Robin Hood Black Cat Green Apple

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Told by Sally M.

G r e En f l | A p p l E

R o b i n HOOD
Told by Sally M. Stockton
C ontents

Did R obin H ood really exist? 7

ch a pte r o n e Robin Hood becomes an outlaw 8


c h a pte r t w o Robin meets Little John 15

U N D E R S T A N D I N G THE T E X T 18

T h e Crusades 21

W h a t did the Crusaders

bring back to Europe? 23

ch a pte r t h r e e Friar Tuck joins the outlaws 27


T h e K nights Templar 35

c h a pter f o u r Wanted: dead or alive! 38

U N D E R S T A N D I N G THE T E X T 41

King Richard, the L io n h eart 45

c h a pte r f i v e Robin meets Maid Marian 4q

chapter s ix The Sheriff’s ride 57

ch a p te r s e v e n The siIver arrow 64


CHAPTER E I G H T Alafl aDal6 73

■ ; 76

chapter n in e A strangor in the forest 79


K ing Jo h n and the M agna Carta 87

Film ography 91

Special Features:
POT Pet-Style Exercises 12, 18, 31, 33, 41, 44, 48, 53,
56, 61, 69, 72, 76, 93

T: gr a de 5 Trinity-Style Exercises (Grade 5) 33, 55, 84, 86


Exit Test - Portfolio 93

T h e t e x t is recorded in full.
eMO T h e s e sy m b o ls in d ic a te th e b egin n in g and end
of th e e x tra c ts lin k e d to th e lis te n in g a c tiv itie s .

Match these words with their meanings:

a. greedy 1. likes to cause suffering in others

b. cruel 2. steals from others
c. outlaw 3. things that a person has
d. robber 4. person with a bow and arrow
e. possessions 5. lives outside the protection of the law /
a criminal
f. archer 6. strong desire to have more and more

Which of the words below do you think of when you read the title Robin
Hood ?

sheriff green buildings chairs outlaws

bow and arrow money stars church trees
ships horses science castles hunting explorers
shops swords books forest justice music

What other English words do you associate with ‘forest’? Complete the
spidergram below.

Look at exercise 1 on page 5. Can you find the six words in the word
square? Circle them in red.

B !
v i
E Z U W I R V P T o M P B K


■ Have you ever seen a film on Robin Hood?

■ Have you ever read a story about Robin Hood?

■ Did you like it or not? Why?

■ Who was your favourite character?

Did Robin Hood
really exist?

o b in Hood is a legen d and a h ero. T h e r e are a lo t of
medieval ballads about Robin Hood's life and adventures.
It is probable that he really lived in Sherwood Forest at
the beginning of the 13th century, but we are not sure.
Today there are numerous stories, poems and film s about Robin Hood
and his outlaws. Robin took from the rich and gave to the poor. He
created justice at a tim e when there was none. T his is why he became
a legendary hero.
R o b in and h is m en
lived in Sherw ood
Forest near the town of
N o t t in g h a m . Today
th is a re a is ca lled
N o ttin g h a m sh ire . A
'T ales of R o b in Hood
C en tre' opened in
N o t tin g h a m in 1 9 8 9 .
T housands of to u r is ts
visit it every year.

A Map o f Nottinghamshire
(1830) by Thomas Moule.


Robin Hood
becomes an outlaw
o b in H ood w as born near th e end of t h e
12th century.
H is re a l n a m e w as R o b e r t. He w as th e
son of th e E a rl 1 of H u n tin g d o n . 2 At
th a t tim e , England had m a n y p ro b le m s. King
R ichard was away on a c r u s a d e 3 in the H oly
L a n d .4 He was away m an y years.
His brother, John, b ec a m e king. He was a cruel and greedy king.
H is m e n w e re a rro g an t and b r u ta l. T h e poor people of E n gland
s u ffe re d a lo t. T h e y paid v e ry h ig h ta x e s to K in g Jo h n and h is
sheriffs. M an y fa m ilie s died of hunger!

1. Earl : nobleman.
2. Huntingdon : town in east central England.
3. crusade : religious or holy war.
4. Holy Land : area of Jerusalem.

Robin Hood
becomes an outlaw

One day, th e cruel S h e r i f f 1 of N o ttin g h a m killed R obin's father,

and took away his lands. Young R o b in lo st his father, his hom e, his
lands and all his p ossessions.
He escap ed to Sh e rw o o d F o re st w ith his lo y al s e rv a n ts . T h e y
decided to live as free m e n in th e forest. T h e y didn't w an t to be
slaves of King John. However, the King considered th em outlaws.
W h en R o b in and h is m e n re a c h e d S h e rw o o d F o re s t, th e y sat
down to rest. R o b in Hood s m ile d at h is lo y al se rv an ts. T h e n he
said to th em , 'M y friends, Sherw ood Forest is our new hom e. N ow
we are free but we are outlaw s. Everyone in th e kingdom is against

1. Sheriff : this local administrator works for the king.

R o b i n HOOD

'M aster, we are n o t afraid b ecau se you are w ith u s,' said M u ch.
'Yes, I w ill stay w ith you, but you m u st do w hat I tell you. We
m u st not b ecom e robbers. We m u st never harm 1 the poor, the old,
w om en and children. We m ust respect and protect them .
'W e t a k e o n l y f r o m ric h m e r c h a n ts , n o b le m e n and fat
c h u r c h m e n ! H e re is m y p la n : w h e n r ic h t r a v e l l e r s c o m e i n t o
Sherw ood Forest, we in v ite th e m to eat w ith us. T h e n , th ey m u st
pay for th e i r food. T h e y m u s t give us h a lf 2 of e v e r y th in g th e y
have! We th e n give th is m o n e y to th e poor. Do you prom ise to do
w hat I te ll you?'
'Yes, we do!' th ey cried.
R o b i n and t h e o u t l a w s liv e d in c a v e r n s in t h e f o r e s t . T h e
c a v e r n s w e r e a p e r f e c t h id in g p la c e . 3 T h e y w e r e
w arm and dry in th e w inter. In the su m m e r th ey
w ere cool.
T h e y w ere happy in th e fo re st. T h e y all w ore
g r e e n c l o t h e s an d c a r r i e d b o w s a n d a r r o w s .
R obin had a h o r n 4 to give signals.
S o o n , o th e r h o n e s t m e n jo in e d 5 th e o u t la w s of
S h e rw o o d F o r e s t: N a t, W ill S c a r le t t and
T h e o u tla w s w ere e x c e lle n t a rc h e rs .
R obin Hood b ec a m e th e b est archer in the
re g io n . In th e fo re st, R o b in and h is m e n
practised w ith th eir bows and arrows.

1. harm : hurt, do damage to.

2. half : y 2 . 4 horn ;
3. hiding place : secret place where no
one can find you. 5. joined : came to be with.


Read the sentences below and for each question mark the letter next to
the correct answer - A, B, C or D.

1 Robin Hood's real nam e was

A H] the Earl of Huntingdon.
B ! Richard.
C □ Robert.
D Will Scarlett.

2 He was born
A □ near the end of the 1200s.
B □ near the end of the 12th century,
C in the 1Oth century
D at the beginning of the 12th century.

King Richard was aw ay *

A on a crusade.
B for five years.
C [ J on holiday.
D Q for a month.

King John was

A r an old man.
B J King Richard's brother.
C King Richard's father.
D □ very ill.

He was -
A O very friendly.
B O honest and kind.
C O well educated.
D greedy and cruel.

6 Robin Hood escap ed to Sherwood Forest
A [ ] with his brother.
B n with his servants.
C with King John.
D □ on his own.

7 Robin and his outlaws w anted to

A take from the rich and give to the poor.
B □ . becom e robbers.
C M fight against King Richard.
D □ go on a crusade to the Holy Land.

8 In Sherwood,Forest, Robin and his outlaws lived

A □ in the hills.
B near a river.
C □ in the treetops.
D □ in some caverns.

Find the missing words and build the word pyramid.

a. Robin Hood was born near the e n d the 12th century.

b. The caves w e re __________ and dry in.the winter.
c. Robin Hood was a n _______________ .
d. He escap ed t o ____________________Forest with his servants.
e. The Sheriff o f ________________ killed Robin's father.
Match the opposites.

cruel big
end wet
fat difficult
small old
new beginning
dry kind
easy thin
warm everyone
no one worst
best cold

Put the correct possessive adjective in the gaps.

a ......................real nam e was Robert.

b. '................. friends, Sherwood Forest i s hom e/ said
c. They paid very high taxes to King John a n d ................... sheriffs.
d. Young Robin lo s t................... father.
e. Robin a n d ................... m en practised w ith ................... bows
and arrows.
f. '................. brother King John is cruel/ said King Richard.
g. '................. home will be in Sherwood Forest/ said the outlaws.

Listen to the first three paragraphs of Chapter One, and circle the
words you hear.

Robin Hood was born near / a t the end of the 12th century.
His real nam e was Rupert / Robert. He was the son of the Earl of
Huntingdon. At that time, Great Britain / E ngland had m any problems.
King Richard w as / w en t aw ay on a crusade in the Holy Land. He was
aw ay m any years / m onths.
His brother, John, b ecam e king. He was a cruel and greedy m a n / king.
His m en were arrogant and brutal. The poor / good people of England
suffered a lot. They p a id / g a v e very high taxes to King John and his
sheriffs. M a n y / Som e families died of hunger!

