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10-12-01 SUD1/01/0188 Correspondence/ccomplaint - Correspondence/ccomplaint - School Document In container "Access denied (Sutherland Do - Record not available due to
Lilli Pilli Public Lilli Pilli Public File) inadequate security profile
04-07-02 SUD1/02/0159 Complaint regarding Complaint regarding education School document In container - Access denied (Sutherland do - Record not available due to
education of gifted children - of gifted children - Lilli Pilli Public file) inadequate security profile
Lilli Pilli Public
22-07-02 RML 02/4144 Education for gifted and Secondry Education , Assistant Director
talented students General
17-08-02 Received letter from Minister RML 02/4414 Letter to me from Mr. Watkins referring to my letter to him received by him on 10 July 2002 regarding
for Education (Watkins) gifted and talented students. Mr Watkins advises me that Ms Endicott is currently conducting an audit
addressed to me of the gifted and talented provisions available for students at Lilli Pillie public school and l stating that
DET is committed to the provision of appropriate educational opportunities for all children.

23-07-02 SUD1/02/0181 Correspondence regarding Correspondence regarding School document In container - 'SUD2/0420-04 (Sutherland Do - SUD2/0420-04: Sutherland Admin -
education of gifted children - education of gifted children - Lilli Archive) File - External relations - Ministerials
Lilli Pilli Public Pilli Public - RML Registered Ministerial letters -
RML 02/3290 to RML 02/5286 -
03-09-02 RML 02/6021 Education for gifted and Secondry Education , Assistant Director
talented students General
03-09-02 RML 02/6023 Selective High School Secondry Education , Assistant Director
placement General
11-09-02 SUD/02/0227 RML/026023 - Registered RML/026023 - Registered School document In Container - Access denied (Sutherland do - Record not available due to
Ministerial letter Ministerial letter File) inadequate security profile
24-10-02 RML 02/6021 Received letter from Minister Letter from Mr Watkins referring to my letters received by him on 27 & 28 August 2002 with regard to
RML 02/6023 for Education (Watkins) the provision of education for gifted and talented students and non placement of my son in a Selective
addressed to me High School . Letter congratulating Katie for qualifying for placement into St George Girls and Danny for
placement on the reserve list for Caringbah. Telling me that my children should feel proud of their
achievement, as there is always very strong competition for selective school placement. Mr Watkins
stated that all information was provided to selection committees and that he understands that we have
already requested Appeal forms.
14-11-02 RML 02/8396 Selective High School Secondry Education , Assistant Director
placement General
19-09-02 RML 02/6023 Correspondence regarding Correspondence regarding School document In Container Sud2/0420-05 (Sutherland do - SUD2/0420-05: Sutherland Admin -
education of gifted children - education of gifted children - Lilli Archive) File - External Relations -
Lilli Pilli Public Pilli Public Ministerials - RML Registered
Ministerial letters - RML02/5423 to
RML 02/6166 Folder 5
21-11-02 SASA1/02/0187 Letter regarding children Letter regarding children Danny School document Student Assessment & School Accountability
Danny & Katie & Katie
21-11-02 RML 02/2128 Jolanda Challita Complaint - Special programs, assistant director general Letter addressed to me. Letter was not received by me. A draft copy was sent to me under FOI at a
Educaton of her highly gifted later date. The letter is from Robyn McKerihan Director Assessment and School Accountability and in
students response to a letter to the Director General Jan McClelland that I wrote. Robyn McKerihan said the
Director General has asked her to respond to my letter and received by her on 26 November 2002
saying convinced everything was done properly and no further action will be taken in this matter.

27-11-02 Submission received under Setting out draft letter to me for Mr Watkins to sign in response to a letter received by him on 4 Nov
FOI in 2004/5 dated 14 2002 from me.
November 2002 TO:
Correspondence and Attached is also a sheet headed Ministerial & Parliamentary Operations Directorate registered
Ministerial Liaison Unit RML ministerial letter action sheet.
02/8396 ATT: SEC, ED/ADG
From Sutherland District Notes refer to RMLS 02/6021 & 6023
office Sylvia Cornish District Previous correspondence re gifted children: RML 02/4144 - Sylvia Corish
Suprintendent received Draft response for Betty's? approval by 26/11/2002.
under FOI Date registered 14 Nov 2002.
RML 02/8396
RML 02/8396 Letter to me from Mr. Watkins referring to my letter received by him on 4 Nov 2002 and
noting my continuing concerns and recommending that I work collaboratively with the school Principal
and Sutherland District Office. Wishing my children well in their schooling in 2003 and congratulating
them on their achievements to date.
01-12-02 Robyn McKerihan Director DGL 02/2128 Letter addressed to me. Letter was not received by me. A draft copy was sent to me under FOI at a
Student Assessment later date. The letter is from Robyn McKerihan Director Assessment and School Accountability and in
response to a letter to the Director General Jan McClelland that I wrote. Robyn McKerihan said the
Director General has asked her to respond to and received by her on 26 November 2002 saying
convinced everything was done properly and no further action will be taken in this matter
03-12-02 Letter from Malcolm Kerr NO REFERENCE Thanking me for my representations concerning my children's appeal to the Selective Schools unit.
addressed to me Advising that he has written to the Hon John Watkins MP and will contact me again once he receives a
04-12-02 FOI-02-207 FOI-02-207 FOI Applications regarding Corporate GRR KINGSWOOD 31/12/200? FOI Applications regarding Selective Schools tests for Katie and Danny Challita
Selective Schools tests for Katie document
and Danny Challita
18-12-02 RML 02/10144 Appeal to Selective Schools Robyn McKerihan Letter from Malcolm Kerr MP to me stating that the Minister for Education and Training The Hon John
Unit Watkins has requested he acknowledge receipt of my correspondence and stating the matters raised
by me have been noted and are currently receiving attention
19-12-02 Letter from Malcolm Kerr RML 02/10114 Stating that the Minister for Education and Training The Hon John Watkins has requested he
addressed to me acknowledge receipt of my correspondence and stating the matters raised by me have been noted and
are currently receiving attention
30-12-02 Letter from Malcolm Kerr NO REFERENCE Letter sent to me by Malcolm Kerr stating that he had received a letter from the Minister for Education
addressed to me advising acknowledging representations that he made on my behalf concerning my children and enclosing the
that he had received a letter letter for my records saying he will contact me again when he receives further advice from the Minister
from the Minister
16-01-03 FOI-03-010 FOI Danny - OC documents Legacy file GRR Kingswood 31/12/200? Further FOI application lodged for Danny's OC application documents and Katie's as we had only
originally requested the Year 7 Selective School application information and after seeing so much
misconduct we requested the OC information
17-01-03 Letter from Roger B Wilkins, AA03/00586-SPB Advising me that the Premier has received a copy of my recent letter concerning entry of my children to
Director General, The selective schools. Advising that the matters raised primarily concern the administration of the Minister
Cabinet office, in response to for Education, Mr Watkins and stating that it is appropriate that I have acquainted the Minister with my
my letter to Premier Bob Carr concerns and advising that in the circumstances Mr Car has requested his college to carefully consider
my letter.

