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Narrative writing

'I blanked out for a couple of minutes, then realised that my only
option was to run....'

It was a sunny day when my group of friends and I ventured on a school trip to the zoo, brimming with
excitement and curiosity. The beautiful sky and the warmth of the sun welcomed us to the zoo. The
anticipation was in the air as we couldn't wait to explore the animal kingdom that awaited us.

Little did we know that this day would turn into an adventure we'd never forget. As we strolled through
the paths of the zoo, admiring animals, we heard a weird noise. However, our peaceful outing took an
abrupt and terrifying turn when we found ourselves face-to-face with a situation straight out of
nightmares: A bunch of Lion cubs with their golden fur glinting in the sunlight, had managed to break
free from their enclosure. I blanked out for a couple of minutes, then realised that my only option was
to run. Our hearts started racing as we sprinted through the zoo, our legs aching and breath ragged.
The rest of the groups were waiting in the zoo's cafeteria while we were dealing with this situation.
Desperation drove us until we stumbled upon a small, dimly lit room, its walls adorned with faded
posters of animals. We pushed inside and locked the door, trembling with fear and exhaustion.

Inside, we huddled together, our faces pale and voices quivering. Peering through a small window, we
saw no sign of the baby lions. It seemed they had moved on, leaving us with a little hope. After a tense
debate, we finally decided it was safe to leave that room and reunite with our teacher and classmates.
As we emerged into the open air, we scanned our surroundings to ensure we were out of danger.
Fortunately, there was no sign of the baby lions. I glanced at my watch and realized it was lunchtime.
Our teacher had instructed us to meet at the canteen at the time. We decided to make our way there.

Once we made it to the canteen, our classmates had been waiting, their faces etched with anxiety and
concern. The cafeteria buzzed with activity, the aroma of food wafting through the air. Without
wasting time, we recounted the harrowing experience, our words flowing as we described the escape
of the lion cubs. As the story unfolded, a collective sigh of relief swept the room, and smiles replaced
the worry that had gripped us all. The tension that had enveloped us finally dissipated, and we joined
our classmates at the lunch table.

As we savoured our lunch, I couldn't help but notice a puzzled feeling as I heard my mom tell me to
wake up and get ready for school since I was running late. I woke up to realize that the lion incident
was nothing more than a heart-wrenching dream.

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