Match the opposites.

cruel big
end wet
fat difficult
small \ old
new v beginning
dry - kind
easy thin
warm everyone
no one worst
best cold

Put the correct possessive adjective in the gaps.

a ......................real nam e was Robert.

b. '................. friends, Sherwood Forest i s ..................... new hom e/ said
c. They paid very high taxes to King John a n d ................... sheriffs.
d. Young Robin lo s t................... father.
e. Robin a n d ................... m en practised w ith .................... bows
and arrows.
f. '................. brother King John is cruel/ said King Richard.
g. '................. home will be in Sherwood Forest/ said the outlaws.

Listen to the first three paragraphs of Chapter One, and circle the
words you hear.

Robin Hood was born near / a t the end of the 12th century.
His real nam e was Rupert / Robert. He was the son of the Earl of
Huntingdon. At that time, Great Britain / England had m any problems.
King Richard w as / w en t aw ay on a crusade in the Holy Land. He was
aw ay m any years / m onths.
His brother, John, b ecam e king. He was a cruel and greedy m a n / king.
His m en were arrogant and brutal. The poor / good people of England
suffered a lot. They p a id / g a v e very high taxes to King John and his
sheriffs. M a n y / Som e families died of hunger!

Robin meets
Little John
ne day R o b in c a m e to a s tre a m 1 w ith a s m a ll
bridge. 2 W h e n he began to cross it, he heard a
loud v oice say, 'I w an t to cross th e stream first!'
R o b i n t u r n e d a r o u n d an d sa w an e n o r m o u s ,
young m an. He was very tall.
'No, I was firs t!' answ ered R obin.
'C an you push m e off th e bridge?' asked the en orm ou s m an. He
was holding a w ooden s t a f f .3
R obin c u t a long b r a n c h 4 from a tre e and m ade a staff. T h e n he
began to figh t on th e bridge. R o b in was fa st and light. Bu t soon,

1. stream : very small river. 3. staff :

2. bridge : 4. branch : part of a tree.

R o b in HOOD
th e e n o r m o u s m a n p u sh e d R o b i n in t o th e w a te r. H e w as v e ry
T h e e n o rm o u s m an laughed. T h e n he pulled R o b in out of th e
water. R o b in started to laugh too. 'You are an h o n e s t fig h ter!' said
R obin. 'W h at is your nam e?'
'M y n am e is John L ittle . I am an h o n e st m an. I fought w ith good
K in g R i c h a r d 's m e n in t h e H o ly L an d . I m a d e K in g R ic h a r d 's
sw ord 1 and th e sw ord s of h is m e n . He is a great k in g. B u t h is
b rother John is cruel and greedy! I don't w ant to serve King John. I
am loo king for R o b in Hood. I w an t to jo in his ou tlaw s.'
'W elco m e to our m e r r y 2 com pany of outlaw s! I am R obin H ood!'
said Robin, sm ilin g . 'A friend of King R ichard is a friend of m in e !'
John L ittle was very surprised. T h e n the tw o m en em braced and,
b ec a m e good friends.
'N ow th at you are an outlaw , you m u st change your nam e. Your
new nam e is L ittle John .'
R obin too k L ittle John to th e secret hiding place in th e forest.
T h e outlaw s w e lco m e d L ittle John w ith a big m eal.
L it t le Joh n w as an e x p e rt sw ord m ak e r. S oon every o u tla w had
a n e w s w o rd . T h e o u t l a w s l i k e d L i t t l e J o h n b e c a u s e h e w as
f r ie n d ly and k in d . A t n i g h t , e v e r y o n e s a t a ro u n d th e f ir e and
liste n ed to his stories. He told th e m about his adventures in the
H oly Land.

1. sword : 2 . merry : happy.


Read the passage below and choose the correct word for each space.
Mark the letter next to the correct word - A, B, C or D. The first (0) is
done for you.

One day Robin cam e to a 0 with a 1 bridge. He turned

around and saw an enormous 2 ................'Can you push me off the
3 ............7 Robin cut a 4 branch from a tree and m ade a staff. The
m an pushed Robin into the 5 'I fought with 6 men in the
Holy Land. Now I w ant to 7 Robin Hood's outlaws.' Robin took
Little John to the 8 p lace in the forest. Little John was an expert
9 maker. Everyone liked him because he was 10.............
At night everyone sat 11 the fire and listened to 12 stories.

0 river stream lake road
1 small big low high
2 old m an young m an boy woman
3 road bridge tree horse
4 long short high wide
5 lake forest cavern stream
6 King Richard King Richard's King Richards' King Richards's
7 becom e join link kill
8 lake meet cavern hiding
9 bow sword staff fight
10 friendly strong angry tall
11 on in around over
12 their his him its

Can you find the nam es of four of Robin’s outlaws?
Circle them.


Write the names of these characters under each picture.

Now choose from the list below words that describe these characters
and write them under the pictures.
Some words can be used twice.

greedy friendly brutal arrogant enormous

honest kind cruel good archer

Now write a sentence describing each character.

a. King John .....................................................................

b. The Sheriff of Nottingham

c. Robin

d. Little John

^ Look at this sentence:

King Richard was unable to free Jerusalem .
In English we often put the prefix ‘un’ before a word to m ean ‘not5.
Look at these exam ples:
= King Richard was not able to return home.
King Richard was unable to return home.
= Marian was not happy.
She was unhappy.

Make the opposite of these words and then fill in the gaps in the

interesting decided kind comfortable

usual popular successful pleasant

a. I didn't like the book becau se it w a s ................................

b. The chair was old and v e r y .................................
c. The king did not help the poor. He w a s .................................
d. The people didn't like King John. He was a n ............................... king.
e. Little John's adventures w e r e .................................
f. They were unable to decide. They w e r e .................................
g. The King's crusade w a s .................................
h. King John was a n ................................person.

The Crusades
® / \ crusade is a religious war. T h e m o st fam ous crusades
were to Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
For centuries, Christians visited Jerusalem and the Holy
Land. They were called pilgrims. They wanted to see the places where
C h ris t lived. T h e A rabs, w ho ru led 1 th e H o ly Land, tre a te d th e
pilgrim s w e ll. T h e A rabs w ere M u s lim s , b u t th e y re s p e c te d th e
In the 11th century, the Turks conquered the Arabs. T he Turks were
M u slim s too. But they did not like the C h ris tia n s . They caused
problems for them.
Europeans got spices in the Holy Land.
Spices were very important because they
w e r e u se d to p r e s e r v e fo o d . E u ro p e
w a n te d th e H o ly Land to be open to
The head of the C hristian Church, Pope
U rb an II, decided to fight the Tu rk s.
T h is w as th e F ir s t C ru s a d e of 1 0 9 6 .
Crusaders came from all parts of Europe.
A t t h a t t i m e , th e C h u r c h had g r e a t
p o w e r o v e r t h e p e o p le of W e s t e r n
One of the most important Crusades was
the Third C rusade. T h r e e of Europe's
m ost powerful kings led 2 the Crusade.
T h e y w e re R ic h a r d th e L i o n h e a r t of
England, Philip Augustus of France, and

A Crusader from the 1. ruled : governed.

Westminster Psalter (c. 1200). 2 . led : past simple of verb To lead', to guide.
Frederick Barbarossa of Germany.
Frederick Barbarossa died at sea before arriving at the Holy Land.
Philip Augustus returned hom e. King Richard and his men fought
alone. They won many battles.
King Richard was unable to free Jerusalem. He made an agreem ent1
with the Muslim leader, Saladin. The agreement said that the Turks
could have control of Jerusalem, but the Christians could visit it
The Crusades continued for more than 200 years. In the year 1291,
Western Europe lost all political power in the Holy Land.

Christians and Saracens Fighting from the Chronique d ’Ernoul et de Bernard de

Tresorier (Late 15th-century).
W h at did the Crusaders
bring back to Europe?
Look at the list below and look in the dictionary for any words you
don’t know.

Damask (cloth decorated with a special pattern)

Apricot plants
Oriental rugs
Muslin (very fine cotton cloth)
Arab numbers

Are any of these things produced in your country?


Decided to fight the Turks? .............................................................................

Died at sea before reaching the Holy Land? ...........................................
Returned home? .................................................................................................
Made an agreem ent with King Richard? .................................................
Got spices from the Holy Land? ....................................................................
Fought alone and won m any battles? ......................................................
Maps of the Crusades

First Crusade 1096-99

Second Crusade 1147-49
Third Crusade 1189-91
London* Bruges
Paris* # Bouillon
• #Regensburg
Vletz .Vienna
• Budapest
•Genoa .Belgrade
• Rome Constantinople
• Antioch


Fourth Crusade 1202-04

Fifth Crusade 1218-21
Sixth and Seventh Crusades
1228-9 and 1248-50



Tunis /Tripoli
• Jerusalem
Choose the correct answer.

a. A crusade is a
I I religious book.
I I religious war.
I I holiday to a distant land.

b. Christians who visited Jerusalem and the Holy Land were called
I I friars.
I I crusaders.
I I pilgrims.

c. In the 11th century, the Arabs

I I were conquered by the Turks.
I I b eg an the Holy War.
I I conquered the Turks.

d. The Turks
I I had no religion.
I I respected the Christians.
I |did not like the Christians.

e. Spices were very important becau se they were used

I |to m ake cloth.
I I to preserve food.
I |to m ake perfumes.

f. The First Crusade

I I started in 1096.
I I ended in 1096.
I | started in 1196.

g. King Richard led the Third Crusade

I |with Pope Urban II.
I I alone.
I |with two other kings.

h. King Richard m ade an agreem ent with the Muslim leader
Saladin. This agreem ent said that
I |Christians could visit Jerusalem freely.
I |Christians could visit Jerusalem in the month of December.
I IChristians could buy spices there.