28-01-03 RML 03/1496 Selective High School Special prgrams, assistant director general Letter to me from Mr. Watkins responding to my letter 6 January noting my concerns of perceived
placement for 2003 discrepancies in documents and results obtained under FOI saying he asked the SSU for advice. Mr
Watkins sets out some explanations that he was provided by the SSU with regard to some of the
discrepancies (that did not address the issues) and advises me if I want more information to contact
Bob Wingrave.

28-01-03 RML/1500 Selective High schools Special programs, assistant director general as above

03-02-03 Letter to me from Ministerial NO REFERENCE Letter states that they are responding on behalf of the Prime Minister and they thank me for my
Officer, Ministerial correspondence of 22 January regarding my allegations of discrimination against my children by the
correspondence unit, on NSW Department of Education. The letter states that Mr Howard appreciates the time that I have
Australian Government, taken to convey my views and concerns to him however he regrets that due to the large volume of
Department of Prime correspondence he receives he is unable to respond to each personally. It states that Mr Howard has
Minister and Cabinet asked that my correspondence be referred to his Ministers for further consideration and that he has
letterhead responding to my referred my correspondence to the Minister for Education, the Hon Brendan Nelson MP for attention
letter to the Prime Minister given that he is responsible for the development of Policy on public education.
M J h H d
03-02-03 Letter from Jenny Johnson, RML 03/1496 Letter states that Minister for Education Mr Watkins has requested she acknowledge receipt of my
Private Secretary for Minister correspondence and states that the matters raised have been noted and are presently receiving
for Education Mr Watkins to attention.
05-02-03 Received a copy of a letter RML 02/10114 Letter addressed to Mr Kerr from Mr Watkins. Mr Watkins refers to the representations made by
from Mr. John Watkins sent Malcolm Kerr on 5 December 2002 and saying has referred matter to DET for advice. Mr Watkins
to me by Mr M Kerr attached refers to the appeals for my children and states that the appeals carefully considered by the appeals
to a with compliments slip ) penal and panel determined that grounds were insufficient to warrant further adjustment to scores.
Advising that should I require any further information to contact Mr Bob Wingrave and congratulating
my children on their success
24-02-03 Received letter from Minister RML 03/1496 Letter to me from Mr. Watkins responding to my letter 6 January noting my concerns of perceived
for Education (Watkins) RML 03/1500 discrepancies in documents and results obtained under FOI saying he asked the SSU for advice. Mr
Watkins sets out some explanations that he was provided by the SSU with regard to some of the
discrepancies and advises me if I want more information to contact Bob Wingrave
27-02-03 Letter to me from Roger B AA03/03023 - SPB Letter states that Mr Carr appreciates my concerns and wishes to ensure that I have the best possible
Wilkins, in response to my response to my enquiry. Advising that the premier has, therefore brought my correspondence to the
further letter to Premier Bob attending of the Minister for Education Mr Watkins, as the Minister responsible for implementing Gov
Carr. policies in this area. Advising that I may be sure that my comments will receive close consideration.

04-03-03 Letter from me to Barry NO REFERENCE Barry O'Farrell responded to me on 1 April saying that he read my letter with great interest and would
O'Farrell seeking assistance be making representations to the Minister for Education Mr Watkins and he would contact me.
for my children
10-03-03 RML 03/2978 Selective high schools Special programs, assistant director general TRIM DOCUMENT: Mr. Bob Carr: TRIM DOCUMENT RECEIVED UNDER FOI Correspondence List -
OTEN states: TRIM: Document type: NIL response
Created 27 February 2003
Current Location: Special programs, Assistant Director General
Completed No:
Notes: RML03/1496 & 03/1500 REFER "10/03/2003 11.50:31 am Colin Klein" Sent to SASA for
"13/3/2003 4/16:07 PM Margaret Vaguez"
Received in the office of the Director of SASA and forwarded to M Davidson
"14/03/2003 12/14:15 PM Robyn STAUNTON"
Primary Contact - the Hono R J Carr
Other contacts - Mr & Mrs Peter and Jolanda Challita
Action Name: RML for information/Appropriate special needs students & Equity Pr. Due dated 10/3/03
date completed 10/3/03
Date stamped login by Magda Pollack 9 May 2006.
01-04-03 Letter from Barry O'Farrell to NO REFERENCE In the letter he acknowledged that in my letter I expressed great concern regarding my children's
me in response to my letter treatment, education and placement in to Selective Schools by the DET. He stated he read my letter
dated 4 March 2003 with great interest and has made representations to the Minister for Education Mr Watkins. He
thanked me for taking the time to write to him
04-04-03 Letter from Alan Tudge, NO REFERENCE In the letter he thanked me for my letter of 4 March 2003 and said the Minister had asked him to reply.
Adviser, Schools and He advised that from the outset that the responsibility for school admission policies is a matter for the
Indigenous Education on relevant educational authorities, rather than the Commonwealth and therefore the Minister regrets that
office of the Minister for he is unable to offer any tangible assistance with the matter. He goes on to say that he must say that
Education, Science and while he is not in a position to comment authoritatively on the matter, the procedures for calculating
Training letter head in admission scores appear to be complex, so much so that in the case of both my children scores were
response to my letter to the apparently incorrectly calculated by officers of the New South Wales Selective Schools Unit and then
Hon Brendan Nelson MP, subsequently corrected. He states that this suggests that current procedures may be overly complex
Minister for Education, and liable to make the admission process less than ideally transparent. He noted that I had sought the
Science and Training assistance of Barry O'Farrell and stated that he would be forwarding a copy of his letter to Mr O'Farrell's
office for his information. He then went on to say that on behalf of the Minister, he takes this
opportunity to wish my children all the best in their schooling and trust that they will be given the
opportunities the they deserve to develop their talents to the fullest.

14-04-03 RML 03/4279 Selective high school Student Assessment & reporting, Assist Letter to Mr. Barry O'Farrell MP from Jan McClelland, Director-General of Education and Training,
placement Director Managing Director of Tafe NSW received under FOI referring to his representations to the former
Minister for Education Mr. Watkins on our behalf saying she had been asked to respond on Mr.
Watkins behalf. Letter said that we had been invited on several occasions to contact Bob Wingrave for
further explanation and that we have not done so. Letter did not address my sons non placement in a
Selective School and only referred to my daughter.

