RC - Lucky Numbers

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Name: ___________________________________ Class:______________________ Date: ______________________

Lennie Armstrong was eighty and his wife Alice was eighty-two. They had two grown-up daughters,
four grandchildren, a dog and a cat. They were very modest. Once
every week, they drank a nice bottle of red wine with their evening
meal and they went on holiday twice a year. They usually went to
Blackpool, on the west coast of England, their country. They visited
Spain once, twenty years ago. They loved their garden and spent a
lot of time tending to it and sitting out – when the weather was nice.
Mr Armstrong had one vice – he liked to buy a lottery ticket every
week. He always chose the same numbers – a combination of family birthdays: 22-39-11-31-13-
44. Every Saturday, he used to buy his ticket from the local newsagent at the end of his street.
One day, he felt ill, but he still wanted his lottery ticket. He thought if he missed a week, that
would be the week his numbers came up! So, he asked his neighbour Fred to buy the ticket for
him and he wrote the numbers down. Fred went and bought the ticket, then gave it to Mr
Armstrong. When Lennie looked at the ticket, he got a very bad feeling. The numbers on the
ticket were: twenty-two, thirty-nine, eleven, thirty-one, eighteen, forty-four. That was wrong!
He felt very nervous all day. That evening, he had a phone call from Camelot – his numbers had
come up. He won nearly two million pounds. He could not believe it! He and his wife, old as they
were – jumped for joy! They decided to buy a few nice trees for their garden and give most of
the money to their daughters. Oh, and they gave Fred a very nice gift, too.

For the National Lottery, you choose six numbers, or you can have a lucky dip: any six numbers
Say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences: :
These past tenses are
1. Alice is older than her husband Lennie in the text, but they
2. The couple have four children have been scrambled.
3. Blackpool is on the east coast of Scotland Find them and
4. They once went on holiday to Italy. unscramble them.
5. They love to spend time in their garden
1. Adh __________
6. Lennie bought one lottery ticket every week
2. Now __________
7. One Saturday, he was ill, so couldn’t go out.
3. Newt _________
8. He asked his son to go and buy is ticket.
9. His numbers came up – he won the lottery! 4. Itvedis ________
5. Kiled _________
10. He decided to keep all the money.
6. Dekool _________
Answer the following questions in full sentences:
7. Vage _________
8. Left _________
a) Who is the oldest – Lennie or his wife? 9. Mace _________
b) How often did they go on holiday? 10. Jedupm _________
c) Where did they like spending time? 11. Deeddic _________
d) A vice is a bad habit. What was Lennie’s vice? 12. Tog _________
e) Where did he buy his ticket from? 13. Ankrd _________
f) Why could he not buy his ticket that week? 14. Toghbu __________
g) Who got the ticket for him? 15. Tower _________
h) Did you spot the mistaken number?
i) What did Lennie decide to do with his lottery win?

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