Make a short summary about the Crusades using the sentences that
are highlighted in the dossier. The first part is done for you. Use
words like ‘and’, ‘Jbuf, ‘then1to connect the important parts. You can
add your own words too.

A crusade is a religious war. For centuries, Christians

visited Jerusalem and th e Holy Land. B u t ....................

joins the outlaws
ill Scarlett told Robin that a big, fat m an lived
in a cavern near a river in Sherwood Forest.
O n e day R o b i n d e c id e d to m e e t h i m . H e
w en t to th e river and saw a fat friar w ho was
'G ood m orning, young m a n / said th e friar.
'G ood day,' answ ered R o b in Hood. 'You are fishin g in an outlaw
river. T h e fish you c a tc h are m in e . You can fish here today, but
only if you carry m e across th e river.'
T h e friar did n o t lik e w hat R o b in said. So, he looked at h im and
said, 'I can carry you across th e river. You are very th in! C an y o u
carry m e across the river?'

1. Friar : monk.

R o b in HOOD
R o b in was surprised to hear th is. 'O f course, I can carry you! I
am th in, b u t I am very strong.'
R o b in lifte d th e e n o rm o u s friar w ith great d ifficu lty. T h e n he
carried h im across th e river.
'Y ou are very heavy, friar. B u t I can carry y o u / said R obin . A t
th e o th e r side of th e river R o b in said, 'N o w you m u s t carry m e
b a c k .'
T h e f r ia r s t a r t e d to c a r r y R o b i n H o od a c r o s s th e riv e r. B u t
w h e n th e y arrived at th e m id d le of th e river, th e friar stopped. He
sniffed R o b in and said, 'G o o d n e ss! You s m e ll lik e an old rat! You
need 1 a good, cold b a t h !' A nd so, th e friar th rew R o b in in to the
cold w ater. He laughed lou dly and th e n pulled R o b in to th e river
b an k .
R o b in w as angry at first. T h e n , h e sm ile d and said, 'Y ou w ere
right. I needed a b a th . I fee l b e t t e r now. M y good friar, you are
free to fish in th is river w h e n you w a n t.'
'L e t us sh a k e h a n d s 2 b efore I go aw ay,' said th e friar.
'O h , don't go away, ' said R o b in . 'M y n a m e is R o b in H ood.'
'W h a t ! Y ou a re R o b i n H o o d ? ' a s k e d t h e fria r. H e w as v e ry
'Yes! C o m e and liv e w ith m e and m y ou tlaw s. We are all good,
h o n e s t m en . We ta k e from th e ric h and give to th e poor. We w ant
a friar b ec a u se w e need th e w ord of God. W h at is your n a m e ? '
'I am Friar M ic h a e l T u c k , of F o u n ta in s Abbey. I had a q u a r r e l3
w ith m y abbot. 4 H e w as very greedy and ric h . He nev er helped
th e poor. H e fo rg o t G o d 's t e a c h in g s . W h e n I to ld h im th is , he

1. need : should have. 3 quarlei . argument.

2. shake hands : B f 9 4. abbot : head of an abbey.

R o b in HOOD
w an te d to p u n ish m e. I escaped to th e forest. N ow I live a sim p le
'If you w a n t to live a sim p le life, and help th e poor, th e n co m e
to Sherw ood F o re s t,' said R o b in .
T h e tw o m en shook hands and prom ised to be friends for life.


Read the passage below and choose the correct word A, B, C or D for
each space. The first (0) is done for you.

A b ig , fa t m a n 0 ....... R ... in Sh erw o o d F o rest in a c a v e r n . R obin

1 to m eet him. He went 2 the river and 3 a friar. The
friar was very fat and he was 4 ................ This is 5 riverand you
can't fish h ere!'6 Robin Hood. 'You can fish here 7 you carry
me 8 the river.'
'That's easy 9 you are thin. I'm fat. Can you carry me?' asked the
friar. Robin carried the friar with 10 difficulty. 'Now you must carry
m e 11 ................. ' said Robin. The friar ca rrie d Robin a n d th en threw
12 ............. into the cold water. "You need a bath!" said the friar. Then they
13 good friends.

0 be live is lived
1 thought decided desperately concluded
2 to at in for
3 seeing see saw sees
4 fishing fish fished fishes
5 mine my your yours
6 answered cried pretended asked
7 and for of if
8 over betw een across on
9 becau se and so if
10 a lot several m any much
11 behind b ack return again
12 it his him he
13 b ecam e becom e becom es becom ing

Here’s a crossword puzzle for you to do.

I 4

5. i



4. 8. not fat
9. very big

5 6




Find the odd word in each line and circle it in red.

a. river sea ocean forest

b. fish friar rat horse
c. hand foot head outlaw
d. castle ab b ey church monastery

Now write a sentence with one of the odd words.


This is part of a letter Friar Tuck receives from his brother Friar Tom.

vU k e a r d +ka+ y o u le f t y o u r a b b e y a u d +ka+ y o u a r e liv iu g iu

a [o re s t. W k y d id y o u d e c id e to le a v e ?

■ Now you are writing a letter back to him.

■ Write your letter in about 100 words.


‘The two men shook hands and promised to be friends for life.5Who is
your best friend? Bring in some pictures of your best friend and tell the
class about him /her using these questions to help you.

a. How did you m eet?

b. What do you usually do together?
c. What to you are the most importantqualities in a friendship?
d. Do you alw ays agree about everything or do you have different
opinions about some things. What are they?

Write the nam e of the person who did the following actions. Some
names can be used more than once. The names are in the tree trunk.

King John Little John

Robin Hood Friar Tuck King Richard
Will Scarlett The Sheriff of Nottingham

a. told Robin that a stranger lived in a cav e? .........................................
b. fished in the outlaw river? .........................................
c. pushed Robin off a bridge? .........................................
d. threw Robin into the river? .........................................
e. killed Robin's father?
f. took King Richard's place? .........................................
g. m ade swords for King Richard's m en? .........................................
h. carried a fat friar across the river? .........................................
i. was aw ay on a crusade?................................................................................
j. was greedy and cruel? .........................................
k. was tall and enormous? .........................................
1. had a quarrel with his abbot?.......................................................................

Write a brief description of your favourite character.

The Knights Templar
r-rn he k n ig h t was an im p o r ta n t figu re in th e M id dle Ages.
T h ere are m any stories about knights in the literature of
this period. One of the m ost famous is the legend of King
Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Knights had a strict code
of behaviour known as the Code of C h iv a lry .1
A knight started his training when he was a boy of about seven. First
he was a page and then a squire. 2 Finally, he becam e a knight. It was a
great honour to be a knight. He was part of a separate social class.
Both the knight and his horse wore heavy armour.

A late 12th-century fresco from a Templar chapel in Cressal showing

Templars setting off to fight.

1. Code of Chivalry : set of rules that they had to adhere to.

2. squire : attendant of a knight, an apprentice.
T he Knights Templar were both religious and military. T he order of
the Knights Templar was founded in Jerusalem in 1119 by Hugues de
Payns and G e o ffre y de St O m er. T h e y liv e d near th e T e m p le of
Solom on in Jerusalem and were given special status by the Pope in
1128. They protected pilgrims who were visiting the Holy Land and
fought in the Crusades. T h e s e kn igh ts wore w h ite robes w ith red
c ro sse s. T h e y b e c a m e very popular in Europe and m any w e a lth y
people gave them money and land.
Because of their special status the Knights Templar became very rich and
opened offices, or temples, in many countries. Many of these can still be
seen today such as Temple in London which is an area famous for its
lawyers. With time they became part of the banking business and grew
very powerful. In the early 1300s many European kings envied the riches
and power of the Templars. King Philip of France accused them of heresy
and this created problems. In 1312 Pope Clement V abolished the order
and many Templars were executed.

A Pictorial Map of Jerusalem from Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam (1486)

by Bernhard von Breydenbach.

Read the questions below and for each question choose the correct
answer A, B, C or D.

1. What was the knight's code of behaviour called?

A □ The Code of Courage.
B □ The Code of Loyalty.
C □ The Code of Honour.
D □ The Code of Chivalry.

2. When did a knight start his training?

A O When he was an adult.
B O When he was fifteen years old.
C O When he was a boy of about seven.
D lJ When he was a boy of about ten.

3. What did a knight w ear?

A O Heavy armour.
B □ A big hat.
C O Colourful clothes.
D O Old clothes.

4. When and where was the order of the Knights Templar founded?
A □ In England in 1119.
B Q In France in 1200.
C Q In Jerusalem in 1119.
D O In Germ any in 1112.

5. What did Pope Clement V do?

A n He founded the order of the Knights Templar.
B □ He abolished the order of the Knights Templar.
C O He was part of the order of the Knights Templar.

dead or alive!
o m e y e a r s p asse d , and t h e r e w e re m o re th a n 2 0 0
o u tlaw s liv in g in Sherw ood Forest. R o b in Hood w as
th e hero of th e poor. He co n tin u e d robbing the rich to
V g i v e to t h e p o o r . R o b i n H o o d c a l l e d t h i s ' T h e
S h e r w o o d T a x '. A ll th e r ic h t r a v e lle r s w h o p a s s e d
through Sherw ood Forest paid 'T h e Sherw ood T ax'.
T h e Sheriff of N ottin g h am sent an arm y of soldiers to Sherwood
Forest to capture 1 Robin Hood. But Robin and his outlaw s were in
the trees. T h e y killed all th e soldiers except one.
R o b in and h is m e n w ere th e b e s t arch e rs of th e region . T h e y
kn ew th e forest perfectly. T h e y w ere never afraid of fig h tin g the
soldiers of th e w i c k e d 2 Sheriff of N o ttin g h a m .
It was im p ossib le to stop R obin Hood. T h e Sheriff was furious
b ecau se th e people laughed at h im . He was never able to capture

1. capture : catch, take prisoner. 2 . wicked : evil, bad.