06-05-03 Letter from Pru Sheaves on NO REFERENCE Letter to me referring to my correspondence of 2 May 2003 concering the manner in which my
Committee of the Office of complaint to the Ombudsman was dealt with. States that matter will be brought to the attention of the
the Ombudsman and the Committee Members and the Chairman will write to me after they have had the opportunity to consider
Police Integrity Comission the matters. Advised that the Commitees for the new Parliament had not yet been established and
letterhead, Project officer in that it was anticipated they would be announced in the next week. She advised that the Committee is
response to my leter to the established under the Ombudsman ACT 1974 and attached a copy of the relevant statutory provisons.
Office of the Ombudsman Advised that the role of the Commitee is to examine general policy and procedural issues relevant to
and Police Integrity theoperation of the Ombudsman and Police Integrity Commission.
commission complaining
about the Ombudsman
handling our our allegations
07-05-03 RML 03/4649 Selective High school Ministers Office Letter received by me from Janet Collins, Executive Officer, Office of the Deputy Premier on Deputy
entrance test Premier letterhead referring to my letter to the Minister for Education dated 8 May 2003 and stating that
the matters raised have been noted and are presently receiving attention
08-05-03 Letter received by me from 06/4696 Letter to me from Janet Collins referring to my letter to the Minister for Education dated 8 May 2003 and
Janet Collins, Executive stating that the matters raised have been noted and are presently receiving attention
Officer, Office of the Deputy
Premier on Deputy Premier
17-06-03 RML 03/4649 Letter to me from Mr Refshauge referring to my letter of 22 April 2003 and advising that he has been
advised that matters have been responded to with detail explanations given and that he cannot help me
with previous matters but that since I had not previously brought to his attention the issue with my son's
profile score that he would refer my complaint to Chris Carroll. I wrote again to Mr Refshauge on 24
June providing fresh information received under FOI for Danny
19-06-03 Letter from Paul Lynch, Chair NO REFERENCE This letter is addressed to me and refers to my concerns in relation to the way the Ombudsman has
on Committee on the Office handled my complaints and advises that we have been supplied with the Committee's funtions and that
of the Ombudmsan and the Commitees role is to examine general policy and procedural issues arising from the Ombudsman
Police Integrity Commission fulfillment of his functions and that they are not there to serve as an appeal mechanism for people who
letterhead are dissatisfied with the Ombudsmans findings and advising that consquently the Commitee does not
have the power to review the outcomes of complaints already investigated by the Ombudsman. It
states that the matters raised that our matter is outside thier jurisdiction and this is depsite that the
Ombudsman did not ever investigate the matter.
26-06-03 RML 03/5996 Selective High School Special programs, assistant director general There is a lettter with ref 03/5996 that the Ombudsman provided to me addressed to me that we had
placement never seen or received under FOI. This letter is not on letterhead, not signed and not dated and says
the matter has been investigated by the DET and the Ombudsman and is closed and directs me to
contact Bob Wingrave. Registered on the DET list of documents receieved under FOI on 26 June 2003

27-06-03 Letter from Nicole Keehan, RML 03/5996 Letter to me referring to my letter to the Minister Mr Refshauge and advising that the matters raised had
Private Secretary, Office of been noted and are presentely receiving attention. Advising that a further reply will be forwarded as
the Deputy Premier on soon as possible.
Deputy Premier Minister for
Education and Training

03-07-03 SASA1/03/0083 ADT ADT School document Student Assessment & School Accountability
15-07-03 Letter from L R Sanderson, AA03/11672 - SPB Letter states Premier has received my recent letter concerning the way my children's maters
Acting Director General, on surrounding selective schools has been dealt with and says that as the matters raised primarly concern
The Cabinet Office letter the Administration of the Deputy Premier, Minister for Education and Training tht it is appropriate that I
head to me in response to have already aquainted the Minister with my concerns. And advises that in the circumstances Mr Carr
my letter to the Premier Bob has taken the opportunity to request his college carefully consider my letter
16-07-03 Letter to me from Judy REF 119/6/03 Letter states that she is writing on behalf of Mr John Brogden, NSW Liberal leader who has asked her
Hopwood MP on Mr to respond on his behalf regarding discriminination within the Education System Advising that she
Brogden, NSW Liberal will be forwarding my concerns to her collegues and to the Hon Dr. Andrew Refshuage for his
Leader letterhead consideration and advice
04-08-03 RML 03/5996 This Letter is addresse to me from Mr Refshauge and was received by me advising that an
investigation would take place and that I would be contacted by Chris Carroll.
12-08-03 RML 03/7309 Education for gifted and Special programs, assistant director general Letter From Mr Refshauge to Mr Brogden stating that I have accessed all documents under FOI and
talented students AND that the Ombusman has not found any irregularities. Referring to the viewing of my children tests
Selective School placement papers and that I have been offered the opportunity for further meetings. Advising that he has asked
the DET to review the current policy regarding gifted and talented programs in secondary schools and
that he hopes this helps to clarify things for him
13-08-03 Letter from Nicole Keehan, RML 03/7309 Letter to Mrs J Hopwood MP from Nicole Keehan stating that she refers to my personal representations
Private Secretary, Office of to the Minister for education and advises that the matters raised are noted and are presently receiving
the Deputy Premier on attention. States that a further reply will be forwarded as soon as possible. I was forwarded a copy of
Deputy Premier Minister for this letter with a with compliments slip from Mr Brogden.
Education and Training
letterhead to Mrs Judy
Hopwood MP
11-09-03 Letter to me from Paul FILE REF OMB9 Referring to my letter 12 July 2013 to the Office of the Ombudsman and Police Integrity Commission in
Lynch, Chairperson, on regarding the Ombudsmans failure to provide my family procedural fairness and natural justice and
Parliament of New South advising that under Section 31B (2) of the Ombudsman Act, the Committee is prohibited from a)
Wales Committee of the investigating a matter relating to particular conduct; b) reconsidering a decision to investigate, not to
Office of the Ombudsman investigate or to discontinue investigation of a particular complaint; c) reconsidering the findings,
and Police Integrity recommendations, determinations or other decisions of the Ombudsman, or of any other person, in
commission letterhead. relation to a particular investigation or complaint. The letter states that the Commitee is therfore
unable to comment on any particular detail of my complaints abut the Department of Education and
Training and advised that any further correspondence will be filed and not responded to.

16-10-03 Letter from Judy Hopwood REF NO: 133/9/03 Letter states that she is writing on behalf of Mr Brogden, NSW Liberal Leader and that he has asked
MP to me on John Brogden, her to reply. It states that Mr Brogden has noted that they have already made representations to the
NSW liberal leader letterhead Minister for Education and Training regarding this issue and thanked me for taking the time to write
stating that my comments are noted and greatly appreciated. The letter states that they will be making
further representations following the new information/documents that I received from the Department
under FOI.

