth” and about
what they were doing, they said “we are rebuilding the house that was
built many years ago by a great king of Israel”
And at verse 13 they mentioned that king Cyrus of Babylon issued
an order to rebuild this house of God. These were evidences that really
backed up their work.
Now, Christians today have similarly worked to defend and legally
establish the good news. And to that end, a legal department was
created at world headquarters in 1936. Today this legal department
organizes the defense of kingdom interests worldwide.
How has this department promoted kingdom interests and
benefited God’s people?
We want to watch the Video entitled “Tour of the legal
department at world headquarters” at the end of it, we will take some
questions. Please watch.
Lastly, the information below says that if while you are sharing
some form of the ministry, the authorities inform you that you are
violating the law, 1. What should we not do? 2. And what should we
do? What about if the one directing you to stop preaching is a police
officer. What might be done?

So Brother & sisters, knowing fully that we have legal department

organize to defend our kingdom interests worldwide. We don’t want to
resolve matters on our own. We want to follow the instructions from
the organization, so that we will have nothing that can be used against
us. Rather our fine example will serve as a witness to whoever oppose

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