R o b in HOOD
R o b in Hood. King Joh n was furious too. H is s u b je c ts loved King
R ich ard and hated him .
One day, King John stood on the castle walls. He spoke to all his
people. He said, 'W e m u s t c ap tu re R o b in Hood and h is o u tlaw s.
T h e y are our enemy. I can pay a hundred pieces of gold 1 for Robin
Hood, dead or alive! Bring m e th at ou tlaw !'
From th a t day on, R o b in 's life was in great danger.


Look at the sentences below. Decide if each sentence is correct or

incorrect. If it is correct put a tick ( / ) in the box under A for Yes.
If it is incorrect put a tick ( / ) in the box under B for No.

Yes No
1 There were more than 200 outlaws living in
Sherwood Forest. □ □
2 Robin Hood was the hero of the churchmen. □□
3 Everyone who passed through Sherwood Forest paid
'The Sherwood Tax'. □□
4 Robin and his outlaws killed all the soldiers except one. □□
5 No one could stop Robin Hood. □□
6 The Sheriff was furious becau se the people didn't
pay taxes. □□
7 King John was furious becau se the people hated him. □□
8 The Sheriff said, 'I ca n pay two hundred pieces of
gold for Robin Hood, dead or alive!' □□
Write the words below and discover the missing word to complete the

a. person who travels: _ R L

b. men who fight: S L
c. where the king lives: S
d. nam e of a forest: D
e. not alive: D— -------------------

f. very angry: _ U

Robin was the best

Circle the word that doesn’t belong to the group.

a. big poor broad huge enormous

b. greedy corrupt arrogant kind brutal
c. friar king clothes soldier outlaw
d. eat food m eal milk swords
e. taxes archer bow arrow target
f. Richard Marian John Nat England

Now use the odd words out to fill in the blank spaces.

a. Little John m a d e .......................for King Richard's army.

b. The poor people paid h ig h ..........................
c. Robin and his m en wore g r e e n ..........................
d. Robin protected t h e ...................... and the weak.
e. Everyone liked Little John becau se he w a s .....................
f. The poor people o f ........................suffered a lot.

Look at the picture on page 40.

1. Who is speaking?

2. Who is listening?

3. Where is the King standing?

4. Who is standing next to the King?

5. Describe the banner in front of the king.


Look at these sentences:

Will Scarlett was a good archer, but Robin was the best.
Robin and his m en were the archers of the region.
Best is a superlative.

Some superlatives are irregular. Look at these:

adjective superlative
good best
bad worst
far farthest

Other superlatives are formed by adding -est to the adjective. Look at


adjective superlative
tall tallest
long longest
near nearest
easy easiest
friendly friendliest
happy happiest
heavy heaviest
rich richest
poor poorest

Fill in the gaps to complete the Grammar Rule.

When the adjective ends in con so n an t for exam ple ‘friendly’,

change t h e to and a d d ......

Now fill in the gaps with the correct superlative from the two boxes.

a. The Sheriff of Nottingham was t h e sheriff in England.

b. Robin's outlaws were tall, but Little John was t h e .........................
c. Friar Tuck was t h e ..........................outlaw.
d. Nottingham was t h e to Sherwood Forest.
e. Robin was t h e ........................archer.
f. Robin's story was long, but Will Scarlett's was t h e .........................


For each question, complete the second sentence so that it m eans the
sam e as the first. Use no more than three words.

Example: The book is called Crusaders' History.

C rusaders’ H is to ry is the name of th e book.

1 King Richard was very popular.

Everyone ................................................................................................................
2 People can visit the king's castle.
There are ................................................................................the king's castle.
3 It is dangerous to swim in the cold river.
Swimming in the cold riv e r ..............................................................................
4 It is possible to live in the cavern.
You live in the cavern.
5 He had a lot of m oney in his pocket.
He had ............................................................................ money in his pocket.

King Richard,
the Lionheart
^ I / ing Richard was born in Oxford on 8th September 1157.
H e w as t h e t h i r d s o n of H e n r y II and E l e a n o r of
Aquitaine. He was also called the Lionheart, because of
his great courage.
R ichard was a tall, a th le tic m an. He was w ell educated. He loved
music and composed songs in French and Provencal. He spoke Latin
very well.
He b e c a m e K in g of
E n g la n d in 1189,
but he o n ly stayed
in E n g la n d seven
m onths! After, he went
to th e H o ly L an d on
the Third Crusade. He
w a n te d to free th e
city of Jerusalem from
th e M u slim le a d e r ,
Saladin. At th a t tim e,
e v e r y o n e in W e s t e r n
Europe w anted to free
the Holy Land.

King Richard the Lionheart

(detail of) Four Kings o f England
from Abbreviatio chronicorum
Angliae (1250-59).
He organised a f l e e t 1 and an a rm y .2 In 1190, he led them to the Eastern
Mediterranean. There he conquered Cyprus and freed the coast of the
Holy Land. He was a great warrior. But he did not free Jerusalem.
D uke Leopold of Austria captured King Richard in Vienna when he
was returning from the Holy Land. Richard remained in a G erm an
prison for fourteen months.
After fourteen m onths, England paid a big sum of m oney and King
Richard was freed.
W hen King R ichard was in prison, his b ro th er John b ecam e King.
When Richard left prison, he went to fight in France. He was killed in
France during a battle, in 1199.
He was king for a short time, but he is one of England's most famous

Two knights jousting from The Lutrell Psalter (c. 1325-35).

The knight on the left bears the arms of Richard I, while the shield
of the knight on the right represents Saladin.

1. fleet : group of ships.

2 . army : big group of soldiers.
Here is a crossword puzzle about King Richard.

1. King Richard was called this becau se of his courage.
2. He composed songs in this language.
3. Muslim leader.
4. Duke who captured King Richard.
5. King Richard was in a prison.

6. He spoke this lan gu age well.
7. King Richard was born here.
8. He w anted to free this city.
9. King Richard was captured in
10. He organised a n .............

Listen to Chapter Five.

For each question, put a tick ( / ) in the correct box.

1 Mark and M arian Fitzwater were

A □ enemies.
B □ Robin's best friends.
c HU Robin's brother and sister.

2 Maid Marian loved only

A [J Sir Guy of Gisbourne.
B □ A rich noblem an.
C □ Robin Hood.

3 Sir Guy of Gisbourne was a good friend of

A O the Sheriff of Nottingham.
B O Robin Hood.
C O Lord Robert Fitzwater.

4 Maid Marian disguised herself as

A | 1 a princess.
B □ a friar.
C □ a knight.

5 She took her horse and went to

A □ Sherwood Forest.
B □ Nottingham.
C □ France.

Robin Hood was disguised as

A □ a knight.
B □ a beggar.
C □ a sheriff.


Robin meets

hen R obin Hood was a boy, his b est friends
w e r e M a r ia n F i t z w a t e r and h e r b r o t h e r ,
M ark. R o b in played w ith th e m and taught
th e m to u se th e b o w and arrow . H e also
taught th e m to fight w ith th e sword.
R o b in loved o n ly M aid M a ria n , and she loved o n ly h im . O ne
spring day M arian 's father, Lord R o b e rt F itzw ate r of M alaset, said
to her, 'M arian , you are a b e a u tifu l maid. Soon you m u s t marry.
T h ere is a very rich n o b le m a n w ho w ants to m arry you.'
'W hat is his nam e ?' M arian asked.
'H is n am e is Sir G uy of G isb o u rn e, a good friend of the Sheriff of
N o ttin g h a m .'

1. Maid : young girl.

R o b in HOOD
W h e n M a r i a n h e a r d t h i s , s h e w a s v e r y u n h a p p y . T h i s w as
t e r r ib le ! S h e did n o t w a n t to m a rry S ir G u y of G is b o u r n e . She
loved R o b in Hood and w anted to m arry h im .
S h e decided to ru n aw ay to jo in R o b in Hood. Sh e disgu ised 1
h erself as a kn ight. T h e n she to o k her horse and w en t to Sherw ood
R o b in Hood was in th e forest. He was co m in g from N o ttin g h am ,
and was disguised as a beggar.
T h e y m e t in th e forest. It was evening and it was alm o st dark.
W h en R o b in saw th e knight, he asked, 'W h at are you doing in
th e forest?'
'W h at are y o u doing here, beggar m an ?' answ ered th e knight.
T h e y did n o t recognise each other.
'T h is is ou tlaw country. G o back! You c a n 't stay here. We don't
k n ow you.' R o b in said.
'I c a n n o t go b a c k ! I am n o t afraid of o u t la w s ,' a n s w e re d th e
knight, tak in g out a sword. 'I am ready to fight yo u !'
And so the fight began. Both w ere experts w ith th e sword. But
R obin fell to th e ground.
T h e k n ig h t said, 'N o w , t a k e m e to y o u r le ad e r. T a k e m e to
R o b i n H o o d !' S h e t o o k o ff 2 h e r h e l m e t 3 and R o b i n w a s v e ry
s u r p r is e d . It w a s h i s d e ar M a r i a n ! R o b i n t o o k o ff h i s b e g g a r
c lo th e s . M a ria n re c o g n ise d R o b in . She, too, w as very surprised!
T h e n , th ey kissed.
T h e r e w as great h a p p in e s s in S h e rw o o d F o r e s t t h a t e v e n in g .
M arian and R obin w ere fin ally together. Friar T u c k m arried th em
after a few days. T h e re was a big wedding ce le b ra tio n in th e forest.