04-11-03 Letter from Mr Refshguage RML 03/7309 Letter From Mr Refshauge to Mr Brogden stating that I have accessed all documents under FOI and
to Mr Brogden replying to that the Ombusman has not found any irregularities. Referring to the viewing of my children tests
representations from Judy papers and that I have been offered the opportunity for further meetings. Advising that he has asked
Hopwood on 16 July the DET to review the current policy regarding gifted and talented programs in secondary schools and
that he hopes this helps to clarify things for him.

10-11-03 SASA1/03/0169 Request for extracts from SHS Request for extracts from SHS School document Student Assessment & School Accountability
test & OC test file test & OC test file
19-11-03 LE1/2997 Response to letter from Legal Services - Enrolment in Corporate File COMPACTUS - My solictor had written to Bob Wingrave in relation to errors in certified true and accurate copies
Solicitor regarding Danny Selective Schools that he sent of my sons OC test in that there were 61 answers to 60 questions and other
19-11-03 SASA1/03/0174 Response to letter from Response to letter from Solicitor School document Student Assessment & School Accountability as above
Solicitor regarding Danny regarding Danny
20-11-03 Letter from Jillian Skinner, NO REFERENCE Letter to me stating that whilst in Oppposition at state level she is limited in what she can do as the
Shadow Minister for Minister has the responsibility in a situation such as this.
Education and Training
addressed to me
24-11-03 Letter to the SSU from my Letter from my solicitor to SSU referring to their letters to them of 21 October & 14 November to which
Solicitor in relaton to the they have received no reply and stating that a cursery examination of the ACER extracts, which are
certified true and accurate certified to be a true and accurate record of the resuls, reveals that the OC placement test 2000 results
records of my son OC resuls for D Challita Student No. 77801 contained the answers to 61 questions, when in fact the test
showing 61 answers to 60 consisted of only 60 questions and that this remarkable result demonstrates either that the system is
questions. flawed, or that it is possible to intervene in or otherwise manipulate results. Clearly the integrity of the
system is in question.

27-11-03 NO REFERENCE BOB WINGRAVE WROTE TO BOB WINGRAVE WROTE TO Letter from Bob Wingrave to my solicitors dated 27 November 2003 sent via DX box stating that
OUR SOLICITOS OUR SOLICITOS REGARDING my sons second intial had inadvertenly slipped onto the next line and formed part of the answers.
REGARDING ERRORS IN ERRORS IN TEST RESULT My solicitor responded stating that my son didn't have a second name and therefore could not
TEST RESULT have a second initial and that excuse for the purposes of my concerns was useless.

27-11-03 03/10994 Selective School - Appeal Special programs, assistant director general MATTER CLOSED Submission to the Minister content and accuracy endorsed by Chris Carroll and Approved by George
Green, Assistant Director General, Schools and Special programs. Referring to representations made
by Mr. Brogden MP setting out some background information and stating that enquires have now been
completed by both the Dept and an external agency with a recommendation that the Minister signs the
attached response if approved
27-11-03 03/10994 MATTER CLOSED Received under FOI:


12-12-03 SASA1/03/0186 Response to the 4th Response to the 4th Solicitors School document Student Assessment & School Accountability
Solicitors letter regarding letter regarding Danny
19-12-03 RML 03/10994 Letter from Mr Refsahuge to Letter from Mr Refsahuge to Mr MATTER CLOSED Letter addressed to Mr Brogden, NSW Liberal leader from Mr Refshuage. This letter was drafted
Mr Brogden MP Brogden MP by the persons we alledged were responsible and is filled with misrepresentations and lies. This
letter is the letter that has been referred to constantly as the basis of closing the matter. The
letter states that extensive enquiries have been completed by the DET and that the Ombudsman
had investigated the matter which is a lie. On the basis of this letter my name was placed on a
black list and the matter was closed and correspondence from me was to be filed away. I
received a copy of this letter from Mr Brogden's office after I chased them in relation to my
families complaints. Mr Brogden's office fowarded this letter to me by fax dated 11 March 2004.

21-01-04 FOI-04-009 FOI-04-009 Regarding Danny Challita Legacy file AT home location: FOI unit since 21/11/07 Relating to Danny's Year 8 21-02-04
Selective High School applications

21-01-04 FOI-04/009 FOI 04/009 Regarding Danny Challita Legacy File AT home location: FOI unit since 21/11/07
28-01-04 RML 04/730 Selective School procedures New England, Regional Director This RML was never received it was noted in FOI documents. A document under FOI shows that on
the 12 February 2004 there was a request EMD/04/005240 to file this letter without response. File
Corporate document Location Educational Measurement and school accountability
04-02-04 SCH/04/133 FOI-04-009 Regarding Danny Challita School document Schools Deputy Director General Relating to Danny's Year 8
Selective High School applications

05-02-04 EMD/04/005220 FOI request Regarding Danny Challita Corporate Educational Measurement & School as above
Document Accountability
04-02-04 SCH/04/133 Response to the 4th Solicitors School Document Student assessment and school accountability
letter regarding Danny
05-02-04 EMD/04/005220 FOI REQUEST Regarding Danny Challita Corporate Educational Measurement & School
Document Accountability
12-02-04 EMD/04/005240 Request to file RML04/730 Request to file RML04/730 Corporate Educational Measurement & School
without response without response Document Accountability
16-02-04 Letter from Judy Hopwood NO REFERENCE Letter states that following their representations to the Minister for Education and Training relating to
MP, Member for Hornsby, my conerns about placement of my childern in selective schoos that she has received the enclosed
Parliamentary secretary to response from the Minister and that she is forwarding me the response for my information. Letter
John Brogden MP to me on dated 19 December 2003 stating matter closed. She states that she trusts it assists to clafify some
John Brogden, NSW liberal matters for me.
leader letterhead
16-02-04 Letter from Roger B Wilkins, NO REFERENCE Letter refers to my most recent letter to the Premier Mr Bob Carr conerning placement of my childern
Director General, The in selective schoos and states that he has been advised that on 19 December 2003 the Minister for
Cabinet office, in response to Eduction and training responded to similar representations to Mr Brogden advising that the matter had
my letter to Premier Bob Carr been investigated and as a result the Premier cannot be of further assistance with regard to this matter.

04-03-04 FAX rom Magda Pollack to NO REFERENCE Referring to a fax they received stating that a clerical assistance had acknowledged the fax on Bob
Upaporn Bundell Wingraves behalf that I sent on 27 November 2003 The letter states that after 14 RML's, 3 FOI's an
Ombudsman's investigation and an Administrative Decisions hearing that I have been deemed a
vexatious correspondent by the Minister and that letters to me are to be filed away and asks how to
17-03-04 RML 04/1944 Selective School procedures New England, Regional Director
23-03-04 Letter from Juliana NO REFERENCE Letter refers to my letter to the Prime Minister John Howard that was forwarded to the Hon Brendan
Stackpool Adviser for the Nelson MP stating the minister has asked her to reply. The letter states that the Australian Government
Office of the Minister for doe not have a direct operational role in relation to school management or selection of students for
Education Science and selective schools as these are a matter for State and Territory governments and for this reason the
Training Minister is unable to intervene or make comment on the rights and wrong of the handling of individual
cases. It states from your letter that I believe that the NSW Education authorities have not followed
due process and suggests I contact the Ombudsman
24-03-04 Letter from Ministerals NO REFERENCE Stating that the Australian Government does not have the jurisdiction to deal with my families matter;
Officer, Ministeral and that it is the responsibility of the NSW GOV. Advising that they have therefore forwarded my
Correspondence unit correspondence to the Office of the Premier of NSW, The Hon R J Carr for attention.
responding to my letter to the
Prime Minister Jhn Howard
Letter is on Australian
Government, Dept of Prime
Minister and Cabinet letter
h d
25-03-04 RGD/04/00504 Letter to Phil Lambert School document Sydney Regional Director
08-04-04 Letter from Malcolm Kerr to NO REFERENCE letter to me from Malcolm Kerr MP referring to my further representations and stating that in view of my
me concerns he has again written to the Honourable Dr Andrew Refshauge and will contact me when he
receives a reply
23-04-04 RML04/2950 Selective High school North Coast, Regional Director
27-04-04 EMD/04/005394 RML38085 Correspondence regarding Corporate Educational Measurement & School
Selective High school placement Document Accountability
28-04-04 RML 04/3037 Selective High School North Coast, Regional Director
29-04-04 EMD/04/005401 Correspondencce from Malcolm Corporate Educational Measurement & School
Kerr MP Document Accountability
04-05-04 Letter from Ministerial NO REFERENCE NO REFERENCE Letter refers to my letter of 31 March 2004 to the Prime Minister Mr Howard noting that I have written
Officer, Ministerial previously and advising that the Australian Government does not have the jurisdiction to deal with this
correspondence unit to me matter and that it is the resonsiblity of the state. Letter advised that they have sent a copy of my
on behalf of Prime Minister correspondence to the Office of the Premier of New South WAles.
Mr John Howard
25-05-04 Letter from Malcolm Kerr RML 04/3937 & RML 04/2950 Letter from Minister for Education Andrew Refshauge to Malcolm Kerr refering to his representations on
referring to a copy of a letter 8 and 20 April 2004. Letter states that my correspondence has been the subject of numerous
from Mr Refshauge Minister Ministerial responses, two Foi applications, an Ombudsman investigation (lie) and an ADT hearing. It
for Education to Mr M J Kerr states that extensive enquries have been completed and case closed. The body of the letter is
Local Member dated 25 May identical to the letter from Mr Refshauge to Mr Brogden dated 19 December 2003.
03-06-04 Letter from Malcom Kerr to NO REFERENCE Letter from Malcolm Kerr to me enclosing letter from Mr Refshauge and stating that he cannot advance
me stating enclosing a reply the matter any further.
he received from Mr
18-06-04 FOI-04-123 FOI-04-123 Katie's Ella documents request Legacy file Lee Raynor
23-06-04 EMD/04/05516 Documents - Sub - (Magda Corporate Educational Measurement & School
Pollak). Request from Legal Document Accountability
13-07-04 Letter from Jillian Skinner to NO REFERENCE NO REFERENCE Referring to my letter to her in relation to alledged incident of misconduct involving my children by the
me DET. Letter says that she is sorry that I am not happy with her earlier response to my correspondence
but as she explained then, as Opposition spokesperson for education she has no power to investigate
individual complaints. She suggests that I contact the Minister for Education Andrew Refshauge
whose department has the resources to investigate the complaints
30-07-04 EMD/04/005607 OC Application for Amanda Corporate Educational Measurement & School
Document Accountability
30-07-04 SGD2/4011 Katie - Ella School GRR Kingswood since 8/11/2007
Administration file
12-08-04 EMD/04/005628 AUD/04/00055 Katie's Ella Executive remarking Corporate
complaint Document
12-08-04 FOI - 04-121 FOI - 04-121 Danny & Katie OC & Selective Legacy file AT home location: FOI unit since 21/11/07 01-09-04 Letter from Ray Gavin, Manager
High School tests Liason Australian Government,
Treasury letterhead
12-08-04 AUDS/0327 Complaint to Audit Directorate Legacy file Chris Ballentine Complaint to Audit Directorate regarding Katie's Ella & Dannys Year 8 Applications
regarding Katie's Ella & Dannys
Year 8 Applications
01-09-04 Letter from Ray Gavin, NO REFERENCE NO REFERENCE Letter refers to my letter of 24 August 2004 to the Treasurer and states that the matter falls more
Manager Liason Australian directly within the portfolio of the Minister for Education and Training and so the correspondence has
Government, Treasury been forwarded to the Hon Brendan Nelson for this attention,
21-09-04 Letter from Catherine Wall, PDMS 200408681 Letter to me refering to my letter to the Treasure the Hon Mr Peter Costello and stating that she is
Branch Manager, Funding & responding on behalf of Minister and my letter has been forwarded to the Hon Brendan Nelson also
Cooordination branch advising that the matters raised fall within the responsibilities of the New South Wales State Minister
schools group on Aus Gov Mr Refshauge.
letter head Department of
Ed Science and Training
21-09-04 EMD/04/005733 FOI APPLICATION Corporate In container "EMF/04/00109 Educational DO NO T USE
Document Measurement & School Accountability since
22-09-04 DGL04/1508 Selective School Procedures DGLS Schools, Ofice of the Deputy Director General
and FOI issues
24-09-04 RML 04/6209 Ellla Test Marks and various Industrial Relations & Employment services EMF/04/00220: Educational
issues and allegations Measurement - File - External
Relations - Complaints - Selective
High School & Opportunity Class
placement unit
28-09-04 Letter from Julia Woolfall, DG04/1508 Letter from Executive Assistant to my solicitors acknowledging our correspondence dated 21
Executive Assistant, office of September 2004 and stating matters raised are presently receiving attention.
the Director-General to my
14-10-04 Letter to me From Kim Cull, MAP/01298 Referring to my FOI application seeking copies of all correspondence, memos, writing papers,
Assistant Director General, documents, notices etc in relation to the Det and my children held by the Premiers office. Letter
Ministerial & Parlimentary advised that after a search of the Premiers Office including searches of electronic and paper copies of
Services files, emails and other sourcers no documents relevant to my FOI application there is no right of review
and that the Ombudsman does not have jurisdiction to deeal with complaints to do with FOI
Applications and the premiers office
08-12-04 EMD/04/006065 Documents supporting the Corporate Selective High School & Opportunity Classes
calculation of Amanda Challit's Document
profile score for Year 5
Opportunity Class
04-01-05 DGL 05/6 Selective School procedures North Coast, Regional Director
and FOI issue
10-01-05 FOI-05-002 FOI-05-002 FOI Application by Solicitors for Legacy file At home location: Freedom of Information Unit 29-03-05
OC & Selective High School tests