2 . took off : removed.

1. disguised : (here) changed her
appearance. 3. helmet :

R o b i n HOOD

M aid M arian was now part of Sherw ood Forest. She was gentle
and kind to all. Everyone loved her.


Read the sentences below and for each question choose the correct
answer A, B, C or D.

1 When Robin was a boy he played with

A O Marian and Mark Fitzwater.
B Q Lord Fitzwater.
C O The Sheriff of Nottingham.
D O Sir Guy of Gisbourne.

2 Marian's father w anted her

A O to go to Sherwood Forest.
B □ to marry Sir Guy of Gisbourne.
C O to marry Robin Hood.
D [] to marry the Sheriff of Nottingham.

3 Marian loved Robin Hood and decided

A Q to leave England.
B □ to run aw ay and becom e a beggar.
C O to tell her father.
D H to run aw ay and join him in Sherwood Forest.

4 She met Robin in the forest. He was com ing from

A Q Sherwood Forest.
B Q Nottingham.
C O The Crusades.
D O France.

5 Robin and Marian had a sword fight and

A O Marian's sword broke.
B □ M arian fell to the ground.
C [I] Robin fell to the ground.
D Q Robin's sword broke.

6 When M arian took off her helmet
A Q Robin recognised her.
B □ She recognised Robin.
C Q Robin did not recognise her.
D n M arian started crying.

7 There was great happiness in Sherwood Forest becau se

A □ Robin returned from Nottingham.
B □ Marian and Robin were finally together.
C l ] King John went to the Holy Land.
D Q Good King Richard returned.


Put the nam e of the person next to the sentence he or she said. Choose
from the names in the box. Some names can be used more than once.

Friar Tuck Robin Hood Little John

Marian King John Lord Fitzwater

a. 'We take only from the rich merchants, noblem en and fat
ch u rch m en .'.............................
b. 'Can you push me off the b rid g e ? '.............................
c. 'Your new nam e is Little J o h n .'.............................
d. 'Goodness! You smell like an old r a t!'.............................
e. 'I can pay a hundred pieces of gold for Robin Hood, dead or alive.'

f. 'I am ready to fight y o u !'.............................

g. 'Marian, you are a beautiful young maiden. Soon you must marry.'

h. 'I had a quarrel with my abbot.'


For each question complete the second sentence so that it means the
sam e as the first. Use no more than three words.

0. The weight of the sword was two kilograms.

The sword . . . . Y Y .................. two kilograms.
1. The king's Crusade lasted three years.
The king's Crusade w as.............................
2. Robin looked at the m ap and then entered the forest.
Robin looked at the m a p ................... the forest.
3. The arrow costs less than the bow.
The arrow is...................... the bow.
4. It wasn't easy to win the prize.
It w a s ................. to win the prize.


‘There was a big wedding celebration in the forest.’ Bring in some
pictures and information about weddings in your country AND from
another country or culture. Describe the pictures to the class using the
following questions to help you.

a. Who are the people in your picture?

b. Where are they? In a church or somewhere else?
c. Is getting married in church important to you?
d. Do you think you will get married one day? Is it still important


Listen to Chapter Six. For each question, put a tick ( / ) in the correct

1 Who joined Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest?

A O No one.
B □ New outlaws.
C O New friars.

2 Who did not w ant to go to Sherwood Forest?

A O The sheriff's men.
B O The Sheriff of Nottingham.
C O Maid Marian.

3 Who went to Sherwood Forest alone?

A □ King John.
B □ King Richard.
c □ The Sheriff of Nottingham.

Where did the outlaws hide?

A □ In the treetops.
B □ In the cavern.
c □ In the castle.

Who was not hungry?

A □ Will Scarlett.
B □ The Sheriff of Nottingham.
c □ Marian.

What did the outlaws call the sheriff?

a n Coward.
B □ Sir.
c □ Butcher.


The Sheriff's ride

o b in H o o d 's f a m e w as e v e ry w h e re . T h e p e o p le
c a l l e d h i m S a i n t R o b i n , and R o b i n , S h e r i f f of
S h e r w o o d F o r e s t. A lo t of n e w o u t la w s jo in e d
R o b in H ood. T h e y w ere lo y a l to h i m an d
followed h im everywhere. T h e Sheriff's m en did
not w ant to go to Sherwood Forest to capture
Robin Hood. T h e y were afraid. T h e Sheriff of N ottin g h am was very
angry. He w anted to capture Robin, dead or alive!
'W h a t is w rong w ith m y m en ? T h e y 'r e afraid of R o b in Hood.
T h e y are all stupid cowards! 1 I don't need anyone! I am going to
Sherwood Forest alone! I'm n o t afraid of a legend.'
T h e Sheriff left for Sherw ood Forest alone. He entered the dark
forest and saw no one for a long tim e . Suddenly, a group of outlaw s

1. cowards : people who are not courageous.

R o b i n HOOD

jum ped down from th e treetops. T h e y m ade a big c irc le around the
Sheriff. T h e n th ey to o k out th eir swords.
T h e Sheriff was terrified. H is face b e c a m e w h ite.
O ne ou tlaw said, 'W ell, w ell! W hat do we have here? T h e Sheriff
of N o ttin g h a m in p erson!'
'O h, please, don't k il l m e !' said th e cow ardly Sheriff. 'I can give
you everything I h av e!'
T h e o u tla w s la u g h e d at th e S h e r if f and said, 'O u r m a s t e r is
w aitin g for you.'
'R o b in Hood?' asked th e Sheriff.
'Yes! R o b in Hood! You are in vited to eat w ith us.'
'I'm not hungry. Let m e go! I can give you money, gold, jew els! 1
But please let m e go!' th e Sheriff said.
'S t a r t w a lk in g , you b u t c h e r ,' said W ill S c a r le t t . T h e o u tla w s
too k th e Sheriff to R o b in Hood.
'L e t's k i l l h i m ! ' th e o u tla w s cried. 'L e t's k il l th is fat b u tc h e r
n o w !'
R obin Hood looked at th e Sheriff w ith disgust. He w anted to k ill
h im too. But M arian stopped h im . 'We are n o t b u tch ers lik e th is
m a n ,' said M arian. 'We are h o n e s t people.'
'S it down and eat w ith us, Sheriff,' said R obin. 'A fter th e m eal, I
have a surprise for you .'
T h e Sheriff was n o t hungry. A t the end of th e m eal, R o b in said,
'N o w give us e v eryth in g you have — m oney, gold, jew els! T h e n ,
t a k e o f f a l l y o u r c l o t h e s . G e t o n y o u r h o r s e a n d r e t u r n to
N o ttin g h a m n a k e d ! '2

2 . naked : nude, with no clothes.

R o b in HOOD
Robin, M arian and th e ou tlaw s laughed wildly. 1 T h e Sheriff got
on his ho rse and re tu rn e d to N o ttin g h a m . He was very cold and
very angry.
'I m u s t capture th at R o b in Hood and destroy h i m !' shouted the
Sheriff. W h en he reached N o ttin g h a m , the people saw h im naked.
Everyone looked at h im . T h e y pointed at h im and laughed loudly.
'Long live R o b in Hood, th e Sheriff of Sherw ood F o re st!' th ey cried.

1. wildly : without control.


Read the text below and choose the correct word - A, B, C or D for each
space. The first is done for you.

The Sheriff's m en did not w ant to go to 0 Robin Hood. They were

afraid. 1 the Sheriff went alone. At first he did not see 2 in
the dark forest. Then the outlaws jumped 3 from the treetops. The
Sheriff's face 4 white. 'Please don't k ill5 ............. !' cried the Sheriff.
The outlaws took 6 to their master. They all ate together. 7 ...........
the m eal Robin Hood 8 the Sheriff's m oney, gold, jewels and
clothes! The Sheriff got 9 his horse and returned to Nottingham. He
had 10 clothes on. Everyone laughed 11 him. 'Long live
Robin Hood, Sheriff of Sherwood Forest!' 12 cried.

0 have capture take discover
1 So Since Because Why
2 no one somebody anybody nobody
3 down up in round
4 becom ing b ecam e becom e becom es
5 me my mine I
6 his it him he
7 After Before During When
8 gav e got took brought
9 of up in on
10 any some none no
11 at for to on
12 their he they them


Look at these sentences:

Robin Hood’s fam e was everywhere.
From that day on, Robin’s life was in great danger.
In both sentences the genitive ‘s’ is used:
Hood's Robin's

We use the genitive ‘s’ to show origin or possession when we talk

about people or animals.
Look at these exam ples:
The b o w a n d arrow of Robin becom es Robin's b o w a n d arrow.
The m e n of the Sheriff becom es the Sheriff's m en.

Use the genitive ‘s’ in the following sentences.

a. the m oney of the people: .................................

b. the sword of the King: .......................................
c. the horse of the knight: ......................................
d. the father of Marian: .........................................
e. the clothes of the Sheriff: ..................................
f. the head of the dog: ...........................................
g. the jewels of the Earl: ........................................
h. the helmet of Will: ...............................................
i. the forest of the outlaws: ..................................
j. the a b b ey of Friar Tuck: ...................................
k. the gold of the people: ......................................
1. the arrow of Robin: .............................................