10-01-05 FOI-05-003 FOI-05-003 FOI Application by Solicitors for Legacy file At home location: Freedom of Information Unit EMF/04/00210: Educational
OC & Selective High School tests Measurement - File - Assessments,
Briefings, Opportunity Class -
Selective High School & Opporunity
class placement unit
11-01-05 EMD/05/000005 Amanda - Year 5 OC placement Corporate File Selective Schools Unit EMF/04/00224: Educational
appeal Measurement - File - Legal Services
- FOI Freedom of Information -
Selective High School & Opportunity
class placement unit
27-01-05 EMD/05/000033 Amanda - composition of Corporate Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes EMF/04/00224: Educational
appeals panel Document Measurement - File - Legal Services
- FOI Freedom of Information -
Selective High School & Opportunity
class placement unit
10-02-05 EMD/05/00069 Amanda - Selective High School Corporate Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes
application Document
10-02-05 DGS05/248 Amanda Challita - Appeal DGS - Director Educational Measurement & School
General Accountability
15-02-05 RML 05/637 Serious Allegations of Bias, Learning and Development, General Manager 12-05-05
Misconduct, Corruption and
22-02-05 SUD1/01/01888 Katie- request Ella tests Legacy file Lee Raynor, Legal Officer 12-05-05
24-02-05 FOI-05-038 FOI-05-038 Amanda Challita OC test Legacy file Lee Raynor, Legal Officer EMF/04/002220-01: Educational
documetns Measurement - File - External
Relations - Ministerials, Ministerial
Briefings - Selective High School &
Opportunity Class placement unit
25-02-05 EMD/05/000122 RML 05/637 Allegations of bias, victisation & Corporate Selective High School & Opportunity Classes EMF/04/00244: Educational 31-03-05
fraud Document Measurement - File - Legal Services
- FOI Freedom of Information -
Selective Schools & Opportunity
Class Placement Unit
18-03-05 Letter from Carmel Tebbutt RML 05/637 Industrial Relations & Employment Letter from Carmel Tebbutt to me referring to my letter dated 8 February 2005 concerning my children
MLC, Minister for Education services, GM and the DET. Stating that she has been advised that the matters raised in my letter have been the
to me subject of numerous Ministerial responses and an Ombudsmans investigation (lie). She mentions
that the FOI matters I now raise now involve my younger daughter's OC placement test and that
officers are currently dealing with this request. She comments on my daughters appeal and stes that it
was considered by two independant senior officers (lie) and that the appeal was carefully cosidered
and the decision of the panel was unanimous. She states that extensive enquirie have now been
undertaken and as result the department consideres the matter closed. All future correspondence will
b fil d l it l t t tt t i l i d
31-03-05 EMD/05/000197 FOI Documents - FOI - Request Corporate Selective High School & Opportunity Classes 16-05-07
Explanation to Upaporn Blunden Document
21-04-05 RML 05/2015 Allegations of Bias,
Misconduct, Corruption and
21-04-05 RML05/2015 18 May 2005 Letter from Peter Riordan, General Manager, Industrial Relations and Employment
services – RML 05/2015 relating to an issue with Amanda's Oc Opportunity class FOI

22-04-05 Letter from Edel McKenna, RML 05/2015 Letter to me referring to my letter of 11 April 2005 to the Minister Carmel Tebbutt stating that the mattes
Assistant Private Secretary raised by me have been noted and are currently receiving attention.
on behalf of the Hon Carmel
Tebbutt MLC to me
26-04-05 FOI-05-092 FOI FOI Application by Solicitors for Legacy file Michael Waterhouse 08-08-07
OC & Selective High School tests

11-05-05 EMD/0500367 Danny & Katie OC & Selective Corporate Selective Schools Unit 31.07.0?
High School tests Document
04-08-05 LE8/05/0331 COMPLAINT NO: 053226 ADT Appeal against FOI Corporate File COMPACTUS
04-08-05 LE8/05/0332-01 COMPLAINT NO: 053225 ADT Appeal against FOI Corporate file COMPACTUS EMF/04/00220: Educational
determination Measurement - File - External
Relations - Complaints - Selective
High School & Opportunity Class
Placement Unit