The silver arrow

fter his adventure in Sherw ood Forest, th e Sheriff
of N o t tin g h a m said to h is m en , 'I m u s t cap tu re
R o b in Hood and destroy him . How can we capture
h im ? '
T h e S h e riff th o u g h t for so m e tim e . T h e n he
said, 'I know how we can capture him . Let's have
an arch ery c o m p e titio n here in N o ttin g h a m . T h e b e s t arch ers of
th e region alw ays co m e to th e c o m p e titio n . T h e prize for th e best
archer is th e fam ous silver arrow.'
One of h is m en asked, 'B u t w ill R o b in com e to th e
c o m p e titio n ? '
'O f course! R o b in loves c h a lle n g e s !' 1 said th e Sheriff. 'He w ill
c o m e disguised and we m u s t discover h im .'

1. challenges : (here) invitations to compete in a com petition or fight.

The silver arrow

T h e S h e riff's m e s s e n g e rs w e n t e v e ry w h e re and told e v e ry o n e

about th e c o m p e t it io n . O n e day F riar T u c k heard th e n ew s. He
im m e d ia te ly told R o b in and th e outlaw s.
Robin said, 'I'm the best archer in the region. I can easily win the
silver arrow!'
'Oh, Robin, don't go!' said Marian. 'It's a trap! T h e Sheriff wants to
kill you!'
'Yes, Robin,' said Friar Tuck, 'it's a trap. It's dangerous for you to
'I m ust go! I never refuse a challenge. I w ill disguise m yself as a
poor p e a s a n t.1 No one w ill recognise m e.'
'C an we com e to protect you?' asked Robin's men.
'Yes, you can c o m e disguised as p easan ts too. You can stay in
the crowd. 2 But be ready to fight, if n ecessary .'
O n e m orn in g in May, R obin and his outlaws w ent to the archery
co m p e titio n . W h en th ey arrived in N o ttin g h a m , th e c a stle square
was full of people. An archery com p etitio n was a special event. T here
were m u s ic ia n s , acrob ats, ch ild ren , lords, and ladies. T h e r e were
colourful flag s3 everyw here.
A ll around th e c a stle square, th ere w ere d ifficu lt targets. 4 T h e re
were m an y e x c e lle n t archers at th e c o n te s t. T h e y all tried to h it
the targets. But th e b est archer was th e peasant in th e red cloak 5
and hood. He h it all th e m o s t d ifficu lt targets. T h e crowd shouted
with joy. He was th e w inner!

1. peasant : person who works the land.

4. targets :
2 . crowd : a lot of people together.

5. cloak : long outer clothing without

3. flags : sleeves, shoulders or arms.

R o b in HOOD
T h e Sheriff was silent.
He k n e w t h a t th e p e a s a n t w i t h th e red c lo a k and h o o d w as
R obin.
'G u a rd s! Stop th a t p e a s a n t in th e red c l o a k ! ' cried th e angry
Sheriff. 'He is our enem y, R o b in Hood, the ou tlaw .'
T h e S h e r if f 's guards ran to c a p tu r e R o b in . B u t R o b i n 's m e n
a ttack e d th e guards. T h e re was a lot of fighting. R obin and his m en
k ille d or injured m o s t of th e Sheriff's m en.
T h e n th ey q u ic k ly le ft N o ttin g h a m and retu rn ed to Sherw ood
Forest. W h en th ey arrived, th ey celebrated th eir victory.


Look at the statements below. Decide if each statement is correct or

incorrect. If it is correct tick < /) A, if it is incorrect tick ( / ) B.

1 After his adventure in Sherwood Forest, the Sheriff
of Nottingham w anted to capture Robin Hood. □ □
2 The Sheriff said, 'Let's have a music competition
here in Nottingham.' □ □
3 The Sheriff's messengers went everywhere
and told everyone. □ □
4 When Robin heard the news, he said, 'I ca n easily win.' □ □
5 Marian did not w ant Robin to go to the competition. □ □
6 Friar Tuck said, 'It's not dangerous, You ca n go!' □ □
7 Robin Hood disguised himself as a rich noblem an. □ □
8 Robin was the winner of the competition. □ □
9 The Sheriff did not recognise Robin Hood. □ □
10 Robin's m en did not attack the guards and
returned to Sherwood Forest. □ □

Look at the picture on pages 66 and 67.

1. How m any entertainers are there?

2. What are they doing?

3. What are the people doing?

4. Who is standing on the castle wall?

Take the letters you need to m ake the words that m atch the pictures.
Put the remaining letter in the numbered box below. What word do you


1 . ______

2. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.
Something every country has:

M atch these words with their definition.

1. revenge a. person who brings news

2. challenge b. person who works on the land
3. discover c. m any people assem bled together
4. m essenger d. punishment in return tor a bad action
5. trap e. invitation to compete in a contest or fight
6. peasant f. to find out something new
7. crowd g- plan for tricking or catching a person


When we want to say that something will happen in the future,

we can use the word ‘will* before the verb. Look at these examples:
Robin says: 'No one w ill recognise m e .'
He says ‘will* because he is talking about a future event: the archery
Will Robin com e to the com petition?'
He says ‘will5because he is talking about a future event: the

Put these sentences into the future by adding ‘will*. Choose the correct
verb from the box.

celebrate speak be win return

rain com e bring wear

a. There are black clouds in the sky. Tomorrow it

b. John studies Spanish. Next year he it.

c. You didn't sleep. Tomorrow y o u ..... tired.
d. They went aw ay yesterday. They ., next
e. At the archery competition, he the silver
f. she to visit us this year?
g .................they us the new books?
h. Robin Hood the red cloak to the archery
i. R o b in ........... his victory tomorrow at Sherwood Forest.


Listen to Chapter Eight. For each question, put a tick ( / ) in the correct

1 Where were Robin and M arian walking?

A O Through the forest.
B □ In Nottingham.
C Q On a country road.

2 What was the young m an playing?

A O A violin.
B O A guitar.
C □ A lyre.

3 What was the young m an's nam e?

A Q Alan of Papplewick.
B n Alan of Barnsdale.
C O Alan Scarlett.

4 Who had a plan?

A O Robin Hood.
B □ Marian.
C Q Friar Tuck.

5 How was Friar Tuck disguised?

A Q As an archer.
B O As a knight.
C O As a peasant.

6 What time did the bishop and the old baron enter the church?
A O At midday.
B □ At midnight.
C O At eleven o'clock.


Alan a’ Dale
obin and M arian w ere w alk in g through the forest
w hen th ey saw a young m an sittin g near a river.
He was playing a lyre 1 and singing a sad song.
'W h o are y o u and w h y are you s in g in g
th is sad song?' asked R obin.
'M y n am e is A lan of Barnsdale, b ut people c all m e A lan a'D ale. I
am very unhappy becau se I love a girl called A lice. She loves m e
to o . B u t h e r f a t h e r w a n t s h e r to m a r r y a r i c h o ld b a r o n . T h e
marriage is tom orrow at P applew ick C h u rc h !' T h e young m an was
so unhappy th at he started to cry.
Robin and M arian looked at each other. M arian rem em bered her
sim ilar s itu a tio n som e tim e ago. T h e n R o b in said, 'I w ant to help
you, A lan a'D ale. I have a plan! C o m e w ith m e !'

R o b i n HOOD

E a r l y t h e n e x t m o r n i n g , R o b i n s e n t h i s b e s t a r c h e r s to
P applew ick. T h e y hid in side th e ch u rch and all around it. Robin,
F r i a r T u c k a n d A l a n a ' D a l e d i s g u i s e d t h e m s e l v e s as s i m p l e
peasants. T h e n th ey w e n t to P applew ick. T h e y entered the chu rch
and sat down.
A t midday, the bishop and the ric h old baron entered th e church.
T h e n A lic e arrived w ith her father. She wore a w h ite dress and she
had flow ers in her hair. She was b eau tifu l, b u t very sad and p a l e . 1
W h en the bishop began th e m arriage cerem ony, R o b in stood up
and said, 'M y lord, an ugly old m an c a n n o t m arry th is b e a u tifu l
young w om an. W in te r can n o t m arry spring!'
'W h a t!' cried th e bishop. 'S it down and be s ile n t !'
'T h e re is no love b etw e e n th a t old m an and th is young w om an.
You m u st n o t m arry th e m .'
T h e bishop was furious. He cried, 'G uards, arrest th is peasant
im m e d ia te ly !'
At th a t m o m e n t, R obin's m en stood up and pointed th eir bows
and arrows at th e gu ards.The guards did n o t m ove. T h e bishop ran
out of th e chu rch.
A lan a'D ale ran to A lic e and em braced her. 'M y sw eet A lice, I
w ant to m arry you !' A lic e was very happy and said, 'You are the
only m an I w an t to m arry!'
F ria r T u c k m a rrie d th e hap py c o u p le at P a p p le w ic k C h u r c h .
T h e n everyone retu rned to Sherw ood Forest to enjoy th e wedding
b a n q u e t . A la n a 'D a l e and A l i c e liv e d in S h e rw o o d F o r e s t w ith
Robin, M arian and th e outlaw s.

1. pale : very white in the face.


Read the sentences below and for each question mark the letter next to
the correct answer - A, B, C or D.

1 Alan a'Dale was sitting by the river and

A Q singing a sad song.
B □ eating his lunch.
C Q writing a letter.
D O fishing.

2 He told Robin, 'I love a girl nam ed Alice

A Q but she is very ill.'
B □ but she is leaving England tomorrow.'
C Q but she doesn't love me.'
D Q but her father wants her to marry a rich old baron.'