08-09-05 CORP05/66 FOI/ADT COMPLAINT NO Appeal against FOI Corporate file COMPACTUS 05-01-06
053290 Determination
14-11-05 EMD/05/00746 Documents Corporate Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes EMF/06/00019: Educational
Document Measurement - File - External
Relations - Complaints - Selective
Schools SHSOC
06-12-05 Letter from Gillian Gould, NO REFERENCE NO REFERENCE Letter to me thanking me for my letter expressing my concerns about my children's experience at
Committee Secretary on school. Says that the Committee considered my letter at this meeting last week and notes my
behalf of the House of concerns but the Committee is not in a position to assess individual cases.
Representatives Standing
Committee on Educaiton and
Vocational training
08-12-05 Letter from Carmel Tebbut RML 05/5061 Letter from Carmel Tebutt to Brad Hazzard MP refering to his representations and our behalf and
MP to Brad Hazzard MP advising him that our correspondence has been subject of numerious Ministeral responses and an
referring Ombudsman investigation (lies) and enclosing a copy of the letter from the Minister for Education to Mr
Brogden dated 19 December 2003 stating that matter is closed and correspondence filed without
15-12-05 CORP05/1599 FOI-05-0311 Amanda Year 5 Basic Skills Corporate File Lee Raynor, Legal Officer
16-12-05 Letter from Brad Hazzard MP NO REFERENCE NO REFERENCE Letter advising that after reading our correspondence in relation to my children Danny, Katie and now
to me Amanda that he wrote to the Minister and enclosing a copy of Carmel Tebutts response dated 8
December 2005 RML 05/5061 and also enclosing a copy of the letter from the Minister to John
Brogdens dated 19 December 2003 RML 03/10994
13-01-06 EMD/06/000012 Amanda Challita Exemption from Corporate Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes EMF/06/00019: Educational
sitting the Selective High school Document Measurement - File - External
test sought Relations - Complaints - Selective
Schools SHSOC
13-01-06 DOC06/465 Amanda Challita Exemption School Document Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes
from sitting the Selective High
School test
03-02-06 EMD/06/000051 Documents Corporate Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes
24-02-06 DGS06/360 Correspondence to Premier DGS - Director At home location: Selective High Schools & EMF/06/00019: Educational
regarding grievances against the General Opportunity Class Unit Measurement - File - External
SSU Submission Relations - Complaints - Selective
Schools SHSOC
24-02-06 DOC06/2732 Response to questions regarding School Document Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes EMF/06/00019: Educational
Amanda Challita Measurement - File - External
Relations - Complaints - Selective
Schools SHSOC
08-03-06 Email from Joyce Mouawad, RML06/992 Email states that the Premier has received my recent email concerning selective schools and as the
Assist Private Secretary to matters raised primarily concerns the Minister for Education that the Premier has arranged to bring my
the the Premier Morris Iemma approach to the Ministers attention. The letter ends with you can be sure that your comments will
receive close consideration
09-05-06 DOC06/9070 FOI-05-311 Request from Mrs Jolanda Corporate Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes
Challita Document
11-06-06 DOC06/13351 Outcome letter regarding Corporate Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes
Amanda Document
24-06-06 Letter to Me from Stephen NO REFERENCE NO REFERENCE Letter to me from Chief of Staff stating he is writing on behalf of the NSW Liberal leader Peter Debnam
Galilee, Chief of Staff on and thanking me for my letter regarding my allegations against the DET. Advises that Mr Debnam
Peter Debnam, Leader of the appreciates that I have taken the time to write to him and has asked him to forward my correspondence
Opposition letter head. to Brad Hazzard MP, the Shadow Minister for Education for his consideration and action where
04-08-06 RML 06/3576 Amanda Challita - Selective RMLS North Coast, Regional Director EMF/06/00019: Educational
School placement - Appeal Measurement - File - External
Relations - Complaints - Selective
Schools SHSOC
07-09-06 Letter from Brad Hazzard NO REFERENCE Letter to me from Brad Hazzard referring to my leter dated 14 July 2006 that I sent to the Opposition
MP, Shadow Minister for leader Peter Denhman advising that Peter Denham has forwarded the letter to him for his response.
Education to me Brad Hazzard states that he notes that I wrote to him on 14 September 2005 and that he made
representations on my behalf to the Minister Carmell Tebbutt and that he sent me a copy of the
Ministers response daed 8 December 2005. He states that in that letter he highlighted that the
Minister said she would not respond to further correspondence from me and that at that time he stated
that as Shadow Minister he did not have the power to further investigate my claims. He noted that I
had once again approached the Ombudsman and wished me all the best in my endeavours to receive
an acceptable outcome.
21-09-06 CORP06/8567 Defamation - employee Magda Corporate file Lee Raynor, Legal Officer 04-07-07
Pollak. Advice re defamation by
13-10-06 DOC06/30612 Appeal regarding Amanda SHS Corporate Selective High Schools & Opportunity Classes EMF/O6/00026: Educational
Document Measurement - File - Legal Services
- FOI Freedom of Information -
Applications - SHSOC
15-11-06 CORP06/15619-01 FOI-06-324 Amanda Challita Selective Corporate File At Home Location: Freedom of Information Unit
School test papers
22-11-06 DOC06/36533 FOI-06-324 FOI-06-324 Corporate Bernadine (Therese) Jansz CORP07/79: Information
Document management - FOI - FOI Applications

12-12-06 CORP06/16602 FOI-06-324 Corporate File Simon Sykes 10/07/200?

18-01-07 DOC07/2279 FOI 06/324 Amanda - viewing of Selective Corporate Portfolio's - Teaching & Learning
High School test Document
17-04-07 CORP07/3537 FOI-07-099 FOI - Contract ageements Corporate file Michael Waterhouse
03-05-07 DOC/07/18352 FOI-07-099 Part response to FOI application Corporate CORP07/11: At home location: Selective High
Document Schools & Opportunity Classes
06-06-07 RML07/2651 RMLS ALLEGATIONS OF BIAS RMLS Workforce Management & Systems Allegations of victimisation, bias & misconduct etc
15-06-07 DGS07/1046 Letter re OC placement - John DGS - Director Director-Generals Office
02-07-07 MT07/1001 Selective School Assessment - Ministerial Workforce Management & Systems 16-10-07
Mrs Challita Briefing Improvement since 27/08/07
04-07-07 CORP06/15619-02 FOI-06-324 Documents requested for Corporate file At home location: FOI Unit 15-10-07
Amanda Challita SHS test
30-07-07 CORP07/7393 FOI-07-230 AMENDMENT OF RECORDS Corporate file John Murn 08-08-07
30-07-07 CORP07/7409 FOI-07-231 REGARDING VEXATIOUS Corporate file John Murn
31-07-07 LE8/05/0332-02 FOI ADT COMPLAINT 053225 Corporate file COMPACTUS
Appeal against Foi Determination

11-09-07 DGS07/1661 Letter Amanda Challita Selective High DGS - Director Director-Generals Office
School Application General
19-09-07 DGL07/1466 Amanda Challita Selective High DGLS Workforce Management & Systems
School Application Improvement
02-10-07 DGS07/1787 Letter DGS - Director Director-Generals Office
07-11-07 DGL07/1765 Selective High School placement DGLS Director-Generals Office
07-11-07 Letter from Malcom Kerr MP NO REFERENCE Letter to me refering to my representations to him again on 5 November concerning my dispute with the
to me Department of Education and advising that he has again written to the Hon John Della Bosca, Minister
for Education and Training and will contact me when he gets a response