3 Robin and M arian decided to

A O invite Alan a'Dale to Sherwood Forest.
B □ help him with a plan.
C O talk to Alice.
D O give him some food.

4 Robin sent his best archers to Papplewick and

A O they all hid inside the church.
B □ they hid inside the forest.
C Q they hid inside the church and all around it.
D Q they visited the town.

5 When the bishop b eg an the m arriage cerem ony

A O Robin stood up and spoke.
B □ the archers stood up.
C O M arian stood up and spoke.
D O Alan a'Dale ran to em brace Alice.

6 The bishop was furious and said,
A Q 'Guards, help me!'
B n 'Guards, arrest these people!'
C O 'Guards, arrest this peasant!'
D O 'Guards, take these peasants out of the church!'

7 Robin's m en pointed their bows and arrows

A Q at the bishop.
B □ at the guards.
C O at the rich old baron.
D Q at the Sheriff of Nottingham.

8 Friar Tuck married Alan a'Dale and Alice

A □ in Sherwood Forest.
B □ in Nottingham.
C □ in Barnsdale.
D O at Papplewick Church.

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Choose from the box below.

inside in around through

out between near with at

a. Robin and M arian were walking the forest.

b. They saw a young m an sitting a river.
c. The archers hid the church and all it.
d. She had flowers her hair.
e. 'There is no love that old m an and this young woman.'
f. Robin's m en pointed their bows and arrows the guards.
g. The bishop ran of the church shouting.
h. Alan a'Dale and Alice lived in Sherwood Forest Robin,
M arian and the outlaws.

Choose the words from the box that describe these characters and write
them under the pictures. Some words can be used more than once.

beautiful played the lyre expert with the sword

pale unhappy sad kind sang gentle
wore a white dress young

Now write a few sentences describing each character.

a. M arian ....................................................................................

b. Alan a'Dale

c. Alice

A stranger
in the forest
ne evening R o b in was hu n tin g in the forest. He
s a w a k n i g h t r id i n g an o ld , t i r e d h o r s e . T h e
k n ig h t wore th e red cross of th e Crusader.
'G o o d ev en in g , you ng m a n ,' said th e k n ig h t.
'W h at is th e n am e of th is forest?'
'T h is is Sherw ood Forest, sir,' answ ered R obin.
'I have co m e from th e H oly Land. I was th ere for m any years. I
fou g ht m a n y w ars a g a in s t th e T u r k s . N o w I am v e ry tire d and
hungry,' said th e kn ight.
R obin said, 'Brave knight, co m e and eat w ith m e and m y m en.
You can stay w ith us to n ig h t.'
'T h a n k you for your offer. I am happy to accep t it.'
T h e tw o m en rode th rough th e forest together. R o b in told th e
stranger ab ou t greedy King Jo h n and h is w ic k e d sheriff. He told

R o b in HOOD
h im how the poor people suffered. He explained w hy he b ecam e an
outlaw . T h e stranger liste n ed carefully.
T h e re was a good m eal of roast pork th a t evening. T h e stranger
lik ed th e m erry c o m p a n y of R o b in , M a ria n and th e ou tlaw s. He
talk ed about his adventures in the H oly Land.
A t the end of th e m eal, R o b in stood up and said, 'L et us drink to
good King Richard, and to his re tu rn !'
E v e ry o n e c h e e re d and drank to good K ing R ic h a rd and to h is
T h e n th e stranger stood up, to o k off his head-covering, and said,
'M y friends, I m u s t te ll you the tru th. I am n o t a knight. I am your
King R ichard, also called th e L io n h e a rt!'
T h e r e w as s i l e n c e for a m o m e n t . T h e s u rp ris e w as so g reat!
T h e n e v e ry o n e at th e ta b le c h e e re d and cried, 'W e l c o m e h o m e ,
King R ich ard !'
E v e r y o n e k n e l t 1 dow n. R o b i n said, 'W e t h a n k G od for K in g
R ichard's re tu rn .'
'I am a l u c k y 2 king. I have loyal people,' said King Richard, w ith
tears in h is eyes. 'I k n o w th a t m y b ro th e r John and his m e n are
d ish onest and greedy. N ow I am here to pu nish the bad and bring
ju s tic e to all.'
King Richard looked at everyone and said, 'You are not outlaws
anymore. You are now free m en and all friends of m ine. Robin, the
lands of L ocksley are yours again! You can all leave Sherwood Forest
and live as free m en .' T h ere was great e x c ite m e n t in the air.

1 . knelt : went down on their knees.

2 . lucky : fortunate.

R o b in HOOD
T h a t n i g h t , K i n g R i c h a r d s l e p t in S h e r w o o d F o r e s t . T h e
follow in g m o rn in g he rode to N o ttin g h a m w ith Robin, M arian and
his friends of Sherw ood Forest.
W h en the Sheriff saw th em , he ran away and never returned!
A fter th e King's return, R obin, M arian and L ittle John w en t to
Locksley. T h e y lived a long and happy life. So m e of th e ou tlaw s
retu rn ed to th eir old h o m e s and villages. S om e w e n t lo o k in g for
adventure. O th ers b e c a m e soldiers in th e King's army.
In everyone's heart, th ere was a b eau tifu l m em o ry of th e years
spent in Sherw ood Forest.



Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

a. Robin was w alkin g /h u n tin g in the forest and he saw a knight.

b. The knight wore the re d /b lu e cross of the Crusader. He fought m any
wars against the Turks/Egyptians.
c. Robin invited the knight to visit/eat with him and his men.
d. Robin told the stranger about good/greedy King John.
e. There was a good m eal of roast pork that evening/afternoon.
f. Robin said, 'Let us drink to good King Richard and to his
g. The stranger sat down/stood up and said, 'I am not a
Crusader/knight. I am your King Richard, also called the
Lionheart/Brave Lion.'
h. Everyone at the table laughed/shouted for joy.
i. King Richard said, 'I am here to punish the sheriff/bad and bring
justice to the poor/all.'
]. After the King's return, Robin, M arian and Little John went to live in
k. Some outlaws b ecam e soldiers/knights in the king's army.

Look at the picture on page 81.

1. Where are the m en?

2. Who is speaking?

3. What is he w earing?

4. Why are the outlaws kneeling on the ground?

Fill in the gaps with the words below.

who when where why what

a .............................was Robin hunting?

He was hunting one evening.
b ............................ was riding an old, tired horse?
A knight was riding an old, tired horse.
c .............................did he com e from?
He cam e from the Holy Land.
d............................ did he do in the Holy Land?
He fought against the Turks in the Holy Land.
e ..............................did Robin thank God?
He thanked God for King Richard's return.
f...............................was King Richard's other nam e?
His other nam e was the Lionheart.
g ............................. did King Richard sleep?
He slept in Sherwood Forest.
h............................. went to live in Locksley?
Robin, M arian and Little John went to live in Locksley.


After King Richard’s return, Robin, Marian and Little John were able to
return home to Locksley.
Bring in some pictures of your home and then describe where you live
to the class. Tell them:

a. Why your home is important to you.

b. What you particularly like about it.
c. What you think Robin and Marian's home looked like.
d. How houses are different today from those in Robin Hood's time.
e. Why you would like to live in the future.
We use adverbs with verbs. They often answer the question ‘how5?.
Look at this sentence from page 80.

'The stranger listened carefully .' (How did he listen?)

We usually form adverbs by adding -ly to the adjective,

slow + ly = slowly
careful + ly = carefully

But, be careful! ‘Good' is irregular. It's adverb is 'well'.

Write the adverb for e ach of the adjectives below.


Now choose five adverbs and write a sentence with each one.


^ How m any words with 3 or more letters can you make with this title?


Here is one of the most popular ballads about Robin Hood:

JigSin od,‘JigSin Hood, riding through the

Jig Sin Hood, JigSin Hood, zuith his Merry
‘feared Sy the Sad, loved Sy the good,
JigSin Hood, JigSin Hood.


Does your country have a legendary character like Robin Hood?
If so, who is he/she?
Tell the class:

a. What h e/sh e was like.

b. Why the person is legendary
c. When they lived in history.
d. Do your friends like this character.
e. If you would like to m eet this character.

1. glen : valley.

King John and the
Magna Carta
fter the death of King Richard in 1199, King John became

A the King of England. He liked hunting and taking baths! 1

A lm ost no one took baths at that time.
He lost most of the lands England had in France. His people paid very
h ig h t a x e s . T h e r e w as
lit tle ju s tic e during th is
rule. He never follow ed
the laws.
Nobody liked King John.
His noblem en decided to
change things. They made
a d o c u m e n t and fo rc e d
K in g Jo h n to sig n 2 it.
T his famous charter was
called the M agna C arta.
K ing Jo h n s ig n e d it at
R u n n y m e d e 3 on 15th
June 1215.

King John detail of Four Kings o f

England from Abbreviatio
chronicorum Angliae (1250-59).

1. taking baths : washing his body in a big container of water.

2. sign : write his name.
3. Runnymede : town in Surrey, south-west of London.
T he Magna Carta lim ited the king's control over others. T he Great
Council becam e stronger. T he Great C ouncil was composed of nobles,
abbots and b is h o p s .1
T h e M agna C a rta was an im p o rta n t step tow ards d em o cracy and
When King John died in 1216, his country was divided by a civil war.
His people were not sorry that he was dead.

1. abbots and bishops : senior religious priests.