13-11-07 RML07/5004 Dispute with Mrs Challita Dispute with Mrs Challita RMLS Director-Generals Office
14-11-07 Letter from Nicole Humphry, RML 07/5004 A58300 Malcolm Kerr sent me a copy of the letter attached to a with compliment slip from Nicole Humphry
Administrative Officer, Office stating that the matters raised have been noted and are currently receiving attention.
of the Minister for Education
to Malcolm Kerr
04-12-07 DGL07/1950 Viewing of tests DGLS Director-Generals Office
10-12-07 DGL07/1981 INVESTIGATION OF DGLS Kathy Ryan
18-12-07 CORP07/13038 FOI-07-384 Danny & Katie OC & Selective Corporate file At home location: FOI Unit
High School tests
24-12-07 CORP07/13336 FOI-07-395 Contract Agreements with ACER Corporate file Elissa Stathis
24-12-07 DGL07/2082 Vieiwing of OC and Selective DGLS Workforce Management & Systems
High School tests Improvement
10-01-08 Letter from Virgina Judge RML 07/5004 A58300 Letter from Virginia Judge addressed to Malcolm Kerr setting out some excuses and saying that the
MP, Parliamentary secretary matters have not been taken lightly and that the Ombudsman conducted preliminary investigations into
for Minister for Education to the issues and determined there was no case for further investigation.
Malcolm Kerr
17-01-08 Letter from Malcolm Kerr MP NO REFEREECE NO REFERENCE Letter to me refering to my representations and advising that he had received the enclosed response
to me and stated that the matter has been the subject of a review by the DET and the NSW Ombudsman and
the ADT. His letter states tht as a member of the Commitee of the Office of the Police Integrity
Commission he concurs with the advice given to me that the Commitee does not have the power to
review the outcome of complaints already investigated by the Ombudsman. His letter ends with in
view of the long history of this issue, he advises he is unable to assist me any further. His letter
enclosed a letter from Virginia Judge Parliamentary Secretary addressed to him
21-01-08 DGL08/81 FOI DGLS Workforce Management & systems
21-01-08 DGL08/82 FOI DGLS Workforce Management & systems
31-01-08 RML08/320 Formal Allegations against Formal Allegations against DET RMLS At home location: Executive Support 08-08-07
DET Directorate
21-02-08 RML08/616 Allegations of victimisation, Allegations of victimisation, bias RMLS Workforce Management & systems
bias & misconduct etc & misconduct etc improvement
Feb-08 Letter from The Hon Dr NO REFERENCE NO REFERENCE The letter thanks me for my letter of 9 January 2008 and advised that the concerns that I raise are very
Brendan Nelson MP to me complex and regrets that he is unable to offer any assistance in this matter. He states that the
Commonwealth Ombudsman may be able to offer some assistance
15-02-08 Letter from Leigh Sanderson TCO/00732 - LB The letter states that the premier Mr Morris Iemma has received my correspondence regarding the
for Robyn Kruk, Director DET, the Ombudsman and the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the Office of the Ombudsman and
General to me on behalf of Police Integrity Commission. The letter advises that the Ombudsman is an independant office created
Premier Morris Iemma. by statue and is responsible directly to parliament and accordingly the Government cannot, and should
Letter on New South Wales not, attempt to, direct the Ombudsman in the exercise of the Ombudsmans functions. It states that the
Government Department of Ombudsman is overseen by the Joint Parliamentary Commitee which monitors and reviews the
Premier & Cabinet letterhead exercise of the Ombudsmans functions. The letter notes that we have already raised our concerns
regarding the Ombudsmans office with the Office of the Ombudsman and Police integrity commission.
It ends stating that the matters raised concern the administration of the Minister for Education, the Hon
John Della Bosca and that he has arraged to forward a copy of my corresolndence and his reply to my
letter to the Ministers office and that in the circumstances, the Department can be of no further
assistance to me
13-03-08 Letter to me from Joanne 2008-103699 Letter thanks me for my letter of 22 February 2008 about the NSW DET and the NSW Ombudsman
Taylor, Supervisor regarding my allegations of a conspiracy to cover up by both agencies. It states that it appears that I
Commonwealth Ombudsman am not satisfied with the investigations into my complaints by the DET and Ombudsman. It goes on to
say that the Commonwealth Ombudsman investigates complaints about the administrative actions of
Australian Government agencies and that as the NSW Department of Education and the NSW
Ombudsman are State Government agencies that they cannot take up my complaint. It states that
they appreciate that I will remain dissatisfied with the decision but trusts that the above explains the
f th l i
13-05-08 Letter from Leigh Sanderson TCO/00732 - LB Letter states that they have received, from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet my letter to
for Robyn Kruk, Director the Prime Minister regarding the Ombudsman and the Joint Parliamentary Committed of the
General to me on behalf of Ombudsman and Police Integrity Commission. It states, I note that your letter to the Prime Minister
the Prime Minister Kevin raises the same issues which were raised in your previous lettter to the Premier and that they have
RuddLetter on New South already responded to these issues in their letter dated 15 February 2008. It states that the Premier
Wales Government has also received my correspondence regarding the DET and since the matters raised concern the
Department of Premier & administration of the Minister for Education and Training, The Hon Jon Della Bosca, that they have
Cabinet letterhead arranged for copies of my correspondence and his reply to my letter to the Ministers office and that in
the circumstanes, the Department can be of no further assistance.
28-01-09 Letter from Rosemaryy EA1386322 - PPS Letter to me confirming that the Premier has received my correspondence concerning the Department
Milkins for Director General of Education. The letter states that as the matter I have raised primarily concerns the administration of
on behalf of Premier Nathan the Minister for Education and Training, and Minister for Women, the Hon V H Firth, the Premier has
Rees arranged to bring my approach to the Ministers attention and that I can be sure that my comments will
receive close consideration

06-06-11 Letter from Pam Christie, RML 11/1761 - 110429-008 Letter from Pam Christie to me in response to my letter to the Minister for Education Andrew Picolli
A/Director-General of dated 7 April 2011 regarding issues concerning my past dealings with the DET stating that the Minister
Education and Communities has asked her to reply. Letter states that my letter and attachments have been carefully considered
and that all matters have been considered and responded to in the past. Letter states as there were
no new issues, that there was nothing further that they could add and that my correspondence will be
kept on file
19-08-11 Letter from Paul Miller, DPC11/00827 - LB Letter from Paul Miller, General Counsel Premier and Cabinet referring to my recent letter to the
General Counsel on behalf of Premier dated 15 June 2011 concerning allegations of misconduct by the DET stating that the Premier
the Premier Mr Barry O'Farrell has forwarded a copy of my correspondence to his department of reply. The letter states that the
NSW Ombudsman has jurisdiction to receive and investigate complaints about alleged
maladministration by public sector agencies and advising me that if I have any evidence to support my
allegations I should bring the material to the attention of the Ombudsman. He states that on this
occasion he has arranged for a copy of my correspondence to be forwarded to the Ombudsman and to
the Minister for Education.
21-06-19 Letter from Gabrielle Upton A3037917 Letter to me from Parliamentary Secretary to Premier Gladys Berejilian thanking me for my
MP, Parliamentary Secretary correspondence on 20 June 2019 stating that she is replying on behalf of the premier. Letter states
to the Premier on behalf of that as the matter I have raised falls under the primary responsibility of the Honorable Sarah Mitchell
Gladys Berejiklian MLC, Minister for Education and Early Learning that it is appropriate that the Minister considers my
correspondence and that it has been forwarded to the Minister
16-07-19 Letter from Sandi Simpkins RML19/2241 Letter to me in response to my letter dated 20 June 2019 to the Hon Gladys Berejilian MP, Premier.
R/Executive Director, This letter states that the matter is regarding alleged bullying and that the Premier referred my
Learning and Business correspondence to the Hon Sarah Mitchell MLC, Minister for Education and Early learning who has
Systems NSW DEPT OF ED asked her to respond on her behalf. The letter states that all the matters I have raised in my
correspondence have been considered and responded to in the past and that as I have raised no new
issues, my correspondence has been read, filed and acknowledged without further response.

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