Choose the correct answer.

a. King John was King Richard's

□ father.
I |uncle.
I Ibrother.

b. He liked hunting and

I | taking baths.
I I archery contests.
□ singing.

c. Nobody liked King John becau se

I |he m ade hispeople pay high taxes.
I |he enjoyed a life of leisure.
I | he was alw ays at war.

d. His noblem en created a document called the M agna Carta

I | which helped the poor.
I | which limited the king's power.
I | which limited the Sheriff of Nottingham's power.

e. They forced King John to sign it at Runnymede

I I at Christmas 1215.
□ on 12th Jun e 1215.
I | on 15th Ju n e 1215.

f. The M agna Carta was an important step towards

I | civil war.
I I freedom of speech.
I | dem ocracy and justice.

g. When King John died

I | E in lan d was at war with France.
I | England was divided by a civil war.
I I his people were very sorry.

You are a noble of the Great Council, The Great Council is
angry with King John because he never follows the laws. You
must write a letter to King John and tell him why the Great
Council is angry.
There are some words and sentences to help you.

D e a i * K i n g ^ o v\v\,

W e a r e v e r y arvgry wi+k y o u b e c a u s e y o u a r e u o t a g o o d


\?ou n e v e r w o r k a u d ....... ..................................................................................

y o u ios+ .................................................... ........... ............................... ................

Your p eop le .............................. .................... .................. ........................................

u ne ve r* ......................................................................................................................

W e ar*e p r e p a r i n g a d o c u m e n t ................................................................

J t w i l l l i m i f ...................................................................................................................

X k i s d o c u m e n t is i m p o r f a u t b e c a u s e

t us a t T ^ u u u y m e d e on .................

(Dv\ t k a l d a y ................................................

X k e b \ r e a + (Sourvcil
r n here are many film s about Robin Hood, Maid Marian, the
Sheriff of N ottingham and the other characters in this book.
Here is a list of some of the m ost important films. Can you
add any others?

1922 R o b in H o o d w ith Douglas Fairbanks.

1938 T h e A d v e n tu r e s o f R o b in H o o d w ith Errol Flynn.
1973 R o b in H o o d by Walt Disney.
1976 R o b in a n d M arian with Sean Connery and Audrey Hepburn.
1991 R o b in H o o d : P rin ce o f T h ie v e s w ith Kevin Costner
1993 R o b in H o o d : M en in T ights w ith Mel Brooks

Kevin Costner as Robin in Robin H ood: Prince o f Thieves (1991)

Pro ject on t h e w e b
Your teacher will help you find the correct website.
W ork in groups and find out more information about:
a. Nottingham
b. Sherwood Forest
c. Nottingham Castle
d. Castle Green, Nottingham
e. Papplewick Church
f. King John’s Palace

Report your findings to the class. W hose group had the most interesting report?

Yahoo! (§) Google Image Search @ Google @ AltaVista (jg) AltaVista: Ricerca Immagini @ AltaVista's Babel Fish Translation Service CIOEB EDITRICE

The legend of Robin Hood has grown from o r ig in s as dark and mysterious as the woodland
glades of Sherwood Forest that were once his home. Perhaps this historic forest is the best place
to pick up the trail. Just minutes away from the. Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre are a number
of ancient settlements with their own tale? to tell. Below are some of the main Robin Hood
attractions in the Nottingham area.

. HO M E
• Master Attractions List
• Where to Stay
• See Nottingham


Edinslowe, near Mansfield, Notts, tel 01623 823202
Information, an exhibition a restaurant, and the actual forest Many special events
are organised including the spectacular Robin Hood Festival. Call for details.
See map
Opening Times
Park; dawn till dusk. Visitor Centre; 10.30-5.00 summer, 1 0 .3 0 A 3 0 winter________________
^ Area Internet_________________________________________ _____________________________________________


Look at the statements below. Decide it each statement is correct or

incorrect. If it is correct, tick ( / ) A, if it is not correct, tick ( / ) B.

1 Robin Hood's real nam e was Earl. □□
2 At the end of the 12th century King Richard was
aw ay on a Crusade in the Holy Land. □□
3 His brother John b ecam e King, and he was
very kind and generous. □□
4 The sheriff of Nottingham took aw ay Robin Hood's
home and lands. □□
5 Robin and his loyal servants escap ed to Sherwood
Forest and b ecam e outlaws. □□
6 Robin met Little John in Locksley. □□
7 Robin threw Friar Tuck into the river becau se
he needed a bath. □□
8 Rich travellers paid The Sherwood Tax' when
they passed through Sherwood Forest. □□
9 The Sheriff of Nottingham and King Richard w anted
to capture Robin Hood and his outlaws. □□
10 Sir Guy of Gisbourne was Marian's old uncle. □□
11 Robin Hood and his m en took the Sheriff's clothes
but not his money. □□
12 The archery competition was in Nottingham. □□
13 Alice did not w ant to marry the old baron and
escap ed to Sherwood Forest. □□
14 The knight in Sherwood Forest was King Richard,
the Lionheart, □□
15 Robin, M arian and Little John went to live
in Nottingham. □□

Match the description to the character.

1. □ He was a big m an and m ade swords for King Richard.

2. □ He went to the Holy Land on a Crusade.
3. □ He was one of Robin Hood's outlaws.
4. □ He w anted to capture Robin Hood.
5. □ He took from the rich to give to the poor.
6. □ He was rich and w anted to marry Maid Marian.
7. □ She didn't want to marry an old baron.
8. □ He was a greedy, cruel king.
9. □ He had a quarrel with his abbot and escaped to Sherwood
10. □ He was Marian's father.
11. □ She married Robin in Sherwood Forest.
12. □ He played the lyre and sang sad songs.

a. Robin Hood
b. Maid Marian
c. Little John
d. King John
e. King Richard
f. the Sheriff of Nottingham
g. Friar Tuck
h. Alan a'Dale
i. Will Scarlett
j. Lord Robert Fitzwater
k. Alice
1. Sir Guy of Gisbourne
Match the words with their meanings.

1. religious or holy war a. argument

2. merry b. hurt or dam age
3. quarrel c. fortunate
4. fleet d. evil, bad
5. lucky e. without clothes
6. harm f. crusade
7. wicked g- a group of ships
8. naked h. happy


Read this letter.

D e a r K a le ,
D k a u k s f o r y o u r p o s tc a r d fr o m D is u e y l a u d . D t lo o k s lik e a
w o u d e r fu l p la c e .
J t ' s d u l y a u d t k e r e ;s n o s c k o o l u u t i l S e p t e m b e r ! ZJ' m v e r y
k a p p y a b o u t tk is .
ZJ u e e d y o u r k e l p . ZJ m u s t r e a d a b o o k i u ^ r m g l i s k d u r i u g t k e
s u m m e r. D o y o u k n o w of any good b o o u? a iiU e a d v e n t u r e
s to r ie s .
ZJ k o p e t o k e a r f r o m y o u s o o n ,
Y o u r frie u d ,
W illia m

Write a short reply to William and tell him about Robin Hood.
The first sentences of each paragraph are given to help you.

D e a r W illia m /
X k a r v k s f o r y o u r l e t t e r . ZJ r e a d R o b i r v H o o d irv s e k o o l l a s t
m o rv tk - J t w a s v e r y g o o d a rvd t k e r e a r e lo ts o f a d v e n t u r e s .
J t te lls a b o u t IK o b in •H o o d w K o liv e s ........................................................

~Vk e S k e r i - f - f o f ^ k l o t t i r v g k a m i s k i s e n e m y b e c a u s e .........................

A ^ a id A ^ ^ i ^ m lik e s D o b irv H o o d a rvd ....

D o b irv H o o d is a v e r y g o o d a r c k e r a rv d

H e i s a k i r v d m a n a r v d k e l p s o t k e r s . ^ A l a r v a /D a l e ...........................

W e ll/ J d o r v f\ w a r v t t o t e l l y o u i k e w k o l e s t o r y ! ZJ l i k e d t k e
book because ............................... ...................... .....

S e e y o u a t s e k o o l in S e p t e m b e r !

\ S u r fr ie n d ,
K a te

V 'q II 1 01 '6 6
P 8 'q 'I 9 9 'J 'I C 'a ' o l Z
■S10/A.SUD u ad o
a 9 i 'v
'v ei 'v oi 'a i t 'a oi 'a 6 'v 8
's 8 'p l 'q 9 'o 9 '6 p 'd e m z 'i i e 'a z, 'a 9 'v 9 'v 'a e 'v o 'a i i

A 3X I S 3 I 11X3
1 1 B( 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 A, 6 B( 7 B, 3 1 f, 2 h, 3 a, 4 g, 5 c, 6 b, 7 d, 8
8 A, 9 B, 10 B, 11 B, 12 A, 13 A,
14 A, 15 B
4 Open answers.
2 1 c, 2 e, 3 i, 4 f, 5 a, 6 1, 7 k, 8 d
9 g, 10 j, 11 b, 12 h

''p v iO M .J . y m c y ^

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pooH uiqotf jnoqo unq \\e\ puo uidiium Aidei poqs d ejiiM
R o b in H O O D

The story of Robin Hood and his men is one of the world’s favourite
legends. Come to Sherwood Forest and meet Little John, Friar Tuck
and Maid Marian. Enjoy their exciting adventures. Find out what
happens to the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham!
• Wide range of fun activities in the four skills
• PET-style exercises
• Trinity-style exercises (Grades 4/5)
• Full recording of the text
• Informative dossiers on The Crusades, King Richard, the Lionheart,
and the Magna Carta
• Project work on the web
• Exit test